TAM Viagens Updates Its Line of Products and Services
May 12, 2009
SAO PAULO, May 12 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — (NYSE: TAM and Bovespa: TAMM4) TAM Viagens, the tourism provider for TAM Airlines, is investing in updating its line of products and services. The aim is to offer an even more personalized service to its customers, encouraging them to take advantage of the best that life has to offer. “Accumulate good memories” is the company’s new theme.
“TAM Viagens offers a lot more than just trips and tours. We provide lifetime memories. Only a company that knows everything about the destinations and is backed by the largest airline in the Southern Hemisphere can guarantee such an all-inclusive experience,” states Sylvio Ferraz, the company’s director.
TAM Viagens has invested in product subdivision to serve its customers. The objective is to make it easy for the customer to choose the ideal package from among the 600 products offered by the company, which have been divided into eight areas of interest: ecotourism, getaways, sports, family, experiences, fun and entertainment, events and shows, and beaches.
TAM Viagens new website
Another TAM Viagens initiative is the renovation of its website (www.tamviagens.com.br). With a more modern design and new tools, it gives the company’s customers the ability to make purchases online.
The main new feature is the “Build your trip” option. There the customer can choose what he/she is most interested in from among the options offered by the company: plane ticket, hotel, car rental, transfers and city tours. All the services may be acquired separately, and even the category for hotel, accommodations and services can be specified.
For those that prefer all-inclusive packages, there is the option for a search based on areas of interest. The site also highlights special offers, five national and international trips and packages with the nearest departure dates. The customer is also given the option of being able to receive news, sales and travel tips. The website also provides a list of TAM Viagens retail locations throughout Brazil.
Charter and train travel
During peak tourist season, the company also offers charter flights to Bariloche, Fortaleza, Natal, Recife, Maceio, Salvador, Una and Porto Seguro, with differentiating factors such as hot meals on board, exclusive check-in and daytime and direct flights. Customers can also take advantage of the 24-hour Help Center using the phone numbers 00800-7708826 or (11) 3068-7990 (call collect).
In the international packages, train trips through Europe are available for sale beginning in the month of May. Milan & Rome, Madrid & Barcelona, Paris & London and Frankfurt & Berlin are some of the packages available that will connect TAM Airlines flights to the European continent with the charm and comfort of trains.
Gryphon Technologies Wins $72.2 Million Contract to Support the Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division, Chemical Biological Defense (CBD) Individual Protection Equipment (IPE) Program
May 12, 2009
GREENBELT, Md., May 12 /PRNewswire/ — Gryphon Technologies, LC, was awarded a competitive-bid $72.2 million contract by the Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division for CBD-IPE support services. Gryphon Technologies will provide wide ranging programmatic, logistics, and technical support dealing with the major issues confronting the program to maintain CBD-IPE readiness while facing the demands of a wartime posture.
“This is an exciting and unique opportunity in support of the National Military Strategy,” said P.J. Braden, founder and President of Gryphon Technologies. “Gryphon is privileged to support the Navy in the deployment of revolutionary Protective Equipment to the warfighter that is operationally effective and suitable.”
Gryphon Technologies, LC is a premier technical and engineering services firm that serves U.S. national security interests by providing innovative and imaginative solutions to federal defense agencies. The company has been named one of Maryland’s 50 fastest growing technology companies. Gryphon is a CMMI Level 3 rated company.
Austrian shareholders accept Lufthansa offer
May 12, 2009
Lufthansa’s offer for fellow Star Alliance member Austrian Airlines has been accepted by more than 85% of the Vienna-based carrier’s shareholders.
The German airline received acceptance declarations from shareholders representing more than 85% of Austrian Airlines’ share capital, excluding the shares held by Austrian itself. A minimum acceptance level of 75% was required for the deal to proceed.
State holding company OIAG’s 41.56% stake is included in the total, as it the syndicate of Austrian core shareholders – LVBG, Raiffeisen-Invest and Wiener Stadtische Versicherung – which account for around 7% of Austrian’s equity.
“By achieving the 75% threshold, we have fulfilled an essential condition in the takeover contract,” says Austrian executive board member Peter Malanik. “By doing so, we have passed another crucial milestone in the privatisation process.
“We are confident we will be able to go ahead with the closing this summer.”
The German airline adds that, despite the minimum acceptance threshold for the takeover bid being reached, the deal is still subject to competition clearance and approval of €500 million ($682.7 million) in restructuring aid.
Lufthansa has notified the European Commission (EC) of its intent to take over Austrian Airlines. The EC will take an initial decision on the deal by 17 June.
Austrian Airlines Group recently posted first-quarter operating losses of €77 million.
Parceria de capital brasileiro cria a Novaer
May 12, 2009
A Novaer Craft, um consórcio formado pelas empresas Flight Technologies, Winnstal e Geometra, é a mais nova indústria aeronáutica brasileira, criada para atender o segmento de aviação geral. O primeiro produto dessa nova empresa, o avião T-Xc, foi desenhado por Joseph Kovacs, o projetista da aeronave Tucano e do T-25 Universal, da Embraer.
O modelo de demonstração de conceito da nova aeronave, que terá uma versão militar de treinamento primário e outra executiva, já foi testado em vôo. O próximo passo é o desenvolvimento do protótipo, que será financiado com recursos da Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (Finep). A versão militar, batizada de T-Xc Pilgrin, está sendo feita com o objetivo de se tornar uma alternativa competitiva de substituição da atual frota das aeronaves T-25 Universal, utilizadas há mais de 40 anos no treinamento primário dos cadetes da Academia da Força Aérea Brasileira (AFA). Desenvolvido na década de 60, o T-25 já vem mostrando problemas operacionais que limitam seus vôos, além da falta de peças de reposição. A FAB tem 87 aeronaves T-25 em sua frota. Já a versão civil do T-Xc, batizada de Stardream, foi desenvolvida para competir no mercado dos utilitários de transporte e seu maior rival é o modelo americano Cirrus SR 22, monomotor a pistão, que em 2007 vendeu 700 unidades, ao preço médio de US$ 600 mil cada.
Baseado no protótipo K-51 Peregrino, desenvolvido por Kovács, o T-Xc, será totalmente concebido em fibra de carbono, material termoplástico muito mais leve e resistente que o alumínio aeronáutico, além de ser imune à corrosão. “O peso vazio do T-25, por exemplo, é de 1.150 quilos, enquanto que o treinador Pilgrin terá cerca de 870 quilos”. A aeronave voará com motor a pistão e, no caso da versão civil, com uma altitude de 32 mil pés e a vantagem de ser pressurizado.
A Novaer ainda não definiu o preço do novo avião, mas deve praticar uma política com valor até 10% mais barata em relação ao que se cobra no mercado. Um avião nessa categoria custa ao redor de US$ 550 mil.
EBACE: Lufthansa dedicated business aviation division makes debut
May 12, 2009
Swiss PrivateAviation – Lufhansa’s new dedicated business aviation division -made its debut today at EBACE, where it also kicked offan official marketing campaign designed to broaden its share of Europe’s business aircraft management arena and boost operational support for its sister company Lufthansa Private Jet (LPJ).
The Zurich-based company recently took over the operation of LPJ’s growing Cessna Citation fleet from Swiss European Airlines.
Swiss PrivateAviation -a subsidiary of Swiss International Airlines itself a subsidiary of Lufthansa German Airlines – was formed last year following the acquisition by Swiss of business aviation charter and management company Servair Private Aviation.
The acquisition of the 25-year-old company is intended to strengthen Lufthansa’s foothold in the business aircraft arena and reduce LPJ’s reliance on third-party operators – Austria’s Jet Alliance and Germany’s DC Aviation -for back-up when its dedicated fleet of business jets is fully used.
LPJ last year amassed 1200 flight hours across its then four-strong fleet and subchartered around 200h. “We want to keep as much of this business as we can in the Lufthansa family, but we appreciate this will not always be possible,” Peer said.
Under the current rules Swiss registered aircraft cannot provide point-to-point travel within Germany so DCAviation will continue to provide a key role for LPJ in that country.
In the meantime, Lufthansa is considering applying for a European Union air operator’s certificate that will allow Swiss PrivateAviation to operate freely across Europe. The LPJ fleet currently consists of two super-light XLS+s, one CJ1 and two CJ3 light business jets.
Estados Unidos aprueba fondos para la lucha contra el narcotráfico en México.
May 12, 2009
La Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos aprobó un proyecto de ley de gastos suplementarios para el año fiscal en curso que incluye 470 millones de dólares para la lucha antinarcóticos en México. Los fondos servirán para la adquisición de tres aviones de vigilancia y cuatro helicópteros tipo Blackhawk. El proyecto de ley de gastos suplementarios para el año fiscal 2009 totaliza 94.200 millones de dólares. La iniciativa, que debe ser sometida a votación en el pleno de la Cámara de Representantes y en el Senado, incluye gastos para las guerras en Irak y Afganistán, además de ayudas para la estabilización de Pakistán.
Empresas Aéreas Bolivianas forman Aliança
May 12, 2009
As linhas aéreas bolivianas AeroSur, Aerocon e Amaszonas assinaram um acordo para formar a União Nacional de Linhas Aéreas da Bolívia (UNA-Bolivia) que buscará facilitar as conexões dentro do país, com nações da América do Sul, Estados Unidos e Europa, segundo informações do jornal El Deber.
Com a medida, que segundo as empresas é uma tentativa para defender as rotas domésticas da concorrência desleal da estatal BoA, os usuários poderão realizar conexões nos 103 voos diários realizado em conjunto pelas três companhias tanto em rotas nacionais quanto internacionais. O presidente da AeroSur, Humberto Roca, o gerente geral da Aerocon, José Luis Áñez, e o presidente da Amaszonas, Fernando Sanjinez, acreditam que a aliança vai melhorar os serviços de itinerários. Os preços e as rotas serão mantidos, mas algumas alterações de horários serão operados pelas empresas.
Os representantes das empresas anunciaram que em maio a nova UNA- Bolivia vai lançar uma promoção através da qual as mulheres maiores de 18 anos poderão viajar em rotas nacionais pagando apenas 50% do valor do bilhete.
NASA’s Shuttle Atlantis Launches on a Final Mission to Hubble
May 11, 2009
Boeing Delivers 50th 767 to Japan Airlines
May 11, 2009
SEATTLE, May 11 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Boeing (NYSE: BA) delivered the 50th 767 jetliner to Japan Airlines (JAL), the fifth-largest 767 operator in the world.
The 767-300ER is the 404th Boeing airplane delivered to Tokyo-based JAL Group, a Boeing- and McDonnell Douglas-heritage customer since 1960.
Here, the new JAL jet takes to the air at Paine Field in Everett, Wash., on May 7 for its ferry flight to Narita Airport in Japan.
Derco Aerospace Acquires L-100-30 Super Hercules Aircraft
May 11, 2009