Terremoto obliga a reprogramar vuelos en Chile
September 18, 2015
El violento terremoto que el miércoles 16 azolara una amplia parte del territorio chileno, con una intensidad de 8,4 grados Richter, obligó a reprogramar diversos vuelos debido a que por razones de seguridad hubo que evacuar el terminal del aeropuerto Arturo Merino Benítez y a suspender las operaciones en Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta y Copiapó ante la alerta de tsunamis.
Grandes molestias ocasionó paro de funcionarios de la DGAC
September 18, 2015
Grandes molestias ocasionó el paro que en mejoras de su previsión decretaron los funcionarios de la Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil de Chile, lo que significó la suspensión de 362 vuelos nacionales e internacionales, tanto en Santiago como en otras ciudades, dejando en tierra a más de 50.000 pasajeros.
Situación que una vez más ha significado se alcen voces pidiendo se reestudie la situación de ese organismo del estado y su actual estructura legal.
Advierten sobre consecuencias de paro nacional aeroportuario en Chile
September 15, 2015
Ante el paro de 24 horas, que a nivel nacional, ha anunciado para el día 15 de septiembre la Asociación Nacional de Funcionarios de la Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil de Chile (DGAC), dicho organismo estatal ha advertido a los usuarios que ese día podrían producirse demoras e incluso imposibilidad de otorgar algunos de los servicios que presta en los diversos servicios aeronáuticos a nivel nacional.
Ante ello, tanto Lan Airlines como Sky Airline han tomado algunas medidas tendientes a mitigar los efectos que dicho paro con toda seguridad implicará para el público viajero.
Nuevo concesionario aeropuerto A. Merino B. informó alza de tarifas
September 15, 2015
En reunión sostenida con las aerolíneas congregadas en la Asociación Chilena de Líneas Aéreas (ACHILA), el Consorcio Nuevo Pudahuel, que a contar del 1º de octubre se hará cargo de la construcción, ampliación y administración de los terminales nacional e internacional del aeropuerto Arturo Merino Benítez, dio a conocer a ellas las diferentes etapas que se seguirán en el proceso de modernización del aeropuerto, lo que implicará alzas de tarifas en los diversos servicios que se brindarán a los usuarios.
Alzas que entre otras incluirán a aquellas relacionadas con el procesamiento de pasajeros y el uso de puertas y puentes de embarque.
Finalizaron obras reparación aeródromo El Buitre
September 15, 2015
Tras nueve meses de trabajo finalizaron obras de reparación y mantención en el aeródromo “El Buitre” de Arica, el que ha quedado con una pista de 1200 mts. de largo, por 30 mts. de ancho.
Aeródromo que servirá en parte para suplir algunas operaciones de aviación general que se realizan en el aeropuerto “Chacalluta” de la misma ciudad, el que a partir de octubre será sometido a un completo mejoramiento de su pista, lo que obligará a su cierre durante ciertas horas del día y la noche.
Revista Aerea – agosto/setembro 2015 Portuguese
September 11, 2015
Jato Executivo Legacy 450 é certificado na Europa
September 11, 2015
São José dos Campos – SP, 10 de setembro de 2015 – O Legacy 450 da Embraer Aviação Executiva recebeu nesta quarta-feira, dia 9, a certificação de tipo da European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), autoridade aeronáutica da Europa. A aeronave atingiu ou superou todas as metas de desenvolvimento do projeto, como autonomia de voo, desempenho de pista, distância de decolagem em condições de alta temperatura e elevada altitude (hot-and-high) e peso máximo. A conclusão do processo na Europa segue as recentes certificações emitidas pelas agências de aviação do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos.
“Essa é uma importante conquista que abre caminho para iniciar entregas em países da União Europeia e nações associadas à EASA,” disse Marco Tulio Pellegrini, Presidente & CEO da Embraer Aviação Executiva. “O Legacy 450 é um jato executivo revolucionário que reforça nosso compromisso de entregar ao mercado verdadeiras inovações.”
Com autonomia de até 4.769 km (2.575 milhas náuticas), o jato executivo Legacy 450, da categoria mid-light, pode voar sem paradas de Nova York a Las Vegas, Dubai a Moscou ou de Jacarta a Hong Kong. A aeronave tem a maior cabine da sua categoria, acomodando confortavelmente até nove passageiros, e é o primeiro jato do segmento a substituir os controles de voo convencionais pela tecnologia totalmente digital fly-by-wire.
A Embraer já iniciou a produção do Legacy 450 e a primeira entrega está prevista para o último trimestre de 2015.
ARINC vMUSE™ mobile provides flexible check-in capabilities for airlines Las Vegas, Nev. (September 9, 2015) – Lufthansa passengers will be able to check-in faster at the airport due to the implementation of Rockwell Collins’ new ARINC vMUSE™ mobile passenger processing solution. Lufthansa is the first airline to implement this new technology, which gives it the ability to check-in travelers wherever and whenever needed. ARINC vMUSE mobile is the first entirely mobile common-use passenger processing (CUPPS) compliant solution for the aviation industry. The solution enables airlines, airports and ground handlers to use a tablet-based application to launch passenger check-in service in minutes, wherever there is an internet connection. “ARINC vMUSE mobile is ideal for airlines and their crews because it provides the same security and reliability of our traditional IATA-compliant CUPPS, but does not require any installation time, software configuration, telecommunications lines or added technical resources,” said Christopher Forrest, vice president of Global Airports for Rockwell Collins. “It is an ideal solution for queue-busting when unexpected events impact scheduled operations, or to offer an added level of service for elite passengers.” “We want to create a positive experience for our customers while making our operations as efficient as possible,” said Gerald Prokasky, Director, Passenger Check-in & Baggage at Lufthansa. “ARINC vMUSE mobile helps us do both: it enables our agents to go where our customers are—whether to reduce lines at the airport or enable check-in at an offsite location like a hotel. And, because it does not require a significant investment in infrastructure, it is a cost effective solution for our airline.” About Rockwell Collins Rockwell Collins is a pioneer in the development and deployment of innovative communication and aviation electronic solutions for both commercial and government applications. Our expertise in flight deck avionics, cabin electronics, mission communications, simulation and training, and information management services is delivered by a global workforce, and a service and support network that crosses more than 150 countries. To find out more, please visit www.rockwellcollins.com.
September 10, 2015
Ten cities to get the opportunity to see the new aircraft up-close and personal
Fort Worth, Texas (September 4, 2015) – Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, announced today that the demonstration tour of the Bell 505 Jet Ranger X mockup kicked off, September 3, in Balneário Camboriú, Brazil.
Balneário Camboriú is the first of 10 stops throughout Brazil for the Bell 505 demo tour taking place from September to November. The nine other cities on the tour include:
Curitiba, Paraná
Belo Horizonte
Ribeirão Preto
São Paulo
Rio de Janeiro
Angra dos Reis
Current and potential customers will have an oportunity to see how the Bell 505 redefines the short light single product class of helicopters with a fully integrated glass flight deck, providing unparalleled crew situational awareness, enhanced safety levels, and reduced pilot workload. Customers and followers can keep track of the Bell 505’s progress through Brazil on Bell Helicopter’s social media accounts.
Demand for the Bell 505 continues to intensify around the world, with more than 350 letters of intent (LOI) worldwide and more than 35 from customers throughout Brazil. The five-seat, single-engine, turbine helicopter leverages Bell Helicopter’s proven technology and nearly half a century of experience defining the short light single market with the original Bell JetRanger.
“The Bell 505 offers an exceptional combination of value, performance and features available on the market today and customers are responding,” said Jay Ortiz, Bell Helicopter’s vice president of Latin American sales. “We are thrilled to showcase the capabilities of this aircraft throughout the region.”
With a cruise speed of 125 knots (232 km/h), range of 360 nautical miles (667 km) and useful load of 1,500 pounds (608 kg), the Bell 505 is designed to be safe and easy to fly while remaining affordably priced. The customer-driven design of the aircraft places safety, performance and affordability at the forefront, blending proven systems with advanced technology and a sleek, modern design. The Garmin G1000H Integrated Avionics Suite provides pilots critical flight information at a glance to maximize situational awareness. Pilot workload is further reduced by the Turbomeca Arrius 2R engine with dual channel Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC).
For more information on the demo tour in the region, please contact the Regional Sales Manager in Latin America, Nicole Werneck.
(The Bell 505 Jet Ranger X on display at LABACE 2015 where it began its journey in Brazil.)
Lufthansa signs on as launch customer for Rockwell Collins’ new mobile platform for passenger processing
September 10, 2015
ARINC vMUSE™ mobile provides flexible check-in capabilities for airlines
Las Vegas, Nev. (September 9, 2015) – Lufthansa passengers will be able to check-in faster at the airport due to the implementation of Rockwell Collins’ new ARINC vMUSE™ mobile passenger processing solution. Lufthansa is the first airline to implement this new technology, which gives it the ability to check-in travelers wherever and whenever needed.
ARINC vMUSE mobile is the first entirely mobile common-use passenger processing (CUPPS) compliant solution for the aviation industry. The solution enables airlines, airports and ground handlers to use a tablet-based application to launch passenger check-in service in minutes, wherever there is an internet connection.
“ARINC vMUSE mobile is ideal for airlines and their crews because it provides the same security and reliability of our traditional IATA-compliant CUPPS, but does not require any installation time, software configuration, telecommunications lines or added technical resources,” said Christopher Forrest, vice president of Global Airports for Rockwell Collins. “It is an ideal solution for queue-busting when unexpected events impact scheduled operations, or to offer an added level of service for elite passengers.”
“We want to create a positive experience for our customers while making our operations as efficient as possible,” said Gerald Prokasky, Director, Passenger Check-in & Baggage at Lufthansa. “ARINC vMUSE mobile helps us do both: it enables our agents to go where our customers are—whether to reduce lines at the airport or enable check-in at an offsite location like a hotel. And, because it does not require a significant investment in infrastructure, it is a cost effective solution for our airline.”
About Rockwell Collins
Rockwell Collins is a pioneer in the development and deployment of innovative communication and aviation electronic solutions for both commercial and government applications. Our expertise in flight deck avionics, cabin electronics, mission communications, simulation and training, and information management services is delivered by a global workforce, and a service and support network that crosses more than 150 countries. To find out more, please visit www.rockwellcollins.com.
Gripen NG Contract With Brazil Becomes Effective
September 10, 2015
On 27 October 2014 Saab announced the conclusion of a contract with the Brazilian Federal Government for the development and production of 36 Gripen NG aircraft. The contract has now come into effect as all required conditions have been fulfilled. Today, the order value of approximately SEK39.3 billion is booked by Saab as order intake. Gripen NG deliveries to the Brazilian Air Force will be undertaken from 2019 to 2024
The associated industrial co-operation contract (including technology transfer to Brazilian industries), which was signed in October 2014, also comes into effect today.
“Through the Gripen NG programme, we continue to build on the industrial relations between Brazil and Sweden. I am confident that this important programme will serve as a platform for new business and contribute to the growth of both the Brazilian and Swedish industry,” says Marcus Wallenberg, Chairman of Saab’s Board of Directors.
“This important milestone marks the formal start to the Brazilian Gripen NG programme. We will now work full speed ahead to ensure timely deliveries of Gripen NG to Brazil. Our partnership with Brazilian industry strengthens Saab’s position in Latin America and supports our strategy for growth through industrial co-operation,” says Håkan Buskhe, President and CEO of Saab.
The technology transfer programme will further contribute to the development of an independent, advanced defence industrial base in Brazil. Brazilian engineers and technicians will come to Saab for education and on-the job-training in Sweden starting in October 2015.
“The acquisition of Gripen NG will provide benefits beyond the enlargement of the Brazilian Air Force’s operational capacity. In addition to equipping FAB with one of the world’s most modern fighters, the participation in the development of Gripen NG means a technological breakthrough for Brazilian industry,” says Lieutenant-Brigadier Nivaldo Luiz Rossato, Commander of the Brazilian Air Force.
Saab’s Gripen is a multi-role combat aircraft capable of undertaking the full range of air-to-air and air-to-ground missions, including specialist roles such as intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance (ISTAR) and electronic warfare. Gripen is equipped with the most modern sensors and mission systems, including an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar and infra-red search and track (IRST) system. It can be armed with any air-launched weapon that a customer requires, and integration of new capabilities is speedy and affordable. Gripen is easily deployable, with a very low maintenance and support footprint coupled with high reliability.