Pratt & Whitney Wins US$166 Million Order for V2500 Engines From AWAS Aviation Trading Limited
Written by thomas · Filed Under CommercialJuly 18, 2008
FARNBOROUGH, England, July 18 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — AWAS Aviation
Trading Limited has selected the International Aero Engines V2500 to power
30 Airbus A320 family aircraft. At list price, the deal is worth more than
$166 million to Pratt & Whitney. Pratt & Whitney, a United Technologies
Corp. (NYSE: UTX) company, is a major participant in International Aero
Engines (IAE).
AWAS currently owns a fleet of 29 A320-family aircraft powered by the
V2500. The aircraft are due to be delivered between 2011 and 2015. With
offices in New York, Miami, Dublin and Singapore, AWAS is one of the
world’s leading aircraft leasing companies.
The V2500-A5 is available in seven different thrust settings ranging
from 22,000 lbs. to 33,000 lbs. to power the Airbus A319, A320 and A321
family of aircraft, as well as the A319 Corporate Jet. More than 5,000
V2500 engines are in service or on firm order. V2500Select(R) is a tailored
package combining aftermarket support and the V2500 SelectOne(TM) engine
upgrade, providing operators with reduced operating costs and a predictable
IAE is a multinational aero engine consortium whose shareholders
comprise Pratt & Whitney, Rolls-Royce, the Japanese Aero Engines
Corporation and MTU Aero Engines. More than 1,300 V2500-powered aircraft
have been delivered and the worldwide fleet has accumulated over 40 million
flying hours.
Pratt & Whitney has over 16,000 aircraft engines installed with
hundreds of airlines around the world. Additionally, Pratt & Whitney is a
leading partner in two joint venture companies that manufacture commercial
aircraft engines: International Aero Engines, which makes the V2500 for the
Airbus A320 family of aircraft, and the Engine Alliance, whose GP7200
engine is FAR 33 certified for the new Airbus A380.
Pratt & Whitney is a world leader in the design, manufacture and
service of aircraft engines, space propulsion systems and industrial gas
turbines. United Technologies, based in Hartford, Conn., is a diversified
company providing high technology products and services to the global
aerospace and building industries.
This release includes “forward looking statements” concerning
anticipated business opportunities that are subject to risks and
uncertainties. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those anticipated or implied in forward looking statements
include changes in the health of the global economy and the aerospace
industry. For information identifying other important economic, political,
regulatory, legal, technological, competitive and other uncertainties, see
UTC’s 10-K, 10-Q and other reports filed with the SEC.
SOURCE Pratt & Whitney
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