Bell Helicopter Delivers First Bell 407GXP in Brazil

September 10, 2015

Newly upgraded aircraft offers customer enhanced capabilities and performance

Fort Worth, Texas (September 9, 2015) – Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, announced today the delivery of the first Bell 407GXP to Brazil. The aircraft is outfitted for corporate transport, which continues to be a popular market segment for the Bell 407GXP throughout Latin America.

The aircraft was accepted at Bell Helicopter’s facility in Piney Flats, Tenn., by customer Masoud Jafari with Medalhao Persa based in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil and delivered to its final destination on September 3, 2015.

“We are thrilled to be the first in Brazil to receive the new Bell 407GXP,” said Masoud Jafari, owner and CEO of Medalhao Persa. “The luxurious interior, combined with the smooth, quiet performance of the aircraft is exactly what I was looking for to quickly and comfortably conduct business throughout the region.”

The Bell 407GXP is another example of Bell Helicopter’s continued investment in its current products to enhance customer value and increase mission capability. The Bell 407GXP is an upgrade to Bell Helicopter’s best-selling platform, the Bell 407, with added value through industry leading performance, payload capability and operating economics.

“Latin America presents a highly diversified climate for our aircraft, and the Bell 407GXP is consistently praised for its multi-mission capability,” said Jay Ortiz, Bell Helicopter’s vice president of Latin American sales. “The Bell 407 has proven to be a very popular aircraft with over 1,200 flying worldwide today, with particularly strong demand for the upgraded Bell 407GXP from our Latin American customer base.”

The Bell 407GXP is derived from the Bell 407GX platform with updates that provide an additional 50 lbs (22.5 kg) of payload capability, coupled with a new M250 Rolls-Royce engine that improves performance and fuel efficiency delivering class leading hot and high performance. The Bell 407GXP is also equipped with new avionics features such as hover performance calculator improvement, as well as transmission TBO extension of +500 hours that will lower maintenance costs.

Garmin Unveils New GTC 580 Landscape Touchscreen Controller

September 10, 2015

Garmin is pleased to announce a new touchscreen controller option, which serves as the interface between the pilot and G2000, G3000 and G5000 Integrated Flight Decks (IFD), while also providing Standby Flight Display (SFD) capabilities. A new, high-resolution landscape display and responsive infrared touchscreen serves as the primary point of entry, so flight plan modifications and data entry are streamlined and simplified. The GTC 580 leverages the intuitive icon-driven GTC 570 interface, providing complete fight deck management control, including flight planning, radio and audio management, weather systems control and more.

Standby Flight Display
Stand-alone Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) and air data sensors derived from an independent source display back-up attitude information on the GTC 580, alleviating the need to install a dedicated back-up display in the panel. In addition to standby flight attitude information, the GTC 580 also displays airspeed, barometric altitude and heading information alongside attitude information on a single display. For added redundancy, primary AHRS data from the Integrated Flight Deck is sent to the GTC 580 and compared against the stand-alone AHRS and air data information. Pilots are immediately notified of any discrepancies found between the AHRS sources and can manually select standby flight mode or in the unlikely event of a PFD failure, the GTC 580 can revert to SFD mode automatically.

Intuitive Interface
Leveraging Garmin’s expertise in touchscreen flight displays, the GTC 580 features a simple to use and responsive icon-driven interface on a 5.8-inch liquid crystal display (LCD). The sunlight readable high-resolution (1280 x 768) color display boasts an infrared touchscreen for faster and more responsive data entry – even with gloves. In addition to serving as a standby flight display, pilots can fully control the Integrated Flight Deck displays via the GTC 580. Complete control of the moving map and weather overlays on the PFD/MFD, management of the transponder and radio/audio controls and more, are available through the touchscreen controller. Shallow menu structures add to the simplicity of operation and ease of control of the MFD pages within the Integrated Flight Deck. Additionally, flight plan entry is quick and efficient and entering complex flight plans or last-minute flight plan reroutes is easy, allowing pilots to focus on the task at hand – flying the airplane.

Added Functionality
Support for up to four GTC 580 displays may compliment aircraft that incorporate the new controllers. Each controller can support any mode selection, including MFD control, PFD control, NAV/COMM control with a dedicated keypad, as well as SFD modes. The wide landscape display supports a QWERTY keyboard option that makes data entry familiar and more efficient. A pop-up touchpad page within the GTC 580 also gives pilots control of the map pointer on the MFD’s moving map, allowing for faster and easier touchscreen identification of airspace and airport information.

The GTC 580 digital touchscreen controller is available as an option for Garmin’s aircraft manufacturer partners to incorporate into their G2000, G3000 and G5000 IFDs.

Bell Helicopter Continues to Build Momentum in Mexico

September 10, 2015

Bell Helicopter customer expands aircraft fleet with delivery of their first Bell 429

Fort Worth, Texas (September 2, 2015) Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, announced today the recent delivery of the Bell 429 to Servicios Aereos Across, an aircraft charter service based in Toluca, Mexico. The customer currently operates a Bell 407GX, multiple Cessna aircraft and will now add the Bell 429 to their fleet.

“The Bell 429 continues to be in demand throughout Mexico and the Latin American region and is an exceptional fit in the luxury market,” said Jay Ortiz, vice president of Latin American sales. “The Bell 429 delivers a smooth, quiet ride and exceptional performance, and we are proud to deliver this aircraft to one of our loyal customers.”

Bell Helicopter has a strong presence in Mexico with more than 360 Bell aircraft, of which more than 50 are flying in the corporate and VIP market. These aircraft are backed by Bell Helicopter’s superior customer support and service, as rated by our global customer base in multiple industry surveys.

“Our customers with Servicios Aereos Across continually praise the Bell 407GX, so we knew the Bell 429 would be a welcome addition,” said Pedro Corsi, president of Servicios Aereos Across. “Our company prides itself on providing exceptional safety and customer service and that strongly aligns with the Bell Helicopter brand, so we are pleased to continue our relationship.”

Bell Helicopter continues to grow in the region with their increasing personnel in-region and facility investments. Bell Helicopter’s facility located in Chihuahua produces cabins and fuselage assemblies, electrical harnesses and components, instrument panels, firewalls, bulkheads, floors and many other structural components for the Bell 206L4, 407, 429 and 412.

With seating for seven passengers and one pilot, the Bell 429 is one of the most advanced light twin helicopters ever developed, offering a fully integrated glass cockpit with advanced drive system and best-in-class WAAS navigation and IFR capability. Additional safety features include a collective mounted throttle, damage tolerant hub and rotor system, and energy attenuating seats. It is the first helicopter certified through the MSG-3 process, resulting in reduced maintenance costs for operation.


Inquietud en las líneas aéreas por alza de tarifas en aeropuerto A. Merino B.-

September 10, 2015

Inquietud existe en las líneas aéreas que operan en el aeropuerto Arturo Merino Benítez de Santiago, ante el hecho que el nuevo concesionario que se adjudicó la concesión del terminal, elevaría en forma significativa el cobro por algunos servicios que se prestan en él.
Alza de costos que a la postre las empresas aéreas con toda seguridad transferirían a los pasajeros que por dicho aeropuerto transitan.

Controladores de tránsito aéreo chilenos irían a la huelga

September 10, 2015

En demanda de mejoras laborales y previsionales, se ha mencionado que el 15 del presente mes los controladores de tránsito aéreo chilenos entrarían en paro de actividades.
Medida un tanto inédita, dado a que este es un servicio estatal perteneciente a la Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil, organismo dependiente del Comandante en Jefe de la Fuerza Aérea de Chile.

Sky Airline da inicio a ofertas de bajo costo

September 10, 2015

Siguiendo con el anuncio que hace un tiempo se diera a conocer, Sky Airline ha informado que a contar del presente mes quienes deseen viajar a Copiapó, La Serena, Concepción y Temuco entre el 22 de septiembre y el 30 de noviembre, podrán hacerlo a precios rebajados, adquiriendo sus pasajes en fechas acotadas.
Medida que a partir de julio de 2016 se mantendrá reduciendo las actuales tarifas entre un 20 y un 30%. Asimismo, a partir de diciembre la comida que se sirva a bordo tendrá un precio aparte del valor del pasaje.

Lan Airlines estudia alternativas para su hub en Brasil

September 1, 2015

Lan Airlines, en proceso final de unión con la brasileña Tam, estudia tres alternativas para establecer su hub en el noeste del Brasil, entre las que se cuentan Fortaleza, Recife y Natal.
De ellas, la que se estima a la fecha reúne mayores ventajas es Fortaleza, cuyo aeropuerto está en condiciones de soportar una alta demanda de nuevas operaciones en futuras rutas y desde donde actualmente opera Tam.

Se prepara cambio de concesionario de aeropuerto Arturo Merino Benítez

September 1, 2015

A contar del 1º de octubre entrará en funciones el Consorcio Nuevo Pudahuel, el que al ganar en el proceso de licitación llamado por el Ministerio de Obras Públicas de Chile, pasará a reemplazar al actual concesionario SCL en la administración y explotación del terminal de dicho campo aéreo.-
Lo que se pretende es que el cambio de concesionario no afecte a los usuarios, manteniéndose la actual fuerza laboral y algunos contratos relacionados con los prestadores de servicio del aeropuerto.

Corte Suprema de Chile dispone revisar bases de licitación aeropuerto A. Merino B.

September 1, 2015

Atendiendo a una resolución de la Tercera Sala del máximo tribunal del país, que acogió un reclamo interpuesto por Transportes Delfos en contra de una resolución del Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia (TDLC), que el año 2014 no había admitido a tramitación una solicitud de analizar algunos documentos de la licitación del aeropuerto Arturo Merino Benítez, la Corte Suprema de Justicia dispuso que el TDLC proceda a revisar dichas bases.
Sentencia inédita, que aunque no pone en riesgo la adjudicación al nuevo concesionario del aeropuerto, si podría determinar la existencia de aspectos que no se condicen con las normas de una libre competencia.

Sky Airline pasará a convertirse en aerolínea de bajo costo

September 1, 2015

Para hacer frente a la competencia y adaptarse a las actuales condiciones del mercado, a contar del 4 de septiembre la línea aérea chilena Sky Airline, pasará a convertirse en una aerolínea de bajo costo.
Entre las primeras medidas a aplicarse, en los vuelos nacionales desaparecerá la comida abordo y en los internacionales ella será más liviana, la que a partir del año venidero, tanto en los vuelos dentro como fuera del país, será un servicio pagado en forma extra al valor del pasaje.-
Asimismo, se evalúa el cobrar por el transporte de maletas y la reserva de asientos, medidas todas destinadas a bajar el valor de los pasajes, haciendo más accequible para los usuarios el viajar por vía aérea.
Por otra parte, se incrementará de ocho a diez las horas diarias en que sus aviones estarán en el aire, lo que permitirá bajar los costos de operación.-
Finalmente entre otras medidas a implementar, está la de suspender la ruta Santiago-La Paz  a partir de noviembre, por el bajo nivel de ocupación y el disminuir al máximo los vuelos con escalas dentro del país.

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