Eurocopter, primer fabricante mundial de helicópteros, consolida su presencia en el Perú

November 18, 2013

Lima, 15 de noviembre de 2013
Con la reciente entrega del primero de cuatro helicópteros bimotores EC145 a la Policía Nacional, Eurocopter, primer fabricante mundial de helicópteros, afirma su presencia en el Perú y mira con optimismo las oportunidades de crecimiento que ofrece el país para los medios de transportes heliportados.
“El Perú es un país con un fuerte crecimiento y vemos un dinamismo del mercado de los helicópteros tanto en el sector civil como en el gubernamental y el militar”, señaló Mesrob Karalekian, Vicepresidente para América Latina del grupo Eurocopter.
“Como ya han hecho otros países de la región, el Perú ha iniciado un ambicioso proyecto de modernización de su flota de helicópteros y Eurocopter ofrece tecnología de vanguardia y la gama más amplia del mercado para responder a las diferentes necesidades del país.”
Las características geográficas del Perú, con el mar, la cordillera y la selva, convierten el helicóptero en un medio de transporte privilegiado y a menudo el único capaz de llegar a zonas de difícil acceso por carretera.
En el mercado civil, ya hay varios sectores económicos, principalmente la minería y la industria energética que han integrado los helicópteros en su modelo de negocio. Además, hay posibilidades de desarrollo de otras actividades como las ambulancias aéreas, el transporte de negocios y privado, la industria del turismo etc.
“De materializarse este crecimiento, Eurocopter ambiciona convertirse en un socio estratégico para el Perú, acompañando el crecimiento de esta flota con el establecimiento de nuevos medios de coproducción, fabricación, mantenimiento y formación, como ya ha hecho en otros países de la región”.
La flota Eurocopter en el Perú se ha multiplicado por tres en los últimos años. Gran parte de ella, cerca de 40 helicópteros, son mono-motores ligeros que realizan todo tipo de trabajos aéreos. Con la próxima puesta en servicio de 4 bimotores ligeros EC145 por la Policía Nacional, la llegada de dos helicópteros de categoría pesada Super Puma para servir a la industria energética y el creciente interés de las Fuerzas Armadas por el helicóptero multipropósito de nueva generación Cougar, la flota de EC en el país aumenta y se diversifica.
En 2012, Eurocopter generó una facturación anual récord a nivel mundial, llegando a 6.300 millones de euros, lo que representa un crecimiento del 15% por ciento en comparación con el año anterior, gracias a la instauración de una estrategia de inversión a largo plazo para favorecer la innovación y mantener su gama de helicópteros en primera línea del mercado, así como para aumentar su huella internacional. El mismo año, la cifra de negocios en América Latina alcanzó cerca de 900 Millones de Euros.


Airbus Military suscribe un contrato adicional con Kazajistán para suministrar otros dos aviones C295

October 25, 2013

Airbus Military ha suscrito un contrato con Kazspecexport, una empresa estatal adscrita al Ministerio de Defensa de Kazajistán, con el fin de suministrar dos aviones de transporte militar C295 junto con el correspondiente paquete de servicios de mantenimiento, que incluye piezas de recambio y equipamiento de apoyo en tierra. El actual pedido es resultado del Acuerdo de Intenciones (MoU, por sus siglas en inglés) suscrito en 2012 entre el Ministerio de Defensa de Kazajistán y Airbus Military con miras a la adquisición de un total de ocho aviones C295, dos de los cuales ya fueron entregados en el transcurso de 2013.
Los dos primeros aviones C295 ya están en servicio en la Fuerza Aérea de Kazajistán. La entrega del cuarto y quinto aparato está prevista para 2014 y 2015, respectivamente. Respecto al suministro de los cuatro aparatos restantes, amparados por el citado Acuerdo de Intenciones, en los próximos años se definirá el correspondiente calendario de entregas.
“En Airbus Military estamos orgullosos de que el Ministerio de Defensa de Kazajistán haya hecho un pedido adicional por otros dos C295, pues no solo reitera su confianza en las capacidades y rentabilidad del aparato, sino en nuestra empresa. También estamos orgullosos de las relaciones comerciales establecidas con Kazspecexport y el Ministerio de Defensa de Kazajistán, y aprovechamos la oportunidad para felicitar a los equipos de ambas instituciones por la profesionalidad que han mostrado durante todo el proceso. No ahorraremos esfuerzos para garantizar que se cumplan las expectativas asociadas a una muestra de confianza de esta naturaleza y seguiremos acompañando a nuestro cliente durante muchos años más”, comentó Antonio Rodríguez Barberán, director Comercial de Airbus Military.

Lufthansa, Airbus’ biggest airline customer, commits to up to 55 A350s

September 19, 2013

A350 key to modernising Lufthansa’s long-haul fleet

The Supervisory board of Lufthansa, Airbus’ biggest airline customer and operator, has decided to expand and modernise its long-haul fleet with a commitment for up to 55 A350-900 aircraft (25 firm and 30 options). Lufthansa also has the flexibility to convert some of the order to the larger A350-1000.

This landmark A350 order comes just six months after Lufthansa made the strategic decision to become an all-Airbus operator for its single-aisle fleet. So far in 2013, Airbus has won more firm orders from Lufthansa (125) in a single year than ever before. Taking all commitments (firm and options) into account the figure rises to 232 aircraft – one more than the 231 Airbus aircraft currently in operation with the Lufthansa Airline.

‘’The A350 XWB suits Lufthansa’s entire network regarding size and range, and will be key to modernising our fleet while significantly reducing operational costs and our environmental footprint,” said Nico Buchholz, Executive Vice President, Lufthansa Group Fleet Management. “These quiet and fuel-efficient aircraft will fit nicely into our existing Airbus fleet, and our passengers will be able to enjoy seamless service and comfort levels throughout our entire product range.”

“We are honoured that such a long-standing and prestigious customer as Lufthansa is coming back for more Airbus aircraft,” said John Leahy, Airbus Chief Operating Officer, Customers. “The all-new A350 XWBs, will integrate very well into the Group’s existing Airbus fleet. From the A319 to the A380 size category, Lufthansa will benefit from latest technologies and efficiency levels, an unmatched wider cabin, operational flexibility and cost-savings – enhanced by the unique fleet commonality only Airbus offers.”

Lufthansa’s decision today underpins the Group’s status as Airbus’ largest airline customer and operator, with to date 535 aircraft ordered and 397 currently in operation within the Group. The latter include: 282 A320 Family, 42 A330s, 63 A340s, and 10 A380s. Lufthansa has recently announced an order for 100 A320 Family aircraft to switch its Single-Aisle Fleet in the 150-230 size category entirely to Airbus.

The A350 XWB (Xtra Wide-Body) is an all-new mid-size long range product line comprising three versions and seating between 270 and 350 passengers in typical three-class layouts. The new Family, whose fuselage cross-section is optimized to accommodate Airbus’ 18-inch economy seat-width for long range passenger comfort, will also bring a 25 percent step change in efficiency compared with existing aircraft in this size category. Scheduled for entry-into-service in 2014, the A350 XWB to date has already won 682 firm orders from 35 customers worldwide.

Gulfstream Launches Service And Support iPhone And iPad App

August 26, 2013

Customers Get Quick And Easy Access To Important Contact Information
SAVANNAH, Ga., August 26, 2013 — Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. today launched 24-Hour
Support, an iPhone- and iPad-compatible application that provides customers with fingertip
access to Gulfstream’s worldwide product support network.
“Our 24-Hour Support app offers fast and easy access to the contact information our customers
need anywhere they’re located, at any time of the day,” said Mark Burns, president, Gulfstream
Product Support. “It is particularly useful for aircraft-on-ground situations. Paper or a PDF file is
not necessary anymore. With one touch, you are connected to Gulfstream Product Support and
on your way to getting the assistance you need.”
The 24-Hour Support app, which will be updated regularly, is a comprehensive source for direct
access to Gulfstream Technical Operations, 19 company-owned and authorized service
centers, 13 company-authorized warranty facilities, 43 field service representatives, Spare Part
Sales, and other key contacts. The app includes phone and fax numbers, email addresses,
location information and operating hours.

The 24-Hour Support app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store. After the initial
download, the app is accessible with or without an Internet connection.


Preocupante situación enfrenta Lan Argentina S.A.

August 23, 2013

Una preocupante situación enfrenta Lan Argentina S.A. derivada del ultimatum de diez días que autoridades de dicha nación dieran a la empresa chilena para que desaloje el hangar que ocupa en el Aeroparque “Jorge Newbery” de Buenos Aires.-
Inmueble que a un costo de US $ 3,2 millones fuera construido en dicho aeropuerto el año 2009 por el transportista chileno, tras firmar un contrato de concesión por quince años con Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 (AA2000), empresa que tiene la concesión de los Aeropuertos “Jorge Newbery” y “Ministro Pistarini” de Buenos Aires.-
Mientras Lan Argentina S.A. no descarta recurrir a la justicia y a la vía diplomática para hacer valer sus derechos, Gustavo Lipovich, presidente de Orsan, Organismo Regulador del Sistema Nacional de Aeropuertos, que expidió la orden de desalojo, explicó a la prensa que Lan Argentina S.A. busca mantener una posición de privilegio al negarse a desocupar dicho hangar y que la empresa tuvo ocho meses para instalar un nuevo hangar ya fuera en San Fernando o en Ezeiza.-
Por su parte Lan Argentina S.A. manifiesta que sin el hangar en el aeroparque, sus operaciones dentro de ese país se tornarían inviables, en tanto que en opinión de Mauricio Macri, Jefe de Gobierno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, la resolución se tomó “para tapar el mal funcionamiento de Aerolíneas Argentinas”.-
Como era de esperar, lo anterior ha causado profunda inquietud y verdadera molestia en el empresariado chileno, que ven en ello una nueva arremetida del gobierno argentino contra Lan, recordando lo sucedido hace un tiempo atrás en que no obstante también existir un contrato validamente vigente, se negó a la línea aérea la atención de plataforma y el uso de los puentes de embarque, lo que a la postre le significó un desembolso extra de US $18 millones.-
Los contratos y tratados son para cumplirlos y en ello Argentina ha demostrado ser un país no confiable, manifestó un empresario chileno, trayendo a colación lo acontecido con el gas argentino, que no obstante lo acordado con Chile, durante el gobierno de Nestor Kirchner su entrega fue suspendida abruptamente.-
Al cierre de esta noticia se esperaba el resultado de una entrevista que tendrían los cancilleres de Chile y Argentina para tratar este tema que enturbia las relaciones existentes entre ambas naciones.

Mexico – Interjet presents its new airplane SSJ100

August 23, 2013

Photo_aircraft in the hangar

The aircraft offers the latest technology from Europe and will be designed to serve medium density routes
The new aircrafts, will boost competitiveness of tourism and business within the country, will trigger economic activity and will create new sources of employment in Mexico: Miguel Aleman Magnani, Interjet’s CEO
 In the last month the airline opened nine routes that depart from Mexico City’s International Airport to destinations with high potential
 The most recent report of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation positioned Interjet as the airline with the highest domestic market share in the country
Miguel Aleman Magnani, Interjet’s CEO, presented the airline’s new aircraft, the SuperJet 100, which incorporates the latest technology of the European continent and which will be used to serve the medium-density routes in Mexico.
Aleman Magnani explained that this aircraft provides the highest standards of quality and comfort in the worldwide commercial aviation and that this is the first time that an aircraft of these characteristics will start operations in the Americas.
These new aircrafts, will boost Mexico’s competitiveness of tourism and business industries, and will join Interjet’s fleet to detonate the country’s economy and generate new jobs in the states where they land. Compared with other aircrafts that are used to serve domestic routes in Mexico, the Superjet 100 offers wider seats, higher height of the passenger and pilots cabin and more space for luggage inside.
In addition, the new equipment incorporates the latest technology available in Europe, as well as cameras and screens for on-board programming and an exclusive bathroom for women.
The aircraft was manufactured in Europe and its development involved three companies: Russia’s Sukhoi Civil (SCAC), in partnership with Italy’s Alenia Aermacchi, and the prestigious Italian manufacturer Pininfarina, which was in charge of the designs.
This device is the most complete and equipped in the 100 seat aircraft segment and in order to meet the highest standards of the airline for its passengers comfort, Interjet chose the configuration of 93 seats.
The Interjet’s Superjet100 is the first Italo-Russian-French aircraft manufactured to meet the highest Western standards of air safety established by the civil aviation authorities of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the Aviation Register of the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC-AR), the National School of Civil Aviation (ENAC) and the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA).
The aero strength of the former Soviet Union was very important in the manufacturing of aircrafts, satellites and space missions. The Tupolev Company was the first in the world to design and produce a supersonic aircraft. Also, in 1957, the USSR, one of the stronger economic giants, put into space the first artificial satellite in history, Sputnik 1. The biggest plane currently flying in the world right now is the Russian-made “Antonov”. In the late 80s, this block accounted for 25 percent of the world’s civil aircraft production and 40 percent of the military aircraft production. The Russian-built Superjet 100 relies on the most advanced technology in global aviation.
The navigation system of the Superjet 100 was designed by the French company Thales Avionics. This system is also used by other companies in the industry, such as Airbus. The interior features were designed by the internationally recognized Italian company, Pininfarina.
The Superjet 100 was first introduced in the Paris Air Show at Le Bourget, the largest exhibition for the global aviation industry, this is the first time that a Mexican airline has participated by presenting an airplane for it’s fleet.
The Interjet’s operational efficiency and commitment to their clients in terms of comfort, made the airline to change the aircraft’s 108 seats original configuration to one of only 93 seats, with 34 inches (86 centimeters) of space between each row.
In the last month, Interjet opened nine regional routes that strengthen Mexico’s air connectivity and that depart from the Mexico City International Airport to Aguascalientes, Campeche, La Paz, Manzanillo, Mazatlan, Minatitlan, Reynosa, Torreon and Zacatecas.
The airline’s expansion strategy has positioned it as the leading airline in the country. According to the last report of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Interjet has mobilized the highest number of passengers domestically and reached a 28 percent market share last June.

Legacy 500 da Embraer Aviação Executiva estreia na LABACE 2013

August 7, 2013

São José dos Campos, 7 de agosto de 2013 – O jato executivo Legacy 500 da Embraer faz sua primeira aparição pública no Brasil durante a 10ª edição da Latin American Business Aviation Conference and Exhibition (LABACE), de 14 a 16 de agosto, no Aeroporto de Congonhas (CGH), em São Paulo. A nova aeronave iniciou sua turnê mundial por Genebra, na Suíça, em maio deste ano e estará em Las Vegas, nos Estados Unidos, no mês de outubro.

O Legacy 500 é a única aeronave da categoria midzise a utilizar um completo sistema eletrônico de comandos de voo fly-by-wire, que proporciona maior conforto, eficiência e reduz a carga de trabalho dos pilotos, aumentando ainda mais a segurança da operação. A entrada da aeronave em serviço está prevista para o primeiro semestre de 2014.
“Tradicionalmente, a LABACE é palco para a apresentação das novidades do setor para a região e temos a satisfação de expor pela primeira vez ao público da América Latina o Legacy 500, um novo jato executivo que quebrou paradigmas em sua categoria ao antecipar tecnologias e necessidades do mercado”, disse Marco Túlio Pellegrini, Vice-Presidente de Operações da Embraer Aviação Executiva. “Esta será a maior participação da Embraer desde a primeira edição da feira, em 2004, o que ilustra bem o nosso forte posicionamento entre as maiores forças deste competitivo mercado”.

Além do Legacy 500, a Empresa também terá em exposição estática os jatos Phenom 100, Phenom 300, Legacy 650 e o Lineage 1000, o maior e mais luxuoso jato do portfólio da Embraer Aviação Executiva.

Para apresentar sua visão de mercado e as novidades que estarão na LABACE, a Embraer Aviação Executiva realizará uma coletiva de imprensa na terça-feira, dia 13, às 15 horas, na sala Santos Dumont, no local da exposição, no Aeroporto de Congonhas, antiga área da Vasp.

Latam cae en el índice de capitalización bursátil

July 29, 2013

A factores externos, ajenos al accionar de la compañía, expertos internacionales atribuyen la caída que los títulos de Latam han experimentado dentro de las cuarenta empresas que conforman el IPSA.-
Entre otros, se mencionan la devaluación del real en Brasil, el repunte que algunas aerolíneas grandes en EEUU han registrado y la mayor capacidad de los operadores de carga asiáticos y europeos que han venido a América Latina en busca del crecimiento que ha evidenciado la región.-
Factores que han llevado a que Latam dejara de estar entre la diez aerolíneas del mundo con mayor capacidad bursátil, pasando desde el puesto cuarto cuando se concretó la fusión entre Lan Airlines y Tam, al décimo tercero en el ranking, alcanzando un valor en bolsa de US $7.010 millones.-
No obstante, en entrevista con un diario local, Enrique Cueto, vicepresidente ejecutivo de Latam llamó a confiar en el proyecto de la compañía. “Estamos avanzando y rapidamente vamos a ir viendo mejoras. Estas turbulencias son parte de la transformación…”, agregó.

Super Tucano e jatos da família Phenom são destaques da Embraer na feira de Oshkosh

July 25, 2013

Melbourne, Flórida, EUA, 25 de julho de 2013 − A Embraer Aviação Executiva e a Embraer Defesa & Segurança exibirão os jatos executivos leves Phenom 100 e Phenom 300 e o turboélice de ataque leve e treinamento avançado A-29 Super Tucano no evento EAA AirVenture que acontece em Oshkosh, Wisconsin, nos Estados Unidos, de 29 de julho a 4 de agosto de 2013.

A Embraer Aviação Executiva apresentará atualizações dos seus programas para os jornalistas durante o tradicional café da manhã com a imprensa, que será realizado na quarta-feira, 31 de julho, às 7h30, no estande da Empresa, próximo à Phillips 66 Plaza.

“A AirVenture é um lugar ideal para a exposição de nossas aeronaves e continuamos a apoiar a EAA e o seu trabalho com o programa Young Eagles”, disse Robert Knebel, Diretor de Vendas da Embraer Aviação Executiva – América do Norte. “O público terá a oportunidade de visitar os jatos Phenom 100 e Phenom 300, que receberam o prêmio Best-of-the-Best, da revista Robb Report, por uma combinação de desempenho e design nos últimos três anos. O Phenom 300, considerado um dos jatos executivos mais revolucionários de todos os tempos, é a aeronave com maior participação de mercado na categoria light desde que entrou em serviço, em 2009.”

American Eurocopter delivers first EC130 T2s equipped with Garmin G500H glass cockpit to Blue Hawaiian Helicopters

July 23, 2013

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July 22, 2013

GRAND PRAIRIE, Texas – American Eurocopter has received a Supplemental Type Certificate from the Federal  Aviation Administration for installing the Garmin G500H “glass cockpit” multifunction electronic flight display system in the EC130 T2 helicopter.

Launch customer Blue Hawaiian Helicopters, the only helicopter tour company serving all four major Hawaiian Islands, has received the first two G500H equipped EC130 T2s with more on order. The new aircraft, the latest model in the Eurocopter single-engine product range, will supplement Blue Hawaiian’s existing fleet of EC130 B4 andAS350 helicopters.

The G500H system is available with optional components like Helicopter Terrain Awareness Warning System, including Synthetic Vision. With this capability pilots can monitor and adjust the radios, navigation, intercom and operating systems through touch screens. The Garmin system is a leap ahead in technology.

“The G500H is a revolutionary tool to improve situational awareness and significantly reduce our greatest risk. The cost/benefit of this system makes this choice a ‘no-brainer,’” said David Chevalier, Chief Executive of Blue Hawaiian Helicopters. “The greatest risk factor faced by helicopter operations in Hawaii is inadvertent flight into IMC (instrument meteorological conditions) and subsequent CFIT (controlled flight into terrain). Garmin’s synthetic vision technology is a godsend. “

Blue Hawaiian was the launch customer for the EC130B4 in 2001. Since that time the company has logged more than 460,000 flight hours on its all-Eurocopter fleet.

“Blue Hawaiian is a great tour company that has always put safety first. This investment in the new glass cockpit EC130 T2 is another step forward,” said Marc Paganini, President and Chief Executive of American Eurocopter.

The popular EC130 T2 light single-engine helicopter provides many advantages for aerial tour operators including increased cabin space and comfort with individual seats for each passenger, improved visibility through a wrap-around glass cockpit, state-of-the-art avionics and Eurocopter’s advanced main rotor and Fenestron tail rotor technology. The Turbomeca Arriel 2D engine provides increased power with lower specific fuel consumption.
“The double sliding doors significantly improve passenger ingress and egress and the additional engine power is substantial over the EC130B4. The most exciting thing about this aircraft is the expected reduction in operating costs,” said Chevalier.

Blue Hawaiian has been Hawaii’s leader in the air tour industry for more than 25 years. In addition to its scenic flights, Blue Hawaiian also provides charters and utility services such as firefighting, search and rescue, power line patrol and the transportation of external loads.

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