October 5, 2009

Participation of the Rosoboronexport delegation in the Third Libyan Aviation
Exhibition, LAVEX 2009, to be held from 5 until 8 October in Libya and to be accompanied
by the 3rd Pan Arab-African Aviation Conference, will promote the systematic expansion of
defence cooperation between Russia and Libya, and Russia and other states of the region.
“We expect significant shifts towards Russian weapons in regional arms markets in
the near future,” Rosoboronexport Deputy Director General and head of the delegation
Alexander Mikheev said. “Interest in Russian combat aircraft, air defence systems, and
training aids, as well as other weapons, materiel, and special equipment grows, and we hope
to secure new and to a certain extent breakthrough contracts.”
The Rosoboronexport exhibition
stand is expected to be visited by officials
from Libya, Algeria, Egypt, the UAE, and
many other countries. Upcoming meetings
will focus on a wide scope of issues,
ranging from procurements of cutting-edge
combat systems to upgrades of arms and
materiel delivered earlier. Russian weapon
systems have been in service throughout
the region for a long time and are highly appreciated. For instance, combat tactics of the
Libyan Air Force are based on the employment of Russian- and Soviet-made hardware, while
many Libyan pilots and technicians were trained in Soviet and Russian colleges. At the
present time it is an excellent basis for developing close defence relations, inherent in true
partners, even further.
The Rosoboronexport Corporation is a traditional participant in the Libyan air show.
The Tripoli-based LAVEX 2009 Exhibition will display a wide range of Russian aircraft, weapons, air defence systems, and other hi-tech products, which are of great interest to
Middle East and North African countries.
Special interest is generated by the Su-35 multi-role super-manoeuvrable fighter,
boasting fifth-generation technologies that ensure its superiority over its rivals. The Su-35
features state-of-the-art avionics and a phased-array radar, capable of detecting targets at a
greater range, tracking up to 30 targets, and simultaneously engaging eight targets. The
aircraft’s super-manoeuvrability is provided by the new powerful thrust vector control (TVC)
engine. At the same time in order to establish air superiority and attack any air-, ground-, and
sea-based targets in any conditions by day
and night, the aircraft is capable of
carrying an awesome combat load of up to
eight tons of guided and unguided air
weapons, attached to 12 external stations.
The Yak-130 combat trainer, which
will soon enter service with the Russian
Air Force, is also the focus of attention of
arms procurement experts. The aircraft will
be employed to train pilots for Su- and MiG-family fighters, including cutting-edge Su-35s
and MiG-35s. Given outstanding flight characteristics, the reliable electrical fly-by-wire
system, and the advanced glazed cockpit, the Yak-130 ensures efficient and safe training in
piloting modern and advanced aircraft, including foreign ones. The combat trainer is capable
of operating from unpaved airfields. It has a service life of 10,000 flying hours, while its
airframe is designed to remain operational for at least 30 years. In addition to that the Yak-
130 can carry out air strikes in the course of low-intensity conflicts.
The Kamov Ka-52A Alligator reconnaissance/attack helicopter also generates
considerable interest. In addition to impressive combat capabilities of an attack helicopter, the
Ka-52A rotary-wing aircraft can fly reconnaissance and target designation missions, including
laser illumination of targets, in the interests of interacting attack aircraft and ground-based
weapon systems. The Alligator is fitted with the most advanced target detection and
designation systems and is capable of carrying out automated low-level flights. In addition to
that the Ka-52A can be employed to train and maintain flight skills of helicopter jockeys
instead of a special training helicopter of the same type.

Russia is a traditional leader in developing and manufacturing air defence systems,
which have time and again proved their high efficiency in providing area and point air
defence. The cutting-edge S-400 Triumf long-range surface-to-air missile (SAM) system,
designed to counter all existing and future airborne threats, is one of the most efficient
systems. Triumf SAM systems are capable of killing aerodynamic targets at a range of up to
250 km and ballistic targets at a range of up to 60 km within an altitude envelope of up to 27
km. This system can be integrated into any air defence system, just like the Pantsir-S1 selfpropelled
air defence system, capable of engaging targets with a minimal cross-section.
Other promising lines of defence
cooperation will also be discussed at
LAVEX 2009. Rosoboronexport will
familiarise its partners with precisionguided
air-to-air and air-to-surface aircraft
missiles, guided air bombs, as well as a
variety of radars, sights, simulators for air
defence combat crews, avionics, and
navigation, flight control, communications,
and life support systems. Much attention will be focused on building airfields, establishing
service centres and an integrated after-sale services system, as well as licensed-production and
assembly facilities.
“Our participation in the Libyan exhibition will strengthen Russia’s relations with
countries of the region both in the sphere of aircraft industry and other areas of defence
cooperation. We stand every chance of succeeding given out vast experience in successful
long-term cooperation,” Alexander Mikheev emphasised.

Boeing proyecta un mercado de US$150 mil millones en aviones comerciales nuevos para América Latina

October 5, 2009

BUENOS AIRES, 1 de octubre de 2009 – “El mercado de aviación en Argentina ha crecido considerablemente en los últimos 5 años y se estima un crecimiento proyectado del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) de 3.7% para el período 2009-2019; un pronostico ligeramente mayor a las estimaciones globales (3.3%).” comentó Randy Tinseth, vicepresidente general de marketing de aviones comerciales de Boeing, y agregó “Boeing tiene una larga historia de partnerships con las principales compañías aéreas del país, una relación que creemos va a continuar a partir de la compra realizada recientemente por Aerolíneas Argentinas, que va a rejuvenecer su flota con nuevos aviones Boeing 737-700”.

Tinseth afirmó que el mercado argentino ha crecido a 79 jets comerciales, lo que representa un aumento del 23% en cinco años.  “El sector de viajes y turismo desempeña un papel fundamental para la economía, pues es responsable de alrededor de 1 de cada 10 empleos y 9% del PIB de Argentina”, dijo.

The Boeing Company publicó la edición 2009 de sus proyecciones de mercado (Current Market Outlook) para América Latina durante una rueda de prensa celebrada en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. El informe presenta las perspectivas de Boeing en relación con el mercado de aviones comerciales en América Latina para los próximos 20 años.

El ejecutivo de Boeing pronosticó que las aerolíneas de América Latina necesitarán 1,640 aviones con un valor combinado de US$150 mil millones durante los próximos 20 años. Asimismo, se contempla que el transporte aéreo dentro de Latinoamérica crezca a razón de 6.5% durante este lapso, muy por encima del promedio mundial de 4.9%, e inferior tan sólo al pronóstico para China, estimado en 8.6%.

“Nuestro pronóstico contempla una demanda vigorosa y de largo plazo en el rubro de aviones comerciales nuevos en América Latina a lo largo de los próximos 20 años”, dijo Tinseth. “Estos aviones transportarán personas y mercancías a donde quiera que necesiten viajar, como nunca antes. Gracias a una mejor eficiencia de consumo de combustible y una mayor autonomía de vuelo, las aerolíneas podrán llevar más viajeros directamente a donde deseen desplazarse, en el momento que deseen hacerlo”.

En el ámbito regional, las entregas a líneas aéreas en América Latina representan alrededor de 4% de las entregas mundiales, medido en función de su valor monetario, entre 2009 y 2028.

El Boeing Latin America Current Market Outlook proyecta que los aviones de un solo pasillo y de doble pasillo en las categorías de 90 a 400 pasajeros serán responsables de la mayor parte del crecimiento regional en el transporte aéreo en los próximos dos decenios.

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“La categoría de aviones de un solo pasillo representará casi 80% de los equipos entregados”, dijo Tinseth. Los jets regionales y los aviones de doble pasillo constituirán la mayor parte del resto del mercado en unidades, y el componente de aviones en la categoría del 747 o más grandes es prácticamente nulo. De modo que, en términos del número de aviones entregados, los equipos de un solo pasillo tendrán la participación mayoritaria y contribuirán a que las aerolíneas ofrezcan más frecuencias y más servicio sin escalas en rutas nacionales e internacionales de corto alcance”, aseguró Tinseth

La estrategia de producto de Boeing se enfoca justamente en este mercado en crecimiento, pues la empresa ofrece una familia de aviones que permite a los clientes maximizar su eficiencia, multiplicar su rentabilidad y ofrecer la variedad de frecuencias y vuelos punto a punto, sin escalas, que sus pasajeros desean.

A nivel mundial, Boeing pronostica un mercado de US$3.2 millones de millones en aviones comerciales nuevos para los próximos 20 años, y estima que se necesitarán aproximadamente 29,000 aviones comerciales nuevos (incluyendo versiones de pasajeros y de carga), con lo que para el año 2028 casi se duplicará el tamaño de la flota mundial actual. La gran mayoría de estos equipos nuevos estará concentrada en las categorías de aviones de un solo pasillo (90 asientos o más) y de doble pasillo (200 a 400 asientos).

Durante los próximos 20 años, las líneas aéreas latinoamericanas recibirán aproximadamente las siguientes entregas:

  • 80 jets regionales – menos de 90 asientos
  • 1,260 aviones de un solo pasillo – 90 asientos en adelante
  • 290 aviones de doble pasillo — 200-400 asientos en tres clases
  • 10 aviones tamaño 747 o más grandes  — más de 400 asientos en tres clases

Al sumarlas a la flota existente y las adquisiciones de aviones usados, estas entregas contribuirán a conformar una flota de 2,400 aviones comerciales en América Latina hacia el año 2028.

ALTA Member Airlines Passengers Up 2.7% in August

October 5, 2009

Miami, October 5, 2009 – The Latin American and Caribbean Air Transport Association (ALTA) announced that its member airlines carried 10.7 million passengers in August, up 2.7% from last year.

Traffic (measured in RPKs) grew 2.6% and capacity increased 5.2%. The load factor dropped to 70.6%, 1.8 percentage points lower than in the previous year.

The number of passengers carried year-to-date (January ’09 – August ’09) dropped 0.4% versus the same period of the previous year, reaching 79.9 million passengers. During the aforementioned period, traffic (RPKs) fell 0.6%, capacity increased 3.5%, and passenger load factor reached 69.1%, 2.8 percentage points lower than the previous year.

Freight ton kilometers increased 1.3% in August but fell 13.8% year-to-date.

Los Pasajeros Transportados por las Aerolíneas ALTA aumentan un 2,7% en agosto

October 5, 2009

Miami, octubre 5, 2009. – ALTA, la Asociación Latinoamericana de Transporte Aéreo, informa que el número de pasajeros transportados por sus aerolíneas miembros durante el mes de agosto se incrementó un 2,7%, alcanzando los 10,7 millones.

El tráfico (medido en RPKs) creció un 2,6% mientras que la capacidad se incrementó un 5,2%. El factor de ocupación alcanzó el 70,6%, 1,8 puntos porcentuales menos que durante agosto de 2008.

La cantidad de pasajeros transportados acumulada a agosto (enero-agosto 2009) se redujo un 0,4% con respecto al mismo período del año anterior, alcanzando los 79,9 millones de pasajeros. Durante el período mencionado el tráfico (RPKs) disminuyó un 0,6%, la capacidad creció un 3,5%, y el factor de ocupación alcanzó el 69,1%, 2,8 puntos porcentuales por debajo del período anterior.

Las toneladas-kilómetros de carga transportadas se incrementaron un 1,2% en el mes de agosto, y las toneladas-kilómetros de carga acumuladas cayeron un 13,8%.

AgustaWestland Congratulates the 2009 Cormorant Trophy Winners

October 2, 2009


Photo Caption (Left to Right) –
Lt Col Christian Lalande, 442 Squadron C.O. and the Co-pilot for the rescue, Maj Gen Yvan Blondin, Commander of the 1st Canadian Air Division and Jeremy Tracy, AgustaWestland Chief Test Pilot & Head of Region Canada.

AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, congratulates the crew of the Canadian Forces 442 Search and Rescue Squadron, based at CFB Comox, on winning the 2009 Cormorant Trophy for the skilful night rescue of a skier who had fallen 30 metres down a crevasse on Hamathko Glacier, 8700 ft above sea level. The award was made at the annual SAREX event and the decision was unanimous amongst all the judges, both civil and military as it demonstrated again, the exceptional heroism of the crews who carry out this type of duty regularly.

The crew from 442 Sqn in Comox who conducted the Hamathko Glacier rescue were Aircraft Commander (AC) Major J.M. von Kruse, First Officer (FO) LCol J.E.C. Lalande, Sqn Commander Flight Engineer (FE) Cpl BRD Frenette, SAR Tech Team Lead (TL) Sgt KJ Gulliford and SAR Tech Team Member (TM) MCpl WR Ternes.

“The crew demonstrated remarkable levels of skill, team work and courage that night,” said Graham Cole, Managing Director, AgustaWestland. “While SAR crews train for many different rescue scenarios that may challenge their capabilities, this rescue presented circumstances where only the very best airmanship, courage and team work resulted in a successful outcome. On behalf of everyone at AgustaWestland I congratulate the crew on winning the 2009 Cormorant Trophy.”

The Cormorant Trophy is awarded annually to the crew of the Canadian Search and Rescue aircraft that carried out the most significant rescue of the year.


Soloy’s Mark II Receives EASA approval

October 2, 2009


OLYMPIA, WASH.: EASA approved Soloy’s Cessna 206H Mark II STC SA01878SE last month, opening the door for European Cessna 206H owners to take advantage of the extraordinary performance offered by this light Cessna turboprop.

Featuring the Rolls Royce 250-B17F turbine engine, the Soloy Cessna 206H Mark II provides an increase of 110hp over the Cessna 206H, boosting the aircraft’s ability to carry more weight, fly faster, and operate in high and hot conditions. Additionally, this increased power, paired with the aircraft’s Hartzell three-bladed prop with full beta reverse features, makes the Mark II the ideal STOL aircraft, especially in its amphibious configuration.

“The Mark II is the perfect platform for many varied applications, from law enforcement to backcountry operations,” said Dave Stauffer, Soloy Aviation Solutions CEO. “The light turbine engine significantly increases power, while reducing the basic empty weight by about 150 pounds. This allows an operator to add more equipment, people and fuel. In law enforcement applications, it permits a better sensor and fuel load, or in the case of back country operations, allows a pilot to carry additional gear into remote locations at high altitudes on hot days.”

In response to customer requests, Soloy’s Mark II includes a number of upgrades to the standard 206. As a part of the turbine conversion, Soloy increased the aircraft’s electrical capacity to 185 amps continuous. This increase offers the aircraft enough power to operate an air conditioning system as well as all pilot avionics and accessories including law enforcement equipment and sensors.

The Mark II is offered in four configurations: law enforcement, skydiving, amphibious and
commercial/private operations.

The law enforcement configuration includes a floor to ceiling observer window, tactical officer station with Soloy’s STC crashworthy rotating observer seat, co-pilot door and Soloy recessed headliner and four point crew harness. Custom installations of instrumentation, flat panel monitors and law enforcement equipment are available to meet customers’ mission requirements. A multi-purpose sensor wing-mount is currently under development.

The skydive configuration includes a roll up jump door, spoiler to reduce the harmonizing effect of the open door, hand grips, and steps.

The amphibious version offers Wipaire 3450 amphibious floats with retractable landing gear and an increased gross weight limit to 3,800 pounds.

The commercial/private configuration can be completed to the owner’s specifications, including a list of top of the line cockpit avionics.

Max Cruise Speed @20K                       185 ktas (213 mph)
Max Range                                           550 nm (633 miles)
Max Cruise Speed @12K                       172 ktas (198 mph)
Max Operating Altitude                          20,000 ft
Rate of Climb (Initial at S.L.)                  1,635 fpm

Max Ramp Weight                                 3617 lb
Max Takeoff Weight                              3600 lb
Max Landing Weight                              3600 lb
Usable Fuel                                           583 lb (87 gal)
Payload With Full Fuel                           894 lb
Empty Weight                                       2140 lb

Rolls-Royce 250-B17F/2
Takeoff Power (5 min)                            417 shp
Max Continuous Power                          322 shp
Spec Fuel Consumption                        0.635 lb/shp/hr
Prop RPM                                             2030
TBO                                                      3500 hrs

Fuel Consumption
PALT          KTAS   TQ        FF PPH/GPH
Fast Cruise             6,000          157       70         192/28.7
Slow Cruise             6,000          136       50         156/23.3
Loiter                      6,000          93         30         120/17.9
Fast Cruise             10,000        167       70         185/27.6
Slow Cruise             10,000        145       50         148/22.1
Loiter                      10,000        99         30         112/16.7

Noise Level
72.4 db 100% Power/2030 RPM
FAR Part 36, Appendix G, Amdt 28
ICAO Annex 16, Chapter 10

Options available for the Soloy Mark II include:
Soloy Swiveling Observer Seat                                                        STC SA01985SE
Soloy Observer Window                                                                  STC SA00858SE
Soloy Recessed Headliner & Four Point Crew Harness                      STC SA01688SE
52 gallon Sierra and 30 gallon Flint extended range fuel tanks            Pending Validation
Wipline 3450 amphibious floats                                                        STC SA01185CH

Soloy Aviation Solutions is a world-renown engineering company specializing in the design and development of specialized solutions for the aviation community. Founded more than 40 years ago on the idea of bringing turbine engine technology to piston aircraft, Soloy has engineered and manufactured hundreds of unique aviation products, STCs and patented aviation solutions to enhance fixed wing and helicopter aviation.

United Technologies Corp. Named Top Green Transportation, Aerospace Company in America

October 1, 2009

HARTFORD, Conn., Oct. 1 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX) ranked first in the Transportation, Aerospace category and 33rd overall on Newsweek’s inaugural Green Rankings, a list of the 500 greenest companies in America.

“Our commitment to energy efficiency can be seen in our operations, our products and our partnerships,” said J. Michael McQuade, UTC Senior Vice President, Science & Technology. “UTC continuously demonstrates how to reduce energy use and emissions with existing technologies, improve productivity and grow our bottom line.”

The corporation’s business units lead their industries with innovative energy efficient products and services.

  • Pratt & Whitney’s new PurePower® PW1000G engine is expected to improve fuel burn by 12 percent, reduce NOx emissions by 50 percent, and reduce noise by 50 percent.
  • Carrier’s Evergreen® chiller with Foxfire(TM) technology is the world’s most efficient water-cooled chiller, with 40 percent higher efficiency than current ASHRAE 90.1 efficiency standards.
  • Otis’ Gen2® elevator is up to 50 percent more energy efficient than conventional systems, and reduces energy usage by up to 75 percent when combined with Otis’ ReGen(TM) drives, which feed energy generated by descending elevators back into the building.
  • UTC Fire & Security’s Lenel access control solutions integrate security and building controls management applications to improve building efficiency, reduce energy consumption and improve safety.
  • UTC Power’s stationary fuel cells for buildings have more than 9 million operating hours in 19 countries on five continents and its transit bus fuel cell systems have traveled more than 300,000 miles.

UTC set its first environmental goals in 1992, and since 1997 has reduced gross energy use by 22 percent while more than doubling in size. The corporation’s reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in its facilities over the past two years is equivalent to taking more than 50,000 cars off the road for a year.

UTC also actively partners with organizations around the world to address energy efficiency. The company is a founding member of the U.S. Green Building Council and the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, and is co-chairing the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Energy Efficiency in Buildings project.

In addition to the recent Newsweek recognition, UTC has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, and to the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations list, each year since inception. In March 2009, Fortune magazine named UTC its “Most Admired” aerospace and defense company.

Raytheon Awarded Contract Worth Up To $100 Million To Provide Encrypted Combat Identification Technology To U.S. Air Force

October 1, 2009

MARLBOROUGH, Mass., Oct. 1, 2009 /PRNewswire/ — Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) has been awarded an indefinite delivery-indefinite quantity contract worth up to $100 million to improve secure combat identification for the U.S. Air Force.

Under the five-year agreement, Raytheon will produce and deliver up to 8,000 KIV-77 applique crypto computers for Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) equipment.

“The KIV-77 safeguards communications and protects warfighters when they need to identify friendly positions during combat,” said Jerry Powlen, vice president, Network Centric Systems Integrated Communications Systems. “This is another critical product in the long lineage of Raytheon’s assured communication solutions.”

The KIV-77 is Type 1 certified by the National Security Agency and provides information assurance for both legacy Mode 4 and new Mode 5 IFF equipment. Mode 5 IFF is an encrypted data link between interrogators and transponders to confirm an aircraft is friendly. It uses a newer, more secure waveform than Mode 4 and is part of Raytheon’s crypto modernization initiative to ensure information security for warfighter communications.

Raytheon Company, with 2008 sales of $23.2 billion, is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, homeland security and other government markets throughout the world. With a history of innovation spanning 87 years, Raytheon provided state-of-the-art electronics, mission systems integration and other capabilities in the areas of sensing; effects; and command, control communications and intelligence systems, as well as a broad range of mission support services. With headquarters in Waltham, Mass., Raytheon employs 73,000 people worldwide.

Embraer Highlights Commercial Jets at ERA 2009, in Switzerland

October 1, 2009

Company will promote its full range of commercial jets of up to 122 seats
São José dos Campos, October 1, 2009 – Embraer will participate in the annual European
Regions Airline Association (ERA) General Assembly. The event, to be held October 8 to 10,
is one of the most important airline, airport and supplier gatherings in Europe, and includes a
trade exhibition and a one-and-a-half-day conference. It will be held in Interlaken, one of the
oldest and most popular tourist destinations in Switzerland. The venue is the Casino Kursaal,
located in the heart of the city.
Embraer will be promoting its ERJ 145 and EMBRAER 170/190 E-Jets families, seating from
37 to 122 passengers. The Company’s Flight Hour Pool Program, which ensures the best
support to customers, will also be highlighted.
“Our families of commercial jets have proven
to be very successful in Europe, and the
customer base has grown to 23 airlines in 16
countries, consisting of 205 aircraft,” said
José Luis Molina, Embraer Vice President for
Europe, Africa, and the Middle East – Airline
Market. “Europe is a very important market
for Embraer. Our newest jet family, the
EMBRAER 170/190, which first entered
service in Europe with LOT Polish Airlines,
back in April 2004, recently reached a
significant milestone with the delivery of the
600th E-Jet to the very same European airline,
just eight months after the 500th delivery to Air
France’s subsidiary Regional.”
Embraer has welcomed six new European operators this year: U.K.’s BA CityFlyer;
Germany’s Lufthansa regional partners CityLine, Augsburg Airways, and Air Dolomiti;
Austria’s Niki Luftfahrt GmbH.; and Ukraine’s Windrose.
By June 30, 2009, the EMBRAER 170/190 family of E-Jets had logged 882 firm orders and 794
options. Today, this family of jets has been ordered by 53 customers in 35 countries, worldwide.

Carey Bond Appointed President Of Sikorsky Global Helicopters

October 1, 2009

STRATFORD, Conn., Sept. 30, 2009 – Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. today announced the appointment of Carey Bond as president of the company’s Sikorsky Global Helicopters business.  Bond also retains his previous position as Chief Marketing Officer and reports to Sikorsky President Jeffrey P. Pino.  Sikorsky is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX).

Sikorsky Global Helicopters produces commercial and military versions of the S-76®, S-92®, and light helicopter lines. SGH subsidiaries include Keystone Helicopter Corp. and Associated Aircraft Group

Bond joined Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. in 2005.  He had served as Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer prior to his current position, and before that he was Vice President of Corporate Strategy and Strategic Programs. In that latter role, he oversaw Sikorsky’s successful acquisition and integration of Keystone Helicopter Corp. in Pennsylvania and PZL Mielec in Poland.  He also orchestrated Sikorsky’s increased participation in the Chinese aerospace market by establishing agreements with China’s AVIC II.

Bond has more than 25 years of industry experience and holds an MBA from Texas Christian University. Prior to joining Sikorsky, he led Bell Helicopter’s Worldwide Customer Support and Service Organization.

Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., based in Stratford, Conn., is a world leader in helicopter design, manufacturing and service. The company’s mission statement reflects its long commitment to safety and innovation: “We pioneer flight solutions that bring people home everywhere … every time™.” United Technologies Corp., based in Hartford, Conn., provides a broad range of high technology products and support services to the aerospace and building systems industries.

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