Raytheon to Showcase Innovation for ‘The Next Space Age’ at National Space Symposium 2009

March 25, 2009

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., March 25, 2009 /PRNewswire/ — Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) will highlight several government defense, space and environmental system technologies at the 25th National Space Symposium: “The Next Space Age.” The conference will be held at the Broadmoor Resort and Conference Center in Colorado Springs, Colo., March 30-April 2, 2009.

Raytheon will host an exhibit (Booth #503) featuring innovative capabilities in the areas of weather and climate monitoring; space navigation and integrated ground control; space protection; advanced missile warning and missile defense; and responsive space solutions. Key technologies to be highlighted at the show include Raytheon’s Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle, the Global Broadcast Service, the 3rd Generation Infrared missile warning sensor and rapidly deployable space solutions that help military commanders meet urgent tactical needs.

At the event, Raytheon’s Intelligence and Information Services President Lynn Dugle will host the Raytheon-sponsored James E. Hill Lifetime Achievement Award luncheon. Jon Jones, president of Space and Airborne Systems, will participate on an executive panel titled “Today’s Top Space Companies Look at the Next Space Age,” with fellow space industry leaders.

“Raytheon has been offering innovative space solutions to civil, military and intelligence leaders for more than 40 years,” said Garnett Stowe, vice president of National Intelligence Programs in the company’s Business Development organization. “From data gathering capabilities in orbit to data retrieval and processing systems on the ground, Raytheon’s industry-leading technology will be on full display at this year’s National Space Symposium.”

The Raytheon Global Positioning System Operational Ground Control Segment team will be on site to demonstrate the ability to command GPS signals, provide situational awareness, and expose data.

Raytheon Company, with 2008 sales of $23.2 billion, is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, homeland security and other government markets throughout the world. With a history of innovation spanning 87 years, Raytheon provides state-of-the-art electronics, mission systems integration and other capabilities in the areas of sensing; effects; and command, control, communications and intelligence systems, as well as a broad range of mission support services. With headquarters in Waltham, Mass., Raytheon employs 73,000 people worldwide.

EADS North America-Built UH-72A Lakota Light Utility Helicopters Surpass the 10,000 Flight-Hour Milestone in U.S. Army Service

March 25, 2009

ARLINGTON, VA–(Marketwire – March 25, 2009) – The U.S. Army’s growing fleet of UH-72A Lakota Light Utility Helicopters has passed the 10,000 flight-hour milestone, demonstrating the aircrafts’ mission performance and reliability in operations throughout the United States.

Fifty-eight UH-72As have been delivered by EADS North America to the U.S. Army and Army National Guard for missions including homeland security, medical evacuation, logistics and VIP flights.

“Day after day, the UH-72A program is fulfilling a key role in the modernization of the U.S. Army’s helicopter assets,” said EADS North America Chairman and CEO Ralph D. Crosby, Jr. “All Lakotas have been delivered on time or ahead of schedule, and we remain committed to providing America’s warfighters with the very best equipment to accomplish their important missions.”

The UH-72A is based on Eurocopter’s proven EC145 multi-role helicopter. As part of EADS North America’s expansion of its U.S. industrial presence, a full-scale Lakota production capability in Columbus, Miss. facility and pilot training in Grand Prairie, Texas are components of the American Eurocopter business unit. These two facilities generate high-value jobs in the United States.

The UH-72A fleet has an operational availability rate higher than 90 percent, underscoring the readiness of these rotary-wing aircraft to perform their varied assignments. The Lakota fleet is supported through a combination of performance-based logistics using full contractor logistics support (CLS) and a hybrid CLS concept with the Army National Guard aircraft.

With their coast-to-coast basing, UH-72As are used in operations that range from support and medical evacuation missions at the Army’s National Training Center in Ft. Irwin, Calif. to multi-role airlift flights in the nation’s capital area. Lakotas also participated in disaster relief and coordination missions for Hurricanes Ike and Gustav in the southern U.S. last September.

Current basing and operating locations for the UH-72A fleet include the Eastern Army National Guard Aviation Training Site in Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa.; Fort Eustis and Fort Belvoir, Va.; Fort Polk, La.; Fort Irwin, Calif.; Jacksonville, Fla.; Morrisville, N.C.; Pineville, La.; Tupelo, Miss.; the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., and Washington, D.C.

Lakotas carry six passengers and a crew of two pilots in the standard Light Utility Helicopter configuration, while two litters are accommodated for MEDEVAC (medical evacuation) flights. The UH-72A also has been certified by the U.S. Army for the free-fall deployment of paratroopers, using the rotary-wing aircraft’s large side-fuselage sliding doors.

Certain Lakotas will be equipped with a mission equipment package for the Army National Guard including an electro-optic and infrared sensor, digital moving map, searchlight, and data link for the Army National Guard Reconnaissance and Interdiction detachment (RAID) missions.

To date, 128 Lakotas have been ordered by the Army, with the military service planning to acquire a total of 345 UH-72As through 2016. In addition, five Light Utility Helicopters have been ordered by the U.S. Navy for pilot training at the Naval Test Pilot School at Patuxent River, Md.

In addition to their U.S. Army basing in the continental United States, overseas deployments of UH-72As are anticipated in Europe and Japan. The Lakota’s phase-in enables aging National Guard OH-58 and UH-1 rotary-wing aircraft to be retired, while Lakota deliveries to the active component of the Army free up UH-60 Black Hawks for assignment to warfighting missions.

Training of U.S. Army personnel for the UH-72A is provided by EADS North America through American Eurocopter. More than 200 Army pilots and nearly 100 maintenance personnel have been trained to date at American Eurocopter’s Grand Prairie, Texas headquarters. A new pilot training class begins every two weeks at Grand Prairie, and now includes the use of a new full-motion helicopter flight simulator at the Texas facility.

Production of the UH-72A averages three to four helicopters per month — with the capability of reaching five aircraft monthly at the Columbus production site. The state-of-the-art installation is performed at a 220,000 sq. ft. addition to American Eurocopter’s Mississippi rotary-wing aircraft center of excellence, which is located adjacent to the Golden Triangle Regional Airport. The facility has met its goal of creating new job opportunities in the region, with total employment planned to surpass 250 as the UH-72A program reaches its full production and final assembly capability.

About EADS North America

EADS North America is the North American operation of EADS, the second largest aerospace and defense company in the world. As a leader in all sectors of defense and homeland security, EADS North America and its parent company, EADS, contribute over $10 billion to the U.S. economy annually and support more than 190,000 American jobs through its network of suppliers and services. Operating in 17 states, EADS North America offers a broad array of advanced solutions to its customers in the commercial, homeland security, aerospace and defense markets.

Bombardier anuncia três forncedores-chave europeus para o programa de aeronaves CSeries

March 25, 2009

TORONTO, ONTÁRIO–(Marketwire – March 25, 2009) – A Bombardier Aerospace adicionou três fornecedores-chave europeus ao programa de aeronaves CSeries. A Alenia Aeronautica da Itália, a Fokker Elmo da Holanda e a Goodrich Actuation Systems do Reino Unido fornecerão componentes e sistemas chave e serão fundamentais para contribuir no desenvolvimento e sucesso de todas novas e revolucionárias aeronaves CSeries.

A Alenia Aeronautica fornecerá os estabilizadores horizontais e verticais, totalmente equipados com sistemas hidráulicos, elétricos e de controle de voo, luzes e antenas.

A Fokker Elmo será responsável pelo projeto e produção do sistema de fiação e interconexão inteiro. Adicionalmente a Fokker Elmo desenhará e produzirá toda fiação de teste de voo e de instrumentação requisitada durante a certificação das aeronaves CSeries.

A Goodrich Actuation Systems será responsável pelo projeto e produção dos sistemas de ativação dos flaps e dos slats para as aeronaves CSeries. Um sistema crucial para decolagens e pousos, o sistema de flap é instalado nas asas e aumenta tanto a sustentação quanto o arrasto, enquanto que o sistema de slats adiciona sustentação e ajuda a manter o escoamento de ar mais suave.

“Acrescentar três grandes fornecedores à equipe das aeronaves CSeries impulsiona o desenvolvimento do programa da Bombardier de forma significativa”, disse Benjamin Boehm, Vice-Presidente de Programas na Bombardier Commercial Aircraft. “Os clientes das aeronaves CSeries se beneficiarão da grande experiência dos nossos fornecedores no fornecimento de sistemas e componentes aeronáuticos excelentes”.

“Atualmente, estamos revendo cotações e propostas de uma grande quantidade de fornecedores em potencial, incluindo outros fornecedores europeus. As operações da Bombardier em Belfast, no Reino Unido, estão desenvolvendo e produzindo as asas compostas avançadas para as aeronaves CSeries e nós acreditamos que os fornecedores europeus terão um papel importante no programa, como é o caso em outros programas da Bombardier”, acrescentou.

Em 11 de março de 2009, a Bombardier e a companhia aérea europeia Deutsche Lufthansa AG anunciaram a assinatura de um acordo firme de compra de 30 aeronaves CSeries, modelo CS100 com opções para 30 aeronaves CSeries adicionais. A família de aviões CSeries com 110 ou 130 assentos – incluindo os modelos de aeronaves CS100 e CS300 – apresentam conforto aos passageiros, performance e economia operacional sem igual, se beneficiando dos mais recentes avanços tecnológicos, incluindo: aerodinâmica de quarta geração; uso incrementado de compostos e ligas de alumínio avançadas nas estruturas; o mais recente em tecnologias de sistema, como fly-by-wire, freios elétricos e um motor de próxima geração – o motor Pratt & Whitney PurePower(TM) PW1000G.

Quando entrar em operação em 2013, a família de aeronaves CSeries será a de aviões de corredor único mais ecológica de sua categoria. Essas aeronaves revolucionárias emitirão 20% (i) menos CO2 e 50% (i) menos NOx, voarão quatro (i) vezes mais silenciosamente e terão drástica economia de energia – 20% (i) de vantagem em queima de combustível, bem como 15% (i) melhor custo operacional em relação a aeronaves de tamanho equivalente atuais em produção. A aeronave CSeries estabelecerá um novo padrão na indústria, consumindo dois litros de combustível por passageiro a cada 100 quilômetros em sua configuração de assentos mais densa (i).

Fornecedores chaves anunciados anteriormente

A Bombardier escolheu anteriormente os seguintes fornecedores para o programa de aeronaves CSeries:

C&D Zodiac para o design e produção do pacote interior da aeronave, que inclui os assentos, o interior (incluindo os revestimentos, acabamentos, lixeiras, cozinhas e banheiros), sistema de oxigênio, sistema de iluminação, sistema de impermeabilização, sistema de descarga e sistema de água;

Rockwell Collins como fornecedor do sistema aviônico da aeronave. Feitos sob medida especificamente para os aviões CSeries, sua capacidade para cabine totalmente integrada oferecerá flexibilidade, alta confiabilidade e baixos custos de ciclo de vida, sem comprometer o desempenho da aeronave;

Parker Hannifin Corporation, por meio de seu Aerospace Group, para o projeto e a produção dos sistemas de combustível e hidráulicos totalmente integrados da CSeries;

Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS para o projeto e produção do Sistema de Gerenciamento de Ar da aeronave, que inclui controle ambiental e sistema de controle da pressão na cabine;

Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC), subsidiária de entidade industrial de aviação estatal China Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC), fornecerá a fuselagem central nas aeronaves CSeries.

Sobre a Alenia Aeronautica

A Alenia Aeronautica, uma Empresa da Finmeccanica, é a maior empresa aeronáutica italiana que opera no mundo inteiro em aviação comercial e militar, veículos aéreos não-tripulados e estruturas aéreas. A Alenia Aeronautica também coordena as atividades da Alenia Aermacchi e da Alenia Aeronavali – subsidiárias integrais – atuantes, respectivamente, no projeto e manufatura de aeronaves de treinamento militar e na revisão, manutenção e modificação de aviões militares e civis.

Sobre a Fokker Elmo

A Fokker Elmo é uma empresa exploradora da Stork Aerospace e reconhecida internacionalmente como especialista superior em sistemas de interconexão elétrica para aeronaves e motores de aeronaves. A empresa detém a segunda posição no mercado. A Fokker Elmo possui instalações na Holanda, na China, nos EUA e na Turquia.

A Stork Aerospace desenvolve e produz estruturas avançadas e sistemas elétricos para a indústria aeroespacial e fornece serviços de manutenção integrada e produtos para donos e operadores de aviões.

Sobre a Goodrich Actuation Systems

A Goodrich Corporation, empresa listada na Fortune 500, é uma fornecedora global de sistemas e serviços para os mercados aeroespacial, de defesa e segurança nacional. Com um dos mais estrategicamente variados portfólios de produtos na indústria, a Goodrich atende a uma base de clientes global com fabricação mundial significativa e instalações de serviços. Para mais informações, visite http://www.goodrich.com.

Sobre a Bombardier

Fabricante líder de soluções inovadoras em transporte, de aeronaves comerciais e jatos particulares a equipamento, sistemas e serviços de linhas férreas, a Bombardier Inc. é uma corporação global com sede no Canadá. Suas vendas para o ano fiscal encerrado em 31 de janeiro de 2008 foram de US$ 17,5 bilhões e suas ações são negociadas na Bolsa de Valores de Toronto (BBD). A Bombardier está listada como componente dos índices Dow Jones Sustainability World e North America. Notícias e informações estão disponíveis em www.bombardier.com.

Bombardier, CSeries, CS100 e CS300 são marcas registradas da Bombardier Inc. ou suas subsidiárias.

(i) As aeronaves CSeries estão em fase de projeto. Todos os dados e especificações são estimativas, sujeitas a mudanças na estratégia da família, branding, capacidade, desempenho durante o curso do projeto, fabricação e processos de certificação. O desempenho foi estimado com base num ambiente operacional norte americano de 500-nm.

(TM) PurePower é uma marca registrada da United Technologies Corp. – Pratt & Whitney.

Bombardier anuncia a tres proveedores europeos clave para el programa de aviones CSeries

March 25, 2009

TORONTO, ONTARIO–(Marketwire – March 24, 2009) – Bombardier Aerospace ha agregado a tres proveedores europeos clave al programa de aviones CSeries. Alenia Aeronautica de Italia, Fokker Elmo de Holanda y Goodrich Actuation Systems del Reino Unido, que brindarán componentes y sistemas clave, y serán instrumentales para contribuir al desarrollo y éxito del nuevo y vanguardista avión CSeries.

Alenia Aeronautica será el proveedor de los estabilizadores horizontal y vertical, totalmente equipado con sistemas de controles hidráulicos, eléctricos y de navegación, además de las luces y antenas.

Fokker Elmo será el responsable del diseño y la producción del cableado total y del sistema de intercomunicación. Adicionalmente, Fokker Elmo diseñará y producirá todo el cableado de prueba de vuelo e instrumental requerido durante la certificación del avión CSeries.

Goodrich Actuation Systems será responsable del diseño y la producción de los sistemas de actuación flap y slap para la aeronave CSeries. Al ser uno de los sistemas críticos para el despegue y el aterrizaje, el sistema de flaps es instalado en el ala y aumenta ambos el impulso y arrastre, mientras que el sistema de slaps agrega impulso y mantiene un flujo de aire mas continuo.

“El agregar a tres grandes proveedores al equipo del avión CSeries acelera al desarrollo del programa de Bombardier de una manera significativa”, comentó Benjamin Boehm, Vicepresidente, Programas de Aviones Comerciales Bombardier. “Los clientes del avión CSeries se beneficiarán de la gran experiencia de nuestros proveedores que nos brindarán sistemas y componentes aeronáuticos de gran calidad”.

“Actualmente nos encontramos revisando cotizaciones y propuestas de una amplia gama de proveedores potenciales, incluyendo a otros proveedores europeos. La operación de Bombardier en Belfast en el Reino Unido se encuentra desarrollando y produciendo alas elaboradas con resinas sintéticas de gran fuerza a la compresión para el avión CSeries, y tenemos confianza que los proveedores europeos tendrán un papel importante en el programa, como en el caso de otros programas de Bombardier”, agregó.

El 11 de marzo de 2009, Bombardier y la aerolínea europea Deutsche Lufthansa AG anunciaron la firma de un contrato de compra de 30 modelos CS100 del avión CSeries con una opción para adquirir 30 aviones CSeries adicionales. La familia de aviones CSeries de 110 asientos y 130 asientos – incluyendo los modelos CS100 y CS300 – que brindan increíble confort a los pasajeros, desempeño, y economías operativas, que se benefician de los avances tecnológicos más recientes, incluyendo: aerodinámica de cuarta generación; mayor uso de compuestos y aleaciones de aluminio en las estructuras; la más reciente en tecnología de sistemas, tal como los comandos eléctricos de vuelo, frenos eléctricos, y motor de próxima generación – el motor Pratt & Whitney PurePower(TM) PW1000G.

Al momento de entrar en servicio el año 2013, la familia de aviones CSeries serán las aeronaves de pasillo simple más verdes de su clase. Este avión que cambiará las reglas de juego emitirá 20(i) por ciento menos de CO2 y 50(i) por ciento menos de NOx, será cuatro(i) veces más silencioso, y logrará ahorrar grandes cantidades de energía – 20(i) por ciento de ventaja de quemado de gasolina como también 15(i) por ciento de mejora en costos operativos al compararlo con un avión actualmente en producción de similar tamaño. El avión CSeries sentará un nuevo precedente en la industria, consumiendo tan poco como dos litros de gasolina por pasajero cada 100 kilómetros en sus estructuras de sentado más densas(i).

Proveedores clave previamente anunciados

Bombardier eligió previamente a los siguientes proveedores para el programa de aviones CSeries:

C&D Zodiac para el diseño y la producción del paquete interior del avión, que incluye asientos, interiores (incluyendo el forrado, monumentos, compartimientos, cocinas y baños), sistema de oxigeno, sistema de iluminación, sistema de aislamiento, sistema de desechos y sistema de agua;

Rockwell Collins como el proveedor del sistema de aviónica del avión. Elaborado específicamente para el avión CSeries, su totalmente integrada capacidad de cubierta de despegue brindará flexibilidad, alta confiabilidad y menores costos de ciclo de vida sin comprometer el desempeño de la aeronave;

Parker Hannifin Corporation, a través de su Aerospace Group, para el diseño y producción de los totalmente integrados sistemas de combustible e hidráulicos del avión CSeries;

Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS para el diseño y la producción del Sistema de Administración de Aire de la aeronave, que incluye los sistemas de control ambiental y presión de cabina;

Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC), una subsidiaria de la entidad de aviación nacional China Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC), será la proveedora del fuselaje central del avión CSeries.

Acerca de Alenia Aeronautica

Alenia Aeronautica, compañía de Finmeccanica, es el jugador aeronáutico italiano más grande que funciona por todo el mundo en la aviación comercial y militar, los vehículos aéreos sin tripulación y las aero estructuras. Alenia Aeronautica también coordina las actividades de Alenia Aermacchi y de Alenia Aeronavali – compañías enteramente poseídas – respectivamente activas en el diseño y la fabricación de los aviones de amaestrador militares y en el reacondicionamiento, el mantenimiento y la modificación de aviones militares y civiles.

Acerca de Fokker Elmo

Fokker Elmo es una compañía operativa de Stork Aerospace reconocida internacionalmente como uno de los principales especialistas dentro de los sistemas de interconexión eléctricos y motores para aviones. La compañía disfruta de un segundo puesto dentro del posicionamiento en el mercado. Fokker Elmo cuenta con instalaciones en Holanda, China, los EE.UU. y Turquía.

Stork Aerospace desarrolla y produce estructuras avanzadas y sistemas eléctricos para la industria aeroespacial, y provee de servicios y productos de mantenimiento integrados a los propietarios y operadores de aeronaves.

Acerca de Goodrich Actuation Systems

Goodrich Corporation, una compañía del Fortune 500, es un proveedor global de sistemas y servicios para los mercados aeroespaciales, de defensa y de seguridad nacional. Con una de las carteras más estratégicamente diversificadas de la industria, Goodrich atiende a una base de clientes global con instalaciones significativas de fabricación y servicio internacional. Para obtener mayor información visita http://www.goodrich.com.

Acerca de Bombardier

Empresa internacional, cuya sede central está situada en Canadá, Bombardier es un líder mundial en soluciones de transporte innovadoras, desde aeronaves comerciales y jets de negocios hasta equipos, sistemas y servicios para el transporte ferroviario. Sus ingresos para el año fiscal que concluyó el 31 de enero del 2008 fueron de $17.5 mil millones de dólares americanos y sus acciones se cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Toronto (BBD). Bombardier está inscrita como componente de los índices de sustentabilidad Dow Jones Sustainability World y Dow Jones Sustainability North America. Más información y noticias están disponibles en el sitio Web de Bombardier en www.bombardier.com.

Bombardier, CSeries, CS100 y CS300 son marcas registradas de Bombardier Inc. o de sus subsidiarias.

(i) El avión CSeries se encuentra en su fase de diseño. Todos los datos y las especificaciones son estimaciones, sujetas a ser cambiadas en estrategia de familia, marca, capacidad, y desempeño durante el transcurso de los procesos de diseño, fabricación y certificación. El desempeño ha sido estimado basándose en un ambiente operativo norteamericano de 500-nm.

(TM) PurePower es una marca registrada de United Technologies Corp. – Pratt & Whitney.

Embraer Participates in AERO Friedrichshafen 2009 in Germany

March 25, 2009


The Company will highlight the Legacy 600 executive jet in the static display
São José dos Campos, March 25, 2009 – Embraer is participating in the fourth AERO
Friedrichshafen Trade Exhibition for General Aviation (www.aero-friedrichshafen.de),
April 2-5, in Friedrichshafen, southern Germany. The Company will promote its entire
range of executive jets and exhibit the Legacy 600 in the static display area SD-07.
“We are delighted to participate in this major general aviation trade show in Europe,” said
Colin Steven, Embraer Vice President, Marketing and Sales, Europe, Africa and the Middle
East – Executive Jets. “Germany is one of Europe’s most responsive business aviation
markets. The excellent reception given to our Executive Jets family by this country and
Central Europe is testimony to their superior performance and comfort.”

The Legacy 600 super midsize jet entered service in 2002, marking the debut of Embraer in the business jet market. Since then, the Company has reinforced its
commitment to offering customers a full range of executive jet solutions by
expanding its portfolio, which, today, includes the entry level Phenom 100, the
light Phenom 300, the midlight Legacy 450, the midsize Legacy 500, and the ultralarge Lineage 1000 jets, besides the Legacy 600.

Rotorway International Expands

March 25, 2009

March 23rd, 2009
Phoenix Arizona, USA
Rotorway International, the oldest and largest self-build helicopter company in the world, continues to forge ahead with expansion. The acquisition of PMC manufacturing, an ISO 9000:2000/AS9100 company, allows Rotorway International to grow into the certificated environment and also allows both companies to benefit from their respective strengths.

Rotorway acquires knowledge in manufacturing in a certificated aerospace environment and PMC grows from aerospace parts manufacturer to manufacturing components for a complete rotorcraft. As part of the Rotorway expansion, Rotorway and PMC will combine operations resulting in a 20 percent net increase in employees in the United States. The combined company will eventually consolidate its four US locations into one large ISO/AS certified manufacturing environment. The intermediate step will be to combine the manufacturing and assembly buildings into one location. Grant Norwitz, the company CEO said, “The economic downturn allows us to focus on combining our operations into one efficient ISO9000:2000/AS9100 environment, which enables us to build an even safer and more reliable product.” Mark Porter, the company president and COO added that “consolidation allows us to meet the increasing demand for our products while ensuring the best customer service for our current owner’s group which numbers over 2000 pilots and rotorcraft.” Rotorway continues to expand even in these tough economic times. Rotorway International has already outgrown its new Chandler facility and is looking for larger premises. This expansion is echoed in its Cape Town facility with positions open and an expected 45% growth in personnel.

Cessna Expresses Commitment to SkyCatcher Program for Light Sport Aircraft Market

March 25, 2009

WICHITA, Kan., March 25, 2009 – Cessna Aircraft Company, a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, said today it is fully committed to the Model 162 SkyCatcher program despite two incidents experienced during the flight test program.

“The need for a modern, cost-effective two-seat trainer aircraft has never been greater, and we believe we are well positioned to meet that need,” said Cessna Chairman, President and CEO Jack J. Pelton. “The SkyCatcher program is an important part of our strategy,” he added.

Cessna has produced more than 192,000 aircraft over the past 82 years, including the classic 150/152 and 172 models which have been the backbone of flight training for decades.

In the most recent incident on March 19, Pelton said the aircraft was undergoing a very aggressive spin test regime – power on and cross-controlled – when it entered a spin that was not immediately recoverable. This spin test was one of more than 500 flown to date using various combinations of center-of-gravity positions, power settings, flap settings and control inputs. The pilot deployed the airframe parachute in accordance with the flight test procedure and emerged from the aircraft unhurt after it touched down.

Last September, an earlier test aircraft was destroyed when the pilot parachuted to safety after being unable to recover during aggressive spin testing.

“We test all our aircraft well beyond the limits of what is expected in normal operation. By the time a Cessna aircraft enters service we have the highest degree of confidence in the design, flight characteristics, manufacture and quality of the aircraft,” Pelton said, adding that company engineers have obtained valuable data on the crashworthiness of the aircraft and the operation of the Ballistic Recovery System (BRS) airframe parachute as a result of the two incidents. The BRS is offered as an option on the SkyCatcher.

“We are making every effort to minimize the impact on deliveries to our customers,” he said.

The SkyCatcher is a two-seat Light Sport Aircraft powered by a 100 horsepower Continental O-200 engine. The program was launched in 2007.

Embraer Delivers Phenom 100 Jet to Pakistan’s Air Force

March 25, 2009


Phenom 100 in the colors of Pakistan’s Air Force

Pakistan Government has ordered four airplanes for transporting officials
São José dos Campos, March 25, 2009 –Embraer delivered the first Phenom 100
jet, yesterday, at its Headquarters, in São José dos Campos, Brazil, to Pakistan’s Air
Force. The Pakistan government has acquired four of this aircraft model, which
will be used to transport government officials of that country. This transaction
is already included in Embraer’s fourth quarter firm order backlog.
“Embraer is honored to enjoy the confidence of Pakistan’s Government for operating our
products,” said Orlando José Ferreira Neto, Embraer Executive Vice President, Defense and
Government Market. “The Phenom 100 is an excellent aircraft that meets a broad range of
transportation demands and, with the way opened by the Pakistan Air Force on the
international market, we are seeing a growing interest in this model in several other regions.”
This is the first Embraer aircraft delivered to a customer in Pakistan, and it is also the first
Phenom 100 to be operated by a government. The country’s Air Force chose this model after
carrying out a detailed analysis of such aspects as performance, comfort, technology,
acquisition price, and operating costs, among others.
The Phenom 100 jet can accommodate up to eight occupants. Its range of 1,178 nautical miles
(2,182 km), including NBAA IFR fuel reserves, means the aircraft is capable of flying
nonstop from Islamabad (Pakistan) to Karachi (Pakistan) or Katmandu (Nepal), from New
York to Miami, in the U.S., or from London to Rome, in Europe. The jet was certified in
December 2008, and proved to be the fastest and to have the largest baggage capacity in its
category. The Phenom 100 has the latest in cockpit design and a private aft lavatory as one of
its most competitive features.

Airbus expands Environmental ISO 14001 Certification to US and China

March 25, 2009

Strong commitment and support from Airbus management to eco-efficiency

Airbus Americas and Airbus China Beijing Campus have achieved certification according to the   ISO 14001 standard for Environmental Management Systems. This international standard requires organisations to develop an integrated, structured approach in setting and achieving environmental policies and objectives with the goal of supporting protection of the environment, prevention of pollution and compliance with regulatory requirements.

In the United States, sites now covered by the ISO 14001 certification include: Airbus Americas Headquarters in Herndon, Virginia; the Spares Centre in Ashburn, Virginia; the Training Centre in Miami, Florida; plus two Engineering Centres in Wichita, Kansas and Mobile, Alabama respectively. Meanwhile, in Beijing, China, the recent certifications include Airbus China Limited and its subsidiaries. These subsidiaries comprise Hua-Ou Aviation Training Centre, Hua-Ou Aviation Support Centre, and Airbus (Beijing) Engineering Centre.

As a precursor to these awards, preparatory certification audits for both Airbus Americas and Airbus China Beijing Campus were conducted in December 2008 by an independent third-party registrar. The registrar identified several strengths regarding eco-efficiency programmes. These strengths included: a strong commitment and support from executive management; green construction; and communication with stakeholders on the environment.

In January 2007, Airbus became the first aerospace company in the world to receive ISO 14001 “full life-cycle approach” environmental certification. Initially compliance focussed on the                16 production sites, including Airbus’ headquarters in Toulouse. Furthermore, from early 2008, the programme was expanded to target certification at Airbus’ subsidiaries in the United States as well as Airbus China’s Beijing Campus. Looking ahead in 2009, the next stage for environmental certification of Airbus sites in China will involve the recently inaugurated A320 “Final Assembly Line China” in Tianjin.

“The expansion of ISO 14001 certification to both Airbus Americas and Airbus China Beijing Campus is a significant step in achieving global implementation of the Airbus Environmental Management System (EMS),” said Christian Dumas, VP Sustainable Development & Eco-Efficiency at Airbus. He added: “Airbus, as a 100 percent subsidiary of EADS, shares the same environmental policy which applies eco-efficiency as a major goal of EADS’ Vision-2020 strategic roadmap. The target is to maximise the benefits of aircraft products and services to customers and other stakeholders, while minimising the environmental impact of operating and manufacturing these products throughout their life-cycle.”


March 24, 2009


Cirrus Aircraft today named Ian Bentley to the post of Vice President and Managing Director of International Sales. Cirrus currently delivers aircraft in more than 50 countries around the world and Bentley brings key experience and market knowledge to Cirrus’ corporate strategy of additional penetration into incumbent international markets and expansion into new ones. Prior to Cirrus, Ian has held a variety of technical, sales, marketing and management positions in entrepreneurial computer software companies, and holds a degree in mathematics from London University. Ian is an active pilot with several thousand hours of general aviation flight time both in the U.S. and abroad. He holds commercial, multi-engine and instrument ratings.

Ian joined Cirrus Aircraft in 1997 as Director of Sales Support, was later Vice President of Customer Relations and most recently was Vice President of Products and Services.  Bentley played a key role in the development of the customer delivery and training process still used today as an integral part of the Cirrus ownership experience. While Vice President of Customer Relations, Ian was instrumental in the development of the Cirrus Authorized Service Center Network (CASC), Cirrus Training Center (CTC) and Cirrus Standardized Flight Instructor networks (CSIP), and the Air Safety Department.  Cirrus Perspective by Garmin™, Known Ice Protection, and X-Edition, all part of the SR20 and SR22 that we know today, are the direct result of strategies developed by Bentley during his time as Vice President, Products and Services.

In accepting the appointment to his newest role Bentley commented, “I am proud to have the opportunity to work with our established network of International Sales Centers. I am pleased to be a part of the professional and highly capable network of international partners representing Cirrus Aircraft, from our mature operations in Europe to the evolving markets in Latin America, China, and India.”

Brent Wouters, Cirrus Aircraft President and CEO added, “Ian represents the original Cirrus vision of developing a new personal aviation. That’s still the Cirrus mission today that we are sharing and growing around the world.  I know that our current international customers and partners join me in looking very forward to Ian’s leadership in his newest role.”

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