Smiths Detection presents solutions for modernization of Brazilian airports at Airport Infra Expo 2013 | Revista Aérea

Smiths Detection presents solutions for modernization of Brazilian airports at Airport Infra Expo 2013

Written by thomas · Filed Under Aeronautics News 

May 21, 2013


São Paulo, XX de maio de 2013 – Smiths Detection, enterprise security solutions for civil and military markets, will present at Airport Infra Expo 2013 some of its main security solutions focused the airport industry and used in major airports around the world. The third edition of the event takes place between 22 and 24 May, at the Transamerica Expo Center in Sao Paulo, SP.

“This year, Brazil has the challenge to attend, in terms of safety, the high flow of tourists will be arriving at Brazilian airports. The opportunity to implement the most modern systems in detection already exists and, if executed correctly, will enable us to give a qualitative leap in the segment leaving a legacy of a safer environment for everyone, “says Danilo Dias, CEO of Smiths Detection Brazil.

During the event, Smiths Detection will have two points of demonstration of their equipment. The first is located in Space Scenographic, environment of approximately 700 square meters in which, along with other major companies responsible for equipment and operating systems for the airport segment, the British company will demonstrate its solutions (operating) in order to reproduce visitors the routine of modern airports with the best security technologies in the world.

Visitors will know in space Scenographic the security solutions, such as:

  • SMD 600 Multizone: gantry metal detector for ultra-high sensitivity to all metal designed to satisfy the most stringent safety requirements, manufactured by CEIA and marketed by Smiths Detection.
  • HI-SCAN 6046si: X-ray equipment from Smiths Detection for baggage inspection with high image resolution, allowing operation in integrated network.
  • IONSCN 500DT: desktop system that is able simultaneously detect and identify trace amounts of explosives and narcotics. The apparatus may identify more than forty different types of chemicals in less than eight seconds.
  • Eqo: body scanner technology that uses millimeter waves to detect threat objects concealed under cloths or within shoes, such as: weapons, explosives, metals, liquids, narcotics among others. The system detects threats while preserving and respecting the privacy of the person being inspected.

In addition, the stand of Smiths Detection, located on Avenue C, will be presented a for the first time in Brazil a workstation showing the images provided by the equipment new HI-SCAN 10080 XCT system, high speed automatic detection of explosives in checked luggage that combines the use of scanner X-ray dual energy computed tomography (CT) in 3D.




2013 22 April to 24 April

Transamérica Expo Center / São Paulo – SP – Brazil

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