Aerion brings THE ONE SOLUTION message to NBAA

Written by thomas · Filed Under Aeronautics News 

October 13, 2009


“We are moving forward with proven technology,” says Bass.

Orlando, NBAA (October 19, 2009) Aerion Chairman Robert Bass took the occasion of NBAA to reiterate the company’s commitment to forging a partnership with one or more OEM partners and to being first to market with a supersonic business jet.  Other senior executives explained why the Aerion program was the one feasible path to supersonic capability by the middle of the next decade.

“I said at EBACE earlier this year that I am committed to the Aerion program as long as we see progress in our discussions with OEMs,” said Bass. “We are seeing progress. In fact, we are quite encouraged by our discussions. There is no question that the economic impact on the industry has slowed their decision-making progress, but it has not lessened interest in this program.

“While some companies are committed to quiet supersonic designs requiring regulatory changes, others understand that Aerion technology is the most practical—and financially rewarding—path back to supersonic flight,” he added. “We are not waiting around for rules to change, which could be a very long wait; we are moving forward with proven technology.”

Aerion Senior Advisor John Holding explained why Aerion represented the one feasible solution for reintroducing supersonic flight.

“Supersonic natural laminar flow (SNLF)—Aerion’s key enabling technology—is well proven at this point. There are no barriers to success. Technical risks are low, and the development of the jet is well within the capability of several manufacturers,” he noted.

“The Aerion jet’s operational flexibility sets it apart from other proposed designs, and makes it practical in the short term. It does not require a rules change to provide efficient transportation. The aircraft flies with efficiency equivalent to today’s long-range business jets when flying just below the speed of sound.  It saves almost an hour when flying U.S. coast to coast. It can cruise between Mach 1.1 and Mach 1.2 in ICAO countries, which is to say everywhere but the U.S. Over oceans and some land masses it can operate efficiently at speeds up to Mach 1.6.

“The Aerion jet is compliant with Stage 4 regulations and the latest emissions standards. Its fuel consumption and emissions are far below any other proposed supersonic jet, making it the most environmentally responsible choice. It can operate from the same general aviation airports as long-range business jets do today and for a comparable operating cost.

“It is therefore clear to us and to the OEMs with whom we are in meaningful and constructive discussions that the Aerion jet is the only practical path to supersonic flight by the middle of the next decade.”

Aerion Vice Chairman Brian Barents reinforced the ONE SOLUTION case by noting the strong market support for the program. “We have seen an interesting phenomenon these last several months while the industry has suffered so many order cancellations. Two LOI holders requested returns of their deposits, but others have stepped up to replace those orders. Our backlog has held steady at $4 billion, and others are following the program closely with an eye to ordering as we take the next step with an OEM.

“It is quite clear to us, as our previous market research has shown, that the market is ready to embrace a supersonic jet, even if it cannot use its full supersonic capability all of the time due to regulatory restrictions.”

Aerion, which is an advanced aeronautical research organization, requires the participation of a large OEM skilled in bringing new aircraft to market. It is in discussions aimed at entering into a 9-12 month technical assessment phase, during which Aerion and its partner or partners will jointly study all aspects of taking Aerion’s aerodynamic design through a successful certification effort. Aerion expects that this phase will culminate with the launch of a five-year development and certification program.

“We’ve had the ability to fly supersonically for 60 percent of the history of powered flight,” said Holding. “Now we have the opportunity to do it in a commercially feasible, environmentally responsible way. As the industry returns to financial stability and as optimism returns, we will see the Aerion program progress rapidly.”

Barents added, “That is why we are here at NBAA—to spread this message. Even when some of the major industry players are hunkering down, we have come to tell the industry that they will soon be able to embrace a faster future.”

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