Airbus Military comienza el montaje final del primer A400M para Francia

November 23, 2011

Tras el lanzamiento de la producción en serie del A400M el pasado febrero, Airbus Military ha comenzado el montaje final del primer A400M que se entregará a cliente, la Fuerza Aérea Francesa. El fuselaje de este avión, conocido como MSN7, llegó a la línea de montaje final (FAL), ubicada en Sevilla, a bordo de un Airbus Beluga. Las alas y la proa llegaron hace unos días y ya ha comenzado la integración de las alas exteriores y el cajón central. El estabilizador horizontal (HTP, por sus iniciales en inglés) llegará a la FAL la próxima semana y el estabilizador vertical (VTP, por sus iniciales en inglés) lo hará en dos semanas.
Francia recibirá su primer A400M entre fin de 2012 y principios de 2013.
Un total de ocho A400M se encuentran ya en diferentes fases de producción.
La imagen muestra un momento de la descarga del fuselaje, transportado en un Airbus Beluga. La fotografía adicional muestra la misma operación con la proa y las alas del avión.


November 18, 2011

O Prêmio Federico Bloch vai para David Neeleman, Presidente da Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras –

O Prêmio Rolim Amaro é apresentado à EMBRAER –

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRASIL (18 de Novembro de 2011) – A ALTA (Associação de transporte aéreo da América Latina e do Caribe) apresentou a sua cerimônia de prêmios anual durante o 8o Fórum ALTA de Líderes da aviação, no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil reconhecendo aqueles que contribuíram significativamente para a indústria da aviação comercial da região.

Mais de 500 convidados, incluindo mais de 40 CEOs de companhias aéreas, moradores e membros do Conselho, bem como, as autoridades da aviação civil, entre outros executivos-chave da indústria, reunidos para o evento de premiação anual apresentado no Hotel Windsor Barra. A cerimônia de premiação 2011 da ALTA foi patrocinada pela Airbus.

Prêmio Federico Bloch

David Neeleman, Presidente da Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras recebeu o prestigioso prêmio Federico Bloch de 2011, que reconhece o líder na aviação da América Latina e do Caribe que melhor exemplifica a liderança, a coragem, o caráter e a visão, do ex CEO da TACA, Federico Bloch. O Prêmio foi entregue por Jacqueline Laffite de Bloch, a viúva de Federico Bloch.

O prêmio Bloch Federico é gerenciado pela empresa líder de consultoria de pesquisa executiva, Spencer Stuart e o vencedor é eleito por um painel independente de cinco juízes, que inclui:

Fernando Pinto, Presidente da TAP Air Portugal e Ex-Presidente da Varig
Alfonso Pasquel, COO da DESC S.A. e Ex-Presidente da AeroMexico
Enrique Borgo Bustamante, Ex-Presidente da TACA e Ex-Vice-President do El Salvador.
Bobby Booth, Presidente da AvGroup
Mark Pilling, Editor da revista Airline Business
“Azul é uma empresa que se dedica a prestar um serviço de alta qualidade e um tratamento muito humana e simpática. Este é o nosso diferencial “, disse David Neeleman, fundador e presidente do conselho da Azul Airlines. “Ganhar Federico Bloch Prêmio de Liderança da ALTA – a associação de aviação mais notável na América Latina – representa os esforços de 4.000 funcionários que trabalham com paixão e eficiência a cada dia. Nossa companhia não poderia ser tão bem sucedido em apenas três anos, se não fosse por eles. É por isso que eu quero dedicar este prêmio a minha equipe. ”
O prêmio Federico Bloch reconhece a liderança excepcional na promoção e integração da indústria da aviação comercial na América Latina e no Caribe.

É concedido a um indivíduo que lança um novo negócio próspero, constrói a cooperação em toda a região, introduz as práticas empresariais progressivas, apóia o crescimento da indústria, ou alguém que vai além da chamada do dever de promover os interesses da indústria da aviação na América Latina e no Caribe. O prêmio é em homenagem a Federico Bloch, que foi um pioneiro da aviação Latino-americana e parte da força motriz por trás da criação do Grupo TACA. Bloch, que foi presidente da ALTA e membro do seu comitê executivo, foi assassinado no dia 26 de Abril de 2004.

O júri escolheu Neeleman por estabelecer recordes na indústria, responder a demanda do mercado e por esforçar-se para “revolucionar” a aviação no Brasil.

Prêmio Rolim Amaro

A fabricante brasileira de aeronaves, Embraer, foi a ganhadora deste prêmio eminente. O prêmio Rolim Amaro é uma homenagem ao grande líder da aviação brasileira, CEO e fundador da TAM Linhas aéreas, Capitão Adolfo Rolim Amaro, que introduziu a sua marca e filosofia à aviação comercial: “Foco no cliente, oferecendo serviços de qualidade” e “Tratamento Tapete Vermelho”. Aqueles que conheceram bem o Capitão Rolim, podem apreciar os padrões de qualidade que ele estabeleceu e que são mantidos hoje na TAM, a companhia aérea que carrega o seu legado. É seguindo esses mesmos padrões que as companhias membro da ALTA identificam e avaliam os potenciais ganhadores de prêmio Rolim Amaro.

Fred Curado, CEO da Embraer, recebeu o prêmio, que lhe foi entregue por Maria Cláudia e Maurício Amaro, os filhos de Rolim Amaro. Como uma das fabricantes de aeronaves de crescimento mais rápido, a Embraer é reconhecida por desempenhar um papel fundamental no crescimento da indústria não só no Brasil, mas também em outros países da região. A companhia de 41 anos é reconhecida no mundo inteiro pela sua versatilidade e o uso de tecnologias vanguardeiras. Nos últimos anos, a companhia expandiu-se com sucesso através das fronteiras com operações na China, Singapura, Portugal e Estados Unidos. As características da frota da Embraer melhoraram significativamente a eficiência das companhias aéreas nos vôos de médio porte, sem comprometer a experiência dos passageiros.

“É uma grande honra aceitar o prêmio Rolim Amaro, através do qual a ALTA reconhece e promove a excelência do serviço a partir da perspetiva dos nossos clientes, as companhias aéreas. Para a Embraer, isto simboliza a relevância do esforço contínuo e constante de nossos 17.000 funcionários em oferecer para este mercado um produto com os mais altos padrões e capacidade para fazer exatamente isso: Entregar excelência no atendimento.”

O prêmio Rolim Amaro homenageia a excelência no atendimento ao cliente desde uma perspectiva da companhia aérea. Votado pelo Comitê Executivo de ALTA, este prêmio é apresentado à organização da aviação da América Latina ou do Caribe que apresenta o melhor serviço ao cliente em todos os aspectos, conforme determinado pelas companhias aéreas que são usuários ou clientes dessas organizações. No passado, o prêmio foi apresentado apenas aos aeroportos. No entanto, a partir de 2009, o prêmio foi expandido para incluir outros membros da indústria, como prestadores de serviços de navegação aérea, autoridades da aviação civil e reguladoras independentes. O critério também foi expandido para incluir não apenas o serviço excepcional ao cliente, mas também iniciativas ou projetos que resultaram em uma indústria aérea mais eficiente e / ou mais segura.

O prêmio anual Rolim Amaro da ALTA foi entregue por primeira vez ao SCL Terminal Aéreo (Santiago do Chile) em 2005. Em 2006, foi entregue ao Tocumén Internacional (Panamá), em 2007 ao SCL Terminal Aéreo (Santiago do Chile), em 2009 à AMAIT (Administradora Mexiquense del Aeropuerto Internacional deToluca, S.A de C.V.) e em 2010 à TALMA, um provedor de serviços aeroportuários no Peru.

A Azul é agora a terceira maior companhia aérea do Brasil. No seu primeiro ano de operações, a Azul transportou mais de 2.2 milhões de passageiros. A Azul está reformando o mercado brasileiro de companhias aéreas e criando a nova demanda entre Brasileiros que normalmente não viajam por avião. Muitos passageiros da Azul viajam por avião pela primeira vez, e a Azul tem sido bem-sucedida na abordagem da classe média em expansão no Brasil.

Os premiados anteriormente foram: Matias Campiani, Enrique Beltranena, Pedro Heilbron, Bobby Booth, Mauricio Botelho, Constantino de Oliveira Jr., Enrique Cueto.

Mexico takes delivery of its first Airbus Military CN235 MPA ordered under the Mérida Initiative

November 16, 2011

The Mexican Navy has taken delivery of the first of four CN235 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) ordered from Airbus Military through a contract with EADS North America under the Mérida Initiative, a joint program between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Mexico. The remaining three aircraft will be delivered in the first half of 2012.
This CN235 in MPA configuration incorporates the latest technology developed for surveillance over the sea. The combination of the Forward Looking Infra Red (FLIR) system and a Search Radar allows this aircraft to locate and track ships to conduct thorough patrols of a coastline. The Automatic Identification System (AIS) and the Fully Integrated Tactical System (FITS) help make this aircraft the ideal tool to carry out military surveillance missions for the Mexican Navy. The FITS was entirely developed by Airbus Military and ensures that the extensive data gathered by the aircraft’s on-board sensors can be easily used by the crew to execute their mission.
“It is an honor that the Mexican Navy is taking delivery of this Airbus Military CN235 MPA for its fleet. We are looking forward to the upcoming entry into service of this highly versatile aircraft that is ideal to help enforce law on the Mexican coastline”, says Airbus Military Head of Programmes, Rafael Tentor.
Including this latest delivery, the Mexican Navy already operates three CN235, which are to be added to the two CN235 operated by the Mexican federal police. The Mexican Air Force and Navy also operate nine C295 and six C212 aircraft.
To date, Airbus Military has sold 211 CN235 to 32 different operators in 20 countries all over the world.

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November 9, 2011

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November 7, 2011

Leading U.S. leasing company includes the EMBRAER 190/195 in its portfolio

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, November 7, 2011 – Embraer and CIT Group Inc., a global leader in transportation finance, have signed an agreement for the sale of up to 30 EMBRAER 190 and/or EMBRAER 195 jets, with ten firm orders. Deliveries are scheduled through 2015.

“Embraer is very pleased to have such an important lessor as CIT Aerospace joining the E-Jets program,” said Paulo Cesar de Souza e Silva, Embraer President, Commercial Aviation. “After more than 1,000 firm orders, spread over 60 operators in 40 countries, this investment by CIT is further confirmation that the E-Jets have achieved a high level of attractiveness for the top-tier investor community.”

CIT owns or finances a fleet of approximately 300 commercial aircraft. According to Jeffrey Knittel, President of Transportation Finance at CIT: “We are pleased to announce our first direct order with Embraer for the E190/E195 aircraft, which will enable CIT Aerospace to offer an even more diverse set of products to its customers. This order allows CIT Aerospace to continue to maintain one of the youngest and most technologically advanced fleets in the industry and will help us meet our customers’ increased demand for this size of aircraft.”

The E190 and the E195 are the two bigger models of the four-member E-Jets family of brand-new commercial jets that entered service, respectively in August 2005 and July 2006. The jets can be configured in one or two classes, seating from 98 to 122 passengers in a comfortable four-abreast (2-2), no-middle-seat configuration, and can fly up to 2,400 nautical miles (4,450 kilometers) nonstop.

Eurocopter Chile S.A. Delivers the First Ecureuil AS350 B3e for the Americas to Servicios Aéreos Kipreos S.A.

October 21, 2011

Marignane, France, October 21, 2011
The Eurocopter Chile subsidiary of Eurocopter delivered an AS350 B3e helicopter to Servicios Aéreos Kipreos today, making it the first operator to receive this new version of the Ecureuil rotary-wing aircraft in the Americas.
This new model joins the helicopter fleet at Servicios Aéreos Kipreos, which specializes in high-precision aerial work, and has included the Ecureuil AS350 B2 version since 2005.
Eurocopter’s AS350 B3e is one of the new and enhanced helicopter versions unveiled by the company in 2011. “I am delighted to deliver this latest version of one of our most renowned rotary-wing aircraft,” said Alexandre Ceccacci, CEO of Eurocopter Chile S.A. “Eurocopter has introduced this new generation of helicopters to meet our customers’ growing needs, such as those in Chile – who operate in an increasingly demanding environment.”
Servicios Aéreos Kipreos has carried out aerial operations for the design and construction of electrical systems since the company’s origins. Among other aerial services, it performs work on power transmission lines in high-altitude mountainous areas, and is one of the few operators able to carry out the construction and maintenance of high voltage lines in Chile.
“In light of the growing market for precision aerial work, we needed a multi-mission helicopter that can deal with all types of situations and the exacting demands of these operations,” said José de la Fuente, the CEO of Servicios Aéreos Kipreos S.A., in speaking to the company’s partners, customers and employees – as well as representatives of the Chilean Helicopter Association.
The company’s new AS350 B3e, to be based in Santiago, will be used for power line work, along with various other missions, such as passenger transport, mining support, airborne laser terrain mapping, heli-skiing, load transportation, filming and fire fighting activities.
The AS350 B3 is a high-performance helicopter perfectly suited for operations in “high and hot” conditions. It was the rotary-wing aircraft used to break the world record in 2005 by touching down and taking off from the summit of Everest at an altitude of 8,848 meters. This highly versatile, powerful and reliable helicopter also is suitable for transporting heavy loads. It is equipped with cutting-edge technology and has the most economic direct operating costs in the single-engine helicopter market.
Its latest version – the AS350 B3e – includes a more powerful Turbomeca Arriel 2D engine with a longer life cycle and lower maintenance costs, next-generation FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control), a new control system featuring VEMD (Vehicle Engine Multifunction Display) and an engine data recorder, along with improved interior design and tail rotor modifications for additional ease of piloting. This helicopter is ideal for aerial operations in extreme conditions.

SuperJet International launches the Sukhoi Business Jet with a 200 million dollars order from Comlux The Aviation Group

October 13, 2011

SuperJet International – the joint venture between Alenia Aeronautica, a Finmeccanica Company, and Sukhoi Holding – has announced today a purchase agreement for two Sukhoi Business Jet (SBJ) aircraft plus two additional options, with Comlux The Aviation Group.

With this order Comlux becomes the launching customer of SuperJet International for this new type of VIP aircraft. Comlux represents one of the most innovative business aviation group worldwide, able to always offer to its VIP passengers new products for their travel needs.

The deliveries of the two SBJ aircraft are planned for the 2014. The order has an estimated value of US $200 million, including options.

Before the entry into service, the VIP cabin interior of the aircraft will be designed and outfitted by Comlux America, the completion center of the Comlux Group, based in Indianapolis USA. Comlux America is appointed as the first approved Sukhoi Business Jet completion Center.

The Sukhoi Business Jet is the VIP aircraft version of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional airliner. It offers a spacious and ultra quiet cabin of 118 m3 / 4192 ft3, and a range of approximately 4300 nm (8000 km), thanks to its additional fuel tanks. The launch of the VIP aircraft version comes just four months after the successful entry-into-service of the SSJ100 in April 2011.
“This new partnership is a great achievement for SuperJet International and we are very honored to have been selected by Comlux, a company recognized worldwide for its excellence and the quality of its service to business aviation customers – says Carlo Logli, Chief Executive Officer of SuperJet International SpA – This order launches successfully the Sukhoi Business jet program which will become in the near future a new player in the wide-cabin VIP aircraft segment.”

“Comlux has gained its reputation in the worldwide business aviation market by offering a unique one-stop-shop solution for the widest range of wide-cabin VIP aircraft “ said Richard Gaona, President of Comlux the Aviation Group. “ Combining Comlux expertise in bizjet aircraft transaction, our capabilities of cabin completion in Indianapolis, our Fly Comlux forces to display and charter the SBJ, together with Superjet willingness to be a major player in business aviation, we are looking for exciting time.  With this launching order, we are pleased to offer to our prestigious clientele a new choice of VIP aircraft complementing our existing fleet and combining space, comfort, luxury and innovation. We are convinced that the SBJ, equipped with the latest Fly by Wire technology and integrated modular avionics, will deliver the efficiency and the reliability that our VIP customers are looking for”.

Today, the Comlux fleet is comprised of 19 aircraft in service (1 BBJ767 limitless, 2 Airbus ACJ318, 2 ACJ319, 1 ACJ320, 4 Bombardier Global Express, 3 Global 5000, 3 Challenger 605, 2 Challenger 850 and 1 Dassault Falcon 900LX) and 8 aircraft on order or in completion phase (1 Airbus ACJ319, 2 Bombardier Global 6000, 2 Global 7000 and 3 Embraer Legacy 650).

Sukhoi Superjet 100 Flight Simulator available for pilots training in Russia

August 1, 2011

Moscow, August 1st, 2011

The new Full Flight Simulator of SSJ100 aircraft has been put in place in Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, by
the Training Center managed by SuperJet International, the joint venture between Alenia Aeronautica – a
Finmeccanica Company – and Sukhoi Holding.
The FFS is the advanced device produced by French manufacturer Thales, replicating the SSJ100
cockpit and enabling pilots to achieve the SSJ100 Type Rating training without using the real aircraft.
The new FFS “Reality 7” is equipped with LCOS Projectors for the Visual System, Electro-Hydraulic
Motion System and new IOS Station with improved ergonomics.
After an initial period of test, the FFS will reach the approval by Rosavjacia as “Level C” per JAR FSTD.
The training of Russian pilots on the device will start accordingly, within October 2011. The EASA
certification at the same level according to JAR FSTD will follow. At a second stage, the device will be
upgraded to the “level D” which is the maximum level of certification for the FFS according to JAR FSTD
A regulation.
“We are very proud for having reached this challenging milestone” – states Carlo Logli, CEO of SuperJet
International – “This represents a further sign of the great level of cooperation we have managed to
achieve with our partner Sukhoi Civil Aviation Company SCAC. Our joint effort is allowing our Training
Center in Zhukovsky to continue the training of Aeroflot pilots by utilizing this highly technologically
advanced training tool. This is certainly a major improvement for the Sukhoi Superjet 100 program”.
“The new SSJ100 FFS is providing the pilots community in Russia with an outstanding opportunity” states
Mr. Vladimir Prisyazhnyuk – President of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company – “The utilization of this new
device, in fact, enables pilots which are already certified on Russian commercial aircraft, such as Tu-134,
Tu154 or An-24, to increase their rating without flying the real SSJ100. This means a professional step
ahead performed in a totally safe environment and at cost effective conditions. Russian pilot will take
good advantage of the services rendered by our partner SuperJet International in Zhukovsky”.
SJI has established a Training Center made up of two facilities, one in Venice (Italy) and one in Moscow,
(Russian Federation). Both SJI training center locations will be equipped with the same training devices
and tools which permit to provide the high quality training services in compliance with safety regulations.
In 2012 two other SSJ100 FFS will be delivered by Thales: one to be positioned at Aeroflot Training
Center at Sheremetyevo Airport (Moscow) and the other to be installed at the SuperJet International
Training Center in Venice, Italy.

Big interest stirred up FIDAE in Paris Air Show 2011

July 25, 2011

A delegation of the International Air and Space Fair (FIDAE 2012), headed by the Commander of the Logistics Command of the Chilean Air Force, Lt. General Manuel Quiñones, – who is also President of the Fair – and the CEO of the event, Colonel Jean Pierre Desgroux participated actively in the last edition of Paris Air Show, with the purpose of representing Chile and announcing the main characteristics of FIDAE 2012.

The representatives had different commercial activities and its stand registered many visits of public, generating diverse instances of approaching with participating companies in this French fair, which intention was assured a space in FIDAE, the most important showcase of the aerospace market in Latin America. Thus, companies like: Thales, Elbit Systems, Awex, BAE Systems, EADS, Finmeccanica, UAC, Kallman Worlwide, Gifas, Korea Aerospace Industries and Rafael, among others, committed its participation in FIDAE 2012, because they consider that this promotes effectively new businesses and facilitates the knowledge exchange, among the local and international businessmen.

During Paris Air Show the delegation also met editors and journalists from specialized media and held protocol activities with authorities from the academic, civil and military sector.

In the picture, the Comander in Chief of Chilean Air Force, General Jorge Rojas Ávila, with the delegation of FIDAE 2012.


July 14, 2011

Duluth, MN (July 14, 2011) – Cirrus Aircraft today announced that Todd Simmons has been promoted to Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing. In his new role, Simmons is responsible for managing the Cirrus Aircraft brand globally and for all sales and marketing activities for the world’s best-selling line of high-performance personal, small business and training aircraft.

“Todd is an energetic leader with a depth of experience and a proven track record of growing the business,” said Brent Wouters, Cirrus President and Chief Executive Officer. “Todd’s new position and the global responsibilities that come with it coincide with our new partnership with China Aviation Industry General Aircraft, Co., Ltd. (CAIGA).”

Wouters continued, “With the CAIGA merger complete, Cirrus is in a unique and enviable position to change our growth trajectory as we come out of a challenging few years. Todd’s appointment today is a key step in realigning existing resources and making new investments in our worldwide sales and marketing organization to better serve current and future Cirrus Aircraft owners and to support new products and services we have in development.”

“I’m grateful and excited for the opportunity to lead our global sales and marketing efforts and to manage the most compelling brand in general aviation,” said Simmons. “Cirrus has an unparalleled record of innovation. Our family of light piston aircraft is the safest, highest performing and most technologically advanced in the world today. And with the Vision Jet just around the corner, we have the opportunity to transform personal mobility and transportation again. As a passionate pilot and aviator, and as a marketing and sales professional, I’m thrilled at what the future holds for Cirrus Aircraft employees, our customers and for general aviation overall.”

Simmons joined Cirrus in early 2008 as Vice President of Marketing and during his tenure has led a number of innovative growth initiatives aimed at both the current owner community and at new segments. In spite of challenging overall economic conditions during these efforts, the SR22 remains the best-selling four-seat aircraft in the world and its worldwide market share has grown to an all-time high.

With more than 20 years of experience in sales, marketing and business leadership, Simmons has held positions in marketing development, international marketing communications and revenue management at a range of companies from boutique firms to Fortune 500 companies. His aviation experience includes work at Delta Air Lines and at CubCrafters where he led sales and marketing efforts and later presided over the company.

Simmons holds a Bachelor’s of Industrial Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

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