Superior Air Parts – SENAIsc aviation training institute opening in Brazil

February 17, 2014


The new aviation educational institute will offer a range of flight- and technical programs that will inspire, innovate and provide training in all fields of aviation.

Coppell, Texas, February 15, 2014 — Representatives of Superior Air Parts, Inc., joined with dignitaries from the Industries Federation System of Santa Catarina State (FIESC), the National Service of Industrial Learning (SENAI), and the Santa Catarina State Government to celebrate the grand opening of the state-of-the-art SENAI Santa Catarina (SENAIsc) aviation training institution located in Brazil’s Santa Catarina State.

“When Sr. Cesar Olsen, noted Brazilian entrepreneur and aviation enthusiast, first describe his vision for this new school, he not only did so with such passion, but also with an enthusiasm that was instantly contagious,” Group CEO, Superior Aviation Group, Timothy T. (Tim) Archer said. “By the end of our meeting he had me wanting to see the school for myself, which I did this past September.”

“That visit is why I am here today. It has been my pleasure to travel the world and I can say with all sincerity that this is one of the outstanding aviation educational institutions that I have had the pleasure of touring,” Archer said. “Everyone involved with the program should take tremendous pride in what you have accomplished.”

“I feel that if Brazil’s most famous aviation pioneer, Alberto Santos Dumont were with us today to see this incredible learning center that has been created to further Brazil’s aviation growth, he would not only be very proud of Santa Catarina’s commitment to aviation, but also that his dream that Brazil would take its place among the world’s aviation leaders, has been realized,” Archer stated.

“Santa Catarina is most interested in developing an aeronautical pole. In this sense, it is important to invest in qualifying aircraft maintenance workers especially because it is a technical activity that requires both constant technical updating and state-of-the-art equipment,” stated Glauco José Corte, President of the Federation of industries of Santa Catarina (FIESC). “We are happy that Superior Air Parts has chosen to contribute and support the qualification of these professionals, who will be able work in a segment that is expanding in Brazil.”

Sr. Corte said that the SENAIsc curriculum was developed to enable students to learn how to use the right combination of tools and knowledge to solve real problems found in the industry. “The institute’s curriculum has prepared in conjunction with companies, institutions, professional associations and the FAA to meet the national professional profile of the best technical courses in aircraft maintenance,” he said.

Ms. Ana Fontes, Superior’s representative in Brazil said, “The future of aviation in Brazil depends on the next generation and the SENAIsc facility will play a leading role in ensuring that future. This amazing facility will enable the young people that dream of a career in aviation to achieve their goals,” she said.

During the ceremony, Mr. Archer also announced that Superior Air Parts has donated a new XP-360 Engine assembly kit to the SENAIsc aviation institute.

“Superior Air Parts has been very blessed with the success we have achieved and we believe it is our responsibility to give back,” Archer said. “One such way is to support and encourage today’s young people to pursue their dreams in general aviation.”

“That is why we are privileged to be able to donate a Superior XP-360 Engine kit to the Santa Catarina National Service for Industrial Learning Center and to support the institution’s ongoing efforts to innovate and produce excellence in all fields of aviation,” he said. “To further our ongoing involvement, Superior will be scheduling visits for our engineering and technical experts to visit the school to share their knowledge with its students and instructors.”

Lan Colombia y Avianca interesadas en ocupar espacios dejará en Colombia Copa Airlines

February 17, 2014

Lan Colombia y Avianca han desmostrado su interés ante las autoridades de aviación civil colombianas en ocupar aquellas rutas que Copa Airlines atiende dentro de Colombia y ha señalado dejará disponibles, dado la baja rentabilidad que obtiene de su explotación.-
La filial de Lan Airlines pretende aumentar entre un 10% y un 12% su participación en el mercado aéreo colombiano, para lo cual cuenta con reemplazar su material Boeing 737 por Airbus A320.-
Avianca por su parte, ha solicitado al ente rector de la aviación civil de aquel país sudamericano, la asignación de espacios en las rutas Bogotá y Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Cali, Cartagena, Medellín y regreso, mencionando contar con el material de vuelo adecuado.

Confirman presencia del A380 en Fidae 2014

February 17, 2014

Se ha confirmado oficialmente que una vez más Airbus presentará en la Feria Internacional del Aire y del Espacio, a realizarse del 25 al 30 de marzo próximo, su gigante del aire el cuadrirreactor A380.-
Aeronave que ya estuvo anteriormente en las ferias de los años 2010 y 2012, causando expectación entre los visitantes a dicha importante cita aeronáutica mundial.-
No obstante el evidente interés que existe por conocerlo, aún no hay información oficial sobre la posible venida también del A350, que si ha sido presentado y con gran éxito en Singapur.

Air Costa, da Índia, faz pedido firme para 50 E-Jets E2

February 17, 2014

Singapura, 13 de Fevereiro 2014 – A Embraer S.A. assinou um acordo definitivo com a Air Costa, da Índia, para um pedido firme de 50 E-Jets E2s, com direitos de compra para aquisição de outras 50 aeronaves. A aquisição é uma combinação de 25 E190-E2 e 25 E195-E2 e tem um valor estimado de USD 2,94 bilhões, com base nos preços de lista de 2014. Os direitos de compra são para outros 25 E190-E2 e 25 E195-E2, elevando o potencial total do pedido para até 100 aeronaves, podendo atingir USD 5,88 bilhões, se todos forem exercidos. Esta transação eleva o total de pedidos de E-Jets E2 para 200 firmes e 200 opções e/ou direitos de compra desde o lançamento do programa E2, em junho de 2013.

A Air Costa se torna assim o primeiro cliente dos E-Jets E2 no mercado indiano e receberá o E190-E2 em 2018. O E195-E2 está programado para entrar em serviço em 2019. Atualmente, a companhia aérea, com base na cidade de Vijayawada, do estado de Andhra Pradesh, voa quatro E-Jets, sendo dois E170 e dois E190.

“Os E-Jets já provaram sua capacidade de estimular o tráfego e manter a rentabilidade das companhias aéreas, proporcionando ao mesmo tempo transporte aéreo acessível e confortável para as pessoas em mercados emergentes como Brasil e China. Vejo o mercado indiano se desenvolvendo de forma semelhante com a atual geração de E-Jets e, claro, os E2. Parabenizo a Air Costa por sua visão em aproveitar a oportunidade de criar uma maior conectividade na Índia e estamos gratos pela confiança da companhia aérea na Embraer”, disse Paulo Cesar Silva, Presidente & CEO, Embraer Aviação Comercial.

A Air Costa conecta cidades no sul da Índia como Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad e Vijayawada, bem como importantes cidades menores no norte e no noroeste do país. A companhia aérea planeja ligar mercados pouco atendidos, com mais voos diretos, aumentando freqüências e rotas, servindo assim às crescentes áreas metropolitanas, bem como importantes centros de negócios secundários e terciários.

Ramesh Lingamaneni, Diretor-Executivo do Grupo LEPL e Presidente da Air Costa, observou que “os serviços aéreos regionais têm um enorme potencial na Índia, especialmente conectando grandes centros, cidades secundárias e terciárias. Nossa experiência inicial com nossos atuais E-Jets tem sido muito positiva. Nossos passageiros têm elogiado a aeronave pelo conforto e conveniência de viagens ponto-a-ponto. Os jatos E2 nos darão a capacidade adequada de assentos para atender a mercados-alvos futuros com custos unitários que são muito competitivos em relação a aeronaves de corredor único re-motorizadas.”

Os E2 da Air Costa contarão com um novo design de cabine, elevando ainda mais os padrões de conforto e espaço pessoal. O E190-E2 será configurado com 98 assentos em duas classes de serviço, com seis assentos na primeira classe, enquanto o E195-E2 terá 118 assentos, sendo 12 na primeira classe.

Com os E-Jets E2, a Embraer demonstra o compromisso com a melhoria contínua de sua linha de jatos comerciais e a manutenção da liderança no segmento de aviões a jato de 70 a 130 assentos. Os três novos aviões (E175-E2, E190-E2 e E195-E2) têm motores de última geração da Pratt & Whitney, novas asas aerodinamicamente avançadas, controles de voo totalmente fly-by-wire e avanços em outros sistemas que resultarão em melhorias de dois dígitos no consumo de combustível, custos de manutenção, emissões e ruído externo em comparação à atual geração de E-Jets.

Aerolíneas Argentinas places order for four A330-200s

February 14, 2014

Aerolíneas Argentinas has signed a purchase agreement for four Airbus A330-200s to renew and consolidate their widebody fleet. Aerolíneas Argentinas will announce the engine selection at a later date.

Argentina’s flagship carrier will deploy the new A330 aircraft for medium and long haul routes from their Buenos Aires hub to destinations throughout Latin America, Europe and the United States. The airline currently operates eight A340-300s, four A340-200s and four A330s.

“Because we are committed to offer our customers the best service possible, we have added four A330-200s to our fleet,” said Mariano Recalde, President of Aerolíneas Argentinas. “This wide-body aircraft provides the latest innovation, modern interior design and onboard entertainment, while allowing us to significantly improve our fleet’s operational and economic efficiencies. We are very proud of this decision, which makes our relationship with Airbus stronger than ever.”

“We applaud Aerolíneas Argentinas’ for renewing their fleet based on the successful A330 Family. This exceptional aircraft is part of the best-selling wide body program that features a unique combination of unbeatable economics, versatility and fuel efficiency,” said John Leahy, Airbus Chief Operating Officer, Customers. “Airbus is consistently investing in the development of the A330 Family to ensure its continued leadership in reliability and operating economics.”

The A330 Family, which spans 250 to 300 seats, and includes Freighter, VIP, and Military Transport/Tanker variants, has now attracted more than 1,300 orders, with over 1,000 aircraft flying with more than 100 operators worldwide. The A330 is one of the world’s most efficient aircraft with best in class operating economics. With numerous ongoing product improvements, it still remains the most cost-efficient and capable aircraft, averaging dispatch reliability well above 99 percent.

More than 500 Airbus aircraft are in operation throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, with more than 800 aircraft sold and a backlog of nearly 400 yet to be delivered. In the last 10 years, Airbus has tripled its in-service fleet, while delivering more than 60 per cent of all aircraft operating in the region.

Garmin Seminar at Banyan

February 12, 2014

Fort Lauderdale, FL – Banyan Air Service (KFXE) will host a Garmin seminar on Thursday, March 20 starting at 6:30 pm.   The seminar will be presented by Joe Stewart of Garmin and will include updates on the latest avionics for aircraft and helicopters including the G1000, G600, G500, G500H, GTN 750, aera 796, and Garmin’s GDL 88 and GDL 39 ADS-B solutions.

“I am delighted to return again to Banyan Air Service and the Jet Cafe at FXE for the Garmin seminar series.   From the D2 GPS pilot watch up to our newest integrated flight deck, we look forward to helping our friends and customers find the right Garmin avionics solutions for their aircraft or helicopter,” says Joe Stewart, Garmin International Aviation Regional Sales Manager.

The seminar will be at Jet Café (next to Banyan) Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport, 5540 NW 21st Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, FL.   RSVP for this seminar on-line at or contact Pedro Artidiello at 954.492.3572 for more information.

Banyan Air Service is an authorized Garmin sales and service center and sells, installs and services Garmin aviation products.   Banyan is certified both FAA, EASA and has repair station approvals for Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Venezuela.  In addition, Banyan based at Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport (KFXE) is an award winning FBO offering turbine airframe and engine maintenance, aircraft sales, parts solutions, Jet Runway Café and Banyan Pilot Shop.

Embraer projeta 1.500 novas entregas de jatos de 70 a 130 assentos na região Ásia-Pacífico nos próximos 20 anos

February 12, 2014

Singapura, 12 de fevereiro de 2013 – A Embraer Aviação Comercial prevê que as companhias aéreas da região Ásia-Pacífico, incluindo a China, vão receber cerca de 1.500 novos jatos no segmento de 70 a 130 assentos nos próximos 20 anos (o equivalente a USD 70 bilhões, a preços de lista), o que representa aproximadamente 20% da demanda mundial para o segmento no período.

Das novas entregas na região, 65% são esperadas para apoiar o crescimento do mercado, enquanto 35% substituirão aeronaves antigas que serão aposentadas. O mercado da Ásia-Pacífico se tornará mais rico, competitivo e liberal, estimulando ainda mais as companhias aéreas a buscar aumento de eficiência, diferenciação de marca e melhores níveis de serviço. Neste contexto, o segmento de jatos de 70 a 130 assentos desempenhará um papel fundamental para apoiar o desenvolvimento intra-regional na Ásia-Pacífico.

“O tráfego aéreo na região da Ásia-Pacífico é composto principalmente por mercados secundários com demandas de baixa e média densidade com até 300 passageiros por dia em cada sentido. Cerca de 60% desses mercados não são servidos por voos sem escalas, e cerca de metade de todos os mercados atendidos não permitem a viagem de ida e volta no mesmo dia”, disse Paulo Cesar Silva, Presidente & CEO, Embraer Aviação Comercial. “Os E-Jets da Embraer oferecem a capacidade de desenvolver um melhor sistema de alimentação de tráfego e maior conectividade da malha de voos, bem como melhorar a qualidade dos serviços nos mercados onde não há demanda suficiente para apoiar operações de aeronaves de maior porte.”

O crescimento econômico da região alterou o contexto sócio-demográfico, com um aumento da classe média urbana com maior poder aquisitivo e, portanto, maior propensão a viagens aéreas. A perspectiva econômica positiva e a liberalização intra-regional vão impulsionar o aumento da demanda do transporte aéreo na Ásia-Pacífico em 6% ao ano até 2032, liderado principalmente pela China e Índia. A região vai se tornar o maior mercado do mundo com 34% do total de passageiro-quilômetro transportados.

Com o amadurecimento do modelo das companhias aéreas de baixo custo (Low Cost Carrier – LCC) na região, as empresas têm agora mais incentivos para procurar novas oportunidades para sustentar o crescimento, complementando as operações narrow-body com jatos de menor capacidade em rotas sem escalas em mercados de média densidade, bem como em operações de alimentação de tráfego nos grandes aeroportos (denominadas hub and spoke). Comprovados em serviço, os E-Jets podem desempenhar um papel fundamental nas malhas das LCC e empresas aéreas tradicionais, fornecendo o benefício de custos por viagem significativamente mais baixos e custos por assento competitivos com os de aeronaves de maior porte.

Além disso, 40% das rotas intra-regionais operadas por aviões turboélices têm mais de 450 quilômetros de extensão, sendo mais adequadas para operações de E-Jets devido à sua maior produtividade, melhor economia operacional e conforto superior aos passageiros.

A família de E- Jets registrou mais de 1.400 encomendas e mais de 1.000 entregas até a presente data, operando com cerca de 65 clientes em 45 países. No segmento de 70 a 130 assentos, a Embraer tem uma participação global de 51% nas encomendas e 62% das entregas desde 2004. Na Ásia-Pacífico, a Embraer possui mais de 80% de participação de mercado em seu segmento, com cerca de 150 E-Jets entregues para 10 operadores de seis países na região.

AJW Technique expands capabilities by investing in custom engineered equipment

February 12, 2014

Montreal, 12th February 2014: AJW Technique, the Montreal based MRO, has just completed final certification of a custom engineered heating system designed to complement the hot and cold pneumatic component tester already at the facility.

Over 330 hours of planning, fabrication and modification have been put into creating a robust system that ensures the Component Repair & Overhaul facility continues to meet the requirements of the Canadian Standards Association, while reinforcing the Company wide stance on total quality at every level.

“Our technical teams have been working on this project since June last year, so after extensive development time we are very pleased to be able to flick the switch, enhancing our core services as well as broadening our capability,” comments Guy Salicco, Production Manager.

This latest investment follows on from a series of initiatives focused on expanding what the AJW Group has to offer as a whole for the aircraft operator. The diverse range of products available link together to form a complete solution option for customers seeking end-to-end component management.

AJW Technique achieves ANAC Brazil Certification

February 11, 2014

Montreal, 10th February 2014: AJW Technique, the ascendant component repair and overhaul specialists, have achieved ANAC Brazil Certification. This endorsement by the Brazilian Civil Aviation Authority has been a priority for the AJW Group over recent months.

“We have proactively targeted the Latin American region to offer an unparalleled breadth of service for an increasingly diverse number of operators,” commented Gavin Simmonds, General Manager at AJW Technique. “With new airports planned and in progress, as well as many new airlines operating under the ‘low-cost carrier’ business model, Brazil and the other South American countries are considered to be key areas of investment for AJW throughout 2014.”

AJW Technique is bringing a significant repair and overhaul capability into this rapidly expanding marketplace and building upon the AJW Group’s long established reputation for the supply of aircraft components and power-by-the-hour solutions. Specialising in avionic, hydraulic, pneumatic, fuel and electromechanical systems, AJW Technique is well placed to enhance service levels throughout the Americas and deliver tangible efficiency and cost-savings across the component repair and overhaul process.

Being awarded the ANAC Maintenance Organisation Acceptance Certificate is the most recent in a developing list of regionally specific approvals that include TCCA/FAA, EASA, DGCA Indonesia and recently DCA Thailand. Augmenting the AJW Group’s worldwide footprint is an ongoing core initiative for each of the individual business units within the Group. This corporate strategy aims at delivering complete end-to-end solutions for operators seeking component support across multiple categories, on all Continents.

Falsa alarma de bomba obliga a alertar servicios de seguridad en aeropuerto A. Merino B.

February 6, 2014

El hallazgo de un paquete de características sospechosas en la cercanías de los controles de Policía Internacional en el aeropuerto Arturo Merino Benítez de Santiago, obligó a alertar los servicios de seguridad aeroportuaria, los que dada las características del objeto solicitaron la cooperación del Grupo de Operaciones Policiales Especiales (GOPE) de Carabineros de Chile.-
Aunque ello obligó a evacuar un sector del terminal de pasajeros y a retrasar la salida de tres vuelos, en su conjunto el aeropuerto continuó funcionando normalmente.-
Medidas que se dejaron sin efecto cuando el elemento sospechoso fue retirado y se comprobó que se trataba de una falsa alarma.

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