Embraer and Air Lease Close an Agreement for up to 20 E-Jets
July 21, 2010
New leasing company opts for the EMBRAER 190
São José dos Campos, July 20, 2010 – Embraer and Air Lease Corp., a newly formed aircraft leasing, purchasing and financing provider
company led by the legendary Steven Udvar-Házy, signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) for the sale of 15 EMBRAER 190 jets, today, at the 47th
Farnborough International Airshow, in England. Five of the 15 orders are re-confirmable, and the deal also includes five options, representing a
potential sale of 20 EMBRAER 190s. “We’re proud to partner with Steven Udvar-
Házy, the founder of Air Lease Corp., in his new, thrilling aviation endeavor,” states Paulo
César de Souza e Silva, Embraer Executive Vice President, Airline Market. “His
remarkable professional experience and respectability in the aviation business, together
with the outstanding attributes of our E-Jets family, will be major supporters of the successof the new company.”
The EMBRAER 190 is the third of the four members of the EMBRAER 170/190 family of E-Jets, a brand-new commercial aircraft that entered service in August 2005. The jet may be configured in one or two classes, seating 98 to 114 passengers in a comfortable four-abreast (2-2), no-middleseat configuration, and can fly up to 2,400 nautical miles (4,448 kilometers) nonstop.
“We have been following the growing market demand for the EMBRAER 190 for many years.
We are now absolutely convinced that it is the right aircraft for not only the regional jet
marketplace, but that it’s powerful and compelling economics, passenger appeal, and
reliability, positions it to occupy a significant segment of mainline operations,” says John L. Plueger, President and COO of Air Lease Corp. “We are delighted to bring this product to our operating lease portfolio for the benefit of our customers, worldwide.”
LAN signs Memorandum of Understanding for 50 A320 Family aircraft
July 21, 2010
LAN’s Airbus orders to rise to over 150
LAN Airlines, one of Latin America’s leading passenger and cargo airlines, announced today its intention to order 50 new eco-efficient Airbus A320 Family aircraft. The Memorandum of Understanding – signed today at the Farnborough International Airshow – will be the largest single airline order for Airbus in Latin America and brings LAN’s total Airbus orders to 152 aircraft.
The commitment includes 10 A321s, a new aircraft type for LAN. The airline’s request for incremental A320 Family aircraft is part of LAN’s growth strategy for Latin America. The aircraft will serve as new and replacement aircraft for both existing and new routes.
Ignacio Cueto, LAN Airlines’ Chief Operating Officer, commented: “We confirm our commitment to the development of commercial aviation in Latin America, incorporating the best technology and offering our customers one of the world’s most modern fleets. We continue investing in order to contribute to the economic growth and social development of the countries in the region.”
“The LAN and Airbus partnership in Latin America has really prospered in the last 12 years. We are convinced that our benchmark aircraft will further advance LAN’s leadership position in the region,” said John Leahy, Airbus Chief Operating Officer, Customers. “We appreciate LAN’s strong and clear vote of confidence in Airbus and look forward to many more years of continued collaboration.”
LAN placed a firm order for 30 single-aisle Airbus A320 Family aircraft in December 2009. The airline currently operates 58 Airbus aircraft.
With almost 500 aircraft sold and a record backlog of more than 200 aircraft to be delivered to its Latin American customers, today more than 370 Airbus aircraft are flying with 23 Latin American airline customers and operators, representing more than 40 percent of the fleet in service.
Air Lease places order for 10 new ATR 72-600s
July 21, 2010
US-based aircraft lessor Air Lease Corporation has ordered 10 new ATR 72-600 regional turboprop aircraft, and placed options for a further 10. The aircraft are planned for delivery starting in the fourth quarter of 2011.
Steven F. Udvar-Hazy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Air Lease Corporation, says: “We are delighted to order these ATR 72-600s, which will complement our portfolio of narrow and wide-body aircraft. Air Lease has identified a number of opportunities for these aircraft among our existing and future customers. The ATR 72s will enable us to strengthen our regional offering with an aircraft that is a proven success, featuring unrivalled operating costs and good performance on short routes. The ATR has distinguished itself with a wide base of operators and strong residual values which make it a good investment for a lessor”.
Filippo Bagnato, Chief Executive Officer of ATR, says: “We are extremely pleased that a major leasing company with the strength, breadth and reputation of Air Lease is entering the regional market and has selected ATRs for this segment. The ATR turboprop offers a secure position in the segment when compared to regional jets, benefiting airlines and providing investment opportunities for the finance and leasing sectors. Our new partnership with Air Lease will enable us to further show and promote the advantages of the ATRs to many different operators in the world. We are convinced this partnership will bring many success stories to Air Lease and its customers”.
Embraer and Flybe Sign an Order for up to US$ 5.0 Billion
July 21, 2010
British airline could add up to 140 EMBRAER 175s to its fleet of 14 EMBRAER 195 jets
São José dos Campos, July 20, 2010 –
Embraer and Flybe, one of Europe’s leading
low-cost and regional airlines, signed a
contract for the sale of 35 EMBRAER 175
jets, today, at the 47th Farnborough
International Airshow, in England. The deal
includes 65 options and 40 purchase rights,
giving the order a potential for 140
EMBRAER 175s. The total value of the
contract, at list price, is US$ 1.3 billion, based
on January 2010 economic conditions, and
could reach US$ 5.0 billion, if all options and
purchase rights are exercised.
“Flybe’s decision to select the EMBRAER 175
to complement its existing fleet of 14
EMBRAER 195s is great news, indeed, and we
are very thankful for this further sign of
confidence in our E-Jets family,” states
Frederico Fleury Curado, Embraer President
& CEO. “I am sure that this new fleet strategy
will give Flybe an even greater profile in the
leadership role they play, today.”
The British airline’s EMBRAER 175 jets will be configured in a single-class layout, seating up
to 88 passengers with comfortable, 30-inch pitch (76 cm) Elite seats. The first aircraft is
scheduled for delivery in the second half of 2011.
“We have enjoyed an excellent relationship with Embraer, since we became the world’s launch
customer for the EMBRAER 195, a superb addition to our fleet with outstanding reliability and
performance,” says Jim French, Flybe Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). “The
EMBRAER 175 will give us significant added capacity and is particularly suited to the sector
lengths prevalent in Europe that we are most interested in exploiting. In short, it perfectly fits
Flybe’s business model. We are delighted to extend the long-running partnership with Embraer.
With this order, we are securing an aircraft that fits the stated aim of furthering our position as
the leading regional airline in Europe.”
July 21, 2010
Rolls-Royce, the global power systems company, has won a $100m share of an order from Yemen Airways (Yemenia), the national airline of The Republic of Yemen, for V2500 engines to power 10 Airbus A320 aircraft.
The order includes a long-term services agreement and aircraft deliveries are scheduled to start in 2011. It represents the first selection by the airline of the V2500 and also the A320.
The V2500 is produced by the International Aero Engines consortium (IAE) in which Rolls-Royce is a senior shareholder. IAE’s other partners are Pratt & Whitney, the Japanese Aero Engines Corporation and MTU Aero Engines.
The 22,000 – 33,000lb thrust V2500 powers the Airbus A319, A320 and A321 family of aircraft as well as the A319 Corporate Jet. More than 5,500 V2500 engines are in service or on firm order worldwide.
Airbus delivers tenth A380 in 2010
July 21, 2010
On track for achieving full year target of at least 20 A380 deliveries
Airbus has delivered Singapore Airlines’ 11th A380 and Lufthansa’s second A380 on Friday 16th July, taking the A380 in-service fleet to 33 aircraft. These deliveries bring the year’s A380 deliveries by mid-July to 10 putting Airbus well on track to meet its full year’s target of at least 20.
The other A380 operators are Emirates Airline which has a fleet of 11, Air France with a fleet of three and Qantas with a fleet of six. Together the five A380 operators serve 18 major cities worldwide every day. The 31 A380s in service to date have clocked up 156,000 revenue flight hours in some 17,000 commercial flights and transported over six million passengers to 20 major international destinations worldwide in unequalled comfort.
ATR book orders for 42 aircraft in first half 2010, 72 including options
July 21, 2010
On the occasion of a press conference held today at the Farnborough Air Show, Filippo Bagnato, ATR Chief Executive Officer, announced orders for 42 new aircraft (72 including options) in the first semester of the year.
Lao Airlines (Laos): 2 ATR 72-500s
Golden Air (Sweden): 2 ATR 72-500s
Syrian Airlines: 2 ATR 72-500s
Undisclosed orders:
20 ATR 72-600s (+ 20 options)
10 ATR 72-600s (+ 10 options)
6 ATR 72-500s
Commenting on the first semester orders, Bagnato stated: “While consolidating our presence worldwide by getting the renewal of confidence from our existing customers, we are continuing to expand our client portfolio with new operators. Our wide array of operators are seeing the benefits from the superior performance and low operating costs of our aircraft and the advantages of our strong support network around the world. Today, we have already 155 operators in more than 80 countries”.
ATR has delivered 26 new aircraft in the first half of the year.
“Both positive results in terms of orders and deliveries underline the good health of ATR”, stated Bagnato.
ATR’s backlog at June 30 is 152 aircraft, which represents more than two years of production.
He underlined also recent figures of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) showing some positive signs of recovery in the aviation industry: passenger traffic grew 11.7% from May 2009 to May 2010, being today 1% above pre-recession levels.
Bagnato also highlighted the evolution of turboprops in regional market forecasts: “Ten years ago, turboprop represented only 15% of the deliveries in 20-year
forecasts for regional aircraft. Today, turboprops represent 40%. We know that the reasons of the turboprop success are here for the long term. Our aim is to continuously propose a product optimally matching the needs of the regional carriers.”
LAN Signs $2 Billion CFM56-5B Engine Order / Maintenance Agreement for 70 New A320 Family Aircraft
July 20, 2010
FARNBOROUGH, England — 20 July 2010 — Chilean flag carrier LAN Airlines today placed the single largest engine order in the company’s 81-year history, choosing the CFM56-5B engine to power 70 new Airbus A319/A320/A321 aircraft for delivery beginning in 2011. This also represents the single largest engine order by a Latin American airline
The order is valued at approximately $2 billion U.S. at list price, including installed and spare engines and an associated maintenance agreement.
To support its new fleet, LAN chose a 12-year Rate for Flight Hour (RPFH) agreement with CFM. The RPFH is a comprehensive maintenance program customized to LAN Airlines specific needs under which CFM guarantees the maintenance cost on a dollar per engine flight hour basis.
The engine order, which is part of the airline’s continued fleet renewal and expansion program, covers 30 A320 family aircraft announced in December 2009, in addition to 40 new A320s that are part of the Memorandum of Understanding announced earlier today by LAN and Airbus.
“We have built a good working relationship with CFM over the past decade and are confident it will continue to strengthen,” said Roberto Alvo, senior vice president of Strategic Planning for LAN. “This new order allows us to combine the proven reliability of the CFM56-5B with a long-term service and support package that will help us keep our costs predictable and allow us to focus on serving our customers.”
LAN became a CFM operator in 2000 with the delivery of its first CFM56-5C-powered Airbus A340-300 long-range four-engine airplane. The airline currently operates five A340s.
“This is the beginning of a great new era between LAN and CFM,” said Kevin McAllister, vice president of sales for CFM parent company GE Aviation. “LAN is consistently ranked as one of the top airlines in the world and we consider it an honor and a privilege to be a part of this world-class team.”
LAN Airlines was formed in October 1929 as a domestic Chilean carrier. Today, the airline is one of the leading passenger and cargo airlines in Latin America and serves 70 destinations throughout Latin America, the United States, the Caribbean, Europe, and the South Pacific
LAN signs Memorandum of Understanding for 50 A320 Family aircraft
July 20, 2010
LAN’s Airbus orders to rise to over 150
LAN Airlines, one of Latin America’s leading passenger and cargo airlines, announced today its intention to order 50 new eco-efficient Airbus A320 Family aircraft. The Memorandum of Understanding – signed today at the Farnborough International Airshow – will be the largest single airline order for Airbus in Latin America and brings LAN’s total Airbus orders to 152 aircraft.
The commitment includes 10 A321s, a new aircraft type for LAN. The airline’s request for incremental A320 Family aircraft is part of LAN’s growth strategy for Latin America. The aircraft will serve as new and replacement aircraft for both existing and new routes.
Ignacio Cueto, LAN Airlines’ Chief Operating Officer, commented: “We confirm our commitment to the development of commercial aviation in Latin America, incorporating the best technology and offering our customers one of the world’s most modern fleets. We continue investing in order to contribute to the economic growth and social development of the countries in the region.”
“The LAN and Airbus partnership in Latin America has really prospered in the last 12 years. We are convinced that our benchmark aircraft will further advance LAN’s leadership position in the region,” said John Leahy, Airbus Chief Operating Officer, Customers. “We appreciate LAN’s strong and clear vote of confidence in Airbus and look forward to many more years of continued collaboration.”
LAN placed a firm order for 30 single-aisle Airbus A320 Family aircraft in December 2009. The airline currently operates 58 Airbus aircraft.
With almost 500 aircraft sold and a record backlog of more than 200 aircraft to be delivered to its Latin American customers, today more than 370 Airbus aircraft are flying with 23 Latin American airline customers and operators, representing more than 40 percent of the fleet in service.
VistaJet Places Firm Order for Six Bombardier Business Jets
July 20, 2010
– Four Ultra-Long-Range Global Express XRS and Two Large Cabin Challenger 605 Aircraft
FARNBOROUGH, UNITED KINGDOM–(Marketwire – July 20, 2010) – Bombardier Aerospace today announced VistaJet of Switzerland has placed a firm order for four Global Express XRS aircraft and two Challenger 605 jets. The total value of the order is approximately $277 million US, based on the 2010 list price for typically equipped aircraft.
“This is great news for both our companies,” said Steve Ridolfi, President, Bombardier Business Aircraft. “It reinforces the message that business aviation remains a valuable and necessary business tool for companies in Europe and around the world.”
VistaJet is a privately owned company offering revolutionary business aviation solutions through its one-of-a-kind Flight Solutions Program. Including the order announced today, the VistaJet fleet comprises more than 30 medium to ultra-long-range, state-of-the-art jets with an average age of less than two years. The current fleet includes Learjet 40 XR, Learjet 60 XR, Challenger 300, Challenger 604, Challenger 605, Challenger 850 and Global Express XRS jets.
“VistaJet has expanded rapidly beyond Europe’s borders. We now have major customers in the Middle East, Africa, Russia / CIS and Far East who require longer-haul aircraft with state-of-the-art cabins. Challenger and Global business jets are ideal to meet the needs of our passengers in these regions,” said Thomas Flohr, Founder and Chairman of VistaJet. “As we continue to build our global network, we are glad we can rely on the strong products of the Bombardier business aircraft family to achieve our expansion goals.”