Embraer Participates in National Civil Aviation Trade Fair in Brazil

July 21, 2009

Company will exhibit entry level Phenom 100 executive jet and ethanol-powered Ipanema
São José dos Campos, July 21, 2009 – Embraer will participate in the second edition of the
National Civil Aviation Fair, July 24 to 26, at Santos Dumont Airport, in the city of Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. The event marks the first exhibition of the traveling display created by Embraer
to tell the history of Brazilian aviation and celebrate the Company’s 40th anniversary.
“We are very proud to participate in the National Civil Aviation Fair during the year when
Embraer celebrates four decades of existence,” said Emilio Matsuo, Embraer Executive Vice
President, Technology. “The worldwide acceptance of our products witnesses to the technical
capacity of Brazil’s aeronautics industry to conceive, develop, produce, and support efficient
and competitive aircraft.”

Organized by Sator Eventos, with the institutional support of Brazil’s National Civil Aviation Agency
(Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil – ANAC) and the III Regional Air Command (Comando Aéreo
Regional – Comar), the National Civil Aviation Fair (www.FeiradeAviacaoCivil.com.br) is a
consciously planned event held according to concepts of sustainability and socioenvironmental
criteria. In this context, Embraer will show the Ipanema, which is the first assembly-line airplane in the
world that is certified to operate on ethanol. This fuel is more economical than aviation gasoline,
reduces operating and maintenance costs, and has less impact on the environment.
The Ipanema represents more than 70% of the Nation’s agricultural aircraft, of which over one
thousand have been produced and delivered. Besides its use in agribusiness, especially for crop
dusting, the Ipanema can also be used for firefighting, towing gliders, cloud seeding, stocking
rivers, and combating insects and larvae.

Besides the Ipanema, Embraer will also display the entry level Phenom 100 executive jet. The
airplane has a capacity for up to eight people, with seven interior options designed in a
partnership with BMW Group DesignworksUSA, and has been operating in Brazil since June
2009. Its range of 1,178 nautical miles (2,182 km), including NBAA IFR fuel reserves, allows
nonstop flights from São Paulo to Recife, Salvador, Brasília, Montevideo (Uruguay), Buenos
Aires (Argentina), or Asuncion (Paraguay). The jet was certified in December 2008 and was
confirmed to be the fastest in its category, and the biggest baggage area. Its advanced cockpit
and rear private lavatory are some of the competitive differences of the Phenom 100.

Registrese hoy en www.alta.aero/airlineleaders para asegurar su espacio.

July 21, 2009

Importantes líderes de la industria, incluyendo más de 30 CEOs de aerolíneas, se están preparando una vez más para el Foro ALTA de Líderes de Aerolíneas de este año con el fin de analizar y dialogar sobre la mejor forma de afrontar la crisis económica actual y otros grandes desafíos de la industria.

La conferencia una vez más, contara con una agenda impresionante de oradores de alto calibre, incluyendo a Presidentes y líderes del mundo de la aviación, discutiendo materias candentes para la industria aérea en la región.La seguridad aérea y la crisis que nuestra industria enfrentan, se cuentan entre otros tópicos claves que se debatirán a través de presentaciones y sesiones de paneles.


Mr. Luis Guillermo Plata Paez, Minister of Commerce,Industry and
Tourism of Colombia
Roberto Kriete, CEO TACA
Fabio Villegas, CEO Avianca
Pedro Heilbron, CEO COPA
Enrique Cueto, CEO Grupo LAN
David Barioni, CEO TAM
Manuel Borja, CEO Mexicana
Giovanni Bisignani, Director General IATA
Mike Linenberg, Merrill Lynch
Luis Carlos Velez, CNN en Español
Alex de Gunten, Executive Director ALTA
Also invited:  His Excellency Alvaro Uribe Velez, President of Colombia

Empresas que ya han confirmado su participación son:

Proexport es el patrocinador oficial del
Foro ALTA 2009 de Líderes de Aerolíneas a celebrarse en  Cartagena, Colombia

Cartagena de Indias es un matrimonio mágico entre el clima caribeño y su patrimonio español.  Sin lugar a dudas, es  la ciudad amurallada mejor conservada en el hemisferio occidental; una mezcla encantadora de historia, arquitectura, etnias y & sabores caribeños.

La agenda de este año promete una serie espectacular de eventos nocturnos ofrecidos en diversos sitios históricos y culturales en la bella ciudad de Cartagena

Para informacion adicional y oportunidades de patrocinio, favor comunicarse con el Gerente de Eventos Especiales de ALTA, Alberto Cortes, e-mail acortes@alta.aero, o teléfono  +1-786-522-7824.

Sobre el  ALTA de Líderes de Aerolíneas:
El Foro de ALTA es el evento más grande de la industria de la aviación comercial en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, y  está diseñado para promover  el  diálogo internacional para el desarrollo  de una aviación más segura y eficiente en la región.   Esta conferencia, atrae a los más  altos ejecutivos de la industria  de más de 30 países,   incluyendo la participación de líderes del mundo aeronáutico, y la presencia de más de 30  CEOs y Presidentes de aerolíneas de Latinoamérica, directores de aviación civil, así como importantes organizaciones internacionales y medios de comunicación.

La agenda del  Foro ALTA 2009 de Líderes de Aerolíneas incluirá nuevamente a CEOs líderes y conferencistas de alto nivel de la industria que tratarán temas de actualidad e importancia para la industria de las aerolíneas de la región,  y la entrega de los Premios Federico Bloch y Rolim Amaro, así como excelentes  oportunidades para establecer importantes relaciones de negocios.

Sobre Proexport:
Proexport es la entidad encargada de promover las exportaciones colombianas,   el turismo internacional y la inversión extranjera hacia Colombia.   Apoya  a las empresas nacionales en sus actividades comerciales internacionales, facilitando el diseño y la ejecución de sus estrategias de internacionalización, con miras a la generación, desarrollo y materialización de oportunidades comerciales.

Embraer Takes Two of its Newest Executive Jets to Oshkosh

July 20, 2009



A Phenom 100 jet and a Phenom 300 mock-up will be on display at EAA AirVenture 2009
São José dos Campos, July 20, 2009 – Embraer will be present for the fourth consecutive
year at the Experimental Aircraft Association’s (EAA) AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin,
USA. The annual event, in its 57th edition, is one of the world’s most famous international
gatherings for aviation enthusiasts (www.AirVenture.org), and will be held July 27 to August 2,
from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. A Phenom 100 entry level jet will be displayed for the first time
at the show, as well as a Phenom 300 light jet full-size mock-up, at the Company’s new
location: Static #347, AeroShell Square.

“The Phenom 100’s debut at this year’s EAA AirVenture is of particular significance, since
its first flight occurred just two short years ago, at the same time as Oshkosh 2007,” said
Ernest Edwards, Embraer Vice President, Marketing and Sales U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, and
the Caribbean – Executive Jets. “The Phenom 100 was certified on schedule and met, or
exceeded, many of its design goals, making it the fastest aircraft, with the longest range and
largest cabin in its class.”
Embraer will host a press briefing on Wednesday, July 29, at 11:00 a.m., at the EAA Press
Headquarters located north of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) tower. Ernie Edwards
will present the latest achievements of the Company’s expanded executive jets portfolio,
consisting of the entry level Phenom 100, the light Phenom 300, the midlight Legacy 450, the
midsize Legacy 500, the super midsize Legacy 600, and the ultra-large Lineage 1000 jets.

The first deliveries of the Phenom 100 began in December 2008, with very positive feedback
from customers. The Phenom 300 is expected to be certified before the end of this year, when
it will also enter service. The new Legacy 500 and the Legacy 450 are expected to become
operational in the second half of 2012 and 2013, respectively. The Legacy 600 has been in
service since 2002, with more than 170 jets in 26 countries, and the first Lineage 1000, which
is the largest aircraft in the portfolio, was delivered last May.

Powder Puff Pilot Unveils Second Children’s Picture Book

July 20, 2009

Storybook Aviatrix Recounts her First Solo

July 21, 2009, Aurora, Colorado – Powder Puff Pilot—a Denver-based web retailer that specializes in designing and selling products targeted to female pilots—announced the debut of its second children’s picture book, Claire Bear’s Fist Solo, written by Sue Hughes. The colorful, 40-page, soft-cover storybook features a pink-clad aerobatic pilot named Claire Bear (Ursus Aviatrix), who shares the trepidations and thrills of the first time she ever flew by herself—an event that every pilot remembers.
Hughes will unveil her newest children’s book at EAA’s AirVenture, billed as “The World’s Greatest Aviation Celebration,” held from July 27 through August 2 at Oshkosh, Wisconsin. She’ll be stationed at AirVenture’s Author’s Corner for 6 days of the 7-day event and is scheduled for storytelling sessions on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Claire Bear’s Fist Solo is also available for purchase at www.PowderPuffPilot.com with shipments going out starting August 3.
“I created Claire as my company’s spokesbear to give more visibility to women in aviation,” said Hughes, the owner of Powder Puff Pilot, which publishes her children’s books. “One of the missions of Powder Puff Pilot is to make aviation more appealing to girls and women. I’d like girls to know from an early age that there’s a place for them in the cockpit, in the hangar, and in the tower.”
The Claire Bear children’s book series also helps pilots share their world with their kids or grandkids in a fun way. In the series’ first book, Claire Bear presents the phonetic alphabet that pilots use on the radio (Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, etc.). “The alphabet is something kids can relate to,” said Hughes, author of Claire Bear Presents… The Pilot Alphabet, which debuted in November 2008. “When I take young kids for a flight, the pilot alphabet is what they remember weeks later.” The follow-on Clair Bear’s First Solo introduces aviation lingo such as “traffic,” “tower,” “hold line,” and “throttle;” providing a starting point for discussions with children about flying. Both books feature color-rich, whimsical illustrations by Wang DaiYu of International Illustrators.
“My next book, which is still in development, is Claire Bear Explains… What Pilots Fly,” said Hughes. “It describes the many different types of aircraft that pilots fly—from balloons to seaplanes to jet fighters. Like the previous two books, it’s written in lyrical rhymes, which I always found enjoyable to read aloud when my kids were little.”
Powder Puff Pilot was founded in 2008 by Sue Hughes, who is also the author of This Day in Women’s Aviation, a page‑a-day calendar. Powder Puff Pilot also carries books for adults that are written by or about women pilots, a T-shirt that explains Why Women Prefer Airplanes (to men), a pink pilot’s logbook, and other products for women pilots—past, present, and future. For further information or to order Powder Puff Pilot products, visit www.PowderPuffPilot.com or call toll-free at 888-801-6628.

Bombardier Learjet 85 Aircraft Program Marks Major Development Milestones

July 20, 2009


Montreal, July 20, 2009 – Bombardier Aerospace today revealed further details on the
progress of the Learjet 85 program. To date all major suppliers, over 30, have been engaged
and are active in the joint definition phase. Several product development milestones, including
the completion of our second proof of concept fuselage and the successful completion of all
wind tunnel testing have been achieved as the program forges ahead for entry into service in
“We have completed over 60 significant program milestones as proofpoints to our progress,”
said Ralph Acs, vice-president, Learjet 85. “We are currently well into the joint definiton phase,
have firm agreements with all major suppliers on the program including, propulsion, air systems,
avionics, electrical, hyrdo-mechanics, structures and interiors. We are also progressing as
planned with the Wichita and Mexico site expansions as we prepare for production.”
Major product development milestones
As the composite technology readiness phase progresses, the Learjet 85 team have now
completed two proof of concept fuselages in Montreal and all wind tunnel testing has been
completed successfully. The aircraft’s outside mold has been frozen and the team is gearing up
to start the detailed design phase later this year.
With the basic structure defined, the Learjet team and the supply base are progressing very well
with the installation of systems. All suppliers are working with a common tool (CATIA V5) to
ensure the structure and all systems are fully integrated.
The Learjet 85 wing development is also progressing steadily with a proof of concept wing
demonstrator underway. The team is benefiting from best practices and principles from the
CSeries aircraft program regarding composite wing build concepts.

Preparing for production
In tandem with product development, Learjet is also progressing with the ramp up and
expansion of production and final assembly sites for the Learjet 85 aircraft. The complete plan
includes new buildings at the Queretaro site, which will be responsible for primary structure
manufacturing and pre-assembly, while the Wichita site expansion will be for final assembly and
delivery of the Learjet 85 aircraft.
Over 60 Learjet 85 production employees have completed their composites technology and
application training and are currently working side-by-side with the development team on
producing the various concept models and coupons required for the program development.
A second all-supplier symposium was successfully held in June in Wichita. These senior level
face-to-face meetings are held every six months to ensure that all stakeholders are engaged
and aware of the various challenges, and to celebrate program milestones and successes.
The new Learjet 85 aircraft – redefining the midsize business jet class
Launched on October 30, 2007, the new Learjet 85 aircraft will be the first Bombardier
Aerospace jet to feature an all-composite structure and will be the first all-composite structure
business jet designed for type certification under U.S. Federal Aviation Administration FAR
Part 25.
An extraordinary advancement in next generation flight, the Learjet 85 aircraft’s all-composite
structure will allow Learjet aircraft designers to maximize cabin comfort while minimizing drag and
improving performance.
Building on legendary Learjet aircraft performance
True to its legendary heritage, the Learjet 85 aircraft is set to deliver the extraordinary
performance, superior technology and exceptional value Learjet aircraft owners expect.
The aircraft is powered by two Pratt & Whitney Canada PW307B engines, each boasting 6,100
pounds of take-off thrust each at sea level 86

SBA Airlines reinstates non stop flight to Madrid from Caracas

July 20, 2009

The Venezuelan airline, formerly Santa Barbara Airlines, has launched five-times weekly nonstop service between Caracas and Madrid, which it had suspended in October of 2008. The new service is provided with a B767-300ER, recently acquired as part of the airline’s expansion plan.

ANAC has authorized two new regional carriers in Brazil

July 20, 2009

The two new regional airlines are SOL Linhas Aereas and Nordeste Aviacao Regional, which will launch new service in the near future. They join eight existing regional carriers in Brazil which serve the domestic market. These carriers have reported traffic has grown 1.98% this year, compared to 1.44% in the same period last year.

Mexicana to launch new flights to La Paz in Mexico

July 20, 2009

The new service between Guadalajara and Los Mochis on the one hand and La Paz on the other will be operated by Mexicana Link beginning on August 1st. The service is replacing ALMA which is no longer operational.

LAN Peru to launch Lima-Cordoba, Argentina service

July 20, 2009

Following the announcement by LAN Argentina which will launch twice-weekly flights to Lima from Cordoba on August 12, the Peruvian subsidiary of the “model airline group” will begin five-times weekly service on August 5 thus offering daily flights between the two cities.

Panama’s Copa Airlines orders 13 new B737-800s worth $1 billion

July 20, 2009

Panama’s “model airline” has placed an order for 13 NG B737-800s worth $1 billion, with options for eight additional units. Deliveries are to begin in 2012 and last through 2015. With this announcement, the airline now has 27 firm orders for the B737.

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