GE Advanced Military Demonstrator Engine Funded for Next Phase of Development Work
Written by thomas · Filed Under DefenseOctober 24, 2009
EVENDALE, Ohio – October 20, 2009 – The U.S. Air Force Research
Laboratory has continued funding for GE Aviation’s development of a
demonstrator engine core and selected critical component
risk-reduction activities for the ADaptive Versatile ENgine Technology
(ADVENT) program.
ADVENT involves developing game-changing technologies for future
military and commercial engines. The program, which began in 2008, is
developing a variable engine cycle, greater component efficiencies,
and new materials technologies to provide future aircraft with far
greater range and mission flexibility.
For the past two years, GE has been engaged in Phase I of ADVENT,
which involved preliminary and detailed design, analysis, and
risk-deduction activities. This development work involved running a
full annular combustor rig, component and rig tests using ceramic
matrix composite materials, and testing of a full core engine
(consisting of the compressor, combustor, high-pressure turbine),
which featured GE’s most advanced compression system.
After an extensive evaluation, the USAF determined that GE’s efforts
earned continued funding, with Phase II expected to continue through
“Several key technologies will be demonstrated in Phase II, including
a hot section featuring ceramic matrix composites, demonstration of a
high-pressure ratio core and an advanced variable pressure ratio fan,
and GE’s next-generation cooled turbine,” said Jeff Martin, GE’s
general manager for the ADVENT program. “These technologies, if
successfully demonstrated, will find a home on the next-generation of
GE jet engines.”
The ADVENT technology demonstrator program, undertaken by GE Aviation,
is funded by the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). ADVENT is
part of the Versatile Affordable Advanced Turbine Engines (VAATE)
Program, an initiative sponsored by industry and Government partners
to advanced state-of-the-art turbine engine technology for military
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