LAN y TAM son reconocidas como las “Mejores Aerolíneas de Sudamérica” en los World Airline Awards
July 17, 2014
· LAN y TAM recibieron el primer y segundo lugar, respectivamente, en las categorías “Mejor Aerolínea de Sudamérica”.
· LAN además ganó el premio a “Mejor servicio en Sudamérica”, categoría en la que TAM también fue finalista.
· 245 aerolíneas fueron evaluadas por más de 18 millones de pasajeros de 160 nacionalidades diferentes.
Santiago, 15 de julio de 2014. En el marco del Farnborough Air Show -feria del aire más importante del Reino Unido-, LAN y TAM, miembros de Grupo LATAM, recibieron el primer y segundo lugar, respectivamente, en la categoría “Mejor Aerolínea de Sudamérica”, de acuerdo a la encuesta World Airline Survey, realizada anualmente por la prestigiosa empresa inglesa de estudios de mercado SkyTrax.
En esta versión del premio, LAN fue reconocida también como “Mejor Servicio de Sudamérica”, recibiendo el primer lugar en esta categoría, en la que TAM también fue finalista.
Es el sexto año consecutivo que una de las aerolíneas pertenecientes de Grupo LATAM (LAN o TAM) reciben el primer lugar en la categoría estos premios.
Mauricio Amaro, presidente del directorio de LATAM Airlines Group comentó: “La inversión en una flota de aviones de vanguardia, sumada al compromiso de cientos de equipos que comparten un foco especial en entregar diariamente un servicio de excelencia, es lo que hace que nuestros pasajeros nos prefieran. Por eso estamos realmente muy orgullosos de ver que LAN y TAM sean reconocidas nuevamente como las mejores aerolíneas de nuestra región. Estos premios reflejan la opinión de experimentados pasajeros y ésa es la mayor motivación que podemos recibir”.
En los últimos 6 años, las dos compañías se han alternado entre los primeros lugares en la categoría de “Mejor Aerolínea de Sudamérica”. En 2009 y 2010, LAN fue la primera y TAM ganó el segundo lugar. En 2011 y 2012, TAM fue la ganadora de la categoría, mientras que LAN se llevó el segundo lugar. En 2013, LAN se llevó el primer lugar y TAM el segundo.
Este año la ceremonia de entrega de premios se realizó en el legendario Wind Tunnel de Inglaterra (ex Royal Aircraft Establishment) en el marco de la Feria Farnborough Air Show. Éste es un lugar histórico para el mundo de la aviación, ya que en él se han probado múltiples aeronaves, desde Spitfires hasta el Concorde, y con motivo de la premiación se abrió al público por primera vez en 50 años.
Esta ceremonia es mundialmente conocida en la industria aérea ya que en ella se distingue a las mejores aerolíneas según la opinión de más de 18 millones de pasajeros, de más de 160 nacionalidades.
Los premios y el estudio de Skytrax -denominado World Airline Survey- es considerado la principal herramienta de referencia acerca de los niveles de satisfacción de las líneas aéreas en el mundo, constituyendo un formato de análisis único que considera la opinión de los pasajeros.
Los premios SkyTrax evalúan la experiencia de los clientes en tierra y a bordo. Son 40 aspectos relacionados con la calidad del producto y los niveles de servicio los que son examinados: desde el Check-in y el proceso de embarque hasta la comodidad de los asientos, estado de la cabina, catering, el entretenimiento a bordo y los diversos ítems del servicio. En esta oportunidad, se evaluaron 245 aerolíneas internacionales.
Sumado al reconocimiento a la compañía, en la oportunidad, la alianza de aerolíneas oneworld –integrada por LAN y TAM— resultó elegida como la mejor del mundo.
LAN e TAM são reconhecidas como as “Melhores Companhias Aéreas da América do Sul” no World Airline Awards
July 17, 2014
· LAN e TAM ficaram em primeiro e segundo lugar, respectivamente, na categoria “Melhor Companhia Aérea da América do Sul”.
· Este é o sexto ano consecutivo em que uma das companhias pertencentes ao Grupo LATAM Airlines fica em primeiro lugar nesta categoria do prêmio.
· LAN também ganhou o prêmio de “Melhor atendimento da América Latina”, categoria em que a TAM também foi finalista.
· Os premiados foram definidos após a maior pesquisa global com clientes de companhias áreas. 245 companhias foram avaliadas por 18 milhões de passageiros de 160 nacionalidades diferentes.
São Paulo, 15 de julho de 2014 – Na última Farnborough Air Show, a feira de aviação mais importante do Reino Unido, LAN e TAM, membros do Grupo LATAM Airlines, ficaram em primeiro e segundo lugar, respectivamente, na categoria “Melhor Companhia Aérea da América do Sul”, de acordo com a pesquisa World Airline Survey, realizada anualmente pela SkyTrax, renomada empresa inglesa de estudos de mercado.
Nesta edição do prêmio, a LAN também foi escolhida como a companhia de “Melhor Atendimento da América do Sul”, categoria em que a TAM também foi finalista.
Este é o sexto ano consecutivo em que uma das companhias pertencentes ao Grupo LATAM fica em primeiro lugar nesta categoria do prêmio.
Mauricio Amaro, presidente do Conselho de Administração do Grupo LATAM Airlines, afirmou: “O investimento em uma frota de aeronaves modernas, bem como o compromisso de centenas de funcionários que compartilham o objetivo de fornecer diariamente um atendimento excelente, é o que nos torna favoritos entre os passageiros. Por isso, estamos muito orgulhosos de ver que a LAN e a TAM estão sendo reconhecidas novamente como as melhores companhias aéreas da nossa região. Esses prêmios refletem a opinião de passageiros experientes, e essa é a maior motivação que podemos receber”.
Nos últimos seis anos, as duas companhias vêm se alternando entre os primeiros lugares na categoria de “Melhor Companhia Aérea da América do Sul”. Em 2009 e 2010, a LAN ficou em primeiro e a TAM em segundo. Em 2011 e 2012, a TAM foi a grande vencedora da categoria e a LAN ocupou o segundo lugar. Em 2013, a LAN ficou em primeiro e a TAM foi classificada em segundo.
Este ano, a cerimônia de entrega dos prêmios foi realizada no famoso Wind Tunnel, na Inglaterra (antigo Royal Aircraft Establishment), durante a feira Farnborough Air Show. Trata-se de um lugar histórico para o mundo da aviação, onde foram testadas inúmeras aeronaves, desde o Spitfire até o Concorde. Devido à premiação, o local foi aberto ao público pela primeira vez em 50 anos.
A cerimônia é mundialmente conhecida no setor aéreo por premiar as melhores companhias segundo a opinião de mais de 18 milhões de passageiros de mais de 160 nacionalidades.
Os prêmios e o estudo da SkyTrax, denominado World Airline Survey, são considerados a principal ferramenta de referência sobre os níveis de satisfação das companhias aéreas no mundo, constituindo um formato de análise único que considera a opinião dos passageiros.
Os prêmios SkyTrax avaliam a experiência dos clientes em terra e a bordo. São 40 critérios relacionados à qualidade do produto e aos níveis de serviço avaliados: desde o check-in e o processo de embarque até a comodidade dos assentos, as condições da cabine, as refeições, o entretenimento de bordo e os diversos aspectos do serviço. Nesta edição, foram avaliadas 245 companhias aéreas internacionais.
Além do reconhecimento do Grupo LATAM, a aliança de companhias aéreas oneworld, que reúne membros como a TAM e a LAN, foi eleita a melhor do mundo este ano.
LAN and TAM recognised as the Best Airlines in South America at the SkyTrax World Airline Awards
July 17, 2014
· It is the sixth consecutive year that a member airline of LATAM Airlines Group (LAN or TAM) has been awarded first place in this category.
· In addition to this, LAN was awarded first place in the “Best Airline Staff Service South America” category and TAM was named a finalist.
LONDON, 15 July 2014.- LAN and TAM Airlines, members of LATAM Airlines Group, have today been recognised as the “Best Airlines in South America” in first and second places respectively by the SkyTrax World Airline Awards. The awards, announced this morning at the Farnborough International Air Show, are the results of the World Airline Survey, which is conducted annually by the prestigious British market research firm, SkyTrax.
It is the sixth consecutive year that an airline belonging to LATAM Airlines Group (LAN or TAM) has been awarded first place in this category.
In addition to this, LAN was awarded first place in the “Best Airline Staff Service South America” category and TAM was named a finalist.
Mauricio Amaro, Chairman of LATAM Airlines Group said: “A combination of investment in a modern fleet, coupled with the commitment of our team members who are all focused on the delivery of an excellent service, is why our passengers prefer us. We are very proud that LAN and TAM have once more been recognised as the best airlines in our region. These awards reflect the views and opinions of seasoned travellers, which is the greatest accolade that we could receive.”
This year the awards ceremony was held at the England Wind Tunnel (ex-Royal Aircraft Establishment) at the Farnborough Air Show, a historical place in the world of aviation where multiple aircraft from Spitfires to Concorde were tested. In celebration of the awards the venue was opened to the public for the first time in 50 years.
The SkyTrax World Airline Awards have global recognition within the airline industry as they celebrate the best airlines in the world based on the opinion of over 18 million passengers across 160 nationalities. In 2014, 245 international airlines were included in the evaluation.
The awards are considered the global barometer for customer satisfaction within the industry, thanks to their exclusive reliance on the opinion of passengers. The SkyTrax awards evaluate the customer experience both pre-departure and on board. 40 aspects relating to product quality and service levels are examined; from the check-in and boarding process to comfort of the seats, state of the cabin, catering, on board entertainment and various service items.
In addition to the recognition awarded to both LAN and TAM, the oneworld alliance to which both airlines belong was chosen the best alliance in the world.
Israel Aerospace Industries Reveals its New Helicopter Safety Technology
July 16, 2014
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) reveals its innovative Helicopter safety technology, which enables helicopter flight in Degraded Visual Environments (DVE), under all weather conditions.
Today’s helicopter military and paramilitary operational missions typically involve flight over environments with a variety of ground obstacles. Such missions are often hampered by a combination of low-altitude obstacles and poor visibility, which may result in accidents and causalities. IAI’s technology was developed to provide a safe and affordable solution to such operational requirements.
The system features innovative staring radar, advanced processing algorithms and cockpit multi-functional display integration. The technology allows for low-altitude flight under all weather conditions or lighting and visibility, and for safe landing in brown-out conditions by alerting the pilot of electrical power lines and other ground obstacles.
The system generates a synthetic image of the terrain, highlighting flight obstacles such as power lines and their supporting poles or towers. The system achieves a very high probability of 95% for detection of power lines, comprises two compact 30 x 40 cm antennas, requires only 250 W of power, and weighs 30 kg. The system has successfully undergone flight tests and is available for performing real-time demonstration flights.
Yosef Melamed, General Manager of IAI’s LAHAV Division said: “IAI’s new helicopter safety technology is life-saving. It presents a unique business opportunity with potential markets worldwide. We are examining the possibilities for further development and marketing of the product, including cooperation with strategic partners.”
In the picture: Helicopter during landing in Degraded Visual Environment
Cessna Citation X+ makes first trans-Atlantic trip
July 16, 2014
FARNBOROUGH, U.K., July 13, 2014 – Following closely behind its recent FAA certification, the Cessna Citation X+, the world’s fastest business jet, completed its first trans-Atlantic crossing in a normal business flight profile in 5 hours, 33 minutes for an average ground speed of 502 knots. Cessna is a subsidiary of Textron Aviation, a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company.
“We filed a fairly standard flight plan to demonstrate the capability a customer can expect in normal operations, and it was very impressive,” said Kriya Shortt, senior vice president, Sales and Marketing for Textron Aviation. “While the operator will realize a huge benefit from the Citation X+ during shorter cross-country flights, long flights like this is where it really shines.”
The Citation X+ flew from the Cessna factory in Wichita, KS to Presque Isle, Maine, then 2,788 nautical miles non-stop to Cessna’s facility at Paris Le Bourget for an event. The Citation X+ then completed its journey at TAG Farnborough Airport. For the trans-Atlantic leg, the aircraft made a direct climb to 45,000 feet, accelerating to an initial cruise speed of .86 Mach, then to .88 Mach for much of the flight to Paris.
“Just as impressive as the speed of the aircraft – and the time saved – is the large cabin, the comfort, and the smart cabin technology that really make this the jet for business,” Shortt said.
The new Citation X+ has seating for up to 12 passengers, a maximum altitude of 51,000 feet, an unmatched maximum speed of Mach 0.935 (617 mph, 536 ktas) and an increased max range of 3,408 nautical miles.
The most distinct outward difference with the evolved Citation X+ is the addition of winglets, allowing the aircraft to cruise efficiently at higher altitudes and to consume less fuel, as well as improving takeoff and landing performance at higher elevations or on hot days. Powered by two FADEC-controlled Rolls-Royce AE3007C2 turbofan engines, the Citation X+ can fly above commercial traffic and some adverse weather at a maximum altitude of 51,000 feet.
The cockpit of the Citation X+ features ergonomic seats designed for transcontinental flights, and a dual-zone temperature control system keeps pilots and passengers comfortable. The flight deck is centered on the Garmin G5000 avionics package with four intuitive, full-color touch-screen LCD control panels and three 14-inch high-resolution displays, as well as fully integrated auto throttles to reduce pilot workload. Standard Garmin Synthetic Vision Technology on the primary flight displays gives the crew a virtual reality view of runways, terrain, traffic and obstacles.
“The pilots were thrilled by the ease of fuel management with the fully integrated autothrottle system used throughout the mission,” Shortt said. “Combined with improved aerodynamics and the addition of winglets, the Citation X+ autothrottle is the key to getting the most efficient use of fuel given the prevailing environmental conditions, and that means you save money.”
Autothrottle is integrated with the Flight Management System and Automatic Flight Control System for computer control of engine thrust, set to maximize either thrust or speed. The system can be engaged prior to takeoff roll to control fuel flow throughout a flight, from takeoff to touchdown, or disengaged for manual throttle operation.
“Under the normal flight profile we flew, air traffic control requires a constant air speed during the crossing and without autothrottle, the pilots must constantly adjust the throttle to maintain that air speed,” Shortt said. “With autothrottle, they set the desired speed and the airplane does the rest, greatly reducing pilot workload.”
The lengthier cabin is built around a proprietary intelligent cabin management and entertainment technology solution integrated with the aircraft’s avionics and electrical systems. Cessna’s ClairityTM provides passengers individual touch screens to control cabin lighting, window shades, temperature, and audio and video entertainment (digital media, MP3/iPhone, Blu-Ray). The interior of each new Citation X+ can be tailor-made to the customer’s specifications in seating layout, color choices and entertainment options that can include global, satellite Wifi connectivity.
Boeing Awarded New Contract to Provide Warhead Arming Devices to U.S. Air Force
July 15, 2014
Agreement will help ensure U.S. cruise missile readiness
HEATH, Ohio, July 14, 2014 –The U.S. Air Force has extended Boeing’s [NYSE: BA] work remanufacturing warhead arming devices for the nation’s air-launched cruise missile (ALCM), helping to ensure the readiness of the system.
Under a new two-year contract, valued at $7.3 million, Boeing will remanufacture warhead arming devices for the air-launched cruise missile. The contract includes an option for six additional years at an estimated value of $50 million.
“Providing these production systems to the Air Force fleet on schedule is our number one goal,” said Peggy Morse, vice president, Boeing Directed Energy & Strategic Systems. “This contract is a testament to the ALCM team’s expertise and commitment to support national security.”
Boeing has worked on ALCM since its conception. The ALCM is a long-range subsonic, self-guided missile that can be launched far from hostile territory and still reach its target.
The Boeing team in Heath will continue to perform all manufacturing and acceptances testing on the warhead arming devices to meet the Air Force’s original design requirements. The work is being done for the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center Missile Sustainment Division, located at Tinker Air Force Base, Okla.
“Our maintenance, repair and overhaul facility remains ready and uniquely qualified to continue remanufacturing these devices,” said Ellen Power, Boeing Heath center director. “This agreement will not only sustain work at this site but will support the economic security of Boeing’s supplier base in Ohio, which is the largest in the United States.”
Boeing’s Strategic Fabrication Center in Heath also maintains the Air Force’s Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles, and tests, repairs and calibrates almost every type of military aircraft guidance and navigation system for the Air Force, Navy and allied nations.
A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is one of the world’s largest defense, space and security businesses specializing in innovative and capabilities-driven customer solutions, and the world’s largest and most versatile manufacturer of military aircraft. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is a $33 billion business with 56,000 employees worldwide. Follow us on Twitter: @BoeingDefense.
Seven Sukhoi Superjet 100 Delivery Agreement Signed between SCAC and BEK AIR
July 15, 2014
On July 14 Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company and BEK AIR airline based in Kazakhstan have signed during Farnborough International Airshow 2014 an agreement on delivery of seven Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft.
Long-range Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft are planned for delivery in full economy configuration with the capacity to carry 103 passengers: three aircraft in 2015 and four in 2016.
The Agreement was signed by the President of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company Mr Andrey Kalinovsky and the Chairman of BEK AIR Mr Nurlan Zhumasultanov. This document opens new prospects on the aviation operations market for SSJ100 aircraft within Eurasian Economic Union, which was founded according to agreement signed in Astana in May 2014 by the Heads of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia.
The signature took place in the presence of Mr Mikhail Pogosyan, the President of the United Aircraft Corporation and cosmonaut Mr Talgat Musabaev, the Chairman of the National Space Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Hero of Russia and Kazakhstan.
BEK AIR is currently flying along 14 national routes in Kazakhstan carrying up to 500 000 passengers annually. In future, the airline expects to expand its route network in Kazakhstan, establish new routes to Russia, Asia and the Middle East.
Boeing, Avolon Announce Commitment for 787 Dreamliners, Additional 737 MAXsLeasing company adds Dreamliner to portfolio with six 787-9s 737 MAX order book to increase to 20 airplanes FARNBOROUGH, United Kingdom, July 14, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Avolon announced the leasing company’s commitment for six 787-9 Dreamliners and five additional 737 MAX 9 airplanes, valued at more than $2 billion at current list prices. This commitment marks Avolon’s first order for the efficient 787 Dreamliner and will increase the lessor’s 737 MAX portfolio to 20 airplanes. When finalized, the order will be posted on the Boeing Orders & Deliveries website. “Our investment strategy is focused on building a portfolio of young, modern and fuel-efficient commercial aircraft. This order for six Boeing 787-9 aircraft, when combined with our ongoing sale and leaseback investments in the 787 family, reflects our commitment to our customers to have a product offering built around the latest and most technically advanced aircraft available in the market,” said Domhnal Slattery, CEO of Avolon. “We are also pleased to reconfirm our commitment to purchase five Boeing 737 MAX 9 aircraft. The 737 has proven itself a hugely popular aircraft with airlines, investors and financiers worldwide,” said Slattery. “Avolon was one of the first three lessors to order the 737 MAX when we announced our original commitment in July 2012 and we are delighted to increase that commitment now, reflecting our confidence in the asset and our customers’ need to operate the most technologically advanced and fuel-efficient aircraft.” “We are thrilled that Avolon is committing to order the 787-9 Dreamliner and additional 737 MAXs,” said Boeing Commercial Airplanes president and CEO Ray Conner. “This addition to its portfolio reflects Avolon’s important role in the leasing industry and the market popularity of both the Dreamliner and 737 MAX.” The Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner is the second member of the super-efficient 787 family. Both the 787-8 and 787-9 bring the economics of large jets to the middle of the market, with 20 percent less fuel use and 20 percent fewer emissions than similarly sized airplanes and passenger-pleasing features. At 20 feet (6 meters) longer than the 787-8, the 787-9 extends the family in capacity and range, flying more passengers and more cargo farther. The 737 MAX has surpassed 2,000 orders from 42 customers worldwide, the most successful launch in Boeing history. The 737 MAX incorporates the latest-technology CFM International LEAP-1B engines to deliver the highest efficiency, reliability and passenger comfort in the single-aisle market. The largest in the 737 MAX family, the 737 MAX 9 offers the best fuel-efficiency per seat and will be 7 percent per trip less expensive to operate than its competitor, the A321neo.
July 15, 2014
Leasing company adds Dreamliner to portfolio with six 787-9s
737 MAX order book to increase to 20 airplanes
FARNBOROUGH, United Kingdom, July 14, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Avolon announced the leasing company’s commitment for six 787-9 Dreamliners and five additional 737 MAX 9 airplanes, valued at more than $2 billion at current list prices.
This commitment marks Avolon’s first order for the efficient 787 Dreamliner and will increase the lessor’s 737 MAX portfolio to 20 airplanes. When finalized, the order will be posted on the Boeing Orders & Deliveries website.
“Our investment strategy is focused on building a portfolio of young, modern and fuel-efficient commercial aircraft. This order for six Boeing 787-9 aircraft, when combined with our ongoing sale and leaseback investments in the 787 family, reflects our commitment to our customers to have a product offering built around the latest and most technically advanced aircraft available in the market,” said Domhnal Slattery, CEO of Avolon.
“We are also pleased to reconfirm our commitment to purchase five Boeing 737 MAX 9 aircraft. The 737 has proven itself a hugely popular aircraft with airlines, investors and financiers worldwide,” said Slattery. “Avolon was one of the first three lessors to order the 737 MAX when we announced our original commitment in July 2012 and we are delighted to increase that commitment now, reflecting our confidence in the asset and our customers’ need to operate the most technologically advanced and fuel-efficient aircraft.”
“We are thrilled that Avolon is committing to order the 787-9 Dreamliner and additional 737 MAXs,” said Boeing Commercial Airplanes president and CEO Ray Conner. “This addition to its portfolio reflects Avolon’s important role in the leasing industry and the market popularity of both the Dreamliner and 737 MAX.”
The Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner is the second member of the super-efficient 787 family. Both the 787-8 and 787-9 bring the economics of large jets to the middle of the market, with 20 percent less fuel use and 20 percent fewer emissions than similarly sized airplanes and passenger-pleasing features. At 20 feet (6 meters) longer than the 787-8, the 787-9 extends the family in capacity and range, flying more passengers and more cargo farther.
The 737 MAX has surpassed 2,000 orders from 42 customers worldwide, the most successful launch in Boeing history. The 737 MAX incorporates the latest-technology CFM International LEAP-1B engines to deliver the highest efficiency, reliability and passenger comfort in the single-aisle market. The largest in the 737 MAX family, the 737 MAX 9 offers the best fuel-efficiency per seat and will be 7 percent per trip less expensive to operate than its competitor, the A321neo.
Boeing, Okay Airways Announce Order For 737 MAXs, Next-Generation 737s
July 15, 2014
737’s reliability and efficiency supports Okay Airways’ growth
First Chinese airline to fly 737-900ER
FARNBOROUGH, United Kingdom, July 14, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Boeing (NYSE: BA) and Okay Airways announced an order today for six 737 MAX 8s and four Next-Generation 737-800s, valued at $980 million at current list prices.
Okay Airways, the first privately owned airline in China, also announced it will convert five 737-800s from a previous order into 737-900ERs (Extended Range). With today’s conversion announcement, Okay Airways will be the first airline in China to operate the 737-900ER and has eight of the airplanes on order.
“The 737 is the backbone of our fleet and has fueled our growth with its proven reliability and efficiency,” said Liu Weining, president, Okay Airways. “The addition of the new 737 MAX airplanes will help us explore new regional markets while strengthening our existing domestic routes.”
“We are honored to partner with Okay Airways once again, as the airline continues to modernize its fleet with Boeing’s 737 airplane family,” said John Wojick, senior vice president of Global Sales and Marketing, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. “The combination of Next-Generation 737-800s and 737 MAX 8 airplanes is a perfect fit for Okay Airways and will provide its fleet with market-leading efficiency, reliability and passenger comfort for many years to come.”
Okay Airways is headquartered in Beijing with its main hub at Tianjin Binhai International Airport. Its jetliner fleet includes 12 Boeing 737-800s and one Boeing 737-300 Freighter, which serves 40 domestic destinations.
The 737 MAX incorporates the latest-technology CFM International LEAP-1B engines to deliver the highest efficiency, reliability and passenger comfort in the single-aisle market. The 737 MAX 8 is 2.2 meters longer, providing customers with more flexibility and cost efficiency than the A320neo in the heart of the single-aisle market. Airlines operating the 737 MAX 8 will see an 8 percent operating cost per seat advantage over the A320neo. The 737 MAX has surpassed 2,000 orders from 42 customers worldwide, the most successful launch in Boeing history.
The 737-800 is the best-selling version of the highly successful Next-Generation 737 family, the most technologically advanced airplanes in the single-aisle market. The 737-900ER complements the 737-800s that many Next-Generation 737 customers already have in their fleets by providing 31 additional seats for more incremental revenue opportunity.
AerCap firms up order for 50 A320neo Family aircraft
July 15, 2014
Strong appeal of fuel-efficient A320neo continues to attract lessors worldwide
AerCap, the industry leading lessor headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, has firmed up an order for 50 additional A320neo Family aircraft at the Farnborough International Airshow 2014. The contract, AerCap’s first major aircraft order following the acquisition of ILFC earlier this year, was signed by Philip Scruggs, AerCap’s President & Chief Commercial Officer and Fabrice Brégier, Airbus President and CEO. AerCap will announce its engine selection in due course.
Including today’s order for 50 A320neo aircraft, AerCap’s total order of A320neo aircraft rises to 200 and its total orders of Airbus aircraft rises to 945. Following the lessor’s acquisition of ILFC, AerCap becomes Airbus’ largest customer overall, both in number and value of aircraft purchased.
AerCap’s CEO Aengus Kelly said: “The A320neo family is proving to be enormously successful. AerCap has already placed 48 A320neo aircraft under lease agreement or letter of intent, so our decision to firm up for 50 additional A320neo Family aircraft is a natural extension of our fleet strategy.”
“We are honoured that AerCap has selected our popular A320neo for its first major aircraft investment since the acquisition of ILFC earlier this year,” said Fabrice Brégier, Airbus President & CEO. “It’s always great news when our valued customers come back for more of our aircraft and is clear confirmation that our products are satisfying operators’ needs thanks to the A320neo’s best-in-class cabin comfort, unbeatable economics and excellent operational reliability.”
The A320 Family is the world’s best-selling single aisle product line with more than 10,500 orders to date and over 6,100 aircraft delivered. Thanks to its wide cabin, all members of the A320 Family offer the industry’s best level of comfort in all classes and Airbus’ 18” wide seats in economy as standard. The newest member of the A320 Family, the A320neo, incorporates new generation engines and Sharklets (wing tip devices) which together deliver 15 percent in fuel savings. At the end of June 2014, firm orders for the NEO reached over 2,800 aircraft from 55 customers, representing a 60 per cent market share in its category.