ATR delivers to Azul a pink aircraft promoting breast cancer awareness

March 10, 2011

ATR will also finance a breast cancer communication campaign
during the next edition of “Pink October”
Toulouse-based turboprop aircraft manufacturer ATR today delivered to Brazil’s
Azul Linhas Aéreas an ATR 72 painted pink, symbolizing the promotion of breast
cancer awareness. On its fuselage, the aircraft will promote FEMAMA, a Brazilian
non-profit organization dedicated to fighting the disease. In addition, ATR and its
suppliers involved in the organization of the delivery of the aircraft will contribute
funds for the Toulouse Cancer Campus. These funds will finance a breast cancer
promotion campaign during the next edition of “Pink October”, an annual
international awareness event.
When the pink ATR arrives in Brazil, the airline will also conduct, during one week,
awareness initiatives on breast cancer screening and self-examination procedures
at the Brazilian airports where the pink ATR will land. These initiatives will include
conferences given by FEMAMA volunteers and the distribution of informational
brochures, which will also be available on board the aircraft.
Pink, the characteristic color of the city of Toulouse, which is the birthplace of both
ATR and the center of excellence for cancer research, inspired the name of the
aircraft: “La ville rose”, or “The pink city”. All the female personnel of ATR,
FEMAMA’s president and women representatives of local and regional institutions
attended this special event.
David Neeleman, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Azul Linhas Aéreas,
declares: “For Azul, it is very important to combine our growth with the
development of social initiatives. Our new ATR aircraft, and our partnership with
FEMAMA, will bring us the opportunities of further communication on the
importance of breast cancer prevention. A pink ATR aircraft is definitely an optimal
way to bring this message across the country”.
Filippo Bagnato, Chief Executive Officer of ATR, declares: “By getting involved with
Azul Linhas Aéreas and to FEMAMA in this major awareness programme, we
aimed to associate ATR with such an important fight. We are proud to see that an
ATR aircraft will promote breast cancer awareness in Brazil. We are also pleased
to establish a durable commitment with the Toulouse Cancer Campus, a growing
institution which is becoming an international reference center. With this pink ATR
aircraft we will have the opportunity of expanding the awareness message among
our operators, thus providing an international dimension to such important
About Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras
The airline Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras began operating in December 2008.
Today, it services 30 cities and offers more than 200 flights per day, with a fleet of
28 Embraer aircraft and four ATRs. The airline will expand its fleet over the coming
months with the delivery of 20 new ATR 72-600s and 59 additional Embraers. Azul
combines low prices and excellent quality of service. It employs more than 3,500
staff and generates thousands of indirect jobs in Brazil. Since its creation, it has
transported more than 7 million passengers. It has also won several awards,
including “Best Brazilian Airline” by Flight Review magazine, “Best Performance of
2009” by Aero Magazine, and “One of the 30 Hottest Brands in the World” by the
New York publication Advertising Age.

Bombardier Delivers First Challenger 605 Aircraft to be Operated From Mexico

March 9, 2011

Montréal, March 4, 2011 – Bombardier Aerospace today announced that it delivered its first Challenger 605 aircraft to an undisclosed customer to be operated from Mexico on February 18, 2011. This aircraft joins the growing fleet of Bombardier business jets operating in Latin America.
“This milestone delivery for the Challenger 605 jet reconfirms this aircraft’s leadership worldwide,” said Fabio Rebello, Regional Vice President, Sales, Latin America, Bombardier Business Aircraft. “The Challenger series of aircraft, and the Challenger 605 jet in particular, are leaders in their category in Mexico, with a market share of over 48 per cent, and in Latin America, with a 55 per cent market share. The dynamism of the Latin American market and the growing travel requirements of Latin American companies are paving the way for a solid expansion of our fleet in the region,” he added.
The Bombardier Business Aircraft Market Forecast, published in July 2010, predicts business aviation industry deliveries of 775 aircraft in Latin America for the 10-year period covering 2010-2019.
In service since January 2007, the Challenger 605 jet builds on the legacy of quality and reliability of its predecessor, the acclaimed Challenger 604 jet, leading its market share segment throughout the world. The Challenger 605 jet can whisk eight passengers and two crew from Toluca to any North American destination, or certain Central American destinations, non-stop* in the widest stand-up cabin of any large category business jet available today.

Diciembre – Enero

February 11, 2011

Czech Sport Aircraft a.s.

February 9, 2011

No ultimo dia 18 a CSA – Czech Sport Aircraft a.s. divulgou o fim do
acordo firmado há um ano com a Piper Aircraft Inc. pelo qual o
fabricante americano seria o distribuidor mundial de seus avioes LSA
Sport Cruiser.

A partir de agora o fabricante retoma a distribuicao utilizando a rede
de parceiros de longa data e, naturalmente, apresentara novidades ao
mercado na feira Aero Fridrichshafen no mes de Abril.

O Sport Cruiser, que agora sera chamado SuperCruiser é  um asa baixa
em aluminio, com motorizacao Rotax 912S, equipado com painel digital,
piloto automatico e paraquedas balistico. Suas caracteristicas se
enquadram formalmente na futura regulamentacao aeronautica para o
S-LSA que devera estar implantada a partir da marco.

A  CIMAER LTDA., de Marica, RJ (SDMC) trouxe para o Brasil em 2009
tres desses avioes e , assim como os outros distribuidores, permaneceu
“na escuta” enquanto durou a parceria do fabricante com a Piper.

Brazilian Minister of Defence views first P-3 Orion modernised by Airbus Military

December 3, 2010

The first P-3 Orion aircraft modified by Airbus Military for the Brazilian Air Force was inspected today by Brazilian Minister of Defence, Nelson Jobim, during his official visit to Spain.
The aircraft is the first of a fleet of nine which will undergo a complete systems modernisation programme, including the installation of Airbus Military´s Fully Integrated Tactical System (FITS).
As well as FITS, the aircraft will benefit from a powerful new suite of mission sensors, communications systems, and upgraded cockpit avionics. The engines are being updated and, depending on the condition of each individual aircraft, the structures are being renovated to permit many more years of effective operation.
The Brazilian Air Force will use the aircraft for maritime patrol, anti-submarine warfare, and a range of civic missions including economic exclusion zone enforcement and search and rescue.

Sukhoi Superjet 100 SN 95004 has successfully passed HIRF testing in Italy

November 24, 2010

November 24th, Turin (Italy) – The Sukhoi Superjet 100 SN 95004 has successfully completed HIRF testing program in Italy. Tests were accomplished in Turin-Caselle airport, at the Alenia Aeronautica facilities.  The preliminary results show that the aircraft meets all certification requirements regarding HIRF (High Intensity Radiated Field Tests).
The Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) is the first Russian aircraft to accomplish the full scope of the certification HIRF testing program. Its methodology was elaborated by the SCAC engineering team in collaboration with Alenia Aeronautica, a Finmeccanica Company, with further approval of the Interstate Aviation Committee Aviation Register (AR IAC) and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
In September the experts of the European certification authorities approved Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company’s testing methodology in part of equipment evaluation, systems testing.
HIRF certification is required to demonstrate that the aircraft’s electric and electronic equipment is not influenced by external electromagnetic fields like those produced by a TV or radio station or by a radar. The following methods were used to conduct testing: Low Level Swept Current, Low Level Swept Frequency, Bulk Current Injection and High Intensity Radiated Field.
The representatives of AR IAC and key certification centres took part in the most important stages of the tests.
«Completion of HIRF tests is an important milestone of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 Certification Program. Our airliner is the first Russian aircraft that has compliance with international standards in this domain. Recently during flight tests under supervision of Russian and European certification authorities SSJ100 has successfully passed noise testing program. This joint effort will definitely contribute to harmonization of certification standards of Russia and Europe, as well as the successful entrance of our product into the international market», – said Igor Vinogradov, SCAC’s SVP on Certification, commenting the finalization of the HIRF testing program.

New King Air 250 to Feature BLR Winglets

November 11, 2010

EVERETT, WASH., Nov. 11, 2010 — Growing support of BLR Aerospace products from Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) peaked earlier this month when Hawker Beechcraft Corporation introduced its new King Air 250, featuring BLR Winglet Systems as a key performance enhancement.  Just in the past year, both Hawker Beechcraft Corporation and Bell Helicopter also announced plans for factory installation of BLR Winglet and FastFin™ Systems, respectively, on new aircraft.

“This growing OEM acknowledgement of our technology represents an important milestone and a new level of success for BLR,” said Dave Marone, vice president of Sales and Marketing. “At the same time, we congratulate our OEM customers for demonstrating their willingness to listen and respond to evolving market needs.”

In addition to the recent King Air 250 announcement, Hawker Beechcraft Corporation last year introduced the King Air 90GTx, with Winglets from BLR as standard equipment. For aftermarket customers, Winglets are certified for installation on King Air 90, 200 and 300 aircraft.  BLR’s entire portfolio of Winglet Systems is certified by the FAA, EASA and ANAC, and 320 systems are operating worldwide. Sales of King Air 90 Winglets have been especially brisk, Marone said, with nearly 70 systems sold in the past seven months.

On the rotorcraft side, Bell Helicopter Textron in May announced its intent to install BLR’s FastFin Tail Rotor Enhancement and Stability System as standard equipment on new Bell 412EP helicopters. FastFin is also available for Bell 204, 205, 212, Huey II, and most UH-1 derivatives as an aftermarket upgrade. More than 175 FastFin Systems are in operation worldwide.

Winglet Systems, available through BLR and dealers, deliver an array of important benefits to King Air operators, including improved handling qualities, reduced fuel burn, and increased vertical rate of climb.

The FastFin System improves productivity and safety while reducing workload for helicopter operators. FastFin also expands lifting capacity and performance while enabling greater stability in hover operations.

“Having a close association with these fine organizations (Bell Helicopter and Hawker Beechcraft Corporation) is a point of pride for our team,” Marone said. “Most importantly, it’s a validation of two value-added technologies.”

Nuevo Comandante en Jefe de la FACH

November 6, 2010

Nos cuenta, nuestro corresponsal en Chile, Sergio Barriga Kreft, que el 5 de noviembre

tuvieron la ceremonia del cambio y asumio General Jorge Rojas Avila al nuevo puesto

de Comandante en Jefe de la FACH.

En la historia tan grande de la Revista Aerea (y su Presidente) hemos tenido el gran placer

de conocer a muchos con esta responsibilidad.

Mucha suerte General de todo el personal de nuestra revista.



“Brazil’s TRIP takes delivery of the 900th ATR aircraft”

September 9, 2010

ATR has delivered today its 900th aircraft, an ATR 72-500, to Brazilian airline TRIP Linhas Aéreas. This 68-seat aircraft brings to 30 the total fleet of ATRs of the airline. TRIP is the second-largest ATR operator in the world and the largest regional operator in Latin America, with flights over more than 70 destinations in Brazil.

This new ATR 72-500 joins TRIP’s existing fleet of 14 ATR 72s and 15 ATR 42s.

Before the end of 2010 TRIP will take delivery of 3 additional ATRs.

ATR 72-500 in the livery of TRIP.

Alas con sonrisas

August 25, 2010

Existen en muchos países de América Latina, España y Portugal, pilotos que desinteresadamente desean integrar en la medida de lo posible a niños que sufren por diversas causas, sean de carácter médico, largos tratamientos, por abandono, por extrema pobreza, minusválidos y tantas otras causas que existen, todos los cuales tienen en común, el querer infundir una ILUSIÓN en los ojos de estos niños.

Loable son quienes realizan estas labores, hacer feliz a un niño es tan fácil que debiéramos hacerlo con más frecuencia y en más lugares de nuestros países, la aviación atrae a los niños, les da una esperanza y una vista diferente de la vida.

Queremos hacer un llamado a las organizaciones directivas de la aviación en nuestros países, en especial a las Direcciones de Aeronáuticas de cada uno de ellos, para fomentar esta actividad, son muchos los lugares que se pueden visitar sin afectar la seguridad, los aeropuertos, las torres de control, los servicios de catering, las salas de espera, las correas transportadoras son lugares que sin lugar a dudas harán feliz a un niño y algo que jamás olvidarán. Revista Aérea desea motivarlos en esta hermosa tarea para tener un mundo infantil más feliz y mejores ciudadanos mañana.

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