Embraer Holds 40th Anniversary Commemorative Activities

Written by thomas · Filed Under Aeronautics News 

June 10, 2009


Initiatives focus on all who have participated in the Company’s history
São José dos Campos, June 10, 2009 – As a part of the program remembering the 40 years
since its founding, on August 19, 1969, Embraer has been following through on a series of
activities for employees and their families, as well as for the communities where it is
involved, and the general public, in honor of the people who have already contributed, or now
contribute, to building this success story. At the same time, they demonstrate the Company’s
concern for establishing responsible corporate social practices, with sustainable growth and
the development of the communities where it is located.
On June 5, Embraer celebrated World Environment Day by planting 40 trees at each of its six
facilities in Brazil. Three are in the city of São José dos Campos, and the others in the cities of
Botucatu, Gavião Peixoto, and Taubaté, in outstate São Paulo, where the planting was done
by 40 employees at each unit who have been with the Company the longest. A similar
initiative was done by students and staff from Engineer Juarez Wanderley High School,
created and maintained by the Embraer Education and Research Institute.
Recently, a contest was held among employees in Brazil and abroad for painting a model
of the EMBRAER 190 airplane, under the theme of “Embraer’s 40 Years”. In July,
another contest for the children of Company employees, will have the topic of “The
Aircraft of the Future”.
Also in July, for the purpose of publicizing the history of aviation, as well as that of Embraer,
itself, the Company will take a traveling exhibit to some of Brazil’s airports and cities. At the
same time, the Company will inaugurate the Embraer Historical Center portal, where Internet
users can navigate through Embraer’s history.
In October, with the support of the Embraer Education and Research Institute and the City of
São José dos Campos, the Embraer Miniglider Championship will be held, focusing on public
school students, through middle school in the cities where Embraer has industrial plants.
In the context of the celebrations, Embraer will present some of its aircraft that are no
longer in production, duly restored, like it did, in 2008, with the second prototype of
the Bandeirante airplane, the first produced by the Company. The plan is to promote
the history of the Brazilian aeronautics industry and make it known to the general
public, through exhibits in aerospace museums around Brazil.


Two prototypes of the CBA 123 aircraft, designed in the early 1990s, were very carefully
restored by Embraer, in a partnership with the National Industrial Apprenticeship Service
(Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial – SENAI) unit in São José dos Campos. The
first airplane is ready and was presented in May, and the second is in the final recuperation
phase, which should be concluded in August.
Embraer’s origin dates back to the 1940s, when the Brazilian government began structuring the
bases of the modern aeronautics industry in Brazil. First, the Aeronautics Technical Center
(Centro Técnico de Aeronáutica) – now called the Aerospace Technology General Command
(Comando-Geral de Tecnologia Aeroespacial – CTA), was organized, in 1946, followed by the
founding of the Aeronautics Technological Institute (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica –
ITA), in 1950, both of which are located in the city of São José dos Campos, in outstate São
Paulo, Brazil.


In 1968, the twin-engine Bandeirante turboprop flew, originally carrying nine passengers
and developed by CTA in line with the requirements of the IPD-6504 Program of the
Aeronautics Ministry. Under the leadership of then-CTA Director, Colonel Paulo Victor da
Silva, and Major Ozires Silva, the first Director-Superintendent of Embraer, the project
gathered momentum, resulting in the founding of the Company, a year later.

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