Trabajar en silencio
May 14, 2012
En la vida personal, social y empresarial hay tiempo para todo o al menos debiera haberlo, dado que muchas cosas fracasan por una excesiva exposición en los medios o por levantar ruido por parte de intereses ajenos a la misma empresa que desea sacar adelante un plan, proyecto o idea.
Lo anterior es válido para la fusiones en curso, donde LAN y TAM avanzan silenciosamente con sus tramitaciones en cada uno de sus países y los resultados se van viendo poco a poco y para bien. Prácticamente ya no quedan mas trámites que hacer en Chile, se está en espera que los mismos terminen en Brasil y sin lugar a dudas, el trabajo en silencio sólo cambiará cuando salga al aire LATAM.
En mi opinión, el silencio en ocasiones es la mejor compañía y debiéramos invitarlo mas seguido a nuestras vidas, ante lo cual me incluyo.
Aeroportos de São Paulo receberão equipamentos de inspeção de raio-X da Smiths Detection
May 11, 2012
Empresa é a nova fornecedora do DAESP que contemplará as unidades de Araçatuba, Presidente Prudente, Ribeirão Preto e São José do Rio Preto
São Paulo, 11 de maio de 2012 – Quatro aeroportos no interior do estado de São Paulo receberão, nos próximos dois meses, equipamentos de raio-X para inspeção de bagagens da Smiths Detection, empresa de soluções de segurança para mercados civil e militar.
A licitação realizada no final de 2011 pelo Departamento Aeroviário do Estado de São Paulo (DAESP) contempla os aeroportos de Araçatuba, Presidente Prudente, Ribeirão Preto e São José do Rio Preto que, somadas, têm tráfego de aproximadamente 170 mil passageiros por mês. Ao todo serão fornecidos seis equipamentos HI-SCAN 100100T, responsável pela inspeção de bagagens com dimensões de até 100 X 100 cm.
O modelo pode ser usado em diversos ambientes, mas é especialmente adequado na utilização de rastreamento para autoridades aduaneiras, aeroportos e companhias de navegação. O sistema de raio-X da HI-SCAN 100100T tem capacidade para inspecionar tanto mercadorias volumosas, como as de pequeno porte mantendo a alta qualidade na exibição da imagem.
Responsável pela administração de 31 Aeroportos Públicos no interior do Estado de São Paulo, o DAESP já possui em algumas de suas instalações equipamentos da Smiths Detection, como o HI-SCAN 6030di, equipamento de raio-X compacto para inspeção de bagagens de mão. “O trabalho realizado por nossa equipe técnica, além da confiança e credibilidade dos Smiths Detection foram fundamentais em mais esta finalização de pedido de compra com o DAESP” comenta o CEO da Smiths Detection Brasil, Danilo Dias.
May 9, 2012
La Junta, a través de Extenda, organiza ‘ADM SEVILLA 2012’, la primera convención de negocios internacional del sector aeronáutico que se celebra en España
El consejero de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, Antonio Ávila, presentará mañana, día 10 de mayo, en la sede de Extenda el evento Aerospace & Defense Meetings Sevilla 2012 (ADM), la primera convención de negocios internacional de la industria aeroespacial de estas dimensiones que se celebra en España. La cita, que tendrá lugar del 14 al 17 de mayo en Sevilla, ha sido impulsada por la Junta de Andalucía a través de Extenda-Agencia Andaluza de Promoción Exterior.
Junto al consejero, participarán en la rueda de prensa el secretario general de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, y presidente de Extenda, Gaspar Llanes, y el responsable de eventos de negocios de BCI Aerospace, Vianney Thomas. BCI Aerospace, empresa del grupo Advanced Business Events (ABE, es líder en el desarrollo en encuentros internacionales de negocios vinculados a la industria aeroespacial y organiza, junto con la consejería, ADM Sevilla 2012.
La celebración de este encuentro supone un salto de calidad en la estrategia de internacionalización del sector aeronáutico andaluz, basada hasta ahora en llevar a las empresas a buscar el negocio allí donde está, participando en las principales ferias, congresos y eventos internacionales. Sin embargo, con ADM es el negocio aeronáutico mundial el que viene a Andalucía, con el objetivo de reafirmar la imagen internacional de su polo aeronáutico, y hacer visible la oferta industrial de la comunidad en todo el mundo, lo que potencia el negocio de las empresas instaladas en Andalucía.
Airbus Military A400M receives initial type certificate from EASA
May 3, 2012
Airbus Military has received the initial type certification for the A400M new generation airlifter, marking a key milestone on the road to first delivery around the turn of the year. This first approval, known as a Restricted Type Certificate (RTC), was presented by European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Executive Director Patrick Goudou at an internal ceremony today in Toulouse, France.
The RTC is a critical step towards the award of full civil type certification which is expected in mid-2012 following the completion of 300 hours of function and reliability (F&R) flight tests, and towards military Initial Operating Clearance later in the year.
As part of the flight-test activity the A400M has recently visited countries in Latin America and South East Asia, and in the upcoming period will travel to the “home” nations that ordered the aircraft and the Middle East in the frame of the F&R tests.
The fleet of five A400M development aircraft continues to make good progress in the intense flight-test campaign in order to ensure delivery of a reliable aircraft to our customer and has now completed more than 3,100 hours in the air, despite continued engine challenges.
Cedric Gautier, Airbus Military Head of A400M programme, said: “Achieving civil and military certification of the A400M as foreseen in the programme is an immensely challenging task, but the process of working on both simultaneously provides important benefits for our customers in the future. It is deeply satisfying to receive this initial certification, confirming the good progress that has been made towards the delivery of the first aircraft.”
ATR: 1,000 aircraft delivered
May 3, 2012
This success confirms the predominance of ATR and its turboprop technology in regional aviation
ATR marked an important stage in its history today with the delivery of its 1,000th aircraft, an ATR 72-600 which will be decked out in the colors of the Spanish airline Air Nostrum, which has a commercial agreement with Iberia. This delivery symbolizes the success and sustainability of the ATR program and the ATR 42 and ATR 72 family of aircraft. ATR, which delivered its very first ATR 42 on December 3rd, 1985 to the French airline Air Littoral, today joins the exclusive ranks of aircraft manufacturers having delivered 1,000 planes.
The delivery of this aircraft, which is configured for 72 passengers and powered by two PW127M turboprop engines, took place in Toulouse and was attended by many of the world leaders in aerospace, including the CEOs of the EADS and Finmeccanica groups, Louis Gallois and Giuseppe Orsi respectively.
“Today, ATR planes are present in over 90 countries and are flown by 180 airlines. Few programs can boast such a global presence”, said Filippo Bagnato, Chief Executive Officer of ATR. “Over the years, ATR aircraft have established themselves as the benchmark in regional aviation on all continents. We are very proud of the resilience that ATR has demonstrated since the launch of the program. The perseverance, the unfailing commitment to our turboprop aircraft and their many benefits for regional airlines are what allow us to celebrate the 1,000th delivery today, and these same qualities will continue to provide us with opportunities in the years to come.”
Since the recovery of the turboprop market in 2005, ATR has recorded almost half of all of its orders and delivered nearly a third of its aircraft. In 2011, a record year for the Franco-Italian aircraft manufacturer which posted 157 firm sales, ATR represented over 80% of international sales of regional aircraft with 90 seats or less.
Concerning these figures, Filippo Bagnato added: “The trend in regional aviation shows an increasingly pronounced predominance of turboprop technology in the 90-seat or less aircraft segment. Turboprops and ATR planes in particular, are also the best suited aircraft to meet the increasing environmental requirements of airlines and passengers.” And he concluded: “We would also like to thank all of our customers and ATR operators who, from the launch of the program, have placed their trust in us and who enable us today to look ahead to new, ever more ambitious opportunities.”
ATR aircraft offer some of the lowest fuel consumption rates and operating costs among all regional aircraft, for both jets and turboprops combined. The new -600 series ATR aircraft, like the one delivered today, are equipped with all the latest innovations in terms of passenger comfort, featuring, in particular, the Armonia cabin which was recently recognized at the “Good Design Awards” in Chicago. They are also equipped with a new glass cockpit avionics suite integrating all the latest tools in terms of navigational aids.
Certified by the European Aviation Safety Agency in 2011, the ATR “-600s” have become the new regional benchmark in terms of modernity, comfort and savings, thus further confirming the predominant trend of ATR planes worldwide.