December 1, 2014


Aerolíneas Argentinas presentó un nuevo Boeing 737/800 para su flota de cabotaje y regional, siendo la décima aeronave recibida directamente desde la fábrica Boeing, en Seattle, con la que el parque de estas aeronaves suma catorce unidades.

Al recibir la nueva unidad el Presidente de Aerolíneas Argentinas, Mariano Recalde, afirmó: “hoy Aerolíneas cuenta con 69 aviones operativos, lo que marca una diferencia fundamental con los 26 que nos encontramos en el 2008 y pone de manifiesto la tarea que el Estado, por indicación de la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner está llevando adelante”.

El B-737/800 – matriculado LV-FUC – forma parte del programa de modernización y ampliación de flota que Aerolíneas Argentinas instrumentó a partir de la estatización de la línea de bandera.

La flota de aeronaves de fuselaje angosto de Aerolíneas Argentinas cuenta hoy con 14 B-737/800 y 22 B-737/700 NG, lo que permite seguir desarrollando el Plan de Negocios que tendrá su continuación con la incorporación de otros tres B-737/800 en 2015 y con la compra de otros veinte B-737/800, nuevos de fábrica, que serán entregados, según la orden de adquisición firmada en octubre de este año con la Compañía Boeing, entre 2016 y 2018. El beneficio de incrementar la flota con Boeing 737/800 está dado porqué estas aeronaves se pueden configurar con mayor cantidad de asientos y esto significa un menor costo operativo.

El B-737/800 tiene 170 plazas con 162 butacas en turista y 8 en Economy Plus, y el interior de su cabina está diseñado de acuerdo a las especificaciones de Boeing Sky Interior, para ofrecer mayor confort y comodidad a los pasajeros.

Por otra parte y en la presentación del B-737/800 de Aerolíneas Argentinas la Administración Nacional de Aviación Civil (ANAC) habilitó la aeronave con un nuevo Certificado de Matricula.

Para evitar que los Certificados de Matrícula y de Aeronavegabilidad puedan ser falsificados, la Dirección de Aeronavegabilidad dependiente de la Dirección Nacional de Seguridad Operacional de la Administración Nacional de Aviación Civil, implementó un programa de Seguridad Documental para ajustar dichos Certificados a los niveles más exigentes de seguridad disponibles en nuestro país, los cuales serán impresos en el nuevo papel que fuera adquirido a la Casa de la Moneda.

El nuevo documento habilitante de aeronaves cuenta con medidas de seguridad tales como: Marca de agua, filigrana; guilloche; fondo de seguridad; microletras; numeración de hojas y código de barras.

Vuelo inaugural del EC645 T2 de Airbus Helicopters

December 1, 2014


Las fuerzas armadas alemanas recibirán las primeras unidades de esta serie hacia finales de 2015

Donauwörth, 27 de noviembre de 2014. El nuevo helicóptero militar ligero multifunción de Airbus Helicopters, el EC645 T2 (LUH SOF) ha completado con éxito su vuelo inaugural. Bajo la atenta mirada de representantes de las fuerzas armadas alemanas (Bundeswehr, que ha encargado los primeros aparatos de este nuevo tipo) el EC645 T2 hizo toda una demostración de lo que es capaz en las instalaciones de la compañía en Donauwörth (estado de Baviera).
“El vuelo inaugural supone todo un hito en el programa EC645 T2. Nos encanta poder disfrutar de este acontecimiento con el cliente”, declaró Ralf Barnscheidt, Director del Military Support Center de Airbus Helicopters. “Estamos siguiendo el calendario establecido para que la entrega de los primeros aparatos EC645 T2 pueda realizarse el año que viene, lo que también es fruto de la estrecha colaboración existente entre los equipos de proyecto de Airbus Helicopters y de la Bundeswehr”.
El EC645 T2 es la versión militar del EC145 T2 civil que entró en servicio en el verano de 2014. Con un peso máximo al despegue de 3,7 toneladas, el EC645 T2 se puede utilizar para una amplia variedad de misiones militares, inclusive transporte, reconocimiento, búsqueda y salvamento, fuego de apoyo y evacuación de heridos. La Bundeswehr ha hecho un pedido de 15 de estos helicópteros para la fuerza aérea alemana, que supondrán un considerable complemento a las capacidades de aquella: el helicóptero ofrece una serie de características que lo convierten en un aparato idóneo para las misiones del Mando alemán de Fuerzas Especiales (KSK).
El nuevo EC645 T2 –que goza de la misma robustez, bajo coste operativo y disponibilidad particularmente elevada de la familia EC145– está equipado con el paquete de aviónica Helionix®, que incluye el piloto automático de cuatro ejes desarrollado por Airbus Helicopters. La aeronave ha sido optimizada para misiones diurnas y nocturnas así como para operaciones en condiciones meteorológicas adversas. Su gama de equipo de misión abarca asimismo un sistema de inserción/extracción para tropas por “cuerda rápida”, ganchos de carga, cabrestantes, diverso armamento y sensores electroópticos. Asimismo el helicóptero cuenta con un protector antiimpactos balísticos y un sistema de contramedidas electrónicas para detección de amenazas.
El EC645 T2 está propulsado por dos motores Turboméca Arriel 2E y cuenta con control digital de motor de plena autoridad (FADEC). Por añadidura, su nivel sonoro, considerablemente inferior a los límites de la normativa internacional, hacen del EC645 la aeronave más silenciosa de su categoría.
La versión militar del EC145 ha demostrado su valía a clientes de todo el mundo. Por ejemplo, las fuerzas armadas de los EE.UU. emplean más de 300 unidades de este estos helicópteros alcanzan una disponibilidad operativa superior al 90%. Las Reales Fuerzas Armadas de Tailandia también han encargado recientemente cinco EC645 T2.

Successful First Flight of Airbus Helicopters’ EC645 T2

December 1, 2014


Bundeswehr to receive the first helicopters in this series in late 2015
Donauwörth, November 27, 2014 – Airbus Helicopters’ newest lightweight military multi-role helicopter, the EC645 T2 (LUH SOF), has successfully completed its first flight. In the presence of representatives of the German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr), which has ordered the first of this new helicopter type, the EC645 T2 demonstrated its capacities at the company’s Donauwörth location in Bavaria.
“This first flight is a milestone in the EC645 T2 program and we’re thrilled to be able to celebrate this event with our customer,” said Ralf Barnscheidt, Head of the German Military Support Center. “We’re right on schedule to deliver the first EC645 T2 helicopters in the coming year. This is also a product of the close-knit collaboration between the Airbus Helicopters and Bundeswehr project teams.”
The EC645 T2 is the military version of the civil EC145 T2 that entered into service this past summer. With a maximum takeoff weight of 3.7 tons, the EC645 T2 can be used for a wide range of military operations including transportation, reconnaissance, search and rescue, fire support, and evacuations of wounded personnel. The Bundeswehr has ordered 15 of these helicopters for the German Air Force. The EC645 T2 represents a significant addition to the German Air Force’s capabilities and offers a host of features that make it particularly well suited to missions carried out by the Special Forces Command (KSK).
Building on the robustness, low operating costs and the especially high operational availability of the EC145 family, the new EC645 T2 is equipped with the Helionix® digital avionics suite, including the 4-axis autopilot developed by Airbus Helicopters. This aircraft has been optimized for day and night missions as well as for those carried out in treacherous weather conditions. Its mission equipment range also includes a fast roping system for troops, cargo hooks, hoists, various weapons and electro-optical sensors. Ballistic protective equipment and an electronic countermeasures system that detects threats help protect the helicopter and crew. Powered by two Turbomeca Arriel 2E engines, the EC645 T2 is equipped with full authority digital engine control (FADEC). What’s more, noise emissions significantly below international limits make the EC645 T2 the quietest helicopter in its class.
The military version of the EC145 has proven its worth to customers around the world. For instance, the US Armed Forces operates more than 300 of this helicopter type, which Airbus Helicopters delivered on time and on budget. These aircraft achieve an operational availability of over 90 percent on average. The Royal Thai Armed Forces recently also ordered five EC645 T2 helicopters.

Airbus Defence and Space entrega el primer A400M a la Fuerza Aérea Británica

December 1, 2014

El Primer Ministro James Cameron asiste a la ceremonia de entrega en la base aérea de Brize Norton
Airbus Defence and Space ha suministrado el primer avión de transporte de nueva generación Airbus A400M a la Fuerza Aérea Británica (Royal Air Force – RAF), lo que supone el comienzo de una nueva etapa en la transformación de la flota aérea de Reino Unido.
Es el primero de 22 aparatos encargados por Reino Unido y se denominará “A400M Atlas” en servicio operativo.
El Primer Ministro británico David Cameron ha sido el invitado de honor en la ceremonia de entrega celebrada hoy en la base aérea de Brize Norton de la RAF, situada en su circunscripción electoral parlamentaria y en la que estará ubicada toda la flota Atlas. El Primer Ministro ha estado acompañado por Philip Dunne, Ministro de Equipamiento, Soporte y Tecnología para la Defensa.
Domingo Ureña Raso, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Director de Military Aircraft, ha declarado: “Es un gran placer ver al A400M entrar en servicio en uno de los principales exponentes de movilidad aérea militar en el mundo, como lo es la RAF. Quisiera expresar mi sincero agradecimiento a todos nuestros empleados, especialmente a los de Reino Unido, así como a la OCCAR y a nuestro cliente británico por hacer posible este día.”
“Airbus Defence and Space tiene el privilegio de ser actualmente el mayor proveedor de aviones de gran tamaño de la RAF. Estamos totalmente comprometidos con el cumplimiento de esta responsabilidad y daremos lo mejor de nosotros por muchos años más”.
El A400M reemplazará al C-130, actualmente en servicio en la RAF, pero gracias a su capacidad de transportar aproximadamente el doble de carga –o la misma carga al doble de distancia–, se necesitarán menos aparatos.
Es el único avión de su categoría capaz de volar a una velocidad y altitud similares a las de los reactores y con un radio de alcance intercontinental –gracias a sus motores extremadamente potentes y a su avanzado diseño aerodinámico–, así como de operar repetidamente en pistas cortas y sin preparar, cerca del área de acción, ya sea ésta militar o de ayuda humanitaria.

En la base aérea de Brize Norton, el A400M operará junto a la flota de aviones cisterna de transporte multifuncional Airbus Voyager de la RAF. Las alas de ambos aviones se fabrican en Reino Unido, en las localidades de Filton y Broughton, respectivamente. Asimismo, los motores del Voyager los fabrica Rolls-Royce en Reino Unido, empresa que también forma parte del consorcio Europrop International, responsable de la fabricación de los motores TP400 del A400M.
El A400M genera unos 8.000 puestos de trabajo en Reino Unido, de los que unos 900 empleados de Airbus Group participan directamente en la fabricación del avión en Filton. Hasta la fecha, ocho naciones han encargado 174 unidades, de las que ya se han entregado las primeras siete.

Airbus Defence and Space delivers first A400M to Royal Air Force

December 1, 2014

Prime Minister Cameron attends acceptance ceremony at RAF Brize Norton

Airbus Defence and Space has delivered the first Airbus A400M new generation airlifter to the Royal Air Force, beginning the next stage of the transformation of the United Kingdom´s air mobility fleet.

The aircraft is the first of 22 ordered by the UK and will be known in service as the A400M Atlas.

Prime Minister David Cameron was today guest of honour at a ceremony to celebrate the acceptance of the aircraft at RAF Brize Norton, which is in his parliamentary constituency, where the entire Atlas fleet will be based. He was accompanied by Minister for Defence Equipment Support &Technology Philip Dunne.

Executive Vice President Military Aircraft, Domingo Ureña Raso, said: “It is an enormous pleasure to see the A400M entering service with the RAF which is one of the leading exponents of military air mobility worldwide. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all our employees, especially those in the UK, as well as OCCAR and our UK customer for making this day possible.

“Airbus Defence and Space is today privileged to be the biggest provider of large aircraft to the RAF and we are absolutely committed to executing that responsibility to the very best of our abilities for many years to come.”

The A400M will replace the C-130 in RAF service but, because it can carry approximately twice as much load, or the same load twice as far, fewer aircraft will be required.

Uniquely it is able both to cruise at jet-like speeds and altitudes over intercontinental ranges due to its extremely powerful engines and advanced aerodynamic design, as well as to operate repeatedly from short and unprepared airstrips close to the scene of military action or humanitarian crisis.

At Brize Norton the A400M will operate alongside the RAF’s Airbus Voyager multi-role tanker transport fleet. The wings of both aircraft are built in the UK at Filton and Broughton respectively. Additionally the Voyager’s engines are produced in the UK by Rolls-Royce, which is also a member of the Europrop International consortium that produces the A400M’s TP400 engines.

Altogether the A400M supports some 8,000 jobs in the UK including around 900 Airbus Group employees working directly on the aircraft at Filton. To date eight nations have ordered 174 aircraft of which the first seven have now been delivered.

Avión de la FAB se accidenta en Aeródromo Teniente Marsh

December 1, 2014

El 27 de noviembre, mientras aterrizaba en el aeródromo “Teniente Marsh”, de la Base “Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva” en territorio antártico chileno, un avión Hércules C-130 de la Fuerza Aérea del Brasil, sufrió un desperfecto en su tren de aterrizaje, lo que hizo que resultara con daños en su ala derecha y en el motor número cuatro.-
A consecuencias de ello, la pista quedó bloqueada, interrumpiendo las operaciones en el aeródromo mientras la aeronave no sea retirada de la misma, para lo cual la Fuerza Aérea del Brasil solicitó ayuda a la Fuerza Aérea de Chile.

Boeing, Ryanair Finalize Order for 100 737 MAX 200s

December 1, 2014

Irish low-cost carrier is launch customer for 737 MAX 200

737 MAX 200 to deliver up to 20 percent better fuel efficiency

DUBLIN, Dec. 1, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Boeing [NYSE:BA] and Ryanair have finalized an order for 100 737 MAX 200s, valued at $11 billion at current list prices. The order, originally announced as a commitment in September, includes options for 100 additional 737 MAX 200 airplanes, and makes the Irish low-cost carrier the launch customer for the newest member of the 737 MAX family of airplanes.

“Ryanair is proud and honored to become the lead operator of Boeing’s ‘gamechanger’ 737 MAX 200 aircraft, which will expand our fleet to approximately 520 aircraft by 2024 and create another 10,000 new jobs for pilots, cabin crew and engineers in Europe, while allowing us to grow traffic from 82 million passengers last year to over 150 million by 2024,” said Ryanair CEO, Michael O’Leary.

“These new ‘gamechanger’ aircraft will allow Ryanair to lower our costs and airfares, while improving our customer experience with more leg room and the Boeing Sky Interior, as we roll out new offers, particularly for our Business Plus and Family Extra customers. As many of Europe’s flag carriers cut capacity on short haul routes, Ryanair looks forward to using these new 737 MAX 200 aircraft to grow at many more of Europe’s primary airports,” said O’Leary.

The 737 MAX 200, a variant based on the successful 737 MAX 8, can accommodate up to 200 seats, increasing revenue potential and providing customers up to 20 percent better fuel efficiency per seat than today’s most efficient single-aisle airplanes.

“The 737 MAX 200 will be a excellent addition to Ryanair’s all-Boeing fleet, providing the additional capacity, improved economics and high-levels of reliability that are required for its continued expansion,” said Todd Nelp, vice president of European Sales, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. “Our long-term partnership with Ryanair is a source of immense pride within Boeing and we are delighted to have the airline as the launch customer for the 737 MAX 200.”

Boeing developed the 737 MAX 200 in response to the needs of the fast growing low-cost sector, which is forecasted to account for 35 percent of single-aisle airline capacity by 2033. While the heart of the single-aisle market will remain at 160 seats, the 737 MAX 200 will provide carriers like Ryanair with up to 11 more seats of potential revenue and up to 5 percent lower operating costs than the 737 MAX 8, driving economic growth and increasing access to air travel.

Standard across the 737 MAX family, Ryanair’s 737 MAX 200s will be configured with the passenger inspired Boeing Sky Interior, featuring modern sculpted sidewalls and window reveals, LED lighting that enhances the sense of spaciousness and larger pivoting overhead stowage bins.

The 737 MAX incorporates the latest technology CFM International LEAP-1B engines, Advanced Technology winglets and other improvements to deliver the highest efficiency, reliability and passenger comfort in the single-aisle market. With this order, more than 50 customers have ordered more than 2,550 737 MAXs.

Headquartered in Ireland’s capital city, Ryanair operates more than 1,600 flights daily from 71 bases, connecting 183 destinations in 30 countries. Currently operating 300 Next-Generation 737-800s, Ryanair took delivery of its first 737 in 1994, and now operates the largest fleet of Boeing airplanes in Europe. With a team of more than 9,700 highly skilled professionals, the airline is expected to fly more than 89 million passengers this year.

Airbus Group Sells Part of Its Stake in Dassault Aviation

December 1, 2014

 Sells To Dassault Aviation 810,072 Shares In Off-Market Block Trade for € 980 per Share
 Transaction Reduces Airbus Group Stake in Dassault Aviation from 46 to 42 Percent
 Attempts Further Sale of Up to 10 Percent by 30 June 2015, Subject to Market Conditions
Amsterdam, 28 November 2014 – Airbus Group (stock exchange symbol: AIR) in an off-market block trade has sold to Dassault Aviation a total of 810,072 Dassault Aviation shares at a price of € 980 per share, representing a total amount of around € 794 million pre transaction costs.
The French State has agreed to waive its rights under the shareholder agreement with Airbus Group, which provides in particular a right of first offer to its benefit, for this block trade, which represents approximately 8 percent of Dassault Aviation’s share capital.
After this transaction, Airbus Group will hold 38.32 percent of Dassault Aviation’s share capital and associated voting rights and then following the cancellation by Dassault Aviation of 9 percent of treasury shares, Airbus Group will own 42.11 percent of the Dassault shares with associated voting rights. In this context, Airbus Group will solicit from the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) an exemption to the requirement to launch a public offer.
Further to today’s block trade, Airbus Group has provided a best efforts commitment until 30 June 2015 to sell up to 10 percent of Dassault Aviation’s share capital, subject to market conditions. This additional transaction should take place in the form of an accelerated book-building through either one or several placements. Airbus Group will have the ability to increase the size of the placements beyond this 10 percent of Dassault Aviation’s share capital.
Dassault Aviation has committed to support the implementation of these efforts and will place an order on 50 percent of the size of such placements, within a global limit of 5 percent of Dassault Aviation’s share capital, at a maximum price of € 980 per share. Airbus Group has committed to serve Dassault Aviation with 50 percent of the shares sold and within the same global limit of 5 percent of Dassault Aviation’s share capital, at the price of the relevant placement. Should the placement price be higher than € 980, the price of the Dassault Aviation shares sold at the same time to Dassault Aviation would be capped thereat while the price of the shares sold to third parties would remain the same.
“This transaction marks an important step in our stated intentions to monetise our stake in Dassault Aviation. Furthermore, we have retained market and timing flexibility, together with support from Dassault Aviation, that should allow us to optimise further monetisation steps during 2015,” said Marwan Lahoud, Airbus Group Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer.

Azul orders 35 A320neo

December 1, 2014

Brazilian airline complements fleet with A320s for domestic long haul flights

Azul Brazilian Airlines has signed a purchase agreement for 35 A320neo Family aircraft. The airline, which is also leasing another 28 A320neo aircraft, has chosen the A320neo Family to carry out domestic long haul flights and high density routes, including Campinas – Salvador and Campinas – Recife. For Azul, an important driver for selecting the A320neo was the aircraft’s low operating costs and excellent fuel efficiency.  Azul has selected CFM engines for their A320neo fleet.

“Azul is an airline that truly serves all of Brazil. With more than 100 destinations , Azul will soon offer even more seats on our longer haul flights, allowing us to reduce operating costs,” said David Neeleman, CEO and Founder of Azul. “In addition to its market leading economics, which will allow Azul to stimulate new demand, the A320neo is also a perfect complement to our E-Jet fleet, giving us additional seats and capacity that can be dedicated to strategic projects like TudoAzul, Azul Viagens and Azul Cargo.”

“Airbus welcomes Azul to the A320 Family and is proud that they will rely on the A320neo’s unbeatable productivity and fuel efficiency to expand their services,” said John Leahy, Airbus Chief Operating Officer, Customers. “We are pleased that Azul recognizes Airbus’ commitment to Brazil and the importance of operating the high performance A320neo in key airports such as Santos Dumont in Rio. This order truly underscores the leading position of the A320neo in the single aisle market.”

In April, Azul announced that it would start operating long haul flights by early December. The airline expects to fly new international routes with a fleet of 12 leased wide body Airbus aircraft, including seven Airbus A330-200 and later five Airbus A350-900 equipped with Rolls-Royce engines.

Airbus has obtained regulatory approval for training of A350 XWB airline pilots in accordance with the original goal of an A330/A350 “Common Type Rating” (CTR). This will enable Azul pilots to benefit from reduced training time in the transition from one Airbus jetliner model to another, resulting in significant benefits for airline profitability, pilot productivity and scheduling flexibility.‎

The A320 Family is the world’s best-selling single aisle product line with almost 11,000 orders to date and over 6,200 aircraft delivered to 400 customers and operators worldwide. Thanks to its widest cabin, all members of the A320 Family offer the industry’s best level of comfort in all classes and Airbus’ 18” wide seats in economy as standard. The newest member of the A320 Family, the A320neo, incorporates new generation engines and Sharklets (wing tip devices) which together deliver more than 15 percent in fuel savings. Firm orders for the NEO reached over 3,200 aircraft from 60 customers, representing a 60 percent market share in its category.

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