Sukhoi Superjet 100 SN 95004 has successfully passed HIRF testing in Italy

Written by thomas · Filed Under Commercial 

November 24, 2010


November 24th, Turin (Italy) – The Sukhoi Superjet 100 SN 95004 has successfully completed HIRF testing program in Italy. Tests were accomplished in Turin-Caselle airport, at the Alenia Aeronautica facilities.  The preliminary results show that the aircraft meets all certification requirements regarding HIRF (High Intensity Radiated Field Tests).
The Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) is the first Russian aircraft to accomplish the full scope of the certification HIRF testing program. Its methodology was elaborated by the SCAC engineering team in collaboration with Alenia Aeronautica, a Finmeccanica Company, with further approval of the Interstate Aviation Committee Aviation Register (AR IAC) and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
In September the experts of the European certification authorities approved Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company’s testing methodology in part of equipment evaluation, systems testing.
HIRF certification is required to demonstrate that the aircraft’s electric and electronic equipment is not influenced by external electromagnetic fields like those produced by a TV or radio station or by a radar. The following methods were used to conduct testing: Low Level Swept Current, Low Level Swept Frequency, Bulk Current Injection and High Intensity Radiated Field.
The representatives of AR IAC and key certification centres took part in the most important stages of the tests.
«Completion of HIRF tests is an important milestone of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 Certification Program. Our airliner is the first Russian aircraft that has compliance with international standards in this domain. Recently during flight tests under supervision of Russian and European certification authorities SSJ100 has successfully passed noise testing program. This joint effort will definitely contribute to harmonization of certification standards of Russia and Europe, as well as the successful entrance of our product into the international market», – said Igor Vinogradov, SCAC’s SVP on Certification, commenting the finalization of the HIRF testing program.

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