Jato Executivo Legacy 450 é certificado na Europa

Written by thomas · Filed Under Notícias da aeronáutica 

September 11, 2015


São José dos Campos – SP, 10 de setembro de 2015 – O Legacy 450 da Embraer Aviação Executiva recebeu nesta quarta-feira, dia 9, a certificação de tipo da European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), autoridade aeronáutica da Europa. A aeronave atingiu ou superou todas as metas de desenvolvimento do projeto, como autonomia de voo, desempenho de pista, distância de decolagem em condições de alta temperatura e elevada altitude (hot-and-high) e peso máximo. A conclusão do processo na Europa segue as recentes certificações emitidas pelas agências de aviação do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos.

“Essa é uma importante conquista que abre caminho para iniciar entregas em países da União Europeia e nações associadas à EASA,” disse Marco Tulio Pellegrini, Presidente & CEO da Embraer Aviação Executiva. “O Legacy 450 é um jato executivo revolucionário que reforça nosso compromisso de entregar ao mercado verdadeiras inovações.”

Com autonomia de até 4.769 km (2.575 milhas náuticas), o jato executivo Legacy 450, da categoria mid-light, pode voar sem paradas de Nova York a Las Vegas, Dubai a Moscou ou de Jacarta a Hong Kong. A aeronave tem a maior cabine da sua categoria, acomodando confortavelmente até nove passageiros, e é o primeiro jato do segmento a substituir os controles de voo convencionais pela tecnologia totalmente digital fly-by-wire.

A Embraer já iniciou a produção do Legacy 450 e a primeira entrega está prevista para o último trimestre de 2015.

» Próximo Post - Revista Aerea – agosto/setembro 2015 Portuguese
« Post Aneterior - ARINC vMUSE™ mobile provides flexible check-in capabilities for airlines Las Vegas, Nev. (September 9, 2015) – Lufthansa passengers will be able to check-in faster at the airport due to the implementation of Rockwell Collins’ new ARINC vMUSE™ mobile passenger processing solution. Lufthansa is the first airline to implement this new technology, which gives it the ability to check-in travelers wherever and whenever needed. ARINC vMUSE mobile is the first entirely mobile common-use passenger processing (CUPPS) compliant solution for the aviation industry. The solution enables airlines, airports and ground handlers to use a tablet-based application to launch passenger check-in service in minutes, wherever there is an internet connection. “ARINC vMUSE mobile is ideal for airlines and their crews because it provides the same security and reliability of our traditional IATA-compliant CUPPS, but does not require any installation time, software configuration, telecommunications lines or added technical resources,” said Christopher Forrest, vice president of Global Airports for Rockwell Collins. “It is an ideal solution for queue-busting when unexpected events impact scheduled operations, or to offer an added level of service for elite passengers.” “We want to create a positive experience for our customers while making our operations as efficient as possible,” said Gerald Prokasky, Director, Passenger Check-in & Baggage at Lufthansa. “ARINC vMUSE mobile helps us do both: it enables our agents to go where our customers are—whether to reduce lines at the airport or enable check-in at an offsite location like a hotel. And, because it does not require a significant investment in infrastructure, it is a cost effective solution for our airline.” About Rockwell Collins Rockwell Collins is a pioneer in the development and deployment of innovative communication and aviation electronic solutions for both commercial and government applications. Our expertise in flight deck avionics, cabin electronics, mission communications, simulation and training, and information management services is delivered by a global workforce, and a service and support network that crosses more than 150 countries. To find out more, please visit www.rockwellcollins.com.


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