Helibras suministrará piezas de repuesto y servicios para la flota EC725 de las Fuerzas Armadas brasileñas

January 5, 2012

Marignane, Francia, 5 de enero de 2012
La filial brasileña de Eurocopter, Helibras, ha firmado un contrato para suministrar piezas de repuesto y servicios a la flota de 50 EC725 de las Fuerzas Armadas brasileñas. Este contrato de apoyo logístico generará un ahorro significativo e importantes sinergias entre los tres ejércitos que operan este helicóptero.
Este acuerdo, por cinco años y estimado en 150 millones de Reales Brasileños (62 millones de Euros) será el primero común a los tres ejércitos y cubrirá los 50 EC725 que Helibras ensamblará en Itajubá.
“La creación de un stock estratégico específico para las Fuerzas Armadas traerá consigo importantes ahorros en la compra de piezas”, explica Eduardo Marson Ferreira, Presidente de Helibras. “Ya no será necesario que cada ejército tenga su propia estructura de suministro, puesto que Helibras se encargará de hacerlo”.
El reciente contrato contempla que la filial brasileña de Eurocopter se haga cargo de toda la gestión del inventario y las piezas de repuesto, así como del suministro de la asistencia técnica necesaria. Estas actividades comprenden las inspecciones, revisiones y reparaciones de los helicópteros, así como el desplazamiento de los equipos técnicos a las tres bases de los clientes en Brasil.
Los tres primeros EC725, entregados a los tres ejércitos en diciembre 2010, ya están en operación.
El EC725 es la versión más reciente de la familia de helicópteros Super Puma/ Cougar, de la categoría 11 toneladas. Se trata de un aparato versátil y capaz de llevar a cabo múltiples misiones incluyendo transporte de largo alcance, transporte medical, apoyo logístico y misiones navales.

Final Gulfstream G200 Rolls Off Production Line

December 20, 2011

250th Business Jet Set for December Delivery

SAVANNAH, Ga., December 20, 2011 — Capping a 14-year production run, the last super mid-size Gulfstream G200 business jet – the 250th – has rolled off the production line in Dallas. It will be replaced in the Gulfstream fleet by the all-new large-cabin, mid-range Gulfstream G280, which is scheduled to enter service in the first part of 2012.

The G200 was the first super mid-size business jet to enter the marketplace. It rolled out in 1997 and was certified by the Federal Aviation Administration in 1998. Seven years ago today, Gulfstream delivered the 100th G200.

With a cabin width of 7 feet, 2 inches (2.184 m) and a cabin height of 6 feet, 3 inches (1.905 m), the G200 has one of the largest cabins in its class. To date, the aircraft has been certified in 18 countries and has a dispatch reliability rate in excess of 99 percent. The fleet has flown more than 581,000 flight hours and completed more than 351,000 take-offs and landings.

Originally introduced as the “Galaxy” by Galaxy Aerospace (which was acquired by Gulfstream in 2001), the G200 was manufactured by Israel Aircraft Industries in Tel Aviv and then flown to Gulfstream’s Mid-Cabin Completions Center in Dallas for interior outfitting and paint. The last G200 is scheduled for customer delivery later this month.

The G200 set the standard for the new super mid-size category and quickly established an important market niche. It became a mainstay aircraft for NetJets and many corporate operators. It also opened new markets for Gulfstream in China, Brazil and elsewhere.

“The G200 took the basic cabin dimensions of a large-cabin aircraft and made them available to a broader market by offering a shortened eight- to 10-place, two-seating-area layout with solid transcontinental U.S. range,” said Stan Dixon, vice president, Mid-Cabin Programs, Gulfstream. “It led the category for its time, as will the G280 going into the future.”

The G280 offers the largest cabin and the longest range at the fastest speed in its class. The business jet is capable of traveling 3,600 nm (6,667 km) at Mach 0.80 and has a maximum operating speed of Mach 0.85. With an initial cruise altitude of 41,000 feet (12,497 m), the G280 can climb to a maximum altitude of 45,000 feet (13,716 m). Its 3,600-nautical-mile range means the G280 can fly nonstop from New York to London or from London to Dubai.

The G280 features an all-new, advanced transonic wing design that has been optimized for high-speed cruise and improved takeoff performance. At maximum takeoff weight, the G280 has a balanced field length of 4,750 feet.

While G200 production has ended, the product support organization will ensure adequate parts, tooling, sustaining engineering and people are available to continue providing Gulfstream’s industry-leading product support for the worldwide G200 fleet.

Fifth Airbus Military A400M development aircraft makes first flight

December 20, 2011

The fifth Airbus Military A400M military airlifter has made its first flight, marking the end of a highly successful year for the programme and meaning that the full fleet of Grizzly development aircraft is now in the air, completing the flight-test programme.
Known as Grizzly 5, the aircraft took off from Seville, Spain with a take-off weight of 125 tonnes at 08:55 local time (GMT+1) and landed back at Seville 2 hours 10 minutes later.
Experimental Test Pilot Christophe Marchand captained the flight, supported by Experimental Test Pilot Etienne Miche-de-Malleray. The crew also included Test Flight Engineer Jean-Paul Lambert and Flight Test Engineers Ludovic Girard and Cesar Gonzales-Gomez.
Grizzly 5 is the final member of the fleet which has now completed more than 2,500 hours of the 3,700 hour flight-test programme leading to first delivery. It carries a light flight-test instrumentation load and will be primarily dedicated to electromagnetic interference (EMI)-testing, cargo development, operational demonstrations and extreme cold weather trials.
Airbus Head of Flight Operations Fernando Alonso said: “The first flight of Grizzly 5 is right on schedule and is an excellent way to end this second year of A400M flight-testing. It provides a strong platform from which to address the challenging year ahead leading to first delivery to the French Air Force.”
During 2011 the A400M has successfully completed an extremely intensive test schedule and the aircraft has now been flown by more than 60 pilots. The key high-energy rejected take-off test has been passed as well as emergency evacuations in different configurations. Crosswind and wet runway testing is complete, and so is testing with artificial ice shapes fitted to the wings.
All stalling and braking tests have been passed, together with cruise performance, and the minimum unstick speed (Vmu), minimum control speed on ground (Vmcg) and minimum control speed in the air (Vmca) tests are also complete.
The Grizzly fleet will immediately start 2012 with an aggressive test programme, including an increasing proportion of military tests, in preparation for first delivery around the turn of the year 2012/2013.
The attached photo shows Grizzly 5 taking off from Seville this morning.

El quinto A400M de desarrollo de Airbus Military realiza su primer vuelo

December 20, 2011

El quinto A400M de desarrollo de Airbus Military realiza su primer vuelo
El quinto A400M de Airbus Military ha realizado su primer vuelo, marcando así el final de un año plagado de éxitos para este avión de transporte militar. La flota completa de los Grizzly de desarrollo se encuentra ya en el aire completando el programa de ensayos en vuelo.
El avión, conocido como Grizzly 5, despegó del aeropuerto de Sevilla a las 08:55 hora local (GMT+1) con un peso de 125 toneladas y aterrizó de vuelta en Sevilla 2 horas y 10 minutos más tarde.
El comandante del vuelo ha sido el Piloto de Pruebas Experimentales Christophe Marchan, que trabajó conjuntamente con el también Piloto de Pruebas Experimentales Etienne Miche-de-Malleray. La tripulación de este vuelo inaugural se completó con los Ingenieros de Ensayos en Vuelo Ludovic Girard y César Gónzalez Gómez, así como con el Ingeniero de Vuelo Jean-Paul Lambert.
Grizzly 5 es el último miembro de la flota, que ya ha completado más de 2.500 horas de las 3.700 horas del programa de ensayos en vuelo que llevarán a la primera entrega a cliente. Este avión incorpora una carga ligera de instrumentación de ensayos en vuelo y se dedicará, principalmente, a la realización de pruebas de interferencias electromagnéticas (EMI), desarrollo de la gestión de cargas, demostraciones operativas y tests en frío extremo.
Fernando Alonso, responsable de Operaciones de Vuelo de Airbus, ha declarado: “El primer vuelo de Grizzly 5 se ha realizado dentro del calendario previsto y es una forma excelente de terminar este segundo año de ensayos en vuelo del A400M. Es una gran plataforma desde la que hacer frente al año de desafíos que tenemos por delante hasta la primera entrega a la Fuerza Aérea Francesa”.
El A400M ha completado con éxito un plan de ensayos extremadamente intenso durante 2011 y ya son más de 60 los pilotos que lo han volado. Se superó con éxito el importante ensayo de despegue abortado con alta energía, así como los de evacuación de emergencia en distintas configuraciones. Ya se han completado las pruebas de viento cruzado y pista mojada, al igual que las de hielo artificial adherido a las alas.
Se han superado todas las pruebas de parada de motor y de frenado. También se han completado los ensayos de vuelo de crucero, de velocidad mínima de despegue (Vmu), de velocidad mínima de control en tierra (Vmcg) y de velocidad mínima de control en el aire (Vmca).
La flota Grizzly comenzará de inmediato en 2012 un enérgico programa de ensayos que incluye un aumento en la proporción de pruebas de tipo militar, conducente a la primera entrega, que se producirá en torno al cambio de año 2012/2013.

Bell Helicopter Delivers First 429 with Multi-Mission Configuration

December 15, 2011

FORT WORTH, TEXAS (December 15, 2011) – Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. company (NYSE: TXT), announced today it has delivered the first Bell 429 with a multi-mission configuration to Fairfax County, Virginia.

This is the first of two Bell 429s being delivered to Fairfax County. Their second Bell 429 is expected to deliver in the second quarter of 2012.

This multi-role Bell 429 is capable of completing missions for airborne law enforcement, helicopter emergency medical services and search and rescue. This one-of-a-kind, multi-mission configuration was completed at Paradigm Aerospace Corporation, a Bell Helicopter Customer Service Facility, located in Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania.

“The Bell 429 has exactly what we were looking for when we searched the market for a true multi-mission helicopter. Its spacious cabin allowed us to be creative in our design,” said Paul Schaaf, Chief Pilot for the Fairfax County Police Department.

“We are very pleased with our new Bell 429 and know it will serve us well in the coming years,” Schaaf said.

“The Bell 429 was designed for this type of multi-role capability,” said Larry Roberts, senior vice president for Bell Helicopter’s Commercial Business.

“Our customers like the speed, power and the advanced flight deck technology found in the Bell 429. Along with the largest cabin in its class, it offers a smooth, comfortable ride. It is reliable, conforming to the latest airworthiness standards, and is backed by Bell Helicopter’s award-winning and industry-leading customer service and support,” Roberts said.

The Bell 429 is the world’s newest and most advanced light twin-engine helicopter. It has conducted extensive flight demonstrations in every continent, except Antarctica, and has been certified in more than 40 countries. With configuration options ranging from VIP to air-medical, law enforcement, utility and oil & gas, the Bell 429 offers superior mission capability and adaptability.


December 12, 2011

Successful first flight marks major milestone for Company’s Melbourne, Florida facility.

Melbourne, Florida, USA, December 8, 2011 – The first Embraer Phenom 100 entry level business jet built at the Company’s new Melbourne, Florida assembly facility made its first flight today at Melbourne International Airport. The aircraft flew to an altitude of 41,000 and to speeds up to its MMO (Maximum Operating Mach number) with zero anomalies.

According to production test pilot Joao Rafael Silva, the two and a half hour post production evaluation flight went exactly as planned. The aircraft successfully flew designated items from the standard test card used to evaluate systems and performance of each Phenom 100 aircraft prior to delivery.

“We are very proud of the production flight test results,” said Phil Krull, Managing Director, Embraer Executive Aircraft, Inc. “This flight clearly shows that our Melbourne team is ready to carry on seamless production of the Embraer Phenom 100 with the same level of excellence as our colleagues in Brazil.”

“This is an extraordinary milestone for our Company” said Robert Knebel, Vice President, Sales for North America, Embraer Executive Jets. “To have one of our most successful aircraft built in Melbourne and flying across American skies embodies Embraer’s determination to build a strong footprint in the US.”

Embraer opened the Melbourne production facility in February 2011 and just last Monday, December 5th, inaugurated its 58,000 square foot, state-of-the-art Global Customer Center.

“This is a historic week for the Company,” said Ernest Edwards, President, Embraer Executive Jets, “The opening of Embraer’s global Customer Center on Monday, followed by today’s first flight of the first Phenom 100 built in the US, gives our customers, suppliers and friends a sense of our commitment to our promises and feelings of immense pride to all our employees.”

This first US-made Phenom 100, built for Kansas City-based Phenom 100 and Phenom 300 fractional provider Executive AirShare, is slated to be delivered before the end of the month.

La Fuerza Aérea Mexicana recibe un C295 de Airbus Military

December 12, 2011

La Fuerza Aérea de Mexicana ha recibido un C295 de Airbus Military. Se trata de un pedido adicional a los cinco C295 entregados el pasado año a México y que ya opera su Secretaría de Defensa.
El avión se dedicará principalmente al transporte de tropas y paracaidistas. Su cabina se puede reconfigurar rápidamente para la realización de misiones de evacuación médica (MEDEVAC) o para el transporte de hasta nueve toneladas de cargas paletizadas o voluminosas.
Las capacidades del C295 lo convierten en el avión ideal para misiones militares tácticas y logísticas. Asimismo, resulta también excelente para la realización de misiones cívicas/de ayuda humanitaria en lugares remotos. Para ello es esencial su capacidad de despegue y aterrizaje en pistas cortas (STOL, por sus iniciales en inglés).
“Cuando un cliente vuelve, eso se debe a la alta calidad del producto que se le ofrece. Estamos orgullosos de proveer a la Fuerza Aérea Mexicana de un nuevo C295 para seguir realizando los requerimientos más exigentes de la Secretaría de Defensa Mexicana”, ha declarado Rafael Tentor, responsable de Programas de Airbus Military.
La Fuerza Aérea, la Armada y la Policía Federal de México han adquirido productos de toda la familia de aviones de tamaño medio y ligero de Airbus Military: diez C295 (incluyendo esta última entrega), siete CN235 (seis de ellos en versión de Patrulla Marítima) y diez C212 (ocho de ellos en versión de Patrulla Marítima.
Airbus Military ha vendido hasta la fecha 86 C295 a 14 operadores distintos.

Mexican Air Force takes delivery of Airbus Military C295

December 12, 2011

The Mexican Air Force has taken delivery of a new C295 aircraft that it ordered from Airbus Military. This order is in addition to the five C295s delivered last year and that the Mexican Secretary of Defence already operates.
The primary use of the aircraft will be transport of troops and paratroops. It can also be readily configured for medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) or can carry up to nine tonnes of palletized or bulk cargo.
The capabilities of the C295 aircraft make it ideal for military missions, both tactical and logistic, as well as for civic/humanitarian missions in which its short take-off and landing (STOL) abilities are essential to provide access to remote locations.
“When a customer comes back, that is due to the high quality of the product. We are proud to provide the Mexican Air Force a new C295 to keep on fulfilling the most demanding requirements from the Mexican Secretary of Defence”, said Airbus Military Head of Programmes, Rafael Tentor.
The Mexican Air Force, Navy, and Federal Police have acquired products from the entire family of Airbus Military Light and Medium aircraft including: ten C295 (including this latest delivery), seven CN235 (six of them in Maritime Patrol version), and ten C212 (eight of them in Maritime Patrol version).
To date, Airbus Military has sold 86 C295 to 14 different operators.

Dassault Falcon Names Paul Floreck Senior Vice President U.S. and Canadian Sales

December 8, 2011

Jeff Habib Resigns to Become a Partner in a New Venture
(Teterboro NJ, December 8, 2011) – Paul Floreck has been named Senior Vice President, U.S.
and Canadian Sales at Dassault Falcon. He will replace Jeff Habib on January 13, 2012 who
leaves to become a partner in a new New York City based investment firm whose focus is in
aviation related opportunities.
“Paul has proven himself to be a strong leader within Dassault Falcon and throughout the
business aviation industry. Our customers value not only his insight into aircraft operations but
the acquisition process,” said John Rosanvallon, President and CEO of Dassault Falcon. “He has
the business acumen, product knowledge and reputation to lead a seasoned group of sales
Rosanvallon continued, “It’s difficult to watch someone like Jeff leave the Falcon family. His
contributions to our company and our industry are too many to mention. We wish him well on the
next step of his career.”
Floreck started with Dassault Falcon in 1996 as a sales engineer and was promoted to Inside
Sales Manager, Western U.S. and eventually Regional Sales Manager serving the New York
Metropolitan area. In 2007, he was named Vice President of Sales for Eastern U.S. and Canada.
“Dassault Falcon is recognized throughout the world for designing and building the best and most
efficient business jets on the market today,” said Floreck. “It’s been the highlight of my career to
have a role in our success.”
Prior to joining Dassault, Floreck was a senior consultant with Booz Allen & Hamilton and a
Senior Design Engineer and Operations Analyst at Lockheed Skunk Works. He started his
career at Northrop Grumman as a Design Engineer.
He holds a B.S. in Engineering from the State University of New York at Buffalo and an M.S. in
Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of New York University (NYU-Poly).

France begins taking delivery of eight additional Airbus Military CN235s

December 5, 2011

The Flight Test Centre of the Direction Générale de l’Armament (DGA) of the French Ministry of Defence has taken delivery of the first of eight CN235 medium airlifters ordered from Airbus Military by the French DGA last year. These eight aircraft will be operated by the French Air Force, to add to the 19 examples it already has in service. The last of the remaining seven aircraft ordered will be delivered by the end of 2012.
The CN235 can carry up to six tonnes of payload and its cabin can be quickly and easily reconfigured for different transport missions: troops, paratroops, medical evacuation, cargo, or a mixed configuration of cargo and troops. It incorporates a specialised loading system for palletized loads.
The flexibility and reliability of the CN235 make it an ideal tool for the French Air Force to conduct both traditional military and „civic missions‟ for the benefit of society. Its short take-off and landing (STOL) performance and its ability to use unprepared and semi-prepared runways allow the CN235 to operate closer to the theatre of operations than other aircraft. This is often crucial when the CN235 is used to transport humanitarian relief after a natural disaster, allowing rapid delivery of supplies closer to where they are needed.
“We are very proud that the French Air Force has trusted once more in Airbus Military and its range of products to strengthen its fleet. The eight CN235 aircraft ordered from France incorporate the latest technologies and systems to ensure the best performance of the missions they will carry out after their entry in service”, said Airbus Military Head of Programmes, Rafael Tentor.
The French Air Force already operates 19 CN235 aircraft. The Centre d’Essais en Vol of the French Government also operates three Airbus Military C212s.
To date, Airbus Military has sold 211 CN235 aircraft to 32 different operators.

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