Líderes do setor debatem a situação do transporte aéreo da região no 5º Fórum Anual de Líderes de Companhias Aéreas e Assembléia Geral Anual da ALTA

December 15, 2008

12 de dezembro de 2008  22:43 HORALOCAL

— Segurança, custos e meio ambiente são principais prioridades —

— Membros nomeiam novo Comitê Executivo da ALTA —

MIAMI, 12 de dezembro /PRNewswire/ — Mais de 300 líderes setoriais
de mais de 35 países participaram, na semana passada, do 5º Fórum
Anual de Líderes de Companhias Aéreas e Assembléia Geral Anual da ALTA
em Cancun, no México. Entre eles estiveram os mais importantes CEOs e
presidentes de companhias aéreas da América Latina e do Caribe, além
de representantes de mais de 40 companhias aéreas e 20 autoridades da
aviação civil, entre outros executivos do setor.
Os líderes trataram da atual crise sem precedentes que aflige o
setor, causada pela crise econômica global do momento, por mercados de
crédito escassos e incertezas referentes a custos. No seu discurso
inicial, o presidente da ALTA e CEO da Copa Airlines, Pedro Heilbron,
afirmou que “embora a perspectiva de curto prazo permaneça incerta,
há uma expectativa de crescimento em longo prazo na América Latina e
no Caribe, com o tráfego de passageiros na região continuando a
crescer acima da média mundial”.
Para obter este crescimento, a região está enfrentando desafios e
desenvolvendo ações direcionadas à área de fragmentação, ao ambiente
de altos impostos e encargos, ao modelo mal-sucedido de privatização
de aeroportos, à infra-estrutura e a um setor de transporte aéreo
subvalorizado. Apesar destes desafios, a ALTA e os seus membros
permanecem comprometidos com três grandes prioridades — segurança,
custos e meio ambiente — as quais foram o foco de tratativas durante
toda a conferência.
“Embora o futuro não esteja nada certo”, acrescentou Heilbron,
“governos, autoridades, fornecedores, aeroportos e companhias aéreas
precisam trabalhar em conjunto. A ALTA e as suas companhias aéreas
estarão aqui, trabalhando em conjunto com todos os participantes do
setor, pois um futuro ainda mais brilhante nos espera”.

Os membros da ALTA adotaram duas resoluções aprovadas por unanimidade
por ocasião da sua Assembléia Geral Anual, demandando providências
sobre importantes questões que afetam o setor e fazendo um chamado a
governos, autoridades reguladoras das áreas de segurança e provedores
de serviços aeroportuários e de navegação aérea.
“Embora a região da América Latina e do Caribe tenha recentemente
superado outras partes do mundo, há uma forte necessidade de manter a
competitividade”, disse o diretor executivo da ALTA, Alex de Gunten.
“Precisamos nos preparar e dar estes passos para minimizar os efeitos
da crise.”
Resolução 6/2008: Os membros da ALTA exortam autoridades
governamentais e entidades reguladoras responsáveis por prestadores
de serviços aeroportuários e de navegação aérea a assegurarem que os
preços dos serviços sejam baseados em custos, transparentes e
alinhados a normas da OACI. A resolução também exorta as autoridades
normativas nacionais a incorporarem diretrizes em observância ao
documento 9082 da OACI e criarem entidades independentes para a
supervisão de concessões e privatizações de prestadores de serviços
aeroportuários e de navegação aérea.
Resolução 7/2008: Os membros da ALTA exortam autoridades, aeroportos,
companhias aéreas, fabricantes de aeronaves, seguradoras e outras
partes interessadas a trabalharem em conjunto em um esforço
coordenado para aperfeiçoar a segurança operacional na região de
acordo com recomendações e padrões da OACI (RASG), IATA (IOSA e ISAGO)

A ALTA também nomeou os seis membros do seu novo comitê executivo,
responsável por direcionar os esforços da associação e facilitar o
desenvolvimento do transporte aéreo em toda a região da América
Latina e do Caribe. O presidente do Grupo TACA, Roberto Kriete, foi
nomeado o novo presidente da ALTA. Fabio Villegas, CEO da Avianca,
foi nomeado o novo vice-presidente da ALTA. O Comitê Executivo é o

— Presidente – Roberto Kriete, presidente do Grupo TACA
— Vice-presidente – Fabio Villegas, CEO da Avianca
— Pedro Heilbron, CEO da Copa Airlines
— Enrique Cueto, CEO da LAN Airlines
— Manuel Borja Chico, CEO da Mexicana
— David Barioni Neto, CEO da TAM

“A ALTA redobrará os seus esforços para garantir que tenhamos um
setor mais seguro e mais eficiente na região”, disse o recém-nomeado
presidente da ALTA, Roberto Kriete, na atividade de encerramento do
fórum. “Espero ampliar os grandes esforços do meu antecessor.”
A ALTA está atualmente confirmando datas e local para o seu Fórum de
Líderes de Companhias Aéreas de 2009. Cartagena, na Colômbia, é o
destino preferencial no momento.

Sobre a ALTA:
A ALTA ( www.alta.aero ) foi fundada em 1980 como uma associação sem
fins lucrativos entre companhias aéreas. As companhias integrantes
têm uma receita combinada total de mais de US$ 19 bilhões, utilizam
mais de 800 aeronaves e empregam mais de 70 mil trabalhadores em
Antígua, Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, Ilhas Cayman, Chile, Colômbia,
Costa Rica, Cuba, Equador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica,
México, Antilhas Holandesas, Nicarágua, Panamá, Paraguai, Peru,
Uruguai, Venezuela e outros países atendidos por elas.
Companhias aéreas integrantes: Aerolíneas Argentinas, Aeroméxico,
Aeroméxico Connect, Aeropostal, Aero República, AeroSur, Aires, Air
Jamaica, Aserca Airlines, Avianca, Bahamas Air, Caribbean Airlines,
Cayman Airways, Cielos Airlines, Click, Copa Airlines, Cubana, GOL,
Icaro, LAB, LAN Airlines, LAN Ecuador, LAN Peru, Liat, Mexicana,
Nature Air, Pluna, Santa Barbara Airlines, Sky Airline, TACA, TACA
Peru, TAM, TAM Mercosur, Tame, VARIG, VARIG LOG e Volaris. A ALTA
também possui quatro companhias aéreas associadas: Air Canada,
Continental Airlines, Iberia e UPS.

CAE wins contracts for three full-flight simulators and training devices valued at more than C$40 million

December 15, 2008


MONTREAL, QUEBEC–(Marketwire – Dec. 12, 2008) – (TSX:CAE)(NYSE:CGT) – CAE has been awarded contracts to design and manufacture three full-flight simulators (FFSs) and associated training devices valued at more than C$40 million at list prices. The contracts are with Saudi Arabian Airlines and the Hua Ou Aviation Training Centre in Beijing, China. CAE has announced so far a total of 26 FFS sales in fiscal year 2009.

“CAE’s innovation and flexibility, as well as our commitment to work closely with our customers, allows us to find ways to address their specific training needs,” said Marc Parent, CAE’s Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. “We are uniquely positioned to create value for our customers as we offer the industry’s most comprehensive portfolio of simulation products and training services.”

Saudi Arabian Airlines

Saudi Arabian Airlines has ordered two CAE 7000 Series Airbus A320 FFSs, a CAE SimfinityTM Airbus A320 Level 5 flight training device (FTD), and suite of CAE Simfinity Airbus Pilot Transition (APT) trainers and Airbus Competence Training (ACT) classrooms for the A320, A330 and A340 aircraft. The training solutions will be delivered in 2009 to the Prince Sultan Aviation Training Academy in Jeddah.

“Saudi Arabian Airlines continues to grow and expand their operations and we are pleased they have selected CAE’s true fidelity simulation equipment to support their Airbus pilot training program,” said Marc Parent.

Hua Ou Aviation Training Centre

The Hua Ou Aviation Training Centre, a joint venture of Airbus and the China Aviation Supplies Holding Company (CAS), has ordered a CAE 7000 Series Airbus A330/340 convertible FFS. The simulator will be convertible to five types of A330 and A340 aircraft, including the A330-200 with three different engine types, the A340-300 and the A340-600. The simulator will be delivered in 2009 to the Hua Ou Aviation Training Centre in Beijing, China.

The Hua Ou Aviation Training Centre operates as one of the official Airbus Training Centres, providing a range of training services to airlines operating Airbus aircraft. The centre offers training for pilots, cabin crew and maintenance personnel.

“This investment is part of Hua Ou’s plan to continuously enhance its support to the Chinese and Asian customers with a high standard of training and state-of-the-art facilities,” said Raymond Lim, General Manager of Hua Ou. “The new simulator has incorporated the latest development of aviation technology and will help ensure our training standard.”

About CAE

CAE is a world leader in providing simulation and modelling technologies and integrated training solutions for the civil aviation industry and defence forces around the globe. With annual revenues exceeding C$1.4 billion, CAE employs approximately 7,000 people at more than 75 sites and training locations in 20 countries. We have the largest installed base of civil and military full-flight simulators and training devices. Through our global network of 27 civil aviation and military training centres, we train more than 75,000 crewmembers yearly. We also offer modelling and simulation software to various market segments and, through CAE’s professional services division, we assist customers with a wide range of simulation-based needs. www.cae.com

BoA takes delivery of its first B737-300

December 15, 2008

The Bolivian startup has taken delivery of its first B737-300 in Cochabamba, its operating base. The airline, which is staffed by mostly former LAB employees, has announced it plans to launch its first service in mid January subject to obtaining the required operating approvals from the DGAC. The startup plans to have a fleet of five B737s by the end of 2009.

ALTA has a new Executive Committee

December 15, 2008

Following the successful Leaders Forum in Cancun, on December 12 ALTA announced its new six member executive committee. Robert Kriete Chairman of Grupo TACA, appointed President; Fabio Villegas, Vice President; Pedro Heilbron (Copa); Enrique Cueto (LAN); Manuel Borja Chico (Mexicana) and David Barioni Neto (TAM) members of the executive committee.

Chile plans to build a new airport in Araucana in southern Chile

December 15, 2008

The RFP has been issued for the management of the new airport which will have an investment cost of $85 million. According to the MOP (Ministry of Public Works) the new airport will eventually have a 3,000 meter runway and three boarding gates and expects the work to be concluded by 2012.

Azul takes delivery of its first ERJ195 and launches Brazilian domestic service

December 15, 2008

The new ERJ195 is the third Embraer aircraft for the airline’s fleet of 76 regional jets. It will begin service from its base in Viracopos airport in Sao Paulo to Porto Alegre and Salvador before the end of December.

JetBlue will launch Central American service

December 15, 2008

The LCC will begin service to the region with a nonstop daily Orlando-San Jose, Costa Rica flight on March 26 with an ERJ190. This is the first flight to Central America which JetBlue is looking to serve from Florida in 2009. The airline has already announced that its first South American service between Orlando and Bogota, Colombia is to begin January 29.

ALTA reports October traffic up 3.9%

December 15, 2008

The Latin American Air Transport Association reports its RPKs were up 3.9% in October; while its Latin American RPKs were up 11.5% (where the action is). Europe was up 6.5% with North America up 4.4%. Year-to-date traffic is up 10.9%, while Latin America is up 17.1%; Europe up 22.9% and North America up 3.9%. In spite of all the ‘gloom & doom’, the 32 member Latin American airlines continue to grow their presence in the market.


Embraer Delivers EMBRAER 195 Jet to Azul Linhas Aéreas

December 11, 2008

Company will be the first Brazilian airline to commercially operate the E-Jets
São José dos Campos, December 11, 2008 – Embraer delivered the first EMBRAER 195
jet, this Thursday, to Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras, which will be the first Brazilian
airline to operate the E-Jets. The contract is for 36 firm orders: 31 EMBRAER 195s and five
EMBRAER 190s. The deal was announced in March of this year, and also includes options
for another 20 aircraft and purchase rights foranother 20.



(L-R): David Neeleman, Chairman of Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras, and Frederico Fleury Curado, Embraer President & CEO, during the delivery ceremony of the first EMBRAER 195 jet to Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras, held in São José dos Campos, this Thursday, December 11.
“It is with great pleasure that we make our first delivery to Azul Linhas Aéreas,” said
Frederico Fleury Curado, Embraer President & CEO. “I am certain that seeing our
EMBRAER 195 in the colors of Azul is a source of special pride for all of Embraer’s
employees, as we add our first Brazilian E-Jet operator to the 51 customers we have in 35
countries, on five continents.”
Azul begins operations out of Viracopos Airport, in the city of Campinas, in outstate São Paulo,
to Porto Alegre and Salvador. The airline company received its Authorization Certificate as an
Air Transportation Company (Certificado de Homologação de Empresa de Transporte Aéreo –
CHETA) from Brazil’s National Civil Aviation Agency (Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil –
ANAC) and has already announced the first routes it intends to operate in Brazil.
“Azul is very proud to offer Brazilian passengers the best airplane in the world in its
category. And best of all: this exceptional aircraft was designed and built in Brazil and, now,
it will be operated by a Brazilian company. I know this is the best jet for the domestic market.
The EMBRAER 195 will bring unbeatable safety records to our customers and crew members,
besides an exceptional level of comfort,” said David Neeleman, President of Azul Linhas
Aéreas Brasileiras. “The EMBRAER 190 and 195 in our fleet will also operate at extreme
savings. And what’s more, our E-Jets will be the ‘greenest’ jets in operation in Brazil, with
very low noise and emissions rates. We, at Azul, are all very happy about the delivery of our
first EMBRAER 195. With jets like this one, we will write a new page in the history of
Brazilian commercial aviation.”
Azul’s EMBRAER 195 is configured in a single class and will comfortable accommodate
118 passengers. A state-of-the-art entertainment system, with Live TV and individual

screens, will be available and each passenger may select the programming of their choice.
With a range of 2,200 nautical miles (4,077 km), the jet will be able to fly nonstop between
any two Brazilian capital cities.
The EMBRAER 195 is the biggest and newest of the four members of the E-Jets family, and
began commercial operation in September 2006. On September 30, 2008, the EMBRAER
170/190 family of E-Jets had logged 865 firm orders and 813 options, which are significant
marks for a commercial aviation program in such a short time. The family of E-Jets, with
nearly 500 units of the aircraft already delivered, has surpassed 2,2 million flight hours and
carried over 100 million passengers.
About Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras S.A.
Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras S.A., founded by David Neeleman, is the newest airline company
in Brazil. Created in 2008, the company has a standing order for 76 jets from the EMBRAER
170/190 family, with 36 firm orders, plus 20 options and 20 purchase rights. In five years, Azul
intends to be flying to Brazil’s main cities, uniting markets with multiple, nonstop daily flights.
The strategy will make it possible, for example, for executives from centers outside of the Rio –
São Paulo axis, to leave and return to their cities of origin on the same day. The company will
offer quality transportation, regularity and frequencies to executives, as well as competitive prices
and flexible payment to those traveling on tourism or for personal reasons. The goal is to carry a
larger number of Brazilians, without distinguishing the class or the reason for traveling, both from
the demographic and geographic standpoint.
About the EMBRAER 170/190 family of E-Jets
The EMBRAER 170/190 family of E-Jets consists of four commercial jets with 70 to 122
seats, featuring an advanced engineering design that offers outstanding performance, great
operating savings, and a spacious cabin for passengers.
The E-Jets can fly at a maximum cruising speed of Mach 0.82 and at an altitude of up to
41,000 feet (12,500 meters), and have a range of 2,400 nautical miles (4,400 km). The high
degree of commonality among the four aircraft results in exceptional cost reductions, in terms
of crew training, maintenance, and spare parts. Another key feature of the E-Jets is the fly-bywire
technology used in the flight control systems, similar to that deployed on larger
commercial jets and advanced military aircraft.

The EMBRAER 170/190 family provides superior comfort with its double-bubble fuselage
design that includes two main passenger entrances and two service doors that minimize
aircraft turn-around time. The E-Jets offer much more space for passengers than other
aircraft with equivalent seating capacities.

ALTA elogia la decision de las autoridades Colombianas de eliminar exigencia de Visas

December 11, 2008

Miami – 11 de Diciembre, 2008 – ALTA, la Asociación Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Transporte Aéreo, elogió a las autoridades colombianas por la iniciativa y visión de su decisión de eliminar los requisitos de Visa para  87 países.

“Esta determinación es una prueba más de la importancia que las autoridades colombianas otorgan al comercio y turismo internacionales” manifestó el Director Ejecutivo de ALTA,  Alex de Gunten.  “Esperamos que otras naciones sigan el ejemplo de Colombia.”

El Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Colombia anunció recientemente que el gobierno había aprobado una resolución para eliminar los requisitos de visa para ciudadanos de 87 países en el mundo en visitas temporales, incluyendo razones comerciales o técnicas. El Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS) expedirá un permiso especial al arribo de  visitantes de los siguientes países incluidos en la resolución:   Estados Unidos, Alemania, Japón, Australia, Canadá, España, Italia, así como  México, y todos los países de  Centro y Sur América.

Respecto de ALTA Asociacion Latinoamericana de Transporte Aereo
www.alta.aero, se fundó en 1980 como una organización sin fines de lucro. Sus aerolíneas miembros generan en conjunto ingresos por más de USD 19.000 millones al año, operan más de 800 aeronaves y emplean más de 70.000 personas en Antigua, Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Islas Caimán, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba,  Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, México, Antillas Holandesas, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú,  Uruguay, Venezuela y en otras naciones a las cuales operan.

Member Airlines | Lineas Aereas Miembros: Aerolineas Argentinas, Aeroméxico, Aeroméxico Connect, Aeropostal, AeroRepública, AeroSur, Aires, Air Jamaica, Aserca Airlines, Avianca, Bahamas Air, Caribbean Airlines, Cayman Airways, Cielos Airlines, Click, Copa Airlines, Cubana, GOL, Icaro, LAB, LAN Airlines, LAN Ecuador, LAN Peru, Liat, Mexicana, Nature Air, Pluna, Santa Barbara Airlines, Sky Airline, TACA, TACA Peru, TAM, TAM Mercosur, Tame, VARIG LOG, Volaris and VRG Linhas Aereas.

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