Airbus single aisle production to increase to 42 per month in Q4 2012

May 18, 2011

Reflects strong order backlog and continued stable growth

Airbus will increase the production rate of its popular A320 Family of eco-efficient single-aisle aircraft to 42 aircraft per month in the fourth quarter of 2012. Currently Airbus produces 36 A320 Family aircraft each month, a production rate that will steadily rise to 38 in August 2011 and to 40 in the first quarter of 2012. Currently the production rate for Airbus’ long-range A330 Family is 8.5 per month, increasing to nine in early 2012 and ten in the second quarter of 2013.


May 16, 2011

This April, Fokker Aircraft Services (FAS) celebrated the handover of an Airbus A320 conversion from airliner to VIP configuration, to Geneva based operator MasterJet.

When the A320 airliner arrived at the FAS facility in Woensdrecht, Netherlands for the conversion, the interior had to be completely stripped down and everything from wiring, isolation, monuments, partitions and seats were designed and fitted according to the customer’s own personal requirements, right down to the installation of 24-carat gold door knobs. In total, five cabins were installed, including a private suite with bedroom, bathroom and office; a conference and dining area, separate executive lounge and special first class seating area.

Throughout the design process Fokker used CATIA 3D graphics extensively in order to allow the customer to “experience” the aircraft throughout all phases of the design process.

“Other completions centers use CATIA as well, but not to the same extent as Fokker ,” says Eric Cuppen Director, Aircraft Completions and Conversions, “We find that it’s an excellent tool for allowing customers to fully understand what their aircraft cabin will ultimately look like.”

Another personalized feature included an AVOD Rack with a self-contained In-flight Entertainment (IFE) system: a separate power source and cooling system, meant the equipment didn’t need extra certification.
For acoustic comfort, Fokker soundproofing reduced cabin noise to 52-53 dB in the main private and lounge areas.

Additional Centre Tanks (ACT’s), which supplement the main fuel tank, were also fitted, increasing the aircraft’s range to nearly 4000nm. Although such a fit out is common for commercial aircraft, only a handful of VIP A320s have successfully undergone such a procedure.

Fokker Aircraft Service is an EASA, GCAA and FAA Part 145 approved maintenance facility. Located in in the Netherlands, it boasts five hangars spanning 16,000m2. At any one time, the facility is able to accommodate up to four positions for Boeing 737-series and Airbus A320-family aircraft.
FAS’ capabilities are increasingly being used for Boeing 737 series aircraft and the Airbus A320 family, along with other regional aircraft types such as Embraer and Bombardier.

Masterjet CEO Philip G. Queffelec (left) shakes hands with Edwin Schilling, President of Fokker Aircraft Services (right) after signing the hand-over agreement.

AviancaTaca´s equity offering exceeds by five times its share issue

April 17, 2011

April 16th, 2011

·   AviancaTaca´s share issue exceeded $1.5 billion dollars, more than five times the initial offering of approximately $250 million dollars.

·   As a result, AviancaTaca will have more than 50,000 new shareholders.

Yesterday, AviancaTaca´s share issue in the Colombian market ended with extreme success. Even with preliminary results, the requests for shares exceeded $1.5 billion dollars, more than 5 times the initial offering of approximately $250 million dollars.

Fabio Villegas, President of AviancaTaca said: “First of all we want to thank all the people that believe in our company and that have placed their trust in us. It fills us with pride that now AviancaTaca will have more than 50.000 new owners, that will allow us to continue growing and positioning ourselves as one of the leading airlines in the region”.

The validation process of the requests will begin Monday April 18th and the share allocation will be made between Friday April 29th and Thursday May 5th, The final allocation will be communicated on May 6th. Starting May 11th 2011, the new shares will start trading on the Colombian Stock Exchange (BVC).

The allocation process will be done in two layers. Employees and members of the AviancaTaca loyalty program will have priority in the allocation of shares with amounts of up to approximately $8.000 dollars per person and the rest will be allocated on a prorata basis.  In reference to this, AviancaTaca´s President stated: “I am not aware of any prior case where frequent travelers of an airline have had priority in obtaining shares. In AviancaTaca we wanted to recognize our client’s loyalty and are thrilled by the great response we received.”

TAM primer cliente del A320neo en America Latina

March 31, 2011

Rafael Alonso, Senior Vice President, Airbus Latin America and the Carribean

Latinoamérica no tardo mucho tiempo en descubrir los beneficios del A320neo. El mes pasado, la aerolínea más grande de Brasil se convirtió en el primer cliente del A320neo de la región, cuando se comprometió a adquirir 32 aeronaves de la familia A320, de las cuales 22 unidades eran A320neo.

Felicito la iniciativa de TAM de ser el primero de la región en aprovechar la mayor competitividad y ecoeficiencia del A320neo. Al estar entre los primeros del mundo que recibirá el A320neo en 2016, TAM se beneficiará de inmediato con el 15% de ahorro de combustible sobre el avión de la exitosa familia A320.

En mi opinión, para cualquier cliente de A320 resulta obvia la incorporación del A320neo a su flota, debido a que es la herramienta perfecta para ahorrar costos y superar a cualquier compañía de la competencia, en especial, si tenemos en cuenta la subida del precio del combustible.

El A320neo ofrecerá a TAM máximos beneficios sin tener que realizar demasiados cambios, lo cual los coloca en una excelente posición para aprovechar el crecimiento esperado de Brasil de los viajes aéreos, en particular, debido al Mundial de Fútbol y a los Juegos Olímpicos que se avecinan.

¿Quién será el próximo después de TAM?

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AviancaTaca incorpora el A318 a su flota

March 31, 2011

La aerolínea latinoamericana entra en el selecto grupo de clientes de Airbus que opera todos los aviones de la Familia A320 al incorporar 10 aviones A318

AviancaTaca, al recibir en febrero el avión número 62 de la Familia A320, se une al grupo de aerolíneas, entre ellas, Air France y British Airways, que operan la totalidad de los aviones de la familia A320 (A318, A319, A320 y A321).

Recientemente se produjo la fusión AviancaTaca, que incluye la filial AeroGal de Ecuador, basada en la modernización de su flota y en los programas de expansión de la Familia Airbus A320. Con órdenes combinadas de 135 aviones, AviancaTaca opera un total de 63 Airbus, incluidos 56 aviones de la Familia A320 (14 A319, 30 y siete A320 y cinco A321) y cinco A330.

El avión A318 complementará la flota de AviancaTaca debido a que ofrece una capacidad de 100 asientos (12B/88Y), a la vez que conserva la comunalidad total con el resto de la flota. Reemplazará al viejo Fokker F100 y volará principalmente en la red F100. Sin embargo, la capacidad de alcance del A318 también permitirá a AviancaTaca utilizarlo en rutas internacionales.

Esta será la primera vez que volar en un avión más pequeño no comprometerá el confort. Los pasajeros del AviancaTaca A318 continuarán beneficiándose con la óptima sección transversal de fuselaje y con el alto nivel de confort que le ha caracterizado a la familia A320.

AviancaTaca ya cuenta con dos aviones A318 en servicio, con un tercero que acaba de ser recibido y que entrará en servicio muy pronto. Les seguirán otros siete A318 en los próximos meses. Además este año, AviancaTaca recibirá otras nueve aeronaves de la Familia A320 y dos aviones A330. Esto no incluye el otro avión proveniente de las compañías de leasing.

Ahora que conoce las características del A318, ¿estará usted entre los primeros en estar abordo de AviancaTaca en este estreno?

Spanish Government, Iberia, and Airbus launch bio-fuel initiative

March 30, 2011

Value chain’ to study bio-fuel production to reduce CO2 emissions

The Spanish government, Iberia Airlines and Airbus have signed an agreement to develop a complete Spanish ‘value chain’ for sustainable and renewable aviation bio-fuel for commercial use. Other key members are expected to join the agreement shortly.

Signatories to the agreement signed in Madrid include Isaías Táboas, Spain’s Transport Secretary of State, Suárez, Antonio Vazquez, Iberia Airlines Chairman, and Tom Enders, Airbus President and CEO.

The agreement promotes and backs initiatives to develop a complete bio-fuel production chain for Spanish aviation, using sustainable resources from production to consumption in commercial aviation, with special consideration on economic and technical analysis.

“The implementation of biofuels by the Spanish aviation industry for the development of a complete Spanish “value chain” is a goal that will reduce our dependency on fossil energy, make our companies more competitive by reducing costs associated to CO2 and create value and wealth in other sectors of our national economy,” said Isaías Táboas. “We are fully confident that both, the public and private sector can cooperate in the development and implementation of this initiative.”

“Climate change is a major challenge for our industry. The aviation sector’s ambitious CO2 reduction target is only possible if bio-fuels become a reality. Under this initiative, Iberia brings extensive experience in flight operations and in aircraft maintenance to perform the necessary tests that will make this goal a reality”, said Antonio Vazquez.

Airbus’ focus is on providing expertise and management of the feasibility, life cycle and sustainability analysis.

“Biofuels are a must for aviation to achieve our industry’s ambitious CO2 reduction targets. In fact, we believe that biofuels should primarily be reserved for aviation as our industry has no other viable alternative energy source,” said Tom Enders. “All industry players including governments have a role in helping to reduce global CO2 emission levels. Airbus is supporting value chains to accelerate the commercialisation of aviation bio-fuels.”

The value chain brings together farmers, oil-refiners and airlines to spearhead the commercialisation of sustainable bio-fuel production. Phase one of the project will be the feasibility study. Phase two, will narrow down the most promising solutions to a demonstration level, and phase three from 2014 onwards will look at implementation and scaling up of the production process.

The initiative is being lead by the Air Safety State-Agency (AESA) and the Services and Studies for Air Navigation and Aeronautical Safety/Observatory of Sustainability in Aviation (SENASA/OBSA), under the Ministries of the Environment, of Public works and of the Industry.

ATR delivers to Azul a pink aircraft promoting breast cancer awareness

March 10, 2011

ATR will also finance a breast cancer communication campaign
during the next edition of “Pink October”
Toulouse-based turboprop aircraft manufacturer ATR today delivered to Brazil’s
Azul Linhas Aéreas an ATR 72 painted pink, symbolizing the promotion of breast
cancer awareness. On its fuselage, the aircraft will promote FEMAMA, a Brazilian
non-profit organization dedicated to fighting the disease. In addition, ATR and its
suppliers involved in the organization of the delivery of the aircraft will contribute
funds for the Toulouse Cancer Campus. These funds will finance a breast cancer
promotion campaign during the next edition of “Pink October”, an annual
international awareness event.
When the pink ATR arrives in Brazil, the airline will also conduct, during one week,
awareness initiatives on breast cancer screening and self-examination procedures
at the Brazilian airports where the pink ATR will land. These initiatives will include
conferences given by FEMAMA volunteers and the distribution of informational
brochures, which will also be available on board the aircraft.
Pink, the characteristic color of the city of Toulouse, which is the birthplace of both
ATR and the center of excellence for cancer research, inspired the name of the
aircraft: “La ville rose”, or “The pink city”. All the female personnel of ATR,
FEMAMA’s president and women representatives of local and regional institutions
attended this special event.
David Neeleman, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Azul Linhas Aéreas,
declares: “For Azul, it is very important to combine our growth with the
development of social initiatives. Our new ATR aircraft, and our partnership with
FEMAMA, will bring us the opportunities of further communication on the
importance of breast cancer prevention. A pink ATR aircraft is definitely an optimal
way to bring this message across the country”.
Filippo Bagnato, Chief Executive Officer of ATR, declares: “By getting involved with
Azul Linhas Aéreas and to FEMAMA in this major awareness programme, we
aimed to associate ATR with such an important fight. We are proud to see that an
ATR aircraft will promote breast cancer awareness in Brazil. We are also pleased
to establish a durable commitment with the Toulouse Cancer Campus, a growing
institution which is becoming an international reference center. With this pink ATR
aircraft we will have the opportunity of expanding the awareness message among
our operators, thus providing an international dimension to such important
About Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras
The airline Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras began operating in December 2008.
Today, it services 30 cities and offers more than 200 flights per day, with a fleet of
28 Embraer aircraft and four ATRs. The airline will expand its fleet over the coming
months with the delivery of 20 new ATR 72-600s and 59 additional Embraers. Azul
combines low prices and excellent quality of service. It employs more than 3,500
staff and generates thousands of indirect jobs in Brazil. Since its creation, it has
transported more than 7 million passengers. It has also won several awards,
including “Best Brazilian Airline” by Flight Review magazine, “Best Performance of
2009” by Aero Magazine, and “One of the 30 Hottest Brands in the World” by the
New York publication Advertising Age.

Iberia signs MoU for eight wide-body Airbus A330-300

March 9, 2011

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International Airlines Group (IAG) selects most eco-efficient mid-size aircraft family

‪Iberia, part of IAG, has become the latest customer of Airbus’ eco-efficient A330 Family signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the acquisition of eight aircraft. The A330 selected will be the only twin engine, wide body aircraft in Iberia’s fleet and because of Airbus commonality it will fit seamlessly into its existing Airbus fleet. The engine selection will be made at a later date.

Iberia and British Airways merged in January 2011 and formed International Airlines Group (IAG), an Anglo-Spanish airline holding company, one of the largest in the world by revenues.

IAG chief executive Willie Walsh said: “The A330 is an excellent aircraft, both in terms of comfort and operational performance, and it will be a welcome addition to Iberia’s fleet.  It also provides us with considerable cost benefits due to its lower fuel consumption and commonality with Iberia’s existing long haul aircraft”.
‪‪“We are very proud that IAG has selected the A330 Family in its very first purchase” said John Leahy, Airbus COO, Customers. “Iberia’s selection proves again that the A330 Family is the preferred choice among operators for an eco-efficient, mid-size, long-haul aircraft thanks to its low operating costs and outstanding comfort for passengers”.

‪The A330-300 has a range of up to 5,600 nm / 10,400 km with a typical 300 passenger load. Highly efficient and optimised for the medium–to long range market, the A330-300 offers the best balance between range and cost. The A330-300 remains the most economic means of flying around 300 passengers on medium range routes in true long haul comfort.
‪The A330 Family, which spans 200 to 400 seats for the passenger variants, also includes Freighter, VIP, and Military Transport/Tanker variants, has now attracted more than 1,100 orders.

Tráfico de Pasajeros de las Aerolíneas ALTA se Incrementa 3,5% en Enero

March 9, 2011

Miami, 9 de marzo de 2011 – ALTA, la Asociación Latinoamericana de Transporte Aéreo, informa que el número de pasajeros transportados por sus aerolíneas miembros durante enero se incrementó un 3,5%, alcanzando los 12,4 millones.

Adicionalmente al crecimiento del 3,5% de los pasajeros, el trafico (RPK) también se incrementó un 2,8% y la capacidad (ASK) creció un 1,0%. El factor de ocupación alcanzó el 78,8%, 1,4 puntos porcentuales más que en enero de 2010.

Las toneladas-kilómetros de carga se incrementaron un 5,9% en enero, alcanzando las 306.680 FTKs

TAM becomes first A320neo customer in Latin America

February 28, 2011

Brazilian airline orders 22 A320neo and 10 A320 Family aircraft

TAM Airlines, Brazil’s largest airline has signed a Memorandum of Understanding for 32 eco-efficient Airbus A320 aircraft, comprising 22 A320neo and 10 A320 Family aircraft. The order makes TAM the launch customer for the A320neo in Latin America. Engine selection will be announced by the airline at a later date.

The A320neo, available from 2016, incorporates new more efficient engines and large wing tip devices called Sharklets, which together, deliver significant fuel savings of up to 15 percent, representing up to 3,600 tonnes CO2 annually per aircraft. In addition, the A320neo provides a double-digit reduction in NOx emissions and significantly reduced engine noise.

“Our order for industry leading fuel efficient aircraft opens a world of possibilities for TAM, thanks to its substantially increased range capability,” said Líbano Barroso, CEO of TAM Airlines. “Ordering more A320s allows TAM to reduce costs and further improve our environmental performance.”

“The A320neo will fit neatly into TAM Airlines’ fleet, offering maximum benefit for minimum change,” said John Leahy, Chief Operating Officer, Customers.  “This enables TAM to take full advantage of Brazil’s expected growth in air travel, especially in light of the upcoming World Cup and Olympic Games, and to do so in the most eco-efficient way possible”.

The A320 Family (A318, A319, A320 and A321) is recognised as the benchmark single-aisle aircraft family. Some 7,000 Airbus A320 Family aircraft have been ordered and over 4,500 delivered to more than 320 customers and operators worldwide, making it the world’s best-selling single-aisle aircraft family.  With 99.7% reliability and extended servicing periods, the A320 Family has the lowest operating costs of any single aisle aircraft. The A320neo has over 95% airframe commonality with the A320 Family whilst offering up to 500nm (950 km) more range or two tonnes more payload.

Airbus fleet operating in Latin America has doubled in the last five years. With more 550 aircraft sold and a record backlog of more than 250 aircraft to be delivered to its Latin American customers, today nearly 370 Airbus aircraft are flying with 21 Latin American airlines. This represents more than 60 percent of the fleet delivered in the region.

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