Airbus Military Completes Certification Flight Tests

Written by thomas · Filed Under Defense 

April 21, 2010


Airbus military has completed all the flight test required
for the certification of the new-generation hose-and drogue
refueling system on the A-330 Multi Role Tanker Transport(MRTT).
This opens the way towards the formal military certification of the
system from Spain’s INTA certification authority this summer.
Meanwhile, flight testing of the Airbus Military Aerial Refueling
Boom System(ARBS) are expected to be completed soon.
Delivery of the first A-330 MRRT will be delivered to the Royal
Australian Air Force later this summer.
The A-330 MRTT is fitted with Cobham 905 system, which
provides refueling from under-wing-pods.
Testing covered all of the flight envelope required to certify
the aircraft handling, and included a wide range of manoeuvers
both in free-flight and in coupled mode with Spanish Air Force
F-18 fighters.

Israel Rafalovich

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