Bombardier Expands Airborne Parts Delivery Service into Europe
May 11, 2009
ALTA Felicita a Ecuador por Levantar las Restricciones a los Viajes
May 9, 2009
ALTA reafirma su política de máxima prioridad para la seguridad de los pasajeros y tripulaciones, solicitando a las autoridades regionales de Argentina, Cuba, Ecuador y Perú detener las restricciones unilaterales Opuestas a las recomendaciones de la OMS
ALTA (Asociación Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Transporte Aéreo) felicita al Director General de Aviación Civil del Ecuador por su decisión de hoy al eliminar las restricciones a los viajes entre Ecuador y México. La Asociación y sus aerolíneas miembros exhortan a las autoridades del Perú, Argentina y Cuba a hacer lo mismo y detener sus restricciones unilaterales contrarias a las recomendaciones de la OMS y de la OACI contra la restricción de los viajes.
“Agradecemos a Ecuador por levantar las restricciones a los viajes entre Ecuador y México,” manifestó el Director Ejecutivo de ALTA Alex de Gunten. “Felicitamos este primer paso y los alentamos a implementar únicamente las medidas acordes con las recomendaciones de la OMS y de la OACI en su calidad de expertos globales en este tema.”
“Al mismo tiempo, continuamos sumamente preocupados con las acciones unilaterales que otros países de la región, específicamente, Perú, Argentina y Cuba, están todavía imponiendo,” agregó de Gunten. “Estas restricciones no solamente son contrarias a las recomendaciones de la OMS y de OACI, sino que están impactando negativamente a los viajeros y a los ciudadanos que desean regresar a sus países, y que también son negativas para el bienestar económico de los países en la región. Solicitamos a estos países reconsiderar su posición actual y levantar las restricciones de acuerdo con las recomendaciones de la OMS y de OACI.”
ALTA también se refirió al Boletín de la OACI publicado ayer promoviendo una respuesta armónica y detallando los procedimientos estándar. ALTA subraya que OACI está liderando un esfuerzo internacional para unificar las experiencias de la OMS, los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC por sus siglas en inglés), la Asociación Internacional de Transporte Aéreo (IATA) y el Consejo Internacional de Aeropuertos (ACI) en el desarrollo de pautas que asistan a los Estados en sus planes de preparación. La OACI obtuvo experiencia en el desarrollo de dichos pautas durante el brote del Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo (SRAS) en 2003. Estas pautas para los Estados ya se acordaron y están disponibles. Se basan en el Reglamento Sanitario Internacional de la OMS.
Según lo reitera hoy la OMS, no existe fundamento alguno para la restricción de viajes y la Organización no aconseja ni restringir ni cerrar las fronteras. “ALTA y nuestras aerolíneas miembros apoyan totalmente las recomendaciones e iniciativas que está implementando la OMS para educar al público sobre cómo protegerse en lugar de medidas no efectivas como la imposición de restricciones a los viajes o cierre de fronteras,” indicó de Gunten. “La seguridad y el bienestar del pasajero son de primordial importancia y nuestro enfoque en este momento es un esfuerzo coordinado bajo las orientaciones la OMS” continuó de Gunten. “Se está tomando una gran precaución y las aerolíneas están preparadas. Los viajes y la aviación son una industria segura. Continuamos exhortando a estos países a reconsiderar sus decisiones y seguir las recomendaciones de la OMS.”
Respecto de ALTA:
ALTA (Asociación Latinoamérica y del Caribe de Transporte Aéreo),, se fundó en 1980 como una organización sin fines de lucro. Sus aerolíneas miembros generan en conjunto ingresos por más de US$21.000 millones al año, operan más de 800 aeronaves y emplean más de 70.000 personas en Antigua, Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Bahamas, Islas Caimán, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, México, Antillas Holandesas, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela y en otras naciones a las cuales operan.
Las Aerolíneas Miembros son: *Aerogal, Aerolineas Argentinas, Aeroméxico, Aeroméxico Connect, Aeropostal, Aerorepublica, Aerosur, Air Jamaica, Aires, Aserca, Avianca, Bahamas Air, Caribbean Airlines, Cayman Airways, Click Mexicana, Copa Airlines, Cubana, Icaro, *InselAir, LAN, LAN Ecuador, LAN Peru, LIAT, Lloyd Aereo Boliviano, Mexicana, Nature Air, Pluna, Santa Barbara, Sky Airline, TACA, TACA Peru, TAM, TAM Mercosur, TAME, VarigLog, Volaris, VRG Linhas Aereas-Grupo GOL. Miembros Asociados: Air Canada, Continental Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Iberia, UPS. Miembros Afiliados:, Airbus, Amadeus, AON, ARINC, AvGroup, Bain, Boeing, Bombardier, CFM, Chevron, Embraer, Hahn Air, Lufthansa Systems, MARSH Aviation, NCR, OAG, Petrobras, ROUTES, SABRE Air Solutions, SH&E, SHELL Aviation, SITA, Spencer Stuart, Travelport, UATP, Unisys, Wencor, White & Case, Willis Aerospace.
(*en proceso)
ALTA Commends Ecuador for Lifting Travel Restrictions
May 9, 2009
ALTA Commends Ecuador for Lifting Travel Restrictions;
Continues to Call on Authorities of Peru, Argentina and Cuba to do Same and Stop Unilateral Restrictions Contrary to WHO and ICAO Recommendations
ALTA (Latin American and Caribbean Air Transport Association) commends the Director General de Aviación Civil of Ecuador in its decision today to remove travel restrictions between Ecuador and Mexico. The association and its member airlines are calling on authorities of Peru, Argentina and Cuba to do the same and stop their unilateral restrictions contrary to WHO and ICAO recommendations against restricting travel.
“We would like to thank Ecuador for lifting the travel restrictions between Ecuador and Mexico,” says ALTA’s Executive Director Alex de Gunten. “We commend them in this first step and encourage them to implement only measures that are in line with the WHO and ICAO recommendations as they are the global experts on this issue.”
“At the same time, we continue to be very concerned about the unilateral actions other countries in the region, specifically, Peru, Argentina and Cuba, are still imposing,” adds de Gunten. “These restrictions not only go against the WHO and ICAO recommendations, but are negatively impacting travelers and citizens who want to return to their countries, and are also negative to the economic well being of countries in the region. We ask these countries to reconsider their current position and lift their travel restrictions in accordance with WHO and ICAO recommendations.”
ALTA also points to an ICAO bulletin published yesterday encouraging a harmonized response and detailing standardized procedures. ALTA underscores that ICAO is coordinating an international effort to bring together expertise from the WHO, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Airports Council International (ACI) in order to develop guidelines for States that will assist in their preparedness planning. ICAO gained experience in developing such guidelines during the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2003. Guidelines for States have been agreed to and are now available. They are based on the WHO International Health Regulations.
As reiterated again today by the WHO, there is no rationale for travel restriction and the organization advises there should be no restrictions to travel or closure of borders. “ALTA and our member airlines strongly support the WHO’s recommendations and the initiatives they are implementing to educate the public on how to protect themselves rather than non-effective restrictions on flights or closing borders,” says de Gunten. “Passenger safety and well being are of utmost importance and our focus at this time is a coordinated effort under the guidance of the WHO,” continues de Gunten. “A great deal of precaution is being taken and airlines are prepared. Travel and aviation is a safe industry. We continue to ask these countries to reconsider their decisions and adhere to the WHO guidelines.”
FreeFlight Systems Announces Strategic Partnership with Trig Avionics
May 9, 2009
Combined Expertise Brings High Integrity 1090 ES ADS-B Solution at an Affordable Price
WACO, Texas, May 4, 2009 — FreeFlight Systems, an international supplier of high criticality avionics solutions, announces a strategic partnership with Trig Avionics, a manufacturer of Mode S transponders based in Edinburgh, Scotland. The strategic partnership is designed to bring highly reliable, yet affordable, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) solutions to operators and pilots in the general aviation and turboprop markets. Europe, the United States, and Australia view ADS-B as the cornerstone of their next generation air traffic management systems. When implemented, ADS-B brings many benefits including reduced separation minimums, improved planning for arrivals and departures, decreased infrastructure costs, and surveillance in remote areas lacking radar coverage.
ADS-B provides precise aircraft location information to Air Traffic Control and other nearby ADS-B equipped aircraft. Trig Avionics’ TSO-certified Class 1, panel-mounted Mode S transponder, combined with FreeFlight Systems’ TSO-certified GPS/SBAS Sensor, offers operators a simple means to equip aircraft with a compliant 1090 MHz ES ADS-B Out solution. It does so with a single point of pilot control from the transponder’s front panel. The Trig-FreeFlight Systems combination provides an immediate ADS-B Out solution on aircraft whose existing Mode A/C or Mode S transponders are not certified for ADS-B. Moreover, this approach will support future upgrades to full ADS-B In services such as Traffic Information Services – Broadcast (TIS-B) and Flight Information Services – Broadcast (FIS-B).
Commenting on the announcement, Tim Taylor, president and CEO, FreeFlight Systems states, “FreeFlight Systems canvassed the market and chose to partner with Trig Avionics because of their proven Mode S transponder, the TT31, which is both FAA and EASA certified. Combining it with our TSO-certified 1201 GPS/WAAS Sensor brings a high integrity, easy-to-install, yet affordable ADS-B system to our customers who are ready for STC installation.”
“Because 1090 MHz, the frequency at which a Mode S transponder transmits, is an internationally recognized ADS-B standard, we expect the systems stemming from the Trig Avionics and FreeFlight Systems partnership to be embraced by operators worldwide. This is especially true of operators wanting a Mode S transponder as an extra safeguard while ADS-B is universally adopted over the next decade,” commented Andy Davis, president and CEO, Trig Avionics.
“The sooner that operators can equip with ADS-B, the sooner the promise of enhanced aviation safety and airspace efficiency can be realized by pilots and the flying public,” adds Robert Schneier, COO, FreeFlight Systems. The ADS-B 1090 MHz ES solution works effectively for new installations and retrofits, and is available for supplemental type certificate (STC) installations today.
About FreeFlight Systems
Founded in 2001 through the acquisition of Trimble Navigation’s Avionics Products Division, FreeFlight Systems is an international supplier of professional-grade avionics systems for commercial and military aircraft. With a focus on safety, simplicity, and reliability, FreeFlight Systems offers a broad array of GPS navigation systems, GPS/WAAS sensors, radar altimeters, and ADS-B components and systems worldwide. Based in Waco, TX, FreeFlight Systems was the first company to certify an airborne Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) receiver. For more information, please visit
About Trig Avionics Limited
Founded in January 2004 to develop innovative avionics products for general aviation, Trig specializes in low power, high tech solutions to existing and emerging requirements in GA avionics. Trig offers a range of Mode S transponders, including the world’s smallest and lightest transponder, fully equipped with ADS-B functionality. Trig Avionics is a privately held company based in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Embraer Delivers First Lineage 1000 Executive Jet
May 9, 2009
Aircraft will have its first public exhibition at EBACE 2009, next week
São José dos Campos, May 8, 2009 – Embraer delivered the first Lineage 1000 executive jet,
yesterday, in São José dos Campos, Brazil, to HE Aamer Abdul Jalil Al Fahim, of Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates. The aircraft, to be managed on behalf of the owner by Prestige Jet, also
of Abu Dhabi, will have its first public exhibition at the European Business Aviation
Convention and Exhibition (EBACE), May 12-14, in Geneva, Switzerland.
“We are honored by Mr. Al Fahim’s choice of the Lineage 1000 and to be able to work with
Prestige Jet in the introduction of this new, exciting ultra-large business jet program,” said
Frederico Fleury Curado, Embraer President & CEO. “The Lineage 1000 offers fantastic
comfort and performance attributes, exceeding all of its original design assumptions and
fostering its great market potential.”
The maximum range of the Lineage 1000,
originally projected to be 4,200 nautical
miles (7,778 km or 4,833 miles) with eight
passengers, or 4,350 nautical miles (8,056
km or 5,005 miles) with four passengers, has
been extended to 4,400 nautical miles (8,149
km or 5,063 miles) with eight passengers, or
4,500 nautical miles (8,344 km or 5,179
miles) with four passengers, both with
NBAA IFR reserves.
“I am certain that this Lineage 1000 aircraft will play an integral role in the future success
and progress of our business, on all of its fronts,” said HE Aamer Abdul Jalil Al Fahim, the
founder and the Chairman of Ark Angel Investments.
In Embraer’s portfolio of six executive jets, the Lineage 1000 is the largest aircraft. The
airplane was launched three years ago, at EBACE. The Company showed a full-scale crosssection
of the jet cabin at EBACE 2008, and now the jet, itself, will debut at the event.
About Prestige Jet
Prestige Jet was formed in 2007, operating out of Abu Dhabi International Airport, and has
quickly established itself as one of the foremost providers of top-of-range executive flight services from and to the Middle East Region. The range of services offered by Prestige Jet
extends also to charter brokerage travel and aircraft sales, acquisition, and management. The
highly experienced and professional management team constantly breathes life into the
company’s mission statement of Excellence in Service, Grandeur in the Sky.
Embraer Expands Spare Parts Distribution Channel With Volvo Aero Services
May 9, 2009
São José dos Campos, May 8, 2009 – Embraer has established a four-year partnership with
Volvo Aero Services Corp., in the United States, naming the company as an official distribution
center for Embraer Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) aircraft parts. Based in Boca Raton,
Florida, Volvo Aero Services will promote and sell spare parts as an additional Embraer outlet.
“Following a comprehensive selection process, Embraer decided to join forces with Volvo
Aero Services, leveraging the relevant potential synergy of our operations to better serve our
customers,” says Maurício Aveiro, Embraer Vice President, Customer Support – Airline
Market. “We are enthusiastic about the opportunities involved with this partnership, and
believe it will significantly increase our spare parts offering in the market.”
The agreement covers materials deemed surplus by Embraer. Volvo Aero Services will
manage and promote this inventory, under Embraer’s control, according to established sales
goals. Embraer expects to reinforce its materials support by creating this new spare parts
distribution channel.
“We have confidence in this partnership and will do our best to promote top-quality Embraer
aircraft operations, as an additional outlet for spare parts distribution,” says Claes Malmros,
President and CEO of Volvo Aero Services. “This contract is an example of our ongoing
commitment to the development of a long-term service strategy and recognition of our
reputation in the aviation aftermarket.”
Around 4,000 part numbers for the EMB 110 Bandeirante, EMB 120 Brasilia, and ERJ 145
jet family were included in the initial agreement. Embraer is working to expand the deal to
cover the surpluses from its production activities and other opportunities.
About Volvo Aero Services Corp.
Volvo Aero Services Corp., a subsidiary of Volvo Aero Corporation, is a leading provider of
aftermarket services in the aviation industry. As the wholly owned subsidiary of AB Volvo,
Volvo Aero Corporation’s 2008 revenues totaled US$ 1.1 billion, and it currently employs
over 3,200 people worldwide. Volvo Aero Services Corp. offers a wide range of services,
based on its competence in asset management, logistics and leasing of aircraft engines, as well
as engine and aircraft components sales.
TAM Honored with Airbus’s Operational Excellence in Latin America Award
May 9, 2009
GOL Anuncia Estatísticas de Tráfego de Abril de 2009
May 9, 2009
São Paulo, 8 de Maio de 2009 – A GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes
S.A. (Bovespa: GOLL4 e NYSE: GOL), a companhia aérea brasileira de
baixo custo, informa as estatísticas preliminares de tráfego
relativas ao mês de Abril de 2009.
Comentários da Administração
O mês de Abril apresentou aumento sequencial de demanda na malha
aérea da GOL pelo segundo mês consecutivo, impulsionado principalmente
pelos três feriados prolongados no período (Páscoa, Tiradentes e Dia
do Trabalho, sendo este último mesmo celebrado no dia 1º de maio, uma
sexta feira, beneficiou o tráfego de 30 de Abril), enquanto que em
2008, apenas uma data comemorativa (Tiradentes) foi celebrada. Os
recessos resultaram em uma variação na sazonaliade mensal de tráfego
aéreo, embora historicamente, o segundo trimestre do ano seja o
período de menor demanda no setor, em virtude de ser o único a não
representar alta temporada de férias.
Mercado Doméstico
Em comparação a Abril de 2008, o tráfego doméstico de passageiros
(RPK) diminuiu 14,8% e a capacidade (ASK) diminuiu 5,9%. No mercado
doméstico, a taxa de ocupação (load factor) da GOL foi de 60% e no
mercado internacional, a taxa de ocupação foi de 51%. A taxa de
ocupação total do sistema GOL foi de 59% em Abril.
A GOL manteve sua estratégia disciplinada em relação à oferta de
assentos no mercado e à proposta de gerenciamento de receitas. Isso
resultou em um yield líquido para o mês de Abril de 2009
sensivelmente superior ao yield de R$19,43 centavos no 2T08, porém
ligeiramente abaixo dos R$ 23,27 centavos registrados no acumulado de
2008. Vale ressaltar que o yield de Abril de 2008 foi ligeiramente
inferior ao apresentado no 2T08.
Mercado Internacional
No mercado internacional, devido ao encerramento das operações
intercontinentais em 2008, a GOL reduziu sua oferta de assentos em
46,3%, na comparação com Abril de 2008. Em relação a Março de 2009, a
redução de 4,8% reflete a recente revisão da malha internacional,
visando aprimorar gradualmente a sua produtividade.
As taxas de ocupação na comparação ano-a-ano, também apresentaram
queda atingindo 50,7% no mês de Abril de 2009, principalmente em
virtude do reposicionamento da malha internacional, comentado
anteriormente. Em comparação ao mês de Março, a taxa de ocupação
apresentou alta de 7,2 pontos percentuais, refletindo a concentração
de feriados prolongados nesse mês, e em menor escala, o recente
redimensionamento da quantidade de assentos oferecidos.
( * ) Dados preliminares para Abril de 2009; dados finais para Abril
de 2008.
(1) Assento-quilômetro oferecido (available seat kilometers ou “ASK”)
é a soma dos produtos obtidos ao se multiplicar o número de assentos
disponíveis em cada etapa de vôo pela distância da etapa média de
(2) Passageiro-quilômetro transportado (revenue passenger
kilometers ou “RPK”) é a soma dos produtos obtidos ao se multiplicar
o número de passageiros pagantes em uma etapa de vôo pela distância da
etapa média de vôo.
(3) Taxa de ocupação (“load factor”) é a capacidade efetivamente
utilizada de assentos da aeronave, calculada dividindo-se o número de
passageiros-quilômetro transportados pelo número de
assentos-quilômetro oferecidos
Elbit Systems Awarded $55 Million Lockheed Martin Contract to Supply Electronic Warfare Equipment for Canadian Navy Frigate Upgrade Program
May 7, 2009
American Airlines Announces Plans to Use Boeing 757s on International Routes
May 7, 2009
American Provides Updates on Additional Refurbishment Efforts
FORT WORTH, Texas, May 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Customers onboard American Airlines Flight 172 from New York (JFK) to Brussels (BRU) on Thursday, May 7, will be among the first to experience American’s newly-reconfigured Boeing 757 international aircraft on a trans-Atlantic flight.
American is in the process of reconfiguring 18 of its 124 Boeing 757s for use on international routes, and Thursday’s JFK-to-Brussels flight is the first to make an international journey with the new configuration. Featuring new seats, new cabin interiors and updated inflight entertainment systems, the reconfiguration – slated for completion by the end of this year – will offer customers a comfortable international travel experience.
“American Airlines fleet of Boeing 757 international aircraft will be well-suited to serve select international routes following the refurbishment initiative,” said Lauri Curtis, American’s Vice President – Onboard Service.
The 757 Business Class cabin, with a 2-2 seating configuration, features 16 next-generation, angled lie-flat seats with drop-down armrests; the ability to slide forward interlocking tray tables that create one of the largest workspaces in the industry; on-demand audio/video in-seat entertainment systems providing 28 movies, more than 33 hours of television programming, 16 audio channels, 50 audio CDs, 15 interactive games; and new lavatories.
The Economy Class cabin, with 166 seats in a 3-3 configuration, will receive new seats, new lavatories, new LCD monitors that replace CRT monitors, and digital media file servers that will provide better inflight video and audio entertainment quality.
The 757 international fleet will serve select trans-Atlantic and Latin American routes. Routes are subject to change, but may include New York to Barcelona, Paris Charles de Gaulle and Brussels; Boston to Paris Charles de Gaulle; and Miami to Salvador, Brazil, to Recife, Brazil.