Written by thomas · Filed Under Defense 

November 17, 2009


During the “Dubai Air Show 2009” International aerospace exhibition (15-
19 November, UAE) Rosoboronexport’s delegation plans to discuss with its
partners new Russian proposals for strengthening national defences of a number of
the Gulf and Arabian peninsular countries.
“Dubai Air Show 2009 is an important venue for the world’s aerospace
industry, and our participation in it provides an excellent opportunity for us and
our partners to harmonise present-day and future arms sales projects including
joint production and research and development ones”, – said special projects
director Mikhail Zavaliy, the head of the Rosoboronexport delegation at the Dubai
airshow .
These days Russia, braving tough competition, is steadily increasing its
share in the Middle East arms markets. This is testified by the amounts of
contracts being realised. The United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Syria, Algeria,
Libya, Egypt – those are just a few examples of countries with which Russia has
been consistently developing mutually advantageous partnerships.

It plays an immensely positive role that our relationships with the Middle
East countries, including defence and security, have a rich, dozens-of-years old
history filled with many important events. Russian arms are generally reputed in
Arab countries as reliable and good-quality weapons that are combat ready even in
extreme conditions. It is a common belief here that Russian weapons of both
earlier and latest makes will long occupy leading positions in their classes as they have no analogues in
the world.

A number of existing and advanced samples of Russian weapons are showcased at the Dubai
airshow. The Russian exposition organized this year by the “Rostekhnologii” State Corporation accommodates stands with delegations of the FSUE “Rosoboronexport”, United industrial corporation “Oboronprom”,
JSC “Sukhoi experimental design bureau”, JSC “Russian aircraft corporation “MiG”, JSC “Irkut Corporation”, and other enterprises and organizations.
The FSUE “Rosoboronexport” presents at the show a wide range of Russian aircraft, armaments, air defence systems and other hightech products. It is a factor of increased attention paid to them by the countries in the region. A considerable interest is provoked by the latest models of Russian combat aircraft such as Su-35, Su-30MK2, MiG-35 and MiG-29SMT,
Yak-130 combat trainer, various types of Mil and Kamov helicopters, as well as air defence systems.
Special attention is paid to the Su-35 multi-role super-manoeuvrable fighter incorporating the 5th generation technologies that give it an edge over counterparts. The Su-35’s main distinctive features include an advanced avionics suite and a phased array radar with enhanced target detection range and a capability of tracking 30 targets while engaging eight of them. A new powerful
engine with thrust vector control makes the aircraft super-manoeuvrable. The aircraft can pose a serious threat to the enemy when performing air superiority and air-to-ground/air-to-surface strike missions in any weather by day and night
carrying stores on its 12 hardpoints: a combat payload of guided and unguided munitions weighing up to 8 tonnes.

The Yak-130 combat trainer to be inducted soon into the Russian Air Force for fighter pilots training,
including pilots of the newest Su-35 and MiG-35 aircraft, is scrutinized by arms procurement experts too. Thanks to its high flight performance data, reliable fly-by-wire flight control system and modern glass cabin, the Yak-130 combat trainer is an
efficient and safe training facility for learning to fly modern and prospective aircraft including those of non-Russian origin. This aircraft can be operated from unpaved airfields. Its service life counts 10,000 flight hours, and the airframe is
designed for at least 30-years operation. Besides, the Yak-130 can be employed to fly strike missions in low-intensity conflicts.

Great popularity is enjoyed by various Mi-type helicopters, such as combat transport Mi-35P and Mi-35M, military transport Mi-171Sh, and heavylift Mi-26 boasting the world’s best load-carrying capacity.
The Ka-52 “Alligator” Russian combat helicopter also stirs up huge interest. Its flight crew can not only engage helicopter’s huge combat potential but also provide interoperating airborne and ground strike systems with target
acquisition and designation data, including laser designation. The Alligator is Yak-130
equipped with advanced systems providing target acquisition and designation, and automatic low-altitude flight capabilities. Besides, the Ka-52 helicopter can be used to train pilots and maintain their flight proficiency, thus excluding the
need for a dedicated training helicopter analogue.
Specialists and guests visiting the show will also be able to familiarise themselves with various
Kamov-family helicopters such as the Ka-31 radar picket helicopter, Ka-28 ASW helicopter, Ka-29 shipborne
combat transport helicopter, Ka-27PS ship-borne SAR helicopter, and Ka-32 multi-purposehelicopter.
Traditionally Russia holds strong positions as regards air defence systems. Nowadays when the role of combat aviation and high-precision weapons in modern war conflicts is ever growing and air defences are also seen as
increasingly important, assets presented at the Dubai airshow can be used to set up an integrated air defence system providing interception at different altitudes and ranges of both conventional air targets and non-strategic ballistic missiles.
The latest S-400 “Triumph” air defence missile system is one of the most effective arms designed to defeat all types of existing and prospective air strike weapons. Air defence missile complexes making up the “Triumph” system can
engage aerodynamic targets at a range of up to 250 km, and ballistic targets – up to 60 km, at an altitude of up to 27 km. They can be integrated into any air defence system structure. The same applies, for instance, to the “Pantsyr-S1” air
defence missile-gun system capable of engaging targets having minimal radar cross sections.

Attention of high-ranking officers and experts will undoubtedly be drawn to the “Buk-M2E” medium-range and “Tor-M2E” short-range air defence missile systems. These unique Russian weapon systems in combination with
modern reconnaissance means can lay the foundation for setting up a highly effective anti-air and ballistic missile defence system responsive to modern threats in any Middle East country.
Other areas of eventual military-technical cooperation also will be discussed in Dubai. The FSUE Rosoboronexport will present
to its partners high-precision air-toair/ air-to-surface guided missiles and gliding bombs, a wide range of
radars and targeting systems, navigation and flight control systems, communication and life support equipment, as well as training aids that help reduce specialist training durationby 1.5 to 2 times, training costs by many times, and saves service life of
expensive materiel.
During talks special emphasis will be made on upgrading materiel supplied earlier, setting up technical centres, and organising a comprehensive post-sale servicing system. Potential customers can be offered flexible accounting conditions.
“The Middle East arms market has large capacity and remains the most important for Russia”, – pointed out the head of Rosoboronexport’s delegation Mikhail Zavaliy. – This is why our relations with Arab partners have a very wide
range from aircraft to air defence systems to space technologies where Russia owns all required technologies and resources”.

Rosoboronexport is the only Russian enterprise entitled to offer for export the whole range of military and dual-purpose products, technologies and services. The status of the Enterprise warrants state support for all export transactions.
Rosoboronexport is among leading companies at the world arms market, accounting for more than 80% of Russia’s military-purpose equipment exports. Russia maintains military-technical cooperation with more than 70 countries all
over the world.
Rosoboronexport highly values its reputation of a reliable partner, and
strictly abides by the letter and spirit of Russia’s international commitments in
military and political, including arms control, areas.

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