Beechcraft delivers T-6C+ trainers, King Air 350ER to Mexican Navy

Written by thomas · Filed Under Aeronautics News 

August 21, 2014


Navy Secretaría de Marina (SEMAR), as well as one King Air 350ER, the second of four on order, as part of the Mexican Navy’s ongoing fixed-wing aircraft modernization program.

“Being chosen by the Mexican Navy for this modernization program shows a superior level of confidence not only in Beechcraft products to fill its mission requirements, but in the product support we’ll provide as part of the agreement,” said Russ Bartlett, president, Beechcraft Defense Company. “This is a great example of how militaries around the globe can take advantage of the broad product range and support that Textron Aviation can provide to meet different requirements.”

Bartlett also lauded the cooperation between SEMAR officials and the company in moving so swiftly from the T-6C+ contract award in March to delivery this month.

The newly delivered King Air is part of a four-aircraft contract signed earlier this year. The first King Air 350ER was delivered just a few months ago, and the remaining aircraft are expected to be delivered by early 2015. In addition to the aircraft, both contracts with SEMAR include parts support as well as training for pilots and mechanics.

The T-6C+ features a hard-point wing, Heads-Up Display, Up-Front Control Panel, an integrated glass cockpit and an advanced Esterline CMC Cockpit 4000 avionics suite that greatly expands advanced training opportunities. The systems are integrated with a Hands-On Throttle and Stick (HOTAS), providing the student pilot and instructor with a simpler interface to the digital cockpit. The open architecture design of the Cockpit 4000 provides the flexibility to expand capabilities and continuously meet current and future training needs.

The Beechcraft T-6 military training fleet has surpassed 850 aircraft worldwide with more than 2.5 million flight hours. The T-6 military trainer offers military operators worldwide the most proven and cost-effective primary aviation training system available today. Aircraft deliveries began in 2000 after the T-6 was selected to fill the Joint Primary Aircraft Training System role for the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy. Since then, additional military customers worldwide have selected the T-6, including the NATO Flying Training in Canada Program, the Hellenic Air Force of Greece, the Israeli Air Force, the Iraqi Air Force, the Royal Moroccan Air Force, the Royal New Zealand Air Force, the Mexican Air Force and the Mexican Navy.

King Air turboprops, which operate commercially and in all branches of the U.S. military, serve a variety of missions ranging from traditional passenger and cargo transport to electronic and imagery surveillance, air ambulance, airway calibration, photographic mapping, training and weather modification. The global fleet recently surpassed 60 million flight hours.


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