Peruvian domestic market to grow 20% in 2008

July 17, 2008

According to the Peruvian minister of Transportation and Communications, Veronica Zavala, the domestic air transport market will grow 20% in 2008, “We have a domestic airline market which works, not only do we have new flights and destinations which we didn’t have two years ago”. She also pointed out that the domestic market has grown 19% between 2001 and 2006 and 24% in 2007. Where the action is!

 Source: AvNews


July 17, 2008

 Is the headline in this week’s Latin Business Chronicle article by Joachim Bamrud – which we believe is a “must read”. The article covers winners in tourist arrivals and receipts. Panama leads the pack in arrivals and Uruguay leads in growth of tourism receipts. And the Dominican Republic has the region’s highest receipts ($4 billion in 2007) as a percentage of GDP with 11.1%. In total, Latin America received a record total of 68.6 million international arrivals in 2007 for an increase of 2.9% over 2006. Its tourism receipts grew by 9.7% to a record $58.9 billion which means that Latin America had the highest growth in the world in 2007except Asia. And higher than the world average of 5.6%.

Winners – Uruguay beat all other countries in the region with tourism receipts growth of 35.3% to $809 million. Argentina was second-best boosting tourism receipts by 29% to $4.3 billion. As far as arrival growth, as stated above, Panama led the way, with 1.1 million for a 30.8% growth. Costa Rica follows with 14.4% growth in arrivals to almost 2 million. Other arrival growth winners include Ecuador (up 13.4%), Colombia (up 13.2%) and Honduras (up 12.6%). Definitely tourism is playing an important role in both creating demand for air service, helping the economy and reducing poverty. For the complete article go to

Source: AvNews

Gobierno aporta US$17,5M a Aerolíneas

July 17, 2008

por AméricaEconomí

El Gobierno argentino realizó un nuevo aporte monetario para garantizar el funcionamiento de Aerolíneas Argentinas, dijo este miércoles una fuente oficialista, mientras la justicia decide si interviene la compañía controlada por el grupo español Marsans.

El Ejecutivo inyectó un fondo de US$17,5 millones a la empresa para el mantenimiento de aeronaves y compra de combustible, que se suman a los US$16,5 millones que aportó recientemente para el pago de salarios atrasados y otros gastos.

Marsans ya decidió vender la entidad al Gobierno, dijo esta semana en Madrid una fuente cercana a la negociación, pero el Poder Ejecutivo argentino, si bien ha dado pistas en ese sentido, no ha confirmado aún su intención de adquirirla.

Mientras tanto, sigue creciendo la deuda de la firma, que ya suma unos US$890 millones. Los gremios y la Secretaría de Transporte solicitaron la semana pasada a la justicia que tome control de la aerolínea.

El secretario de Transporte, Ricardo Jaime, sostuvo este miércoles que sin los aportes que ha realizado el Estado, las empresas Aerolíneas Argentinas y Austral estarían paralizadas.

Aerolíneas Argentinas es controlada en un 95% por Marsans, que la compró en 2001 al borde de la quiebra, y el restante 5% está en manos del Estado. El grupo español controla además el 100% de la línea de vuelos domésticos Austral.

Ambas empresas poseen el 80% del mercado doméstico, en el que también opera la chilena LAN Airlines.

Los problemas de Aerolíneas Argentinas se han traducido, en los últimos meses, en demoras y cancelaciones que han desatado protestas y reclamos de los pasajeros.

Una estatización de Aerolíneas Argentinas engrosaría el listado de empresas que pasaron a manos públicas desde 2003, cuando asumió el ex presidente Néstor Kirchner, reemplazado en diciembre por su esposa Cristina Fernández.

El Estado argentino ya opera una línea ferroviaria interurbana, el servicio de agua potable del área más poblada del país, la firma que administra el espacio radioeléctrico y la empresa nacional de correos.

Marsans había alcanzado en mayo un principio de acuerdo con un empresario privado local para vender parte del capital accionario, pero la operación fracasó.

La NASA Designa Tripulación para Misión de Entrega de Equipos a la Estación Espacial

July 17, 2008

WASHINGTON, 17/07/2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — La NASA ha designado la tripulación que participará en la misión STS-128 del trasbordador espacial que llevará sistemas de almacenamiento científico en rack a la Estación Espacial Internacional.
El Coronel del Cuerpo de Marines de Estados Unidos Frederick W. “Rick” Sturckow dirigirá el trasbordador Atlantis en su misión STS-128, cuyo lanzamiento está previsto para el 30 de julio de 2009. El Coronel retirado de la Fuerza Aérea Kevin A. Ford será el piloto. Los especialistas de la misión son los astronautas de la NASA John D. “Danny” Olivas, el Coronel retirado del Ejército Patrick G. Forrester, José M. Hernández y el astronauta de la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA) Christer Fuglesang. La misión llevará a un nuevo integrante de la tripulación de la estación, Nicole Stott, y traerá a Tim Kopra de regreso a la Tierra. Este será el primer viaje al espacio de Ford, Hernández y Stott. Previamente, Stott y Kopra habían sido asignados en febrero a misiones de la estación.
Atlantis transportará hasta la estación un Módulo de Logística de Múltiples Usos cargado con sistemas de almacenamiento científico en rack. (FUENTE NASA)

Delta Air Lines e iSeatz Presentan Motor Autónomo en Línea para Reservas de Viajes y Entretenimiento en

July 17, 2008

NUEVA ORLEÁNS, 16/07/2008 /PRNewswire/ — iSeatz anunció hoy un nuevo motor autónomo de reservas desarrollado para Delta Air Lines y disponible para los clientes de la línea aérea en su sitio Web, Esta solución de marca privada, impulsada por iSeatz, ofrece a los viajeros una forma aun más flexible para satisfacer sus necesidades de viaje y entretenimiento. Los clientes que visiten tendrán ahora la posibilidad de comprar servicios de viaje relacionados, con o sin la compra de un billete de la línea aérea. También podrán elegir volver a en cualquier momento para ver las ofertas de alojamiento, renta de vehículos y opciones de comodidades para el viaje, y comprar cualquier elemento no aéreo en una sola operación.
iSeatz trabajó estrechamente con Delta para desarrollar esta adición personalizada al servicio integral existente de compra de viajes en, también impulsado por iSeatz y lanzado en 2007. Como portal de servicios completos de viaje, que ofrece a los viajeros la posibilidad de elegir entre miles de opciones de viajes, permite a Delta brindar un mejor servicio a sus clientes, a la vez que se beneficia con ingresos secundarios. (FUENTE: iSeatz)

Crece la Ventaja de Costos del Avión Cisterna KC-767 de Boeing Ante el Aumento en los Precios del Combustible

July 17, 2008

ST. LOUIS, 16/07/2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Ante las manifestaciones de preocupación de las fuerzas armadas de Estados Unidos respecto de los crecientes costos del combustible que afectan sus presupuestos para defensa, Boeing informa que la Fuerza Aérea de Estados Unidos podría pagar hasta $44.000 millones más en combustible durante los próximos 40 años para operar una flota de 179 aviones de reabastecimiento de combustible en vuelo Airbus A330-200, respecto de igual número de aviones cisterna Boeing 767- 200ER.
Este estimativo está basado en un estudio sobre Información de Aviación de Conklin & de Decker, financiado por Boeing, que calculó el costo para la Fuerza Aérea con el precio del petróleo a $130 por barril, $150 por barril y $200 por barril. Estos precios alcanzaron un nuevo récord la semana pasada de más de $147 el barril, y muchos analistas esperan que los precios continúen en ascenso. Los crecientes costos de combustible son una preocupación crítica de las fuerzas armadas. (FUENTE Boeing)

Boeing, Air China Announce Agreements for Boeing 777s and 737s

July 17, 2008

FARNBOROUGH, United Kingdom, July 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — The
Boeing Company (NYSE: BA) has signed an order with Air China, the flag
carrier of the People’s Republic of China, for 15 777-300ER (Extended
Range) and 30 Next- Generation 737-800 jetliners.

“These airplanes are the most fuel efficient in their classes,” said
Kong Dong, Chairman of Air China Limited. “The 777-300ER will be the
backbone of our long-haul international fleet and the new 737-800 will
support our hub build-up and our company’s domestic strategy.”

Air China operates international and domestic scheduled passenger and
cargo services and will use the airplanes to expand its international and
domestic routes. The carrier is based in Beijing, the home of the 2008
Olympic Games, and is the only Chinese airline selected as a 2008 Beijing
Olympics partner. The airline is one of the latest air carriers to become a
full member of Star Alliance.

“Our long-standing and productive partnership with Air China goes back
to the airline’s beginning and we’re proud to be part of their success,”
said Rob Laird, vice president, China & East Asia Sales, Boeing Commercial
Airplanes. “Air China’s expansion and renewal program demonstrates their
commitment to improving fuel efficiency and reducing environmental impact,
a commitment that Boeing shares.”

The order, worth approximately $6.3 billion at average list prices, was
previously posted to the Boeing Orders and Deliveries Web site and
attributed to an unidentified customer.

The 777 family of airplanes is the market leader in the 300-to-400-seat
segment. Since the first 777 went into service in June 1995, Boeing has
continually grown the 777 family to include five passenger models and a
freighter version.

To date, 56 customers around the world have ordered more than 1,080
777s, making it the most successful twin-engine wide-body airplane on the
market. Currently, Boeing has more than 350 unfilled orders for the 777.

To date, 115 customers have ordered more than 4,800 Next-Generation
737s. Boeing has more than 2,200 unfilled orders for the Next-Generation
737 valued at more than $160 billion at current list prices.

SOURCE The Boeing Company

T-50 Golden Eagle Delivers Disciplined Performance in Training for Next Generation Fighter Pilots

July 17, 2008

FARNBOROUGH, England, July 16 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Training for
future generations of fighter pilots is now a reality, as the T-50 Golden
Eagle looks forward to graduating additional classes of Korean air force
student pilots this year.

The third class of officers has graduated from the T-50’s total
advanced training system, meaning 41 officers have graduated to date,
announced J.R. Wildridge, director of T-50 Business Development for
Lockheed Martin during a briefing at the Farnborough Air Show today.

The T-50, co-developed by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) and Lockheed
Martin (NYSE: LMT), is Korea’s first indigenous supersonic aircraft and the
world’s only high performance, supersonic trainer in production today. The
T-50 is exceeding the expectations of operational pilots with its
technological advances and capabilities.

“The T-50 provides a cost-effective bridge for air forces around the
world, from primary training to high performance fighters,” said Wildridge.
“The T-50 is relatively easy to fly in terms of airframe design, digital
flight controls, and on-board systems. It includes embedded training
features, a mission planning and debriefing system, as well as a
comprehensive ground-based training system.”

The supersonic T-50 with its maneuverability, endurance and systems
integration provides an excellent capability and functions as a lead-in
fighter trainer (LIFT) for the Republic of Korea Air Force. The main
differences from the advanced jet trainer (AJT) are the addition of
armament and multi-mode fire control radar.

Currently, the ROKAF is using the T-50s delivered last year for
instructor pilot training. Plans are to deliver a total of 72 T-50s to the
ROKAF for AJT and LIFT. To date 25 aircraft have been delivered to the
ROKAF, all on schedule.

Both KAI and Lockheed Martin agree that with both the advanced jet
trainer and the LIFT versions, student pilots will progress from primary
trainers to high-performance, modern operational fighters in a very
cost-effective manner, providing an ideal solution for the training needs
of many air forces around the world.

Development of a light combat variant of the T-50, called the FA-50, is
expected to begin later this year. The Korean government is also expected
to order at least 60 FA-50s to replace older aircraft in Korea’s inventory,
and has also announced its intent to build 10 additional T-50 aircraft for
the ROKAF’s use as part of an aerial demonstration team called the “Black

KAI is the prime contractor for the T-50 and Lockheed Martin is the
principal subcontractor assisting with development of the new
high-performance trainer. The two companies are joint participants in
international marketing of the T-50.

Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. is the Republic of Korea’s national
aerospace company, established in 1999 with the consolidation of Samsung
Aerospace, Daewoo Heavy Industries and Hyundai Space and Aircraft Co. KAI
lines of business include fixed-wing aircraft, helicopter aircraft and
satellites. Its major products are the KF-16, KT-1 basic trainer, T-50,
SB427 helicopter, UAVs, aerostructures and KOMPSAT satellite program.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin employs about 140,000
people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design,
development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced
technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2007
sales of $41.9 billion.

SOURCE Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company

NASA Spacecraft Shows Diverse, Wet Environments on Ancient Mars

July 17, 2008

WASHINGTON, July 16 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Two studies based on
data from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have revealed that the Red
Planet once hosted vast lakes, flowing rivers and a variety of other wet
environments that had the potential to support life.

One study, published in the July 17 issue of Nature, shows that vast
regions of the ancient highlands of Mars, which cover about half the
planet, contain clay minerals, which can form only in the presence of
water. Volcanic lavas buried the clay-rich regions during subsequent, drier
periods of the planet’s history, but impact craters later exposed them at
thousands of locations across Mars. The data for the study derives from
images taken by the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars,
or CRISM, and other instruments on the orbiter.

“The big surprise from these new results is how pervasive and
long-lasting Mars’ water was, and how diverse the wet environments were,”
said Scott Murchie, CRISM principal investigator at the Johns Hopkins
University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md.

The clay-like minerals, called phyllosilicates, preserve a record of
the interaction of water with rocks dating back to what is called the
Noachian period of Mars’ history, approximately 4.6 billion to 3.8 billion
years ago. This period corresponds to the earliest years of the solar
system, when Earth, the moon and Mars sustained a cosmic bombardment by
comets and asteroids. Rocks of this age have largely been destroyed on
Earth by plate tectonics. They are preserved on the moon, but were never
exposed to liquid water. The phyllosilicate-containing rocks on Mars
preserve a unique record of liquid water environments possibly suitable for
life in the early solar system.

“The minerals present in Mars’ ancient crust show a variety of wet
environments,” said John Mustard, a member of the CRISM team from Brown
University, and lead author of the Nature study. “In most locations the
rocks are lightly altered by liquid water, but in a few locations they have
been so altered that a great deal of water must have flushed though the
rocks and soil. This is really exciting because we’re finding dozens of
sites where future missions can land to understand if Mars was ever
habitable and if so, to look for signs of past life.”

Another study, published in the June 2 issue of Nature Geosciences,
finds that the wet conditions on Mars persisted for a long time. Thousands
to millions of years after the clays formed, a system of river channels
eroded them out of the highlands and concentrated them in a delta where the
river emptied into a crater lake slightly larger than California’s Lake
Tahoe, approximately 25 miles in diameter.

“The distribution of clays inside the ancient lakebed shows that
standing water must have persisted for thousands of years,” says Bethany
Ehlmann, another member of the CRISM team from Brown. Ehlmann is lead
author of the study of an ancient lake within a northern-Mars impact basin
called Jezero Crater. “Clays are wonderful at trapping and preserving
organic matter, so if life ever existed in this region, there’s a chance of
its chemistry being preserved in the delta.”

CRISM’s high spatial and spectral resolutions are better than any
previous spectrometer sent to Mars and reveal variations in the types and
composition of the phyllosilicate minerals. By combining data from CRISM
and the orbiter’s Context Imager and High Resolution Imaging Science
Experiment, the team identified three principal classes of water-related
minerals dating to the early Noachian period. The classes are
aluminum-phyllosilicates, hydrated silica or opal, and the more common and
widespread iron/magnesium-phyllosilicates. The variations in the minerals
suggest that different processes, or different types of watery
environments, created them.

“Our whole team is turning our findings into a list of sites where
future missions could land to look for organic chemistry and perhaps
determine whether life ever existed on Mars,” said Murchie.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., manages the Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in
Washington. The Applied Physics Laboratory operates the CRISM instrument in
coordination with an international team of researchers from universities,
government and the private sector.


Boeing, Aviation Capital Group Sign Order for 15 Next-Generation 737s

July 17, 2008

FARNBOROUGH, United Kingdom, July 16 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Boeing
(NYSE: BA) and Aviation Capital Group (ACG), a subsidiary of Pacific
LifeCorp, today announced that the Newport Beach, Calif.- based leasing
company has ordered an additional 15 Next-Generation 737-700s.

The order is worth approximately $934 million at list prices.

“This supplements our order for 17 Next-Generation 737s announced in
April,” said R. Stephen Hannahs, group managing director and chief
executive officer of ACG. “We continue to order the 737 with the latest
technological improvements, including Blended Winglets and engine
enhancements, as part of our long-standing strategy to have the most
fuel-efficient airplanes needed by our customers.”

With today’s announcement, ACG has ordered a total of 96 Boeing
airplanes — 91 Next-Generation 737s and five 787 Dreamliners. This
includes 15 Next-Generation 737s for which ACG acquired delivery positions
from Delta Air Lines in 2006. Of the 96 Boeing airplanes ordered, 89 remain
to be delivered.

ACG’s current fleet contains 131 Boeing airplanes, including
Next-Generation 737s, as part of the company’s portfolio of more than 230

“This order reaffirms Boeing’s and ACG’s commitment to the world’s most
popular airplanes,” said John Feren, vice president of Sales — Leasing and
Asset Management, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. “The Next-Generation 737 is
the best-selling jetliner of all time because of its high reliability and
fuel efficiency and its low operating costs. Those all add up to value for
successful carriers around the globe.”

The Next-Generation 737 is the most technologically advanced
single-aisle airplane family. The Next-Generation 737’s market success is
confirmed by air finance investors, who consistently rank it as the most
preferred airplane due to its wide market base, superior efficiency and
lowest operating costs in its class.

To date, 115 customers have placed orders for more than 4,800
Next-Generation 737s. Unfilled orders for the Next-Generation 737 exceed
2,200 airplanes, worth more than $160 billion at list prices.

About Aviation Capital Group

Aviation Capital Group is owner/lessor and portfolio manager of a
diversified fleet of commercial jet aircraft leased to the world’s leading
airlines. Its portfolio includes 233 aircraft leased to 97 airlines in 42
countries. ACG’s Capital Markets Group also provides asset management and
remarketing services to airplane investors and institutional clients. ACG
was founded in 1989 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pacific LifeCorp.


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