Heli Malongo Selects S-76C++(TM) Helicopter for New Search and Rescue Service
Written by thomas · Filed Under Aeronautics NewsJuly 17, 2008
Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. has been selected by Heli Malongo to provide three
S-76C++(TM) aircraft for its new Search and Rescue (SAR) service in Angola,
Sikorsky announced today from the Farnborough International Air Show.
Sikorsky is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX).
(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20060403/SIKORSKYLOGO )
The agreement marks Heli Malongo’s first purchase of a Sikorsky
Aircraft product. Heli Malongo, an offshore oil operator based in Angola
already operating 20 aircraft, plans to establish a Search and Rescue
service to support the country’s growing oil industry. It will be the first
Search and Rescue operation to serve Angola.
“SAR missions require speed, agility and responsiveness, and the
S-76C++ helicopter delivers on all counts,” said Sikorsky Vice President &
Chief Marketing Officer Stephen B. Estill. “Our SAR helicopters are mission
ready. We are pleased to have the opportunity to demonstrate the ability of
our aircraft to Heli Malongo.”
The decision to choose the S-76C++ helicopter comes after a
comprehensive selection process, heavily focused on mission requirements.
Heli Malongo was in need of a highly equipped Search and Rescue aircraft
with a responsive support system that would enable them to perform even
through the most demanding missions.
“We demonstrated that the S-76C++ helicopter is well suited for SAR
missions and met Heli Malongo’s detailed requirements,” Estill said.
Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., based in Stratford, Conn., USA, is a world
leader in helicopter design, manufacture, and service. The company’s long
commitment to safety and innovation is reflected in its mission statement:
“We pioneer flight solutions that bring people home everywhere … every
time(TM).” United Technologies Corp., based in Hartford, Conn., USA,
provides a broad range of high-technology products and support services to
the aerospace and building systems industries.
SOURCE Sikorsky Aircraft Corp.
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