TAM to Operate 34 New Flights Between Santos Dumont and Seven State Capitals
Written by thomas · Filed Under CommercialApril 17, 2009
The first two flights to Recife and Salvador begin this Friday, April 17. The remaining start on April 27 to Brasilia, Belo Horizonte (Confins), Curitiba, Vitoria and Aracaju
SAO PAULO, April 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — This month TAM (NYSE: TAM and Bovespa: TAMM4) will commence operating 34 new flights from Santos Dumont Airport, Rio de Janeiro, to seven domestic destinations — Aracaju, Belo Horizonte (Confins), Brasilia, Curitiba, Recife, Salvador and Vitoria. These 17 daily flights were authorized under a process of drawing lots for time slots held by ANAC — Agencia Nacional de Aviacao Civil (National Civil Aviation Agency) for operating flights without destination restrictions from Santos Dumont and are in addition to the 31 regular daily shuttle flights between Rio and Sao Paulo.
This Friday, April 17, TAM will operate the first flights, leaving Santos Dumont Airport for Recife and Salvador. Flights to the other five destinations from Santos Dumont — Brasilia, Belo Horizonte (Confins), Curitiba, Vitoria and Aracaju — will commence on Monday, April 27.
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