Hartzell to Announce Trailblazer Sweepstakes Winner During Oshkosh’s EAA AirVenture; Good Odds

June 16, 2015

Piqua, Ohio, June 16, 2015 – Hartzell Propeller will pick the winner of its Top Prop Trailblazer Sweepstakes in a random drawing at EAA AirVenture next month in Oshkosh, Wisc.

The winner will be able to choose between a three-day backcountry flying adventure or a seaplane rating. The prize package includes transportation, lodging and meals for the winner and a guest in addition to the cost of the winner’s chosen flight experience.

“Right now the odds are very good,” said Hartzell Propeller President Joe Brown. “With about 1,000 pilot entrants to date the chances of winning are certainly attractive. However, you can still enter between now and the July 22 drawing and announcement at Oshkosh.”

The sweepstakes is limited to U.S. pilots age 21 or older with a current medical. Qualified pilots can register online at hartzellprop.com/Sweepstakes/ or in person at Hartzell’s exhibit Booth 296-297 July 20-21 at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh. The winner does not need to be present to win.

Cosponsors and Partners

Brown added, “With the support and assistance of our cosponsors and partners one lucky winner is going to experience the flying adventure of a lifetime, along with some hangar tales to share with friends back home.”

Cosponsors for the Trailblazer Sweepstakes are the Recreational Aviation Foundation and the Seaplane Pilots Association. Trailblazer Sweepstakes partners are American Champion Aircraft Corp., Aviat Aircraft Inc., Bearhawk, Cubcrafters, Glasair Aviation, Professional Pilots Inc., Stoots Aviation, and Wipaire Inc. For more info on the other organizations that are making this sweepstakes possible, also go to hartzellprop.com/Sweepstakes/.

The Trailblazer Sweepstakes is a rare opportunity to engage aviators who might enjoy backcountry or seaplane flying with an exciting aviation experience designed to tap into the love of flight. The sweepstakes was chosen as a unique way of highlighting the features of Hartzell Propeller’s new carbon fiber composite Trailblazer prop specifically designed for takeoff and climb performance, ideal for bush flying and float plane adventures.

Dear readers:

June 16, 2015

The following story is about an Air Race that is taking place in a week.

In other words you will learn the outcome after reading the article. We all share the love of aviation. That is why I have chosen to tell you about it.

And then report the results.


FLYING THE AIR RACE CLASSIC (ARC) in an annual event

Remember reading about the Powder Puff Derby of 1929? It was the first Women’s Air Derby; a transcontinental race as part of the National Air Races at Cleveland, entered by 20 women flyers who flew from Santa Monica, California to Cleveland, Ohio.

I became interested in the 2015 race when attending a meeting of Donors and Recipients at the Vaughn College where I serve as a Trustee and sponsor two Scholarships.

Margarita Cholakova, one of this year’s graduates of Vaughn caught my attention the second I spotted her at the school. I requested an interview at my office and my first impression when she crossed the threshold was her huge smile, which never disappeared during the delightful time we spent together. Thin, lithe, pretty and enthusiastic, she comes across as a young boy with her short hair, thin frame and a wild passion of aviation. It’s part of her aura of and was apparent enough to interest an alumnus of Vaughn who has sponsored Margarita and her teammate, Wendy Bonilla, covering all expenses, when he learned of her participation in this Air Race Classic (ARC).

Margarita’s interest in aviation began at 6 when she had her first taste of being aboard an airplane.

She was born in Bulgaria and came to the States in 2006 to visit her Mother, living here and Margarita never returned home. When she told me that she is the mother of a 20-year-old girl attending College in Boulder, Colorado, wow!, that was a surprise.

Vaughn appeared to be the perfect school to follow her passion and they came up with the Red Bird Flight Program in Texas, where she learned everything pursuant to this career. She had intensive training and she would fly with an instructor at least 3 times a day. When not flying, she was in a simulator.

Margarita likens herself to an alcoholic: She loves to work and she does each job with intensity, but always with that huge smile which must be part of her DNA.

She got her instrument rating and then her commercial license, and later she became a Flight instructor. Obviously, I am skipping so much of the hard work that came with each advancement.

Margarita stressed when telling her story how Doctor Sharon DeVivo, President of the Vaughn College, supported her all the way. Also, Emerson Allen, who had been a Captain for United Airlines, Flight Advisor and on staff at Vaughn and who accompanied the students to Texas to assist them with their training.

Margarita received her Flight Instructor license training at the Heritage Flight Academy at MacArthur Airport in Long Island.

One day she found a brochure in her mailbox with an invitation to become a part of the “Air Race Classics”. She talked to Debra Hanterbury and got the “thumbs up”, but one of the requirements was to be a student. She mentioned the idea to Wendy Bonilla, also studying at Vaughn, who had also been training at the Red Bird Training Center. They had been roommates for a while in Texas and became friends. She agreed to join the team.

The next hurdle…they needed an airplane! Dr. DeVivo was consulted. She felt it was a good venture and good for Vaughn. Like magic, a Cessna 172 was loaned to the girls.

Well, dear readers; you now have a good idea of the trip to be taken by 56 teams (all women) from all over the country who leave Fredericksburg, West Virginia on June 22 and end in Fairhope, Alabama on June 25.

Margarita says, “we are definitely aiming to win. I pray for this and if that happens, it will be a contribution to Vaughn. In my country there is this saying,” “If I win, we all win; if I lose, it is just me who loses”.


See last page of the June/July editions for race results!



El Homeowner Referral Network® (HRN) Business se expande a América Latina

February 4, 2013

Ex-ejecutiva de Revista Aérea anuncia el lanzamiento de refprocasa.com

Este año marca el décimo-séptimo aniversario de que Debra Dicker-Cohen tomara la difícil decisión de dejar su carrera en Revista Aérea por una actividad algo menos glamorosa – la maternidad. No obstante, poco después de dejar Revista, Debra comenzó su propio negocio desde el sótano de su hogar y lanzó Home Remedies of NY®, Inc., la primera empresa de Referencias para Propietarios de Casa (Homeowner Referral Network, HRN, según sus siglas en inglés) de su tipo. Desde ese discreto comienzo, el negocio HRN® de Cohen ha crecido y actualmente existen más de 300 empresas como el de Debra operando en el mundo, con las más recientes apareciendo en Canadá y Australia. Ahora, en un esfuerzo para ayudar a los empresarios latinoamericanos que buscan la posibilidad de desarrollar un negocio desde su hogar, Cohen está introduciendo el concepto HRN® a América Latina a través de www.refprocasa.com.

Antes de salir de Revista, Cohen había adquirido su primer inmueble. Como nueva propietaria, se sintió rápidamente frustrada con contratistas poco confiables que a veces faltaban a sus citas o cobraban tarifas exorbitantes por sus servicios. Finalmente, su experiencia le inspiró a crear su propio negocio que pudiera ayudar a los propietarios locales a encontrar buenos contratistas y ayudar a los contratistas confiables a promover sus servicios.

En 1996 preparó el plan empresarial para una Homeowner Referral Network® que pudiera pre-evaluar y referir a profesionales, incluyendo plomeros, pintores, carpinteros, electricistas y contratistas generales. Los contratistas referidos por la HRN pagarían una comisión predeterminada por cualquier tarea contratada, de modo que los servicios que ella proporciona a los propietarios resultan gratis. Recibió una tremenda demanda para sus servicios , y a solo un año de establecida, tenía más trabajo del que podía manejar. En vez de tratar de crecer demasiado rápido, Cohen decidió duplicar el modelo empresarial al crear un Paquete Empresarial (Business-In-A-Box). Documentó todas las instrucciones de cómo comenzar y operar una HRN en un manual empresarial abarcador, “La guía completa para poseer y operar una Red de Referencia para Propietarios de Casa©” exitosa, y empezó a ofrecerla a otras personas interesadas en crear un negocio viable desde su propio hogar.

“Me di cuenta que no sólo existía una gran demanda por los servicios ofrecidos por una HRN, sino además que mi negocio resultaba atrayente para otras personas que buscaban algún tipo de negocio viable que pudieran desarrollar desde su hogar. Los interesados incluían desde amas de casa, retirados, personas que cambiaban de carrera, e incluso contratistas que ya no podían realizar las labores físicas exigidas por su profesión”.

Existen más de 300 HRN independientes como la de Cohen en operación en el mundo y cada una se beneficia de una amplia gama de servicios de apoyo, tales como consultas personales, diseño de sitos web para la HRN, una publicación trimestral, HRNewsletter, exclusivamente para propietarios de empresas HRN, formularios pre-impresos, y otros servicios comerciales. Cohen incluso ha creado un programa de computadora en línea, HRN Management Software (HRNMS©), para ayudar a los propietarios de HRN a organizar y manejar su información sobre contratistas y propietarios de casa, referencias de trabajos, comisiones por cobrar, entre otros detalles.  La publicación “La guía completa para poseer y operar una Red de Referencia para Propietarios de Casa©” y otros materiales de mercadeo para una HRN están disponibles en español.

Cohen dice, “Existe una necesidad universal por encontrar buenos contratistas y resulta asombroso como el modelo empresarial de una HRN funciona en comunidades tan diversas en el mundo entero. Ahora, con la inauguración de refprocasa.com, mi objetivo es compartir esta singular propuesta empresarial con otras personas en América Latina en busca de su propio negocio, y volver a trabajar con el mercado hispanohablante que tanto he extrañado estos últimos 17 años”.

El negocio de HRN ha sido destacado en las revistas Good Housekeeping, Remodeling y Working Woman, por mencionar solo algunas. Cohen también ha aparecido en CBS News, CNN y el programa New Attitudes del canal Lifetime.

Para más información sobre negocios HRN, visite www.refprocasa.com o comuníquese con Debra Cohen en EE.UU. llamando al 1+ (516) 374-8504 o por correo electrónico a debra@hrnbiz.com

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En París

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En Chile

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