Airbus Military performs A330 MRTT receiver testing with a French Air Force KC-135

Written by thomas · Filed Under Aeronautics News 

April 28, 2009



Madrid, April 28, 2009- After completing testing of the flight control laws of the new A330 MRTT as a receiver aircraft with the Airbus Military A310 Boom Demonstrator, in which the A310 tanker made more than 80 con-tacts, Airbus Military has further validated the receiver flight control laws of the A330 MRTT with a French Air Force KC-135 Aircraft.
Two flights involving 20 contacts have been performed between the first Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A (A330 MRTT) and the French KC-135 aircraft. The support of the French Air Force to the Australian A330 MRTT program has been possible thanks to a technical agreement between the Minister of Defence of the French Republic and the Minister for Defence of Australia on co-operation in the field of defence armament concerning tanker aircraft in which a series of flight trials will be performed with a French tanker and different receiver aircraft.
Since commencement of the second flight test phase last December, Air-bus Military has performed a range of testing; including tanker and re-ceiver flight control laws validation, underwing pod testing, boom data gathering and envelope expansion as well as MIDS, Link 16 and military avionics and mission testing, logging a total of 102 flights.
The A330 Multi Role Transport Tanker (MRTT), a military derivative of the successful A330-200 commercial aircraft, is the most capable air-to-air refuelling solution available today. It has won the last five international competitions where it has participated: Australia, UAE, Saudi Arabia, UK, and the USA.

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