PZL Mielec Transformation Paves Way for INTERNATIONAL BLACK HAWK(TM) Helicopter

Written by thomas · Filed Under Aeronautics News 

July 17, 2008


The first BLACK HAWK helicopter cabins to be delivered from PZL Mielec,
Sikorsky Aircraft Corp.’s affiliate in Poland, are scheduled for later this
year as the company moves toward the introduction of the INTERNATIONAL
BLACK HAWK(TM) helicopter in 2011, Sikorsky announced today from the
Farnborough International Air Show. Sikorsky is a subsidiary of United
Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX).

Progress at PZL Mielec has included various modernization projects as
the production ramp-up of BLACK HAWK helicopter cabin parts moves forward.
In addition, the transformation has yielded increased employee engagement,
the successful incorporation of UTC’s operating system and a thriving
production of legacy M28 and the M18 aircraft.

“The INTERNATIONAL BLACK HAWK helicopter is moving steadily toward
becoming a reality, largely due to the great strides we have made in
bringing the PZL Mielec facility to the world-class standards of a United
Technologies Corporation company,” said Sikorsky President Jeffrey P. Pino.
“Additionally, the workforce has embraced the challenges we have
introduced, and we are looking forward to seeing the culmination of these
efforts later this year, when the first BLACK HAWK helicopter cabins roll
off the assembly line in Poland.”

The modernization of PZL Mielec has been ongoing since March 2007. In
addition to supporting production of the INTERNATIONAL BLACK HAWK(TM)
helicopter, PZL Mielec will continue its capability for aircraft design,
manufacture, flight test and delivery. Among the milestones achieved
through the modernization process are:

— More than 2,700 tool blocks and templates produced
— More than 1,800 part numbers produced
— Key equipment installed and operational
— Operators and mechanics trained
— Certain export licenses obtained
— Subassemblies being produced
— Major fixtures installed

Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., based in Stratford, Conn., USA, is a world
leader in helicopter design, manufacturing, and service. The company’s long
commitment to safety and innovation is reflected in its mission statement:
“We pioneer flight solutions that bring people home everywhere … every
time(TM).” United Technologies Corp., based in Hartford, Conn., USA,
provides a broad range of high-technology products and support services to
the aerospace and building systems industries.

This press release contains forward-looking statements concerning
future business opportunities. Actual results may differ materially from
those projected as a result of certain risks and uncertainties, including
but not limited to changes in government procurement priorities and
practices or in the number of aircraft to be built; challenges in the
design, development, production and support of advanced technologies; as
well as other risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to those
detailed from time to time in United Technologies Corporation’s Securities
and Exchange Commission filings.

SOURCE Sikorsky Aircraft Corp.

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