Jato executivo Legacy 450, da Embraer, recebe certificação da ANAC

August 20, 2015

São José dos Campos – SP, – O jato executivo Legacy 450 recebeu hoje a certificação de tipo da Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC) durante cerimônia realizada na Labace (Latin American Business Aviation Conference & Exhibition), principal evento voltado para a aviação executiva da América Latina.

“Estamos muito entusiasmados com a certificação do Legacy 450, cumprindo assim nosso compromisso de atingir esse marco apenas um ano após a certificação do Legacy 500”, disse Humberto Pereira, Vice-Presidente de Engenharia e Tecnologia da Embraer. “O Legacy 450 é verdadeiramente inovador em sua classe. Essa certificação também é um prêmio pelo comprometimento e dedicação de nossas equipes para entregar esta aeronave revolucionária ao mercado. Felicito cada membro de nossa equipe por essa conquista.”

A campanha de certificação envolveu dois protótipos, o primeiro com instrumentos de ensaio em voo e o segundo com um interior de produção. A comunalidade entre os modelos Legacy 450 e Legacy 500 é de cerca de 95%. A produção seriada do Legacy 450 já começou e a primeira entrega está prevista para o quarto trimestre de 2015.

“Estamos muito satisfeitos em confirmar que todos os objetivos do projeto Legacy 450 foram alcançados ou superados”, disse Marco Túlio Pellegrini, Presidente e CEO da Embraer Aviação Executiva. “Essa aeronave também é um divisor no segmento mid-light. Com maior velocidade, alcance e melhor desempenho do que inicialmente previsto, o Legacy 450 estabelece um novo padrão em sua classe.”

A Embraer espera receber certificação da FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), autoridade aeronáutica dos Estados Unidos, nas próximas semanas e em seguida a certificação da EASA
(European Aviation Safety Agency), responsável pela homologação na Europa.

Boeing Board Elects Duke Energy CEO Lynn Good as New Director

August 20, 2015

Good, 56, is president and CEO of Duke Energy, the largest U.S. electric power company, serving approximately 23 million people in the Carolinas, Florida and the Midwest. She also serves as vice chair of Duke Energy’s board of directors.

Prior to assuming her current role in 2013, Good served as Duke Energy CFO and led the company’s commercial energy businesses during their initial development of renewable energy projects. She has also been a partner at Deloitte & Touche and Arthur Andersen.

“Lynn is one of the energy sector’s most forward-looking leaders, focused on customers and environmental responsibility, and she will be an excellent addition to our board,” said McNerney. “She is a strategic thinker who is leading a large, complex company through a period of great change.”

Good will serve on the Boeing board’s Audit and Finance committees.

Good also serves on the boards of directors of the Edison Electric Institute and the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, and is also a member of the executive committee of the Nuclear Energy Institute. She is a member of the Business Council and the Business Roundtable.https://photos.prnewswire.com/prnvar/20150813/258244

Chilean Minister of National Defence and Commander in Chief of the Chilean Air Force visited FIDAE

August 20, 2015

They noticed on site all the details of the organization and the key innovations for the forthcoming edition that will take place from March 29 to April 3, 2016.

August 13, the Minister of National Defence, Mr Jose Antonio Gomez, with the Commander in Chief of the Chilean Air Force, General Jorge Robles visited the facilities of the International Air & Space Fair, FIDAE.

The delegation was hosted by the Commander of the Logistics Command and President of FIDAE, Lt. General Alvaro Aguirre, along with the FIDAE CEO, Colonel Fernando Silva, who gave a presentation to the Minister introducing all the arrangements and different innovations for the 19th edition of the foremost aerospace, defence and security exhibition of the American continent.

On the occasion, Colonel Silva underlined about the work performed in its more than 35 years of existence, resulting in becoming the leading business platform of the region. Furthermore, he introduced the news for its next version, focusing on the demonstration static and in flight area for RPA/UAV (drones), as well the theme pavilions and the set of specialized conferences, among other aspects.

Afterwards, the State Secretary and General Robles visited with the FIDAE directors the pavilions and chalets that will host the different exhibitors of FIDAE.

At the end of the visit, Minister Gomez spotlighted the level of preparation for FIDAE and its importance “in the international scope as this attract Defence Ministers and Commander in Chiefs from different countries, as well the most important companies from the aeronautical sector”.

“FIDAE is very important also for the relation of the Air Force with the population, which it is an opportunity to know on site its constant work towards the community”, he added.


Boeing to Support British Airways 787 Dreamliners with Component Services

August 11, 2015

Component Services, part of Boeing GoldCare, reduces cost, increases efficiency

SEATTLE, Aug. 10, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Boeing (NYSE: BA) announced today that it has signed a contract with British Airways to provide Component Services for its 787 Dreamliner fleet.

Under the 12-year agreement, Boeing will supply British Airways 787s with a carefully selected pool of high-value parts, enabling the airline to reduce its inventory management costs while improving component availability.

Component Services, part of Boeing GoldCare, offers solutions for airlines’ materials, engineering and maintenance needs. British Airways currently has eight 787s with 34 more on order, adding an additional 42 aircraft to Boeing’s growing Component Services customer base.

“Our fleet of 787s continues to grow, as does the expertise of our engineers in maintaining this modern and sophisticated aircraft,” said Andy Kerswill, director of engineering, British Airways. “This new Boeing service, which provides us with replacement parts quickly and efficiently, will help us to maintain our global 787 flight schedule and continue to deliver a consistently great performance for our customers.”

Under the Component Services program, Boeing establishes and maintains a pool of parts, selected to fit each customer’s fleet needs. The customer contacts Boeing for quick replacement of program-covered parts, which are shipped within a timeframe determined by the airline, based on their criticality. Boeing handles the repair, upgrade or warranty service when the customer returns the unserviceable part.

“Boeing’s industry-leading services offer a simple way for airlines to reduce the total cost of airplane ownership, giving them a competitive advantage in their markets,” said Rick Anderson, vice president of sales, Boeing Commercial Aviation Services. “We look forward to helping British Airways get the best possible performance from their 787 fleet.”

Boeing Commercial Aviation Services is a business unit of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, offering the aviation industry’s broadest portfolio of customer support and services to more than 12,000 airplanes worldwide, with 330 field services offices in 60 countries.

Embraer entrega primeiro jato executivo Legacy 500 no México

August 11, 2015

São José dos Campos – SP, 10 de agosto de 2015 – A Embraer Aviação Executiva entregou o primeiro jato executivo Legacy 500, da categoria midsize, para um cliente no México. A aeronave será operada pela Transpaís Aéreo, uma subsidiária do Grupo Lomex Aeronautics Division. O Legacy 500 recebeu a certificação de tipo da autoridade de segurança da aviação civil mexicana em junho.

O Legacy 500 tem demonstrado ser um jato executivo de alto desempenho, adequado para o mercado mexicano. Oferece uma excelente performance de pista e alcance transcontinental. A aeronave pode voar sem escalas a partir do aeroporto de Toluca, no México, a Manaus, de Cancún a Vancouver, no Canadá, ou de Nova York para Londres. O Legacy 500 tem atingido ou superado todas as expectativas do projeto, com a frota tendo entrado em serviço com sucesso desde a primeira aeronave entregue no último trimestre de 2014.

“Temos nos diferenciado da competição por meio da introdução de produtos verdadeiramente inovadores para os segmentos que competimos. A entrega do primeiro Legacy 500 no México destaca a tendência do mercado em buscar jatos executivos que combinem desempenho, alcance, baixo custo de operação e conforto de cabine”, disse Marco Túlio Pellegrini, Presidente & CEO da Embraer Aviação Executiva. “É com satisfação que vemos a chegada do Legacy 500 ao México”.

O mercado mexicano tem desempenhado importante papel no desenvolvimento da aviação executiva global. Com a segunda maior frota de jatos executivos do mundo, atrás apenas dos Estados Unidos, a forte cultura mexicana de utilização da aviação executiva demonstra a necessidade de uma ferramenta de trabalho que auxilie tomadores de decisão a competir em lugares que demandam velocidade, flexibilidade, eficiência e produtividade. O Legacy 500 é o jato midsize que excede a expectativa do cliente.

“Estamos muito orgulhosos por receber o primeiro Legacy 500 no México”, disse Hector Gonzalez, Diretor-Geral da Transpaís Aéreo. “Isso fortalece nosso relacionamento com a Embraer, já que somos o maior operador dos jatos executivos da Empresa em nosso país. Estamos seguros de que a operação do Legacy 500 será um sucesso em razão do seu desempenho excepcional e atributos de conforto que oferece”.

A Transpaís Aéreo tem mais de 40 anos de experiência e é reconhecida em todo o país por seu inovador serviço de aviação executiva JetLife. Sua oferta de serviços inclui manutenção preventiva e corretiva, gerenciamento de aeronaves, fretamento, hangaragem e FBO em Monterrey e Toluca.

Embraer Executive Jets entrega el primer Legacy 500 en México

August 11, 2015

São José dos Campos, Brasil, 10 agosto del 2015 – Embraer ha entregado el primer jet Legacy 500, de la categoría midsize, a un cliente en México. El avión será operado por Transpaís Aéreo, una subsidiaria de la División Aeronáutica del Grupo Lomex. El Legacy 500 fue galardonado en junio con la certificación de tipo por la Autoridad de Seguridad de la Aviación Civil de México.
El Legacy 500 está demostrando ser un jet ejecutivo de alta capacidad que está bien adaptado al mercado mexicano. Ofrece un desempeño de pista excelente y fácil rango transcontinental. El avión puede volar sin escalas desde Toluca a Manaos, Cancún a Vancouver o de Nueva York a Londres. El Legacy 500 ha alcanzado o superado todas las expectativas de  desempeño, con una tranquila entrada en servicio desde su primera entrega, en el último trimestre del 2014.
“Hemos sido capaces de diferenciarnos de los competidores mediante la introducción de productos verdaderamente innovadores para los segmentos en los que competimos. La entrega del primer Legacy 500 en México destaca la tendencia del mercado por jets ejecutivos que combinan rendimiento, alcance, bajo costo operativo y la comodidad de la cabina “, dijo Marco Tulio Pellegrini, Presidente y CEO de Embraer Executive Jets. “Estoy contento por ver el primer Legacy 500 entrando en servicio en México.”
El mercado mexicano ha jugado un papel importante en el desarrollo de la aviación ejecutiva global. Con la segunda flota más grande de aviones ejecutivos en el mundo, por detrás apenas de Estados Unidos, la fuerte cultura de aviación de negocios de México pone en relieve la necesidad de una poderosa herramienta que ayuda a los tomadores de decisiones a competir en un mercado que exige velocidad, flexibilidad, eficiencia y productividad. El Legacy 500 es el jet midsize que supera las expectativas del cliente.
“Estamos muy orgullosos de recibir el primer Legacy 500 en México”, dijo Héctor González, Director-General de Transpaís Aéreo. “Va a fortalecer nuestra relación con los productos de Embraer, siendo el operador más grande de Embraer Executive Jets en nuestro país. Estamos seguros que el Legacy 500 tendrá éxito por su desempeño excepcional y los cómodos atributos que ofrece.”
Transpaís Aéreo cuenta con más de 40 años de experiencia y es reconocido a nivel nacional por su innovador servicio de aviación ejecutiva JetLife y ofrece un portafolio que incluye el mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo, gestión de aviones, fletamento, almacenamiento de aviones y los servicios de FBO principalmente en Monterrey y Toluca.

Beechcraft celebrates 900th delivery in T-6 military training program

August 11, 2015

WICHITA, Kan.  – Beechcraft Defense Company, LLC, a Textron Inc. (NYSE:TXT) company, today announced it has delivered its 900th Beechcraft T-6 military training aircraft. The milestone aircraft was delivered to the United States Navy’s Training Air Wing 5 based at Whiting Field in Milton, Florida, during a ceremony today at the company’s headquarters in Wichita, Kansas. The aircraft represents the 224th T-6B military trainer delivered to the U.S. Navy as part of the Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS) program.

“Building the most efficient and effective military flight trainer is of utmost importance to us,” said Russ Bartlett, president, Beechcraft Defense Company. “Having logged more than 2.5 million flight hours globally – and now delivering 900 aircraft – the Beechcraft T-6 continues to prove it is one of the most utilized and trusted aircraft training platforms in the world.”

Solicitan intervención presidencial para mejorar conectividad aérea interregional en norte chileno

August 11, 2015

Con motivo de la suspensión que por razones económicas, tanto Lan Airlines como Sky Airlines hicieran de sus vuelos entre Arica e Iquique y Antofagasta, la corporación de Desarrollo de Arica y Parinacota (Cordap), solicitó la intervención de la Presidenta de la República Michele Bachelet, para que ambas aerolíneas reanuden sus vuelos interregionales entre aquellas localidades.
Como razones aducen lo largo que se torna viajar por tierra entre dichas ciudades, haciendo que un viaje que por vía aérea normalmente no tarda más de media hora, por tierra pueda superar entre las cinco y las diez horas, con las molestias que ello causa especialmente a las personas ancianas o enfermas.

Incrementan medidas de seguridad en aeropuerto A. Merino B.

August 11, 2015

Un notorio incremento en las medidas de seguridad se ha podido apreciar en el aeropuerto Arturo Merino Benítez de Santiago, después del robo que ya hace casi un año se perpetuara en dicho terminal aéreo y que reportara a sus ejecutores un cuantioso botín.
A raíz de lo anterior, la autoridad aeronáutica chilena tomó una serie de drásticas disposiciones, partiendo por un reentrenamiento tipo militar del personal que cumple labores de seguridad aeroportuaria, a la vez que se restringieron los accesos al area de maniobras del terminal, el que fue dotado de nuevos sistemas de control, los que por su naturaleza se guardan dentro de la más estricta reserva.


August 11, 2015

Two Additional Aircraft Preparing For Flight
SAVANNAH, Georgia, August 10, 2015 — Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. today announced that the Gulfstream G500 has completed five test flights since it first took to the skies on May 18.
During more than 15 hours of flying, the aircraft achieved a top speed of Mach 0.80 and a maximum altitude of 38,500 feet/11,735 meters. The aircraft’s longest flight was more than four hours.
Over the past several weeks, the aircraft has been undergoing planned modifications in preparation for returning to flight later this month.
“The first five flights exceeded our expectations,” said Dan Nale, senior vice president, Programs, Engineering and Test, Gulfstream. “And they demonstrated that our testing facilities on the ground are having very real benefits in the air, allowing us to identify and address issues before they’re ever seen in flight.”
Gulfstream announced the G500 and G600 family of aircraft on Oct. 14, 2014. Programs for both aircraft are progressing well. As the first G500 flight-test article undergoes modification, two more are preparing for flight and a fourth is in production. Additionally, the first G600 flight-test aircraft has begun the initial stages of production.

Together, the two programs have completed more than 36,000 hours of lab testing, and both the G600 integration test facility (ITF) and the G600 Iron Bird are now operational. The engines for the G500 and G600, the PW814GA and the PW815GA, respectively, were certified by Transport Canada in February.
The G500 and G600 offer an optimized combination of speed, wide-cabin comfort and efficiency providing best-in-class performance with advanced safety features.
The G500 has a range of 5,000 nautical miles/9,260 kilometers at Mach 0.85 or 3,800 nm/7,038 km at Mach 0.90, while the G600 can carry passengers 6,200 nm/11,482 km at Mach 0.85 and 4,800 nm/8,890 km at Mach 0.90. The maximum operating speed for both aircraft is Mach 0.925, the same maximum speed as Gulfstream’s G650 and G650ER.
The G500 and G600 also include Gulfstream’s all-new SymmetryTM Flight Deck, the most advanced, stylish, comfortable and intuitive flight deck in business aviation. The cutting-edge technology comes in the form of active control sidesticks (ACSs), integrated touchscreen controllers, next-generation enhanced vision system (EVS III), and Honeywell Primus Epic avionics.
The G500 and G600 cabins maximize comfort, with an industry-leading cabin altitude of 4,850 feet/1,578 meters at FL510 and 100 percent fresh air that boosts mental alertness and productivity while reducing fatigue.
Gulfstream anticipates certification of the G500 in 2017, with entry into service in 2018. The G600 certification is slated to follow in 2018, with entry into service in 2019.

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