NOS AIR RACE CHAMPIONSHIP – A derradeira competição aeronáutica
May 31, 2014
Os aviões vão invadir a Baía de Cascais
Chega a Portugal uma competição única e nunca antes vista. O NOS Air Race Championship é um campeonato de corridas de aviões, com um novo conceito que tem como base as famosas Reno Air Races, que contam já com mais de 50 anos de existência nos EUA.
O novo conceito, baseado no modelo de competição dos principais eventos motorizados, foi sancionado pela primeira vez por membros da RARA – Reno Air Race Association que avaliaram este novo projeto, como tendo todas as caraterísticas para se tornar uma competição aérea singular a nível mundial. Escolheram Portugal para realizar a primeira prova, pela inquestionável beleza da baía de Cascais e por reunir condições climatéricas de exceção.
Nos próximos dias 4, 5 e 6 e Julho, sobre a Baía de Cascais, irá decorrer a corrida aérea mais emocionante e competitiva que Portugal já teve oportunidade de vivenciar. Com múltiplas aeronaves a voar simultaneamente e pilotadas por um grupo internacional de aviadores de elite, o NOS Air Race Championship é um evento que combina a competitividade, a audiência massiva, a localização privilegiada e um espetáculo emocionante.
O NOS Air Race Championship alia o que têm de melhor as maiores provas a nível internacional, num evento ímpar, onde o som de aeronaves a voar a 350 Km/h e a 30 metros acima do nível do mar, superarão todas as expetativas, dando ao público a oportunidade de ver ao vivo uma corrida aérea que conjuga competição e acrobacia no mesmo espetáculo.
DGAC de Chile suspende vuelos de PAL
May 29, 2014
Por incumplimiento de los requisitos técnicos que dieran origen a su certificación como Operador Aéreo (AOC), la Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil de Chile suspendió las operaciones la línea aérea chilena PAL, hasta que no demuestre nuevamente estar en condiciones de cumplir con ellos.
Cabe señalar que la propia empresa, a contar de agosto del año pasado había suspendido sus vuelos a nivel nacional, orientándolos a los vuelos charter y de carga.-
Por su parte, en PAL se señaló que en fecha próxima inaugurarán un nuevo Centro de Mantenimiento Autorizado (CMA) y posteriormente proseguirán con sus vuelos destinados a atender a las empresas mineras del norte del país.
LAN Argentina anuncia suspensión vuelos a Bahía Blanca
May 29, 2014
Aunque oficialmente se ha señalado que por razones de reprogramación operacional, a partir de julio LAN Argentina suspenderá completamente sus vuelos entre Buenos Aires y Bahía Blanca, en carta interna dirigida a sus trabajadores, la empresa ha mencionado que el real motivo de dicha medida se basa en los problemas que durante los dos últimos años ha mantenido con el gobierno transandino. Problemas que serían parte de un complot para reducir su competitividad dentro del mercado aéreo argentino.
Entre ellos se señala las dificultades de accesos a los hangares, prohibición de renovar su flota de aviones, negación de puentes de embarques y problemas con la estatal Intercargo.-
Como era de esperar, esta situación que ya es de larga data, e incluso fue representada por el anterior presidente de la república de Chile a la primera mandataria de Argentina, sin obtener resultados positivos, ha causado profunda molestia en círculos aeronáuticos chilenos, exigiendo una posición más firme ante las autoridades argentinas, cuya empresa estatal Aerolíneas Argentinas, goza de la más amplia libertad para operar en cielos chilenos, incluso pudiendo realizar cabotaje si así lo deseara.
Piper France Becomes Newest Company Dealer
May 29, 2014
VERO BEACH, Fla. – May 29, 2014 – Piper Aircraft Inc. has appointed Piper France SARL as the company’s new aircraft dealer in France.
Located at Aéroport Troyes Barberey, Piper France is a partnership between Troyes Aviation and Piper Generalvertretung Deutschland AG, a Piper Dealer for more than 45 years. Piper France, Led by Françoise Horiot, will take inventory of its first Piper product, a new single-engine Piper Mirage with a pressurized cabin, in June. The new Piper Mirage will make its debut at the upcoming Cannes Air Show (June 12 – June 14).
“Piper France is delighted to be able to offer new Piper airplanes to customers and prospective French customers,” said Horiot. “At Troyes Aviation we have been approved for working on Pipers for a long time and we are pleased to have the added capability of bringing these new aircraft to our country.”
“France’s diversified economy presents many sales opportunities for Piper’s range of economical aircraft from the company’s flag-ship, the turbo prop Meridian, to the complete line up of single and twin engine trainers,” said Piper Vice President of Sales and Marketing Drew McEwen. “Piper France SARL and Françoise Horiot offer tremendous product expertise and we are looking forward to many additional opportunities in France in growing Piper’s market presence.”
LAN and TAM Open New Preferential Check-in at Santiago International Airport
May 29, 2014
· About 30 thousand passengers per month use the company’s preferential check-in counter, a demand that will increase to about 50,000 by 2020.
· The new space, whose capacity will be double the previous one, is situated just above the International Police area, on the fourth floor of the west side of the airport.
Santiago, May 16, 2014 -. Aiming to renew their premium spaces and provide a better travel experience for passengers, LAN and TAM inaugurated the new Preferential Check-in, located on the fourth floor on the west side of the International Airport in Santiago, Chile.
“Under the remodeling plan of Santiago airport, we understood that it was important to offer our preferred passengers an exclusive new space with the highest standards of design, technology and comfort to optimize their wait and prepare them for their flight and next destination,” said Jerome Cadier, Vice President of Marketing LATAM Airlines Group.
About 30 thousand passengers per month check in at the preferential counter, a demand that will increase to about 50,000 by 2020.
The new space of over 6,458 square feet in total, has 18 counters, kiosks for self check-in, direct access to gates and will connect to the new LAN and TAM VIP Lounge, which will be opened in the first half of 2015 and will be the largest in Latin America.
The project design was led jointly by architects and designers of international prestige, such as Chilean Mathias Klotz, in addition to attention from architect Lillian Allen and a global view from Studio Putman, one of best design studios in the world, with its headquarters in Paris.
This new preferential check-in and its amenities can be enjoyed by passengers traveling in First Class, Premium Business, Business and Premium Economy on LAN and TAM, as well as high category members of the LANPASS frequent flyer program (Comodoro Black, Comodoro, Premium Silver), and TAM Fidelidade (Black, Vermelho Plus, Vermelho), and the respective oneworld categories (Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire).
Aumentan ofertas comerciales en aeropuerto A. Merino B.
May 28, 2014
En un 35% aumentarán este año las ofertas en tiendas y restaurantes en el aeropuerto Arturo Merino Benítez de Santiago, producto de las obras de ampliación en el terminal de pasajeros que se ejecutan en el mismo.-
Obras que obedecen a la sostenida demanda de servicios que implica el creciente número de pasajeros y público en general que a diario circulan por el terminal, tanto en los sectores destinados a viajes nacionales como internacionales.-
Lo que en un comienzo estaba contreñido a un buen restaurant internacional y a unas cuantas tiendas de souvenires y artículos típicos, hoy se ha transformado en un verdadero mall, con elegantes locales de las más afamadas marcas y restaurantes de diversos tipos de comidas, todo tendiente a hacer más placentera la estadía del pasajero que sale o llega por el aeropuerto.
Inusual nevada obliga a suspender operaciones en Aeródromo El Loa
May 28, 2014
Una inusual nevada, acompañada de fuertes vientos, obligó a suspender por algunas horas las operaciones aéreas en el aeródromo “El Loa” de Calama.-
Ubicado en la desértica segunda región de Chile, en la provincia de Antofagasta, no es común que llueva y menos que caiga nieve en Calama, por lo que el aeródromo local, uno de los con más trafico en Chile, no cuenta con máquinas para el despeje de nieve en las pistas. Ello llevó a que fuera cerrado a las operaciones mientras el fenómeno meteorológico no se disipara.
Grupo Latam se prepara para el mundial de fútbol
May 27, 2014
Con el fin de enfrentar el desafío que les significará el mundial de fútbol a desarrollarse en Brasil, LAN Airlines y TAM, integrantes del Grupo Latam han dispuesto una serie de medidas a aplicar durante los meses de junio y julio próximos.-
En lo principal Latam agregará más de mil vuelos a sus itinerarios, de los cuales el 69% estará concentrado en Chile.-
Juntas y con vuelos propios, LAN y TAM unirán el Brasil con un tercio de los países clasificados para el mundial. Asimismo, por medio de “Oneworld” y acuerdos con otras empresas aéreas, Latam conectará Brasil a todas las naciones participantes del campeonato.-
Ello irá aparejado de otras medidas tanto en el ámbito operativo como financiero, que les permita hacer frente al enorme reto que en cuanto a la demanda por transporte aéreo implicará la justa deportiva.-
Envían a la Contraloría General de la República bases de licitación aeropuerto A. Merino B.
May 27, 2014
Ya se encuentran en poder de la Contraloría General de la República, las bases mediante las cuales el gobierno llamará a propuesta pública internacional para entregar en concesión la ampliación y explotación del terminal del aeropuerto Arturo Merino Benítez de Santiago de Chile.-
Una vez aprobadas por el organismo contralor, se procederá a la licitación correspondiente, trámite que tiene cierta prisa ya que la actual concesión vence en septiembre de 2015.
Bell 505 Jet Ranger X to Make European Debut at EBACE 2014
May 19, 2014
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND (May 19, 2014) – Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. company (NYSE: TXT), has announced its plans for the 14th annual European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition, EBACE, in Geneva, Switzerland, held May 20 to May 22. The Company will showcase its latest commercial product offerings including the Bell 505 Jet Ranger X™ aircraft mockup and Macaer’s new VVIP Bell 429 cabin mock up. In addition, a customer-owned Bell 429 aircraft in corporate configuration will be on display.
“EBACE is a great opportunity to expand our presence in Europe and connect with our customers,” said Patrick Moulay, Bell Helicopter’s managing director in Europe. “We have been working with our customers to advance and modernize our commercial product line. The Bell 505 Jet Ranger X on display is designed to specifications our customers told us are most important at a competitive price.”
The Bell 505 Jet Ranger X is a customer-driven design, blending proven systems with advanced technology and a sleek, modern design. The Bell 505 places safety, performance and affordability at its forefront. The Garmin G1000H Integrated Avionics Suite provides pilots critical flight information at a glance to maximize situational awareness. Pilot workload is further reduced by the Turbomeca Arrius 2R engine with dual channel Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC). The Bell 505 features a high inertia rotor system delivering superior auto rotation capabilities. With the ideal combination of speed, range and useful load, the Jet Ranger X is designed to deliver best-in-class performance.
The Bell 429 also offers exceptional flight performance with a fully integrated glass cockpit, advanced drive system and best-in-class WAAS navigation and IFR capability. Additional safety features include a collective mounted throttle, damage tolerant hub and rotor system, and energy attenuating seats. It is the first helicopter certified through the MSG-3 process, resulting in reduced maintenance costs for operators. Passengers will take advantage of the Bell 429’spacious cabin and extra large 60 inch side doors, as well as Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) capability certified for single or dual pilot operations to better fulfill their mission.
Macaer Aviation Group has created a state-of-the-art VVIP interior for the Bell 429 that can be customized to accommodate a range of customer desires. With a variety of seating configurations possible, operators can match their own individual taste. Macaer’s specialty custom interior incorporates a noise abatement system called SILENS™, and an In-Flight Entertainment Enhanced Lounge (I-FEEL), that provides a fully customized interactive touch screen based entertainment management system.
Bell Helicopter remains focused on providing world-class support and service to its European customer base. Currently, Bell has 15 independent representatives and distributors in region and continues to grow. The company’s focus on its customers is a key differentiator from the competition, as evidenced by Bell Helicopter’s consistent number one ranking in Pro Pilot’s service and support rankings for the 20th consecutive year.